Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 304 Since when did you have the illusion that I was injured? (third change)

"You said that guy Volod and that brat Makarov didn't come?!"

"Those two guys, when they knew you were going to deal with me, none of them came? Instead, let you come alone?"

"Puff ha ha ha..."

"That guy Volod, and that kid Makarov, are they all confused?"

"Or do they think that I am old, and they can send a little devil to get rid of me?"

After hearing what Egwene said, Prechto was taken aback for a moment, looked startled, and then laughed loudly. It seemed that he hadn't laughed so happily for a long time. After Prechto laughed out loud for a while, His expression gradually became indifferent, and he looked at Yiwen and asked coldly.

"Perhaps you are indeed too old to beat me, a brat..."

Egwene smiled at Prechto and said.

"Hehe, young people are confident!"

"It's a pity that on the road of magic, the last thing you need is youth and self-confidence!"

Prechto sneered after hearing what Egwene said.


"But for the sake of your talent, boy, I will give you a chance to live."

"Did you see this blindfold? This is the proof of magic!"

"If you can force me to take off this blindfold, I will show you what the real way of magic is!"

"And lead you to the true path of magic, but the price is that you have to work for me from now on, otherwise I will directly kill you here, let you, a genius with infinite potential, directly..."

Prechto sneered at Egwene. After all, he is also the second-generation president of Fairy Tail. He is a person who cherishes talents very much. If Egwene shows enough potential, it is not impossible for him to spare Egwene's life. And not only that, he will devote himself to teaching Egwene, let Egwene pursue the truth of magic with him, and welcome the arrival of the era of great magic, but the premise is that Egwene works for him, otherwise he can only be forced to clean up. Lose Yiwen, a potential hidden danger...


After listening to Prechto's words, Egwen remained expressionless. He didn't wait for Prechto to finish speaking, he directly raised his right hand, and stretched it out to Prechto's right eye, which was wearing a blindfold. own finger.

I saw Yi Wen lightly pointed at the blindfold, and in an instant, after a flash of light, Prechto's blindfold had disappeared without a trace...


At this moment, Prechto, who was still talking, was stunned. He felt the emptiness on his cheeks, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

Then Prechto raised his right hand, and gently touched his closed right eye. After a while of groping, Prechto finally confirmed that his blindfold had been unconsciously covered by Egwene. took away.

"Hmph! Just learn some useless magic, so Makarov always spoils the members of his own guild, which is a mistake in itself..."

The shock in Prechto's eyes disappeared in a flash, and his expression gradually calmed down. He felt disdain for Yiwen's trick of fetching things from the air. In his eyes, Yiwen's magic was just a trick, not a real one The Magic Avenue.

"I've already taken off the blindfold~"

"As for your mercy, it's fine~"

"Just do your best and attack me!"

"Otherwise you will never have the chance to attack me again!"

"Now I just hope that after you lose, don't run to the tomb of the first president, Mebis, and cry while hugging the thigh of Mebis' soul~ Said I'm here to lie, to bully you, this hundred-year-old Old Comrade..."

"At that time, when people ask me and hear that I don't even have a chance to shoot you, they will knock you down. You will lose face. When I say it, I am also suspected of bullying the elderly. Everyone is disgraced..."

"So I decided to let you make a move, so you can count as a shot. It's not that I didn't give you a chance, and it's not bullying the elderly..."

"Okay, hurry up! Don't ink, I'm in a hurry."

Yi Wen didn't attack Prechto right away, but lightly hooked her fingers towards Prechto, signaling the opponent to attack first!

After all, Prechto's identity is here! The other party is the founder of the Fairy Tail guild, and at the same time the guild's second-generation guild leader. In addition, Prechto is also the guide of the third-generation guild leader Makarov, and it can be said that he is Makarov's Teacher, according to seniority, it should be regarded as a figure of Yiwen's super senior level...

Therefore, in order to show her respect for the second-generation president of the guild, Prechto, Yi Wen didn't act like he was dealing with other people. Been waiting for Prechto to make the first move!

In order to express her respect for the second generation, Yiwen planned to let the other party make a move first, and then make another move to Prechto in seconds!

There is no way, Yiwen respects the elders so much, respects the old and loves the young!

I believe that even Makarov would be moved to tears after hearing his deeds, and would cry to death directly...


"You have a powerful mouth, even stronger than that kid Makarov!"

"But it's a pity, everything ends here!"

"Because in the future, you will never have the chance to open your mouth again!"

