"What a beautiful city!"

Prechto was sitting in a wheelchair, pushed by Makarov, and slowly walked through the streets of Magnolia town. He watched every townsman in the town sincerely With a smiling face, the corners of the mouth are raised, and there seems to be something in the heart.

"Yes! This city is so beautiful!"

Makarov pushed Prechto's wheelchair and walked on the street. He looked at the smiling faces of the townspeople beside the street, and felt a little emotional in his heart. In this world full of magic, the order of a town can be kept forever. Stability, the existence of Fairy Tail is indispensable...

It is precisely because the town of Magnolia has Fairy Tail, the strongest Light Magister Guild in the entire continent, that the residents of the town can always live in peace and worry-free, without worrying about the Dark Magister Guild, or Invasion of the Black Magic Order.

"It's been more than forty years. During these forty years, second generation, where have you been?"

After feeling emotional for a while, Makarov looked at Prechto, the second generation president of Fairy Tail in the wheelchair, with a serious face, and asked in a deep voice, what did he do to Prechto all these years deep in his heart Yes, guesswork.

"I've been to a lot of places, and I've seen a lot of things..."

There was emotion in Prechto's voice. For forty years, he traveled the entire Ishgar continent. At the same time, he was one step ahead of Makarov and realized the existence of the Alvarez Empire in the western continent.

"Makarov, people like to call their mistakes experience!"

"However, in fact, in this world we live in, the real mistakes made by people will not leave any experience at all, and they are fatal mistakes..."

"Meteor star brilliance..."

"No, the heart of the goblin, that's the mistake I made, and it's also the real, fatal mistake I made!"

Prechto was sitting in a wheelchair, his pupils trembling slightly, his expression lost in thought.

"The second generation..."

Makarov's expression changed slightly. Of course he knew what Prechto said about the heart of the fairy. It was the biggest secret of their Fairy Tail, a secret treasure that must never be revealed, and the foundation of the guild.

"I have tried to use other methods to make up for the mistakes I made, but unfortunately, I have failed. I was taught a lesson by your little devil. In front of him, I pursued The hundreds of years of magic way looks so ridiculous, even the guild I spent several years building was taken as a trophy by your little devil and drove over the small town of Magnolia..."

Recalling his battle with Egwene, Prechto couldn't help clenching his fists. The feeling of powerlessness when he faced Egwene was stronger than when he faced Jeref. exaggerate!

If Jeff feels like a bottomless abyss, as long as you dig down, you can always dig out more things...

Then Yiwen felt to Prechto, like an endless sea, standing on the shore, no matter how people look at it, there will never be an end!

"So you made that thing in the sky? The second generation!"

"Devil's Heart, are you also the founder of the strongest dark guild on the Ishgar continent?"

"Tell me why? Why did you fall into darkness?!"

After listening to Prechto's words, Makarov gradually tightened his hands holding Prechto's wheelchair, and asked Prechto loudly at the same time.

Makarov had already guessed that Prechto would have something to do with the huge magical airship in the sky, and the heart of the strongest dark magister guild in the world. After all, ordinary people can't make it. A magic airship of that level of sophistication in the sky!

Now when Prechto confessed in disguise, Makarov was extremely distressed. He didn't understand why the man who led him into the light chose to go into the darkness alone...


"After more than forty years of traveling, I have discovered a truth. In this world, if you want to protect something that cannot be seen, then you can only choose to hide yourself in the darkness and hide with her In the dark, dark abyss, this is the only way to protect her silently!"

Prechto was not emotionally agitated by Makarov's anger and roar. He remained calm and stated the reasons for what he did with a blank expression. Silk gave Makarov incomprehensible emotions.

"Second generation, you have gone on the wrong path, don't go on, otherwise it will be irreversible!"

"Come back to the guild! Come back to Fairy Tail. No matter what difficulties you encounter, everyone in the guild will help you find a solution. Isn't that why the so-called guild and the so-called family exist?"

Makarov looked helpless, and he sincerely persuaded Prechto who was in the wheelchair.

"It is precisely because of this that I hate you! Makarov!"

"It's ridiculous and naive to always talk about family members, family members. It's not that I deviated from the path, it's that you took the wrong path..."

"Remember what I told you once? If magic is a miracle born from the darkness, then the heart of the fairy is the miracle of our Fairy Tail!"

"Originally, I thought that after I told you about the goblin's heart, you would work hard to protect her and take care of her! Create a powerful organization with the goblin's heart at its core..."

