The two of them were still busy, but the two of them were still busy.

Rose and Urrutia did not go out to see them prepare, but opened the window and sat in front of it to meditate.

"You two, the party is ready." Poca came and knocked on the door. When he passed by, he saw them meditating from the window. The guild emblems of both of them were on their left hands, which was very conspicuous.

Poca knew they were wizards a long time ago and was not surprised. He did not call them from the window, but knocked on the door.

"We will come out right away, Uncle Poca." Ross responded and stood up with Urrutia and went out.

"It's evening." Ross looked at the sky. The setting sun dyed the clouds red, and the whole island was filled with red light. Looking at the sunset, there was a comfortable feeling. They were immersed in it as soon as they meditated. When they came out, they found that it was already evening.

"So beautiful." The sunset was reflected in Urrutia's eyes, shining brightly. It's not that they haven't seen the sunset in Magnolia, but even if it is the same sky, there are different scenery from different angles, which is also one of the meanings of tourism.

"Haha, let's eat and watch, the moon at night is more beautiful." Boca was very happy to see the two people who were immersed in it.

The long table formed a circle, and the table was filled with various foods. The long wooden poles in the middle were used as a support, and they were piled up into a cluster of bonfires in turn.

"Please sit here, both of you." Boca took them to the right of the village chief Moka, and his son was on the left of the village chief.

"Is this not good?" This is considered a seat, like entertaining a VIP.

Moka squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's okay, please sit down. You are the first distinguished guests to come to our village, so you should sit here."

"Thank you, village chief." In this case, Ross did not refuse and sat down with Urrutia.

"The cup contains juice squeezed from fruits unique to the island. Please try it." Moka pointed to two wooden cups filled with orange liquid.

Ross took a sip out of curiosity. In fact, the taste was similar to orange juice. He raised his eyebrows to indicate to Urrutia that it tasted good. Urrutia raised the cup and took a sip.

When the two sat down, the village chief raised his glass, "Everyone, let's raise our glasses to welcome you to our village!"

"Oh!" Everyone raised their glasses, and Ross and Urrutia also raised their glasses to indicate.

"This is delicious, you try it." Ross pointed to the sashimi. Ross just tried it and it was probably a specialty fish from Harugeon or Karna Island. He had never seen it in Magnolia.

"Delicious." Urutia picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks. The fish meat melted in his mouth. Even without the sauce, he could still taste the freshness of the fish, and it was a little sweet.

"Village chief, I would like to ask if there is a key to the zodiac Sagittarius in the village. I heard it is here. If there is one, I would like to buy it." After dinner, Ross and the village chief Moka were chatting. During the chat, Ross found an opportunity to ask.

"Sagittarius? No, not here. No one here is a celestial wizard." Moka was stunned at first, then shook his head.

"Then it is probably that it was wandered here later." Ross pinched his chin and thought.

"I'm sorry, we really don't have it." Seeing that Ross didn't speak, Moka apologized to him.

"It doesn't matter. I just heard that the key to Sagittarius is on Garna Island, so I wanted to ask, not to force it." Ross shook his head. Anyway, what Leila lacked in X777 was not the key to Sagittarius.

"Go upstream along the river and the path. The Moon Temple is there. We can't get there. No one has been there for a long time. Be careful." Poca stood at the door and pointed to the north.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Poca. Uncle, go back. We can get there by ourselves." Ross nodded to Poca, and then took Urrutia to the Moon Temple.

Ross held a torch and walked on the path. There were trees on both sides, and the moonlight fell on the path through the gaps in the leaves. The river was turbulent, the river water hit the river bank, and the sound of stones reached Ross and Urrutia. Ross felt the joy of Su Shi's moonlight entering the house, setting off happily, and walking in the courtyard together.

The distance between the south and north of Karna Island is really far. Ross and Urrutia walked for two hours before they saw the Moon Temple.

