After Ulutia gradually calmed down, she no longer resisted, and also wanted to know how this goblin knew so much, so she asked: "So, it feels like you know a lot

" "Haha, Lord Judge, you don't need to provoke me so much, I know it will definitely tell you, otherwise you have been pressing something here to prevent you from regretting it for life and then finding a way to atone for your sins" Su Yu stretched out his finger and pointed to the position of Uludia's chest and said.

"Haha, what are you kidding, you will regret it for life? Su Yu Frankas, it's time for you to let me go, I do have an idea to have a good chat with you. Ulutia said in disbelief.

Seeing this, Su Yu waved his hand to remove the restraints on Ulutia, and then said: "Ulutia, do you know the meaning of your name? Ulu's tears, what a beautiful name.

"But you're full of hatred for her, don't you think she abandoned you, don't you?"

Hearing this, Ulutia was obviously not calm, but she didn't expect Su Yu to be able to investigate so clearly, she had wasted a lot of effort to know the meaning of her name.

"Don't look at me like that, since I'm coming to this island, of course I've investigated everything clearly."

Ulutia obviously didn't believe Su Yu's statement, after all, these were all more than ten years ago, but Su Yu didn't care, and continued: "Don't look at me like that, I will ask you to think about it now, why can you achieve the position of the head of the seven dependents of Purgatory at such a young age?"

Ulutia's pupils shrank when she heard this, but she didn't expect him to know the name so clearly.

"You can say that you are a genius, a very correct idea, so who inherits the huge magic power in your body, I don't need to tell you this."

"The specific situation is that after you were born, your mother found that your body could not withstand such a huge amount of magical power, so she handed you over to the person Brian, the person you destroyed the institute, you must be familiar with."

"Then you became Brian's research subject, right? Then he wanted to keep you around, so he told your mother that you were dead and didn't even have a body, is it ridiculous?

"Then you finally escaped, found your mother Ulu, found that she had an apprentice, you think that your mother abandoned you, but instead had a new child with you, and lived a new life, so you began to hate your mother, your target Natsu, but also led Leon and Gray over, didn't

you" "So that Daliora wakes up and lets Gray fight them, you know they can't beat Diliora, so that after they die, You can also alleviate some of your hatred, right? And....."Listening

to Su Yuyue's more and more details were revealed, Ulutia had to believe it, because Brian really treated her like that, but she really couldn't believe it: "Lucer, Lucer, don't say any more." Hearing

this, Su Yu knew that it worked, so he wanted to work harder: "Don't you want to unravel the hatred in your heart, are you really comfortable living in this hatred, especially if you are still being used, from childhood to adulthood."

"Follow me for a walk, I'll take you to see how deep your mother's love for you is, and the two brothers, they are also the people who share Wulu's love, and they are also your heart knots, I let you see your mother again, let you know how much your mother loves you" "Let's go, I'll take you to

see the truth of this world, even if it's very cruel, even if it's bruised, at least you won't live so empty anymore."

After speaking, Su Yu stretched out a hand to Uludia, and Ulutia had already been blinded by Su Yu, but this was indeed the biggest knot in her heart, the few lights in her dark life were still the love of Ulu in the memory, and she also wanted to lift the haze covering her head.

So he also stretched out his hand and expressed his willing thoughts.

"Let's go, let's see the two senior brothers first."


On the other side, among the ruins of the moon god.

"Leon, do you know what you are doing?"

Gray roared at Leon and said, he didn't expect that his senior brother would unravel the demon Deliola that his master had sealed with his life.

It's just that compared to the irascible Gray, Leon was surprised but also much calmer, and said: "Long time no see

, Gray" During the time when Su Yu and Ulutia were talking, Natsu they found that Leon and his group were using the light of the moon to condense the drop of the moon, wanting to unlock the seal of Daliora, knowing that this was terrifying, Gray immediately asked Natsu and them to stop it, so as not to really untie it.

"I really didn't expect the people of this village to issue a commission to your guild, but it's the same for me, because the only person who defeated Daliorah was me.

Leon ordered to the people around him, and also waved his hand to freeze Natsu, who wanted to catch up.

Then Harpy chased after Lucy first, and Gray kicked Natsu down the mountain and put Natsu out of Leon's magical range, he didn't want this stinky game to get hurt.


"Senior Brother? Gray, you are joking, you have long been not Wulu's disciple, if it were not for you, Wulu would not have died, it was you who killed her, how can you be embarrassed to call yourself Wulu's disciple.

"Are you still a disciple of Wulu? To unlock the Daliora she put together the seal of life.

After hearing Gray's words, Leon took off his mask to reveal his beautiful face.

"You really dare to mention Wulu's name, how are you so embarrassed, if it weren't for you, if you hadn't listened to the advice and had to attack Diliora, even if Wulu was ruthless at that time, she wouldn't have died."

Leon roared with excitement directly, and swung an icicle with his hand to knock Gray away, as if thinking of what Ulu looked like when he died.

And Gray also knew that Leon was telling the truth, and if he hadn't listened to his advice, Ulu wouldn't have died.

"What's the matter Gray, why don't you fight back, do you feel guilty, let me hit you, can you repay some guilt for Wulu if you don't fight back, then don't stop me, you know my dream."

"No way, I won't let you untie Daliora, I'll definitely stop you,"

Gray said, getting up, knowing the horror of Dailiora, so he didn't want the tragedy to happen again.

But this sentence completely angered Leon, "Okay, then let me see if you have made any progress in the past few years, Gray, I will not let you ruin my dreams this time." "



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