"However, you let me down. You didn't follow my instructions, and you didn't put the goblin's heart first in the guild. Instead, you created a guild with family as the bond, and put your so-called family in the first place." The organization that takes the first place is completely on the crooked path!"

"Then the question is, if one day, you had to choose between your family and the heart of the goblin, which side would you choose? When the family and the heart of the goblin, these two things are on the balance in your heart So which side will your heart lean towards? Kid! Answer me quickly..."

Prechto turned sideways, glared at Makarov behind him with his exposed left eye, and asked angrily.

Prechto knew about the Alvarez Empire, and he also regarded the establishment of the Alvarez Empire as his own mistake.

Prechto believes he has made two fatal mistakes in his life.

The first mistake was to create the heart of the goblin, but failed to protect the news of the heart of the goblin. As a result, some people who shouldn't know the news knew the information of the heart of the goblin.

The second mistake was to abandon the child of the first generation, the child who was so talented that it made people fear.

Because of Prechto's abandonment, that child stood opposite Mebis, forcing such a powerful combat force to the opposite side of Mebis. mistake.

It is precisely because Prechto made these two fatal mistakes in a row that Prechto asked Makarov this question. If one day, Makarov needs to do something between his family and his heart. If there is no choice, how should Makarov choose?

If Makarov chooses the heart, then he must go to war with the Alvarez Empire commanded by Zeref who is seeking the heart, face the powerful empire commanded by Zeref, and face the children of Mebis. How many members of Karlov's so-called family members, the so-called members of the Imperial Guild, are left?

Will Makarov really risk the lives of all the members of the Fairy Tail guild whom Makarov regards as family members for the heart of the fairy?

But if Makarov chooses his family, then he must hand over the goblin's heart to the Alvarez Empire and the black mage Zeref. There is no possibility of survival anymore...

In Prechto's eyes, the reason why the Fairy Tail Guild exists is because of Mebis. If Mebis is dead, there is no need for Fairy Tail to continue to exist. Completely destroy Fairy Tail, just like he founded this guild with Mebis and others...

"Answer me! Boy!!"

At this point, Prechto's emotions fluctuated for the first time. He looked at Makarov excitedly, waiting for Makarov's reply.

"Second generation, do you still need to ask me this question?"

"My answer is, if I have to make a choice, as long as one side of the multiple-choice question is family, then no matter what the other side is, even if it is my life, I will firmly choose family!"

Standing behind Prechto, Makarov was emotionally speaking with a serious expression.

"Haha, is that right? You really chose your family!"

"So sorry boy, it looks like we're going to end up on a different path."

"Let me protect the fairy's heart and Mebis!"

After listening to Makarov's words, Prechto smiled. Makarov's answer was all in his expectation, so forty years have passed, and he and Makarov finally walked together. took the completely opposite path.

"But the second generation, President Prechto..."

"In my eyes, those brats in the guild who are noisy all day long are family members."

"On weekdays, it's either drinking and beating, or the members of the guild who are doing nothing, and they are also family members."

"Work hard every day, either by throwing a meteorite and demolishing the palace of a certain country's royal family, or to expel the black mages in the town, so I demolished half of the town in a fit of anger, and occasionally made some big news to test me Brats at heart are my family..."

"Although they left the guild, those who are still working hard for Fairy Tail are family members!"

"The heart of the fairy, Mebis, the first president of Fairy Tail, is of course a family member!"

"And you, the second-generation president of Fairy Tail, led me into the path of magic and taught me how to be a human being. You are like a teacher and a father to me, and you are also my family!"

Makarov pushed Prechto's wheelchair to the hills near the small town of Magnolia. Under the sunshine and the autumn wind, the two stood on the top of the hill quietly looking down at the entire horse. While looking at the scenery of the small town of Genolia, and the Fairy Tail guild with a long history standing right behind the town for hundreds of years, Makarov told Prechto his answer. listen.

"Boy, I'm not as good as you."

Prechto looked in shock at Makarov, who had tears rolling from his eyes. He turned his head slightly, closed his eyes, and felt the autumn wind blowing on his face. At the same time, he showed a relieved smile and murmured road.

"Boy, do you know?!"

"I have made countless mistakes in my life, and two of them are the most fatal, so much so that they have shaped the current world, the magic world, such a turbulent pattern! The reason why there are so many wars in this world is because More than half of my responsibility, whether it is the continent of Ishgar or the continent of the West..."

