Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 246 On that day, the girl opened the door to the new world (fifth update)

About a week after Volod Sinken joined the Magical Council...

A beautiful girl wearing a modified snow-white kimono, with long black hair and a nine point similar appearance to Uru, appeared in front of the gate of Fairy Tail.

"Is this Fairy Tail?"

"I don't know what the guild my mother is in is like?"

"Probably everyone is very amiable, everyone is very kind?"

The girl stood in front of the gate of Fairy Tail, thoughtful, at this moment she was full of expectations for Fairy Tail.

"Suck, breathe..."

The girl looked at the huge tall building with FAIRY TAIL printed in front of her, took a deep breath, calmed down the excitement in her chest, and pushed open the door in front of her. Missing, curious about the guild where her mother is, pushed open the magical door in front of her, and what caught the girl's eyes was...

"a ha ha ha……"

"Grey, you lost!"

I saw a boy with short cherry pink hair and a scarf made up of white dragon scales around his neck, holding a boxer underpants in his hand, standing on the table and laughing wildly.

"Stupid! Pants are such an inconvenience, why not give them to you!"

The one called Gray by the sakura-pink boy was a handsome boy with short black hair.

What surprised the girl who opened the door was that the boy named Gray was wandering around in the guild swaggering naked, but no one paid any attention to it.

"Grey, clothes..."

Just as the boy named Gray was wandering around naked, a handsome boy with short white hair stood in front of Gray and reminded him softly.

"Ah! Terrible! Not only my pants were snatched by Naz, but even my fat times were snatched by Naz at some point!"

Gray looked shocked, and there was a bit of panic in his eyes. He didn't expect that Naz's strength had been raised to such a terrifying level in just a few days, and he could take away his fat times without him noticing.

"I didn't steal your fat time! You lost it yourself, okay?"

Naz stood in the street, and after hearing Gray's words, he clicked his nose and spoke with disdain.

"What?! This is impossible, how could I commit such a stupid thing..."

Gray's face was shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He, Gray, had clearly improved and become stronger than before, he! I can't take off my underwear anymore...

"I really can't do anything with you, Gray, here you go, just wear mine..."

Suddenly, a boy with short white hair walked towards Gray.

The boy with short white hair sighed helplessly when he looked at Gray who was naked, took off the only cloth on his body, which he hadn't had time to take off, walked up to Gray, and handed it over.

"Oh, thank you! Leon, you are indeed my senior brother!"

Gray looked at the white-haired boy in front of him, that is, the fat time handed over by his senior brother Leon, and his heart warmed up. He firmly grasped the fate-determining fat time with both hands, and at the same time looked at his senior brother Leon to thank him. road.

"Grey, you don't have to thank me! I am your senior brother after all, if I don't even take care of you, who else can take care of you?"

Leon smiled brightly at Gray.



In front of Leon, Gray threw Leon's fat body to the ground, stepped on it and stepped on it...

"My fat time!!!"

"What the hell are you doing?! Gray! That's my fat time!!"

Leon looked at Fatty who was thrown to the ground, knelt down on the ground, and then put his head in his hands, the hunk wept.

"Who wants to wear the fat times you wore! You bastard!!"

After freezing Leon's body into ice, Gray looked at Leon and roared.

"Can't you understand how senior brother cares for you? You bastard!!"

"Do you think anyone can get your brother's fat times? Bastard!"

Leon looked at Gray, the veins on his forehead tensed up, and roared angrily.

"It's the same as many people want your fat times..."

"Oh, I see, you want to fight, right?"

"Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom?"

Leon and Gray confronted each other, and the atmosphere between them gradually became icy.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

A group of guild members who were still at a standstill gathered together, looked at Leon and Gray, and shouted loudly.

What? Persuade a fight? that doesn't exist...

Fairy Tail does not have the kind of person who can persuade a fight!


The girl stood outside the door, watching everything in front of her eyes, what should I say? From the moment she opened the door, it was like opening the door to a new world...

The girl silently watched the naked two teenagers, Gray and Leon, fighting fiercely together. It was obviously just a small matter, but the two teenagers used super magic that could defeat A-level monsters, just like Gray and Leon. Not to defeat the opponent, but to kill the opponent...

"It must be the wrong way for me to open the door..."

The girl comforted herself, took a step back, and closed the door in front of her, the fiery scene disappeared from the girl's eyes for a moment.

The girl looked up at the sky, the sky was blue, the clouds were white, and there was a warm sea breeze blowing against her face from time to time, carrying a hint of salty smell...


This time the girl mustered up her courage, and she pushed open the door in front of her with all her strength.

"Go to hell! Holy Sword of Ice!!"

"You are the one who is going to die! Ice Dragon!"


When the door was opened, there were still two naked teenagers, but what was different from before was that the moment the girl pushed the door and opened it, the two teenagers turned their offensive and used S-rank magister-level attacks.


