The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

Erza and Urrutia helped Kagura pick an opponent, and there was a protection mission in the guild.

Simply put, someone paid a lot of money to buy the head of the Baron, and he heard that it was the dark guild, the Shadow Thorn, and immediately sought protection from the Light Guild.

The Shadow Thorn - this is a dark guild that specializes in assassination missions.

It is worth mentioning that Iron Forest is still a regular guild, and Eligore does not seem to be the president yet, but it doesn't matter. Eligore is just a small fish, and he is nothing except a magic wind wall, and the magic wind wall has to be arranged in advance.

Mandala Town, all the places in the Kingdom of Fiore are named after flowers, such as Impatiens Village, Rosemary Village, and even the capital Crocas is translated as Saffron, Crocas is also known as the capital of flowers.

Mandala Town is one of them.

Mandala Town is under the management of Baron Silva, and the target to be protected this time is him.

Ross used teleportation magic to teleport the four people to Baron Silva's mansion. After all, it was a protection mission, and they couldn't just come in swaggeringly.

The four people came to Baron Silva's mansion, which was built too well...

This is more luxurious than the Duke Grant's mansion that Ross, Urutia and Erza went to. The decoration can be described in four words: magnificent.

This building is obviously out of tune with other buildings in this town. If other buildings are also well built, it would be fine, but Ross and his party walked over to some two-story buildings, and the style and appearance are also very ordinary from the outside.

Ross hadn't met the baron yet, but his first impression of him was not very good. This was too extravagant.

They waited in the reception room for a long time before the baron hurried over. Ross was afraid that he would run out of breath and die just a few steps away. It would be too funny if the mission failed.

Fat, too fat. Ross had never seen a person of this size in such a long time here. This person was fatter than the duke or baron that Natsu and Lucy went to for the first mission. As for his name, Ross had long forgotten it, after all, it only appeared once.

The second impression was that he was domineering. Ross, Ultia and Erza felt like spring breeze in Duke Grant's place, but they were bullied here.

Silva seemed to have a lot of opinions about the children from Fairy Tail. Ross had less opinions when he showed his identity as an S-class wizard.

"Kagura will protect you in public, and we will protect you in secret." Ross introduced Kagura to Silva with his right hand.

"So young!" Silva's voice suddenly rose, "Can it really work?".

Kagura didn't say anything, his eyes became sharp, and he put the [Resentful Blade·Fearless] in his right hand on the table and glared at him.

Silva was sweating coldly when he was looked at by Kagura, and he took out a square towel from his arms, wiped his sweat, and nodded.

Neither Urutia nor Erza had any interest in talking to him, so Ross said, "We will do our best to complete the mission after accepting it."

Ross turned to Kagura and said, "Kagura, you will follow him for the time being, and we will hide."

"Okay." Kagura nodded, stood up with the sword in his right hand, and stood next to Silva.

Ross and the other two hid in the dark-

"Thank you Kagura for your hard work, I don't even want to say a word to this baron." Erza clenched her fists, she had been enduring for a long time just now.

Ross agreed. They had done so many missions and had seen many dukes and earls. It was rare for a baron to be so arrogant. This was only the lowest title. If you were a duke, marquis, or earl, it would be fine.

"The mission is important. We'll deal with him later." Urrutia comforted her.

This dark guild was very arrogant. They directly sent a letter to inform the assassination time. The time would be tomorrow night. They seemed very confident in themselves and were not afraid that the baron would go to the regular guild.

After following him for more than a day, Silva gave the three people the feeling that he had done all kinds of bad things, was arrogant and domineering, and was extravagant. He seemed to be completely afraid of Ross and the other three people's dissatisfaction. Ross felt that he might be used to it and didn't care about others at all.

Kagura, who followed him, was calmer than the others. He held Bujidaitian in front of his chest and closed his eyes.

At night, Urrutia looked at the time: "It's almost time, be alert."

Kagura stayed beside Silva, and the other three looked in one direction each.

"Here it comes, it's shadow magic." She saw a sneaking shadow in Erza's direction. Rose and Ultear didn't turn their heads. They didn't know.

How many people, take care of yourself first.

Kagura, who was standing beside Silva, opened her eyes, and the Blade of Resentment responded. She held the Fearless Sword in her right hand. This was coming from Erza's direction. There was only one, and Erza did not make a move.

"Go to hell, damn baron." A black-haired man with a bandage on his face jumped out of the shadows with a dagger in his hand.


He failed and fell to the ground. Kagura's gravity field affected him.

"Gravity magic? How could this kid be possible!" He jumped into the shadows again, climbed up the wall from the shadows, climbed up the ceiling, and fell from the sky.

"Fearless Sword Type." Kagura did not draw her sword, but chopped at him. Kagura knocked him away with a sword, and he hit the wall and fainted.

"Swish-" At the same time, an arrow broke through the air and shattered the glass, which fell to the ground with a bang.

There were archers outside aiming at Baron Silva.

Kagura turned around and raised his sword without fear, splitting the arrow in two from top to bottom.

"I'll go." Erza changed into the Black Feather Armor and ran straight to the direction of the arrow.

Kagura did not approach the unconscious man, but still stayed beside Silva. Silva squatted on the chair and trembled. He was worried that there would be a shadow stabbing directly from the ground.

Kagura didn't let down his guard until Erza dragged an unconscious archer back here.

"No more, I asked about this, just these two people." Erza nodded to Kagura.

These two people are double insurance. It's hard to guard against jumping out of the shadows. There is also a sharp archer sniper. Even if the assassin fails to hit, there are archers shooting arrows.

These two people are not dead, but they are both unconscious. Ross tied them up and planned to ask for the address of their guild and destroy it. There is no need for assassination guilds.

But Ross didn't expect that they would accept the mission through secret contacts without a fixed location, but they told Ross the locations where secret contacts often appeared.

The two were later taken away by the Council Army, and Kagura's first mission was officially completed.

Regarding Silva, Ross sent a letter to Duke Grant, explaining Silva's extravagance and waste, hoping that Duke Grant could check whether he had plundered the people's wealth.

Because Ross felt that this town did not have the financial resources to support such a baron, but Ross could only do so much.

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