"Look, what is the abyss of magic! I dance with magic!!"

Prechto laughed suddenly after hearing what Ewen said. He gently took off the silver helmet on his head, threw it aside casually, then stood up, untied the cloak behind him, and threw it at his feet... …

It was also after Prechto made these preparations that he slowly opened his closed right eye!

When Prejito opened his right eye, Urrutia, who had been staring at Prejito, froze in place...

Urrutia can't describe Prejito's eyes in words. Those eyes are so deep, so evil, and so ominous. Prejito's right eye is simply not like the eyes that humans can have. They belong to the eyes of the devil!


It was also at the moment Prechto opened his right eye that the atmosphere continued to roar!

Horror, ominous, just seeing it will make people feel afraid, and the dark purple magic power, which represents darkness, is released from Prechtto's body.

Distorting the surrounding space and atmosphere, not only that, but the air in the entire spaceship also began to become viscous because of the huge magic power, and even the nature of the magic power in Prechto's body was revealed when he opened his eyes. The moment changed...

As Prechto said, at this moment, he is stretched into the abyss of the demonic way, and he is the closest existence to the black magister Zeref in the continent called Ishgar, not one of them...

"This, what exactly is it?"

"I haven't heard of it, I haven't heard of it at all, and there is no record of Prejito's current form in any book..."

"Is the magic around President Prechto so strong that it can be seen by the naked eye?"

Urrutia looked at Prechto in front of her with a look of horror on her face, and she took several steps back. Even she had never seen Prechto's appearance at this moment. It is not on the same level as human beings anymore, it is a real monster! And it is a monster among monsters, as if living in the abyss, staring at another existence of human beings, its name is devil!

Although the usual Prechto had already made Urrutia fearful, but the Prechto in front of him made Urrutia's fear reach its peak!

At this moment, Urrutia is like a cub that lost the protection of its parents and went out to look for food for the first time. It has reached the point where it will run away without stopping as long as there is any trouble...


Prechto seems to have noticed Urrutia's little tricks, and for Urrutia who betrayed him, Prechto had no intention of letting Urrutia go.

I saw Prechto wrapping his arms around his chest and snorting coldly in the direction of Urrutia. For Urrutia who was so weak in his eyes, Prechto didn't even use any magic. , just looked towards Urrutia with his demon eyes.


However, it was Prechto's seemingly unintentional glance that made Urrutia's body tremble as if being electrocuted. Immediately afterwards, Urrutia found that he seemed to be stuck in his throat by some mysterious force.


Urrutia kept coughing, and she slapped her throat vigorously with both hands, trying to eliminate the mysterious unknown power, but no matter how Urrutia resisted, it was meaningless. The gap in strength made Urrutia Completely unable to comprehend what Prechto did to her.

Pain, weakness, inability to breathe, fear, fear, death, countless emotions rushed into Urrutia's heart at this moment, constantly tormenting her heart, those negative emotions were like big hands, locking her throat, kept grabbing her body, and fell into the abyss...


That is, at the moment when Urutia's consciousness began to faint and was about to be swallowed by these negative emotions, a chuckle sounded in her ear...

It was that seemingly inadvertent chuckle that wiped out all the negative emotions in Urrutia's heart in a short moment!

It was as if there was a big golden hand, at the moment when Urrutia was about to be swallowed by negative emotions, it fished Urrutia out of the ocean of negativity...

"Suck! Breathe..."

Urutia woke up instantly, and she suddenly found that she had been dragged into the environment at some point, and the hands that were holding her neck were not someone else's, but her own hands.

The moment Urrutia reacted, she immediately let go of the hand that was holding her neck, and began to breathe heavily...

"Oh?! Not bad, kid!"

Prechto's arms were still wrapped around his body, and he looked into Yi Wen's eyes with a bit of appreciation. He didn't expect Yi Wen to break through his illusion so easily.

"Old Pu, don't keep attacking a little girl, hurry up and greet me with your strongest magic~"

Yi Wen said to Prechto with a flat expression, and he hurriedly asked Prechto to make a move, and then got up and Old Pu was finished in seconds.

"Hmph! Don't worry, you two can't escape alone today!"

Prechto didn't expect Yiwen to be so arrogant. He frowned and warned Yiwen.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!"

Yiwen stood where she was, as if she would let Prechto attack and never fight back.

"Damn arrogant brat! Let's see how arrogant you are going to be!"

