In the extradimensional space of the Moon God Dragon, the four dragons and the dragon eater who had been drained of their magic power also woke up in a daze.

Seeing his situation, the Dragon Eater formed a circle vigilantly back-to-back.

The Moon God Dragon told them that the so-called Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer Demon Wizard was nothing more than a pawn of the Golden God Dragon. In ancient times, it was not a person who did not obtain the magic of slaying dragons by devouring dragon flesh. It's just that after they all turned on the power of the dragon, they all disappeared.

The reason why the Golden Dragon uses alchemy to suppress their power is because it controls them to use the power of the dragon when necessary to die with the enemy.

But the Dragon Eater has always been skeptical of the Luna Dragon's words. Although the Golden Divine Dragon was not very good to them, it also made the five of them change from ordinary humans to have dragon slaying magic that surpasses most people. This can be regarded as freeing them from the fate of being ravaged.

The moon dragon didn't force them to believe in herself, she just stayed behind to inform them that within her own domain, she wanted to kill the five of them with ease. The reason why they are merciful to their subordinates is that they hope that as humans, they should choose to side with the dragon clan that is close to humans.

With that, the Moon Dragon turned to look at the Seven Dragons of Ishgar. It is said that in order to regain the magic power of the four dragons, it is up to them to deal with the earth god dragon by themselves. Because she herself can't do anything with the Earth God Dragon at the moment, because once she and the Earth God Dragon lose both, it is very likely that the rest of the Five God Dragons will take advantage of it.

"But the four of us don't have magic anymore, how do we deal with the deep earth god dragon?" Sting tried to force out the magic in his body, but nothing seemed to happen.

"That's why I created this world for you to conduct special training!" the Moon Dragon waved his hand, and the illusory space around him became a real world.

After entering this real world, the Luna Dragon turned Natsu into Gray, Gajiru into Rebi, and Wendy into Mister Height. And she herself also became Lucy's appearance, and then praised Lucy for her incredible magic.

This scene directly made the other four dragons stunned. Then the Luna Dragon made them hold their breath and contemplate in their minds who they wanted to become, and then by using their magic, they were able to complete the Luna Dragon's trial of them.

Kebra thought it was very interesting, so he imagined the shadow of Ginana in his head, and with a bang, he immediately changed into Ginana.

Then Sting immediately comprehended the true meaning of the magic of the Moon Dragon, and then imagined the strongest female mage in his guild, Mineba, and then immediately became her appearance.

This made Rogge on the side feel that Sting had robbed him of the object he wanted to become, but at this moment, Sting had already begun to triumphantly use space magic to perform in front of everyone.

This also received praise from the Luna Dragon, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, indicating that Sting seemed to be very well adapted to this body. Unlike some people, the body is completely out of coordination. With that, the moon dragon looked at Natsu, who was shivering with cold.

Natsu raised his hand tremblingly, saying that he wanted to change roles. was rejected by the Luna Dragon, because she felt that Natsu and Gray had a fate beyond fate. She hopes that Natsu can use this body to gain a deeper understanding of Gray's inner world...

After thinking about it for a while, Rogge thought of the woman who was not his own guild, but who could compete with Mineba, the mermaid's heel Kagura.

After Rog transformed, everyone's attention fell on Laxus. Even the Dragoneater Suzaku looked at Laxus, who was deep in thought.

Gajiru used Rebi's body to analyze that Laxus would definitely choose Fried, because they grew up together, and he knew each other well enough.

But Gajiru completely ruled out an answer for Laxus. Because what he's thinking about is... Is he going to be Gildaz or Gerald... Gildaz is strong enough, but his magic himself doesn't like it... Although Gerald's magic is also beautiful and gorgeous, the magic array is too troublesome... So who else is stronger... Elsa... All right...... It was decided that it was her... With a bang, what appeared in front of the six melon-eating masses was none other than the demon Mira Zhen among the S-class magicians of the fairy tail...

