“You say, do I kill you directly, or do I control your will as you said, and make you a puppet who does ~ things according to my will?”

Ah Xing looked at Guran. Thomas said playfully.

He also thought that there was some conspiracy, so he subdued it unexpectedly, and now it seems that there is no backhand. Could it be that he really naively thought that these knights of the Crescent Knights could deal with the Holy Ten Magisters?

However, how to deal with this parliamentary president, who has been carried away by power, is a difficult problem.

Really kill? Ah Xing didn’t dare, but he didn’t want to burden those fairy tail companions. If you kill the president of the council, I am afraid that Fairy Tail will be forcibly disbanded no matter what.

With super magic “Full Moon Trilogy. Chapter II. The Miracle of the Luna God changed the will of this paranoid old man, which I am afraid would cause panic among all the guild leaders present, unless the will of all of them was controlled.

The leaders of these guilds are all old foxes, even if they don’t have the strength of the Saint Ten Magisters, I’m afraid it’s not easy to deal with, and Makarov will definitely not agree to do this.

“Ahem, you hesitated, don’t dare to start.” Guran. Dorma looked at Ah Xing, thinking he was bluffing.


“Shut up!” Ah Xing looked at the old man to this point, and was proud, and gave him a slap without saying a word.

I haven’t figured out how to deal with you yet, so it’s better to fight and get angry first.

“You dare to hit me!”




The leaders looked at it and all felt their faces hurt, and Gu Lan. Doma has swollen his face like a steamed bun.

Finally, the speaker realized that he was in a weak position and obediently stopped talking. Ah Xing looked at Makarov, Makarov also had a headache, obviously to such a point, he didn’t know how to end.

“Lemen *do* Sihey Dorat …” Guran who has few teeth left. Dorma said, and Ah Xing no longer understood what he was saying.


Ah Xing’s face changed, and he found that his magic power suddenly disappeared! It was either sucked out or consumed, or disappeared for no reason!

Ah Xing looked back, and the leaders of the various guilds also looked miserable, obviously they were in the same situation as Ah Xing.

At this moment, a figure rushed out extremely quickly, taking advantage of Ah Xing’s distraction, kicked it away, and saved Ma Gu, who was held hostage by him. Dolan.

Ah Xing stood up with a heavy face.

With his physical strength, the sudden blow just now naturally couldn’t cause him much damage, but from the strength of that kick, Ah Xing also experienced that this guy who shot was a strong man!

It is not a magic guide, a simple physical powerhouse, similar to the mercenary character he met who relied on the strength of the flesh of the disappearing brother.

Ah Xing looked at the pale Makarov and the others, the leaders of these guilds are very old guys, magic is not only the source of their magic, but also the guarantee of their lives, suddenly lost their magic power, one by one they sat on the ground, unable to move.

“What did you do?” Arcee asked with a solemn face.

He didn’t expect that he ended up with Guran. The way of this old ghost of Thoma, I have to say that this old ghost hides deeply.

“Sacrifice to the heavens, thunder are all accustomed!” Because his face was too swollen, Gulandoma’s words, Ah Xing couldn’t understand at all.

“Let me introduce you, Hill. Thomas, a high-ranking Imperial officer who is now directly under the Council and is the new head of the Knights of the Crescent. “The one who saved Guran. Dorma’s big man introduced himself.

Ah Xing couldn’t help but pout, this old man is really crony, listening to this name, I know that the two must be related.

“Then would you mind introducing me to what is going on?” Ah Xing looked at the big man and said. Now, he has no magic power, and if he fights purely by physical skills, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of this imperial officer.

“Actually, this is a secret of the council, and it could not have been passed on, but since you will never be able to walk out of here from today, it is okay to tell you.” The imperial officer who called himself Hildom looked confident.

Ah Xing smiled disdainfully and made a respectful appearance.

“Since the establishment of the Magic Council, in order to prevent the situation that the Magi are too powerful and ignore the order, the members of the Magic Council of the ancestors have developed a weapon to destroy mana particles, which can instantly turn the world into a world completely devoid of magic, so that the Magi lose their power and no longer pose a threat, and the Council will turn this secret weapon into a ‘white legacy’.” Hildom said with a smug look.

“Of course, against you, it is not necessary to destroy the magic power of the entire world, it is just this area within the enchantment…”

“Fez!?” Ah Xing heard Hildom’s words and thought about what he was saying.

“You magic guides, without magic power, are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and we knights, exercise the strength of the flesh, this is the power that no one can take away!”

“Today, let me personally kill you magic guides who are usually high!” Hildom’s face showed a bloodthirsty smile.

In his opinion, the magicless wizards who have been surrounded by the Crescent Knights are all lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

“You can try!” Ah Xing met Hildom’s gaze without fear, and even in the face of adversity, he did not feel the slightest despair.

“Interesting!” Hildoma looked at Ah Xing cruelly, as if thinking about how to kill him to be more painful.

“Bang bang…” The power of the physical confrontation remembered, and Ah Xing fought with his own physical strength and went head-to-head with Hildom!

“You magic guide still has two strokes!” Suddenly separated, Hildoma looked at Ah Xing and said, he did not expect that this magic guide could actually confront him head-on with the strength of his flesh.

“But that’s it!” Hildom took out his own weapon, a pair of finger clasps with sharp spikes!

“I’ll beat you to pieces!” Hildom’s face is cruel!

“It really ends here…” Under Ah Xing’s feet, a purple-black magic array appeared, and a creepy aura came from it…

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