Prechto blew the autumn wind, let go of his guard, and spoke the truth to Makarov.

"The second generation..."

Makarov looked at Prechto in front of him, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were flickering with worry.

"However, I have also done one very right thing in my life! Do you know what it is, kid."

Prechto looked sideways at Makarov behind him and asked.

"The right thing? You mean, you developed the goblin heart?!"

"The heart of a goblin, that is definitely enough to shock the magic world. It has never been seen before, and there will be no one to come after!"

"I think even the legendary black magister Jeref will be shocked by the existence of the goblin heart."

After listening to Prechto's words, Makarov thought silently for a while, and then replied seriously.

In Makarov's eyes, the most proud thing in Prechto's life probably refers to the goblin's heart.

"No! About the goblin's heart, even until now, I don't know whether this kind of thing that violates the laws of the world should exist in this world..."

"I don't know whether the existence of a perpetual motion machine that can generate magic power infinitely and can be transplanted into other people's bodies is right or wrong for this inherently unstable world! It's a big thing Good thing, or absolutely wrong..."

"I don't even know if Mebis wants me to do this. To put it bluntly, what I do is for my own selfish desire..."

Prechto said here with a bit of a bitter smile on his face, the heart of the goblin has never been something he can be proud of, and sometimes Prechto would think, if he didn't make the heart of the goblin If it comes out, then maybe there won't be so many wars in this world.

Although Prechto has always said that he is for Mebis, in fact Prechto has never asked Mebis' thoughts, he is just satisfying himself, which is the so-called self-satisfaction. redemptive thing.

"You know? Kid! The thing that really made me proud in my life, really made me know that I didn't do anything wrong, there is only one thing, that is, before I left the Fairy Tail guild, I chose you, chose you Appointed Makarov Dolea, and became the third-generation president of the Fairy Tail guild!"

"You are better than me, even Mebis, and that idiot Worrod! I think if Yuri can live to this day, he will be proud of you, kid."

Prechto looked at Makarov, as if he saw Yuri, as if he, Mebis, Yuri, and Volod established the Fairy Tail guild back then!

As Prechto thought about it, he suddenly wanted to take another look with his own eyes, the guild built by him, Mebis, Worod, and Yuri himself!

As a result, Prechto looked down from the top of the mountain. He looked at the huge tall building with FAIRY TAIL printed on it standing in the small town, smiled, and then his face changed slightly, with a trace of A hint of doubt.

"The second generation..."

However, at this moment, Makarov was already crying. He looked at Prechto in front of him, his body trembling slightly, the kind that was recognized by the seniors of the guild!

The feeling recognized by his master who taught him to grow up to be like a father, even a strong old horse, couldn't control his emotions, and tears kept flowing from his eyes.

"Boy, why do I feel that something is wrong with the appearance of the guild?!"

"I remember that the previous guild seemed to have three floors, why is it now six floors?!"

At this moment, Prechto looked at the guild that seemed to be the same as the previous guild, but looked taller, frowned and asked.


The old horse, who was still crying, froze slightly after hearing Prechto's words, and his eyes, which had been dripping with tears, gradually became dry.

On that day, even Makarov, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall, could not confess to the guild's senior, the second-generation president Prechto, that the guild they originally built had been established a few years ago. The thing that was demolished by the bastards in the guild themselves.

"Ahem, I think you must have misremembered that. In fact, our Fairy Tail guild has always been on the sixth floor from the very beginning!"

"Hehe, but it's normal for you to remember wrongly. After all, you haven't returned to the guild for more than forty years..."

In this regard, Makarov clasped Prechto's wheelchair guard with both hands, and preached with a smile that he would not admit the fact that he was demolished even if he was killed, especially after the second-generation president Prechto just now Compliment him for this moment.

"Yes? Really? It seems that I remembered wrongly..."

Prechto looked suspicious. He clearly remembered that the Fairy Tail guild was on the third floor. Besides, although he had never returned to the guild, he had the original, Mebis, Yuri, and Wolverine in his hand. When Rhodes built the guild, he took a group photo!

That photo was extremely precious to Prechto, and at the same time, each of the four founders who created the Fairy Tail guild had one in their hands!

He has always kept it well. After all, if he wants to see Mebis's smiling face again, he can only see it from that photo.

But right now, he didn't refute Makarov behind him. After all, the two are on the edge of a cliff.

After all, that bastard Makarov is still pushing a wheelchair behind him!

If a person is emotional and does something bad, it will be a big deal for him now!

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