This move immediately made Gajiru and Natsu drop their jaws in shock. Or will Laxus think that as long as he becomes Mirajan and has no magical restrictions in this world, then there is almost no difficulty in completing the test of the Moon God Dragon.

"Would you like to have fun too?" the moon dragon glanced at Suzaku, who seemed to be looking forward to it.

"Yes, but we have to keep our form!" Kirin felt that no matter what their final fate was, it would be a rare and valuable experience for them to be able to fight the dragon god.

Seeing that Kirin had agreed to the request of the Moon Dragon, Suzaku looked at Laxus, who had become Mirajan. Although the other party's appearance has changed, the aura on his body still deeply attracts him.

Blade Dragon couldn't help but ask what they needed to assess. I saw the moon dragon with her hands on her hips against Lucy's appearance, telling them that the task was to defeat themselves in this world.

Oh ho, Natsu is starting to get excited, he'd wanted to fight Lucy for a long time, but he couldn't find the right opportunity.


Natsu took the lead and leaped high, but he seemed to forget that he was holding Gray's body, and the flames didn't ignite in his fist. Before he could land, he was knocked out by a handsome man with a burly figure holding a golden giant axe.

"Well done, Talos!" said the luna dragon, holding the golden key of Taurus in his hand.

"Interesting, let's twelve of us against the star spirits of the zodiac?" Gajiru glanced around, and saw that they and the Dragon Eater combined were exactly twelve people.

"I didn't expect you to have Rebi's body and get your IQ higher!" Laxus spat as he looked at Gajiru.

"I'm already smart!" Gagiru angrily used word magic.

But he didn't expect that he could only speak the words of the dragon clan, and he could only have some simple words in the words of humans. As a result, his word magic was not used, and he was wrapped in Aries' wool bomb.

"Then let's learn the power of the strongest Lucy together!"

Laxus and they rushed towards the Luna Dragon, even if she had more star spirits, it was impossible to summon them at the same time.

But what they didn't expect was that the Moon God Dragon had already opened the door of the Star Spirit on their attack route, allowing them to enter the formation of the zodiac one by one.

Natsu fell into the formation of Taurus Guard. Talos says it's almost impossible for Natsu to defeat him in this world. With that, he slammed his fist into the ground, which instantly cracked, and the energy of the earth poured out from the ground, blasting Natsu into the sky.

Natsu held his breath, but he couldn't use Gray's magic, and was knocked to the ground by a punch from Talos who circled behind him, leaving a deep hole in the ground.

"Looks like you don't know your friends well enough!" Talos said mocking Natsu.

Then he kicked Natsu to the rock wall again, and the rocks that shook him down buried Natsu in the rubble...

Just when Talos thought Natsu had been defeated, a hand reached out from the rubble.

"Ice Shape: Fire Dragon's Wing Strike!" I

saw that the outstretched hand condensed a cold breath, condensed the surrounding water into a pair of dragon wings, and blew up the surrounding rocks and fanned them away.

"Ice Shape: Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!" Natsu

condensed a flame-shaped block of ice around his fist and struck at Talos.

"Pretty fast!" Talos slung the golden axe behind him, and then used his fist to smash Natsu's ice into pieces.

The two fists intersected, and Natsu was at a disadvantage in terms of strength. The whole arm was shaken and numb.

It was the first time that Natsu had been so passive in terms of strength, thinking that when Gray was fighting with him, his strength was not small at all, could it be that Talos himself was too strong?

Before Natsu could think about it, Talos's fist came to Natsu's face again.

"Ice Wall!" Natsu

tried for the first time using this kind of confrontation that wasn't a frontal force. Although he only imitates Gray's usual style, he also uses his magic in a good way, blocking Talos's fist.

But Talos's power was so great that the shattered ice ballast flew towards Natsu and scratched his skin.

Talos praised Natsu's ability to comprehend magic, and he quickly understood the power of modeling magic. But only this is not enough to defeat it.