Accompanied by a wave of air, the ice dragon and the holy sword of ice collided with each other, turning into countless ices one after another, shattering into countless ice crystals and shooting them around, adding a bit of coolness to the entire guild.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

Gray and Leon gasped heavily. There is no doubt that with the strength shown by the two of them just now, in other guilds, they may be directly promoted to S-rank magisters, but in Fairy Tail, this kind of The degree is not enough to obtain the certification of an S-rank magister.

"It didn't disappear! It's not that the way I opened the door was wrong, nor was it my illusion. This is indeed the case here, like a perverted concentration camp..."

The girl looked at everything in front of her and covered her own eyes, as if tears were flowing from the girl's eyes.

"Bastard, return all my fantasies about Fairy Tail!"

At this moment, the girl roared inwardly.

"Hey! You two, what are you doing?!"

Just as the girl was kneeling helplessly on the ground, a voice that made her think about it day and night suddenly sounded.

The girl was shocked when she heard this voice! You can't go wrong, you can't go wrong! It was her mother's voice...

When the girl thought of this, there was a trace of expectation in her eyes, and deep in her heart, the deep thoughts raised her head...

Then, the girl froze.

I saw a beautiful woman with a graceful figure, standing in the guild, wearing only a set of underwear all over her body, at the same time, holding a boy with one hand...

What a world famous painting this is, the girl said that her eyes were going to go blind...

"How many times have I told you to wear proper clothes when you are in the guild? You two just don't listen after I say so much. Are you really listening to me?"

The beautiful woman wearing only a set of underwear is none other than Ulu. At this moment, she is frowning her eyebrows that are somewhat heroic and beautiful, and she is speaking to her two disciples, Gray and Leon. .

"We're clearly dressed..."

Gray showed embarrassment, he clearly remembered that he had come dressed.

"At least when we enter the guild, we must be wearing clothes."

Leon nodded slightly, agreeing to Gray's words.

"I really can't do anything about you, remember, next time, don't take off your clothes casually even after entering the guild."

Ulu sighed helplessly, reached out and patted Gray and Leon's heads lightly.

"Uru, we know!"

Gray and Leon nodded lightly, indicating that they knew about it, but they will take it off next time...

"Uru, Uru, clothes, clothes..."

Kanna, holding a beer mug in her hand, reminded Ulu, who was only wearing underwear, when she passed by Ulu's side.

"Uh?! Oops! Strange, when did I take it off?"

After hearing Kana's words, Ulu's expression was shocked, and then he hurriedly searched for his clothes everywhere in the guild.

"I finally found it. Damn it, the west is much hotter than the north~"

After wasting some effort, Ulu finally found his own clothes, put on his trousers and coat again and again, and then dusted off his body amidst the sighs of all the perverts.

That is, when Ulu put on her clothes, she inadvertently looked towards the gate of the guild. When she saw the girl standing in front of the gate with an expression on her face, Ulu's heart trembled. .

"Let's go back……"

At the same time, the girl standing in front of the Fairy Tail gate took a step back, exited the gate of the Fairy Tail guild, and at the same time gently merged the gates in front of her.


The girl looked at the sky and fell silent. Just a moment ago, she saw the mother she dreamed of, and also saw her two disciples.

Originally, the girl hated her mother, she thought it was her mother who abandoned her, but in a blink of an eye, this hatred has disappeared...

Now that I think about it, the girl wants to thank her mother. Thanks to her mother who sent her to the Magic Development Bureau, she did not go astray and became a normal person instead of a woman who undressed everywhere. , full of perverts running naked while wearing a basketball...

"Go back~"

The girl showed a trace of relief, the slow hatred in her chest disappeared the moment she saw her mother, after all, it was her dear mother!

At the same time, the girl plans to report back to the guild. She will tell her president that she cannot do this task. No matter how the president punishes her, she will bear it, because the girl can't betray her dear mother no matter what... …


Just as the girl turned around, her back was facing the Fairy Tail guild, the corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and her heart was full of relief, the door behind her was suddenly pushed open, and then the girl felt her body was surrounded by a strong force , Before the girl could think about it, she had already been hugged into her arms.

"You are Urrutia, right?"

The girl felt the warmth of the man's embrace, sniffed the scent of flowers that reassured her and was familiar, and suddenly her nose became a little sore, she was enduring, she didn't want to cry, until the woman who embraced her, with extremely gentle voice, whispering into her ear.

"Yes, Mom..."

At this moment, the girl's tears could no longer be stopped, and kept pouring out of her eyes...

Huh, five chapters, 15,000 words~ Urutia finally came to Fairy Tail and Uru met, and at the same time paved the way for stopping Old Pu, and then Worod has joined the magic council, and the current review The Academy is almost already the second branch of Fairy Tail~ The next thing is that Mistgang joins the guild, and then involves a series of events in the different world, because there are many things involved, and the amount of information is quite large, please bear with me I think slowly ~ try my best to write this paragraph well.

Then there are any mistakes, such as the power of typos, please bring them up, and I will change them in time when I see~

Finally, thank you for your subscription, reward, ticket, and thank you for your support~

I'm going to take a break first to keep my brain clear~

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