"We're here." What came into view was a pyramid-shaped building made of yellow bricks, with a red crescent mark on the gate and the pillars on both sides.

"It's so broken." This was Urrutia's first reaction when he came in. The stone pillars in the temple collapsed, and tree roots grew into the temple.


We went straight to the top. "Ross pointed upwards. "But be careful when walking. No one has been here for so long. I don't know if it will collapse." Hearing this, Urrutia reached out and grabbed Ross's right sleeve. Ross took Urrutia and stepped on the floor tiles carefully and climbed the steps. Ross stepped hard on each step to make sure there was no problem before stepping on it. The temple did not collapse, and they successfully climbed onto the platform. Four stone pillars supported a crescent-shaped stone slab on the platform. The stone slab had been exposed to wind and sun and was a little damaged. The crescent of the crescent-shaped stone slab surrounded a circular hole. "This temple is used to collect moon drops. The moonlight will gather in this hole and go down, but it needs to pass through the magic circle, otherwise it will just be ordinary moonlight." Ross took Urrutia to the center, pointed to the big hole, and then pointed to the moon. "Moon drops? "Urutia had never heard of this word and had some doubts.

"It is said that the Moon Drop can be used to break all magic, including the ice frozen by absolute freezing."

Urutia just nodded. It seems that she still doesn't know what absolute freezing is. That's right, why does Uru have nothing to do to teach this.

Urutia is more interested in the moon. She walked closer to the perimeter of the temple platform and looked up at the moon, which reminded her of the moon she saw in the Magic Development Bureau. It was the same moon, but a completely different scenery. In the Magic Development Bureau, she could only see loneliness, but here she saw freedom and yearning.

Rose walked to Urrutia's side and also looked up at the moon. He didn't say anything, but just looked at it quietly together.

"Okay, let's go back." Urrutia looked at the moonlight for nearly half an hour, and when she came to her senses, she found that Ross was also standing beside her.

"Okay, let's fly back or walk back." It was getting late now, and it would take more than two hours to walk back.

"Walk back. "Urrutia's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile, and reached out to hold Ross's hand.

"Okay." Ross blinked his eyes and looked away without changing his expression.

The two walked quietly, without speaking, but very harmoniously, and heard the sound of wind blowing on leaves and the sound of river hitting stones.

The path of more than two hours was not easy to walk, but Ross felt that time passed quickly. They soon returned to the village along the path again. Someone opened the door for them after calling.

In front of the hut, Ross waited outside first, and then he went in after Urrutia changed clothes.

The next morning, Ross woke Urrutia up, and the two walked out of the hut to watch the sunrise together, which was an agreement last night.

Watch the sunset, the moon and the sunrise together in one day.

After breakfast, Ross and Urrutia planned to say goodbye to the villagers. Everyone gathered at the door and saw them off together.

"By the way, everyone is a demon, right? I knew it yesterday. "Feeling Urrutia's body startled, Ross smiled at her and told her not to be nervous.

"Yes, we are demons, but we have never hurt anyone." The village chief Moka's breathing was slightly disordered. He shook his head as if he had thought of something, and walked forward to say.

"I know, I just want to tell everyone that you can communicate more with the outside world, even if you use human faces first. Maybe, I mean maybe, maybe one day you can make friends with humans with real faces."

Ross gave the villagers a thumbs up and smiled, showing his big white teeth.

"Bang, bang, bang." The villagers spread their wings and turned back to their original demon appearance, but with smiles on their faces. Some were so happy that they flew into the sky.

Urutia was not nervous this time. Although the demons did look different from humans, she did not feel any malice.

Back to Harukion Port.

"Thank you, Uncle Poca, goodbye. "Urrutia stood on the shore and waved to him.

"Goodbye, welcome to our island again." Uncle Poca smiled and waved to Urrutia.

Looking at Poca going away, Ross looked at Urrutia, "Let's go, next stop, departure."

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