Listening to Xifeng’s words, Lisanna walked directly into the fairy tail, and just after entering, two figures flew directly over and hugged her tightly, and then heard a familiar voice.

“Lisanna is you? It’s really you…”

“Well, I’m back, Sister Mira, Brother Elfman,” listening to the familiar voice, Lisanna leaned on Mira’s shoulder and said leisurely.


“Vacuum Gun!”

Elusha waved the spear in her hand, and the spear changed instantly, the tip of the spear was aimed at Xifeng, and in an instant an invisible air cannon shot from the tip of the gun towards Xifeng.

Elusa’s attack suddenly became violent, which surprised Xifeng for a moment, and at the same time one turned to dodge, swinging the long knife in his hand and slashing at Elusa.


With a clashing sound of weapons, Elusa’s spear collided with Yufeng’s long knife. Feeling the pressure coming from the weapon, Elusha looked at Xifeng incredulously, if not with all his strength, it could not be his opponent at all.

“The strength is good, the strength is exactly the same as Elusa!!” Looking at Elusha who was close at hand, Xifeng swung her knife upwards and directly repelled her, and then smiled and said

“Hmph… It’s not the same at all, I’m stronger than her!! Elusha, who was repelled, couldn’t help but be very annoyed in her heart after hearing Xifeng’s words, she didn’t want Xifeng to compare her, vaguely she wanted to show herself in front of Xifeng, and snorted coldly and went directly towards the straight stab.

“Guns of Sonic!”

Elusa’s weapon changed again, and her speed was directly further increased. Before the person arrives, the gun arrives first. The sharp tip of the gun appeared in front of Xi Feng.

Seeing this, Xifeng gently crossed the long knife in his hand across his chest, easily blocking Elusha’s attack. With a force in his hand, he forced Elusha back again.

At the same time, Xifeng instantly shot out, quickly swung the long knife towards Elusha, and appeared in front of Elusa in the blink of an eye.

“What!!” Xifeng suddenly appeared in front of her, which shocked Elusa, and in a hurry blocked Xifeng’s attack with the spear in her hand.

“Well, the reaction is good” Elusha’s action made Xifeng nodded, and the long knife in her hand moved slightly, and then slashed towards her body along Elusa’s spear body.

After all, Elusha of Edras is a battle-hardened soldier, and when Xifeng changed his attack, he suddenly stepped back and bent his slender waist out of a perfect arc, supporting the ground with one hand with a backflip to perfectly avoid Xifeng’s attack, and at the same time pulled a few positions away from Xifeng.

Looking at the sturdy Elusha, Xi sighed, and then before Elusha could stabilize her footing, she appeared in front of Elusha and grabbed her wrist and threw her out.


Elusa, who had not yet returned to her senses, was directly stunned, and the next moment there was a feeling of weightlessness, and finally fell heavily to the ground, which made her suffer pain, and the spear in her hand also fell to the side.

“Elusa!” Seeing such a situation next to Xiu Geboi, he looked at Xifeng incredulously, he really didn’t expect that this person who was exactly the same as General Xifeng had such terrifying strength.

Looking at the Xifeng that was gradually approaching her, Elusha gritted her teeth and then said loudly: “If you want to kill, kill it!!” ”

After speaking, Elusha closed her eyes directly, but her heart was very unwilling.

“Eh…” Listening to Elusa’s words, Xifeng was stunned, then smiled, the long knife in her hand disappeared, although she reached out to touch the long crimson hair on her head and said, “Although I know that you are not the same person, I still can’t bear it.” You all have beautiful long crimson hair. ”

“Eh…” Feeling the strange look coming from her head, Elusha was stunned for a moment, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Xi Feng’s gentle smile, which made her look dumbfounded. However, after hearing Xifeng’s words, he felt dissatisfied in his heart, and directly threw away Xifeng’s hand, stood up and said loudly, “We are different, I am Elusha Knightwalka!!” ”


Elusha’s words made Xifeng slightly stunned, and then nodded and said, “Sorry, this is my mistake, hello Elusha Knightwalka”

“………” Looking at Xifeng’s appearance, Elusha did not speak, and then turned to leave, while saying to Hugboi, “Let’s go, Hugboi.” ”

“But… Okay”

Originally, Xiugboi wanted to say something, but after seeing Elusha’s cold eyes, he chose to shut up, and then nodded, following Elusa.

After remounting the giant creature, Elusa and they left. After seeing the figure gradually in the distance, Xifeng turned and walked into the Fairy Tail.


On the giant creature, Elusa has been silent, touching her long crimson hair, showing a smile from time to time, and a burst of memories fell into her mind.

“Elusa, practice marksmanship well, don’t be lazy”

“Brother, when have I ever been lazy” Hearing her brother’s words, Elusha looked at him with some dissatisfaction.

“Yes, yes, I blamed Elusa”

“Hmph” Elusha snorted a few times, and then clenched her fists and said, “I will definitely be better than your brother in the future, and then see how you still bully me”

“Yes Yes”

“Supplement your waist Nie Oh Lian (don’t pinch my face)” Watching her brother pinch her face, Elusha was very unhappy, and she couldn’t even speak clearly.

But good and warm times always pass quickly, and one day, Elusha heard a bad news.

Looking at the corpse in front of her, Elusha looked at it in disbelief, she really couldn’t imagine that her brother would meet her and separate so quickly, and tears flowed down her eyes.

“General Xifeng was killed on the way to persuade a guild to disband. This is the last thing he left for you, the Ten Commandments Gun” Hugboi also looked lonely, he also did not expect that the youngest and strongest general in the history of his Edras would have happened to this kind of thing, if he had paid attention at that time, this kind of thing would not have happened.

“…………” Listening to Hugboi’s words, Elusha took the Ten Commandments gun in his hand, and finally cried directly out crying very painfully, which made Hugboi look a little unbearable.

Since then, Elusha has joined the Kingdom Army, and after years of heroic achievements, she has become the captain of the Second Demon Battle Unit of the Edras Kingdom Army.

Originally, Elusha thought that she would never see her brother in this life, but the Xifeng she met today not only had the same appearance, the same name, but also the strength was also strong. And her sister is also like herself, Elusa.

Although she knew that he was not her brother, she just couldn’t let it go, especially when he said that Elusha was compared to herself, she felt very uncomfortable, and she began to be jealous of Elusa of Aslandon.

“Elusa, it’s time for the royal capital”

At this time, Hugboi’s words interrupted Elusha’s thoughts.

“Hmm,” Elusa looked back at her, nodded and said nothing more.

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