Talos activates his aura of power, allowing Natsu to feel the oppression of his fight against Gildaz on Sirius.

At this time, inside the door of Alice in Aries, Gajiru is also being chased by the electrified mass of sheep that Alice conjures up.

Not only will the sheep that come close to him explode on their own, but the electricity from the explosion will also penetrate his body, causing him to feel paralyzed all over his body.

Unlike the timid and gentle Alice summoned by Lucy, Alice, summoned by the Luna Dragon, is very keen on the pleasure that the explosion brings her.

Seeing Gajiru being blown up by electric sheep again and again, she would laugh with joy.

In the repeated bombardment, Gajiru also remembered the powerful chicken-dog combination on Sirius Island. Gajiru took the opportunity to write the word "defense", and a huge font appeared in front of him to block the group of electric sheep rushing over.

It seems that word magic sometimes doesn't need to be so profound, Gajiru complained secretly. It turns out that I thought about word magic too complicated.

Then he imitated the kobold and wrote the word "chop", and then a steel blade appeared next to him, and the electric sheep that would continue to move forward were all cut in half.

This made Alice, who had been in a state of madness all along, become gloomy. She threw the cotton into the air, changing its properties to a black cloud, which then levitated above Gajiru's head, raining down thunderbolts.

Boom, boom... Countless thunderbolts fell, and Gajiru's magic of the word "Defense" was still broken in the process of continuous landing of thunder and lightning, allowing Gajiru to suffer the damage of heavenly punishment.

"Damn, isn't it enough?" said Gajiru, panting as he put his hands on the ground and fell to his knees.

But Alice obviously won't give him a chance to breathe, she turns into a fighting girl, and she also gives Gajiru a heavy blow in terms of physical skills.

After being kicked down in succession, Gajiru grabbed the opponent's flaw and grabbed Alice's calf. However, Rebi's physical strength was weaker, and instead of limiting Alice's attack, she ate a knee kick from close range to the chin.

The powerful attack power of this attack directly made Gajiru feel a shock in his head, and the pain was almost to the point of crashing.

Gajiru never imagined that he could rely on his steel body to offset all kinds of damage from his enemies. I didn't expect that after losing this part of the power, I was so unresistant. The strength of the past has become a shackle that imprisons him at this time.

Rabi is a wise magician, and if it were her, how would she deal with such a tricky opponent? Gajiru's head was spinning at breakneck speed...

With a thud, Gajiru's head slammed to the ground, bleeding bright red blood...

I'm bleeding? Gajiru couldn't believe it as he looked at the ground red with his own blood...

Alice jumped high again, then fell quickly, pushing her knees into Gajiru's spine in an attempt to completely incapacitate her from fighting.

"Falling from a high altitude..."

Gajiru began to look at Alice in the air and muttered to himself, at this moment, the collapse of his body made his mind extremely clear, and Alice's movements became dozens of times slower in his eyes... Falling from a height... Then it would be nice if she never fell to the ground...

"Word Magic Cave!"

Gajiru begins to reminisce about the time when Lebby taught him to read... That's not boring chewing words... It's the proximity of each other's hearts...

This time, Gajiru's magic was successfully unleashed, and after he rolled his body out of Alice's attack, a bottomless hole appeared in the ground.


I fell into the abyss set by Gajiru...

In the blink of an eye, a violent explosion was also heard inside the door of Leo Leo.

"I didn't expect my opponent to be Fairy Tail's colleague!" Leo said, looking at Laxus.

"Loki, I didn't expect that you, who were not limited by your master's magical power, would have such strength!"

Leo didn't expect Laxus to be able to use Mirajan's satanic spirit so smoothly.

After the lion's brilliance collided with the destruction of the soul, both stood at the top of two towering peaks. The most beautiful "girl" with fairy tail and the most handsome gentleman with fairy tail are wrestling with each other in this space at the moment


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