"Fall! Amaterasu Baishi!"

Prechto's face was cold, he didn't intend to hold back, he directly skipped Amaterasu's 28th Form and other spells, and immediately used his highest research on Amaterasu's Formation, Amaterasu's Hundred Forms!


Accompanied by a roar, countless magic circles appeared around Yiwen, and the circles of faint purple magic circles exuded endless magic power, with destructive power of destruction.

"Not good! It's the president's Amaterasu style! Yiwen, run quickly, the limbs of the person who is hit by this move will become weak, and the magic power in the body will also be lost..."

Urrutia didn't expect Prechto to be Amaterasu Hyakushi, this kind of killing-level magic, so he looked at Yiwen anxiously and shouted.

"It's too late! Drink!!"

Prechto glanced at Urrutia, who reminded Ewen, with a cold expression, and directly activated the magic.


In an instant, the dazzling purple magic circle directly engulfed Yiwen, and the terrifying magic power directly smashed the entire floor of the spaceship! Just the aftermath shattered all the surrounding glass with the tempered magic circle attached!


Even Urrutia was blown into the sky by the aftermath of this magical power, and she resisted with all her strength, so she was not blown out of the spaceship by the aftermath of Amaterasu! However, the amazing thing is that Urrutia did not have the aftermath of Amaterasu's bombardment...

In the blink of an eye, a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in front of Prechto and Urrutia...

As for Yiwen, she has long since disappeared...

"Hahaha, has it been wiped out?"

"It's over, kid..."

Prechto folded his arms in front of his body, speaking confidently about the deep hole he bombed out in front of him.

He didn't go to confirm Yiwen's life or death, because Prechto was confident that no one in this world could block his Amaterasu Hyakushi without injury! Especially if he was hit by Amaterasu's Hundred Styles in a defenseless state, I am afraid that Yiwen is already dead...


Urutia looked horrified. She looked shocked at the ruins shrouded in magic power. With such a weak human body, under such a huge magic power, she might have been blown to pieces...

"Urrutia will deal with you next! You should know the price of betrayal, right?"

Prechto didn't look at the huge ruins hit by him with Amaterasu, but turned his head to look at Urrutia.


Urrutia trembled slightly, she believed that with her weak strength, facing the seemingly invincible Prechto in front of her, any resistance was meaningless.

"Don't worry! For the sake of what you have done for me, I will leave you as a dead body!"

Prechto's expression was icy cold, and magic power jumped at the fingertips of his fingers as he waved his hands.


Urrutia panicked, her sixth sense crazily raised the alarm at this moment, she knew that if she was hit by Prechto's magic, she would definitely die!


Prechto looked at Urrutia's frightened look, expressionless, and waved a magic circle!


Just when Prechto was about to attack Urrutia, a figure walked up from the ruins with a burst of sand and stones...


Prechto stared at the figure coming up from the ruins, his expression froze, and there was a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

"How can you be okay?"

Prechto really didn't understand why the figure looked unharmed.

That person was clearly hit head-on by his Amaterasu Hundred Styles!

That is Amaterasu Baishi, the magic that can kill half of his life if he eats it himself, but the person in front of him is calm and seems not to have been hurt, which has surpassed Prechto's understanding of magic ...

Yes, the figure that came up from the ruins was none other than Egwene.

"Very strange question..."

"Then let me ask you back!"

"I don't know the second generation senior, since when did you have the illusion that I would be injured by that kind of magic?"

"My body is indeed weak in our family, but it's not enough to be injured by that level of magic..."

Egwene brushed off the dust on her body, walked up to Prechto and asked with a smile.

"You bastard..."

Cold sweat broke out on Prechto's forehead, and then he calmed down.

"Hehe, I see, you are holding on, right?"

"Boy! Don't pretend, the person who is hit by my trick is absolutely impossible to be unscathed!"

"As Urrutia said just now, those who have been recruited will lose strength in their limbs, lose their magic power, and eventually die in pain!"

Prechto looked calm, he thought he had seen through Ewen, and Ewen was acting with him.

"Really? It turns out that I'm going to die soon. I don't even know it. Thanks to the second generation senior for reminding me..."

"Then, let the elders of the Second Generation Council try it! My fist of a dying man!"


Egwen walked towards Prechtto with a smile, and gathered magic power from all directions as she approached Prechtto, only to see a giant blue dragon appear behind Egwene at some point. Roaring and howling, the dragon swallowed towards Prechtto...

