The Magi who created Nirvana?

Five dragons?

What are the two of them talking about?

Among the crowd of confused people, only Jellal and Urrutia looked surprised, they naturally knew that the five dragons were Youxuan’s summoning monsters, so the magic guide who created “Nirvana” was…

“Dragons, where are the dragons?”

In the sky, Natsu, who was caught and flying by Harpy, was refreshed, automatically ignoring the first half of the dialogue, and yelling for the dragon.

“Lost the dead, still want me to help you, you see Wendy doesn’t need help.”

Gagiru, who was carried in the air by Wendy’s white cat Charlulu, also recovered his spirits, but was ridiculed by the tsundere Charlulu and couldn’t raise his head, today is his most humiliating day.

“Damn, I must find a cat of my own.”

You Xuan has always had a question, that is, the definition of transportation by the dragon slaying wizard, the magic city did not move but fainted, and the cat took to the sky but nothing happened.

This is like motion sickness when a person is riding in a car, but nothing is fine when riding a horse, so isn’t a horse a means of transportation?

And Wendy doesn’t have a sickness vehicle, is it because she is underage?

You Xuan gave up thinking, it can only be said that it is the original author’s imaginative setting.

“Naz, there are no dragons here.”


Facing You Xuan, Natsu was honest, after all, he was taken a humiliating photo just now, and he really couldn’t get angry.

Quieting Natsu, You Xuan returned to the conversation with Robin Rue.

“President Gagiru, you’re not going to let me do it for nothing, are you?”

“How is this magical city to you?”

“This is your hometown, just give it to me, okay?”

“Young man, haven’t you already noticed my state.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, everyone had to face a shocking truth, Robin Ru was actually the magic guide who created the magic of “Nirvana” 400 years ago!

Did he live for 400 years? Is this possible?

Questions came to mind, and I looked at Jiula all night to hear what he thought. Jiula just shook his head, everyone has their own secrets, so don’t dig into the bottom of it.

But Dola and Ichiya knew that information about Robin Rue had to be blocked. If the outside world is known, a magic guide who has lived for 400 years may make countless greedy people flock to it and set off a bloody storm.

“I took this commission.”

You Xuan accepted Robin Lu’s commission.

In Youxuan’s mind, this magical city can help complete a card that he has never been able to complete.

You Xuan has not forgotten this world, but there are gods, as long as he completes that card, You Xuan has the confidence to fight against the gods.


In front of the huge magic ball, everyone retreated, leaving You Xuan alone.

The magic ball that was difficult for Jiula and others to destroy could be said to be broken with a poke in You Xuan’s eyes.

Can’t break the magic of 400 years of accumulation and cohesion? Then just extract the magic.

Extracting mana in a magic ball full of magic arrays is not an easy task, and if the magic array is triggered in the draw, then it is likely that Nirvana will be directly activated, which is why they did not take this method.

But for You Xuan, this is an easy method.

“Trap Card Skill Extraction.”

“Magic Card Magic Absorption.”

“Magic Card Magic Indicator Crafting.”

Three magic cards were infused with magic by You Xuan and hit the magic ball where Nirvana was located.

The dark golden light wrapped the magic ball and quickly eroded inward. Soon, the many magic arrays that had been running smoothly in the magic ball for 400 years all lost their effect.

As the magic array failed, pure magic power was channeled out, hovering around You Xuan, forming one after another, fist-sized magic indicators.

You Xuan grabbed a magic indicator and felt the refined and heavy magic power in it, it was really worthy of the magic power that had been condensed for 400 years, no wonder they could not harm the magic ball.

You Xuan estimates that one magic indicator can carry the magic of “Nirvana” for 20 years, which means that 20 magic indicators can digest the magic power of “Nirvana” for 400 years.

As time passed, there were more and more magic indicators around You Xuan.

Finally, the 20th magic indicator formed and floated beside You Xuan.

As the magic power was emptied, the huge magic ball took on a transparent appearance, and the dense “Nirvana” magic array inside appeared.

“President Robin Lu, it’s up to you to come on the last moment.”

You Xuan waved his hand at Robin Lu, and let this magic guide who created “Nirvana” destroy “Nirvana”, which can be regarded as fulfilling his wish.

Robin Lu came to the transparent magic ball, revealed a complicated face, and reached out to touch the magic ball.

Where Robin Ru touched, cracks appeared, and soon spread to the entire magic ball, without the protection of magic power, this 400-year-old magic ball finally revealed its vulnerability.


The huge magic ball shattered to the ground, and the magic array of “Nirvana” turned into dust together.

A strong wind blew through, carrying dust and scattering it into the sky.

Robin Rue looked at the sky, breathed a long sigh of relief, and smiled with relief.

“Young man, take this city with you.”


In the central square of the Flower Cat Stay, a banquet is going on.

“You Xuan, you actually turned such a big city into a card!”

You Xuan looked at Jiula with some headache, and on the way back from the magic castle, Jiula was always in shock, and kept sighing.

“To be precise, that magic city no longer exists, and I need to use that city to craft cards.”

You Geng shows Jiula the cards that charge the magic city.

Jiula looked at the cards, and at this time, the magic city was being disassembled and transformed, and a huge robot was unfolding.

What would cards made by such a huge magic city look like? Jiula was a little unthinkable.

Not far away, Gagiru got a bunch of instruments from nowhere on the stage and began to play, and a harsh sound sounded.

“It’s noisy, what are you doing, iron dragon!”

“Heavy metal music, haven’t you heard it?”

“I think it’s heavy metal pollution!”

“Fire dragon, do you want to fight!”

“Hit it, hit it!”

Natsu and Gagiru mingled, and on the stage, I don’t know who took the instrument, and began to sing loudly, covering up the noise.

Jellal looked at Leo who hugged left and right, and suddenly felt that Leo and the image of Mistergang described by You Xuan were very similar, You Xuan’s guy, wouldn’t be deceiving him? …

Urrutia, who was sitting next to You Xuan, drank a rare glass of wine without dripping wine, and a hint of blush appeared on her face.

Urrutia felt the lively atmosphere around him, is this his life?

Lively, but reassuring.

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