"I will die, if I get hit by that kind of thing, I will definitely die!"

"That's not magic used to deal with humans at all. This feeling, could it be the magic used to deal with dragons in ancient times, the legendary dragon-slaying magic! So you beat people with the magic of fighting dragons?!"

Prechto no longer had the calmness he had just now, his sixth sense roared at this moment, he knew that once he was hit by Egwene's punch, he would definitely die, although as long as the devil's heart was still intact, Then Prechto would never be mortally wounded, but the problem now was that Yiwen's punch would blow him and his heart apart! !

"Are you kidding, you guys, are you guys really human?!"

"When I left Fairy Tail, what kind of monster did that bastard Makarov recruit me into the guild?!"

"Is that guy planning to rule the world by recruiting an inhuman monster like you? You bastard!!"

Prechto didn't know how to describe Egwene anymore. If he was a person who was walking towards the abyss, the person closest to the abyss in the world, then Egwene would give him the feeling of a giant dragon! The opponent's magic is already one step ahead of him, and has reached great success!

"Damn monster, disappear from here!"

"This is my strongest magic, this is Zeref's magic, the executioner of heaven, Heaven's Punishment!!"

At this moment, Prechto no longer had the calmness and calmness of the past. He directly opened up his magic power and used his strongest magic! Heaven's Executioner, Heaven's Punishment! This is a book that belonged to Mr. Jie when he was young. The taboo magic in the twelfth paragraph of Chapter 4 is created from objects containing magic power by using the magic power of the person who uses magic, and the resonance with the magic power around him. The magic of creating virtual life is simply the magic of creating demons.


As Prechto poured his magic power into the countless clods, demons with astonishing strength were born directly from the clods! That demon, twisted and ferocious, powerful and terrifying! The strength of each head is extraordinary, and it is enough to destroy the town in an instant...

As Prechto said, as the only existence in the Ishgar Continent that can create demons, in a sense, Prechto is indeed close to Mr. Jie...

"Did Yiwen see it? This is the magic leading to the abyss!"

After Prechto summoned the demon, his expression calmed down a little, and his panicky heart gradually calmed down. In Prechto's eyes, the only way to defeat monsters is to use monsters!

Now that Egwene has surpassed human beings, let's defeat them with demons that are not human beings themselves.


Yiwen looked at the little demons in front of her and took a sharp breath.

"The passion of the Gravity Demon!!"

In the next second, Yiwen's body was covered with jet-black patterns, and then endless jet-black light waves spewed out from her mouth! The power of the light waves is not strong, it is like a breeze to humans, but to the demons created by Prechto...


Those demons made of sand, the moment they touched Yiwen's gravity wave, they shattered like paper...


Prechto looked at the demon he had painstakingly created and was blown to death by Egwene. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"Ah, am I not a professional counterpart?"

"Old Pu, don't you know? Lao Tzu, the demon-killing instructor..."

After Yiwen blew Prechto's demon to death in one breath, she came to Prechto herself.

"Hey, wait, I said you..."

Prechto looked at Yiwen who was approaching step by step, he swallowed nervously, as if he still had something to say, these were his last words...

"Qinglong's earnest snap of the fingers~"

However, Egwene had played enough, he even made Prechto do two tricks, which was enough to give Old Pu face.

Yiwen stretched out two fingers, flicked Old Pu's abdomen lightly...


It was also at the moment when Yiwen popped out this finger, the magic power and air around her were instantly emptied!

Yiwen just rubbed two fingers together, and a vacuum was created!

Immediately after a sonic boom, it landed on Old Pu's abdomen...


After taking Yi Wen's blow, Old Pu flew into the sky like a kite with a broken string, vomited blood, hugged his stomach, fell to the ground, and passed out.

"Very well, the problem has been solved."

Yiwen looked at the fallen old Pu, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He was quite nervous just now, for fear that if he accidentally used too much force, he would be shot to death. In fact, he had already tried his best to restrain his strength. He just used his fingers to Wipe the tip of the old Pu, this old thing should still be alive...


Urrutia stared at Yiwen in a daze. Ever since Yiwen came out of the ruins, Urrutia hadn't closed her mouth until Old Pu hugged her belly and lay at Yiwen's feet. After realizing it, the battle is actually over...

But even though he realized that the battle was over, it was too soon, right?

Urrutia knew that Yiwen was very strong, but wasn't she too strong? Is that Prejito? Was it a snap of the fingers? !

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