Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 314 Makarov, Godfather of Both Darkness and Light (Second)

"Victor Miraj~"

Yi Wen looked at Hua Yuan, who had fallen to the ground and lost consciousness, and announced Miraj's victory.

"Of course!"

Miraj smiled at Egwene.

"Kildas will be handed over to you next."

Milaj then looked at Kildas and spoke softly.

"Ah, just leave it to me."

Kildas nodded slightly towards Milaj. Although Kildas was still looking lazy at the moment, it was extremely reassuring.

"People who don't treat their companions well will end badly."

Milaj walked to the edge of the ring, and suddenly turned to look across the ring. At this moment, the only member of the Devil's Heart, Bruno Te, was speaking seriously and solemnly.


After listening to Milaj's words, Bruno was stunned for a moment, with doubts in his eyes.


Milaj ignored Bruno Te, she flicked her long snow-white hair lightly, raised her chin proudly, and walked off the ring with her head held high.

"Sister, you won!"

"Sister, you are too powerful..."

As soon as Miraj stepped off the ring, Miraj's younger sister Lisanna and younger brother Elfman immediately surrounded him, surrounded Miraj, and then congratulated Miraj.

"Next is the last battle!"

Milaj rubbed Lisanna's small head, then turned to look at the last two people standing on the ring.

"What a bunch of useless brats!"

"I really don't know President Hades, what's the use of finding so many trash brats from all over the world?"

"In the end, I have to do it myself to find some space for the devil's heart."

Brunote stood alone on the spot, with his arms wrapped around his chest, watching, either fell to the ground, or his teammates who had turned into shooting stars in the sky, the veins on their foreheads were stretched, facing his eyes, losing to Fairy Tail, already equivalent to a useless Devil's Heart, the members yelled angrily.

"Hey! I've said it all, don't blame your companions!"

"If you think your companion is not strong enough, then make yourself stronger, bastard."

Gildas stood in front of him with his arms around him, and after hearing Bruno's words, he frowned and spoke dissatisfiedly.

Kildas never asks how powerful his companions must be, he only asks himself! He is a person who is strict with himself and lenient to others, so he is very dissatisfied with Bruno.

"Hmph! What do you mean, I'm not strong enough?"

"Don't think that I'm on the same level as the previous brats who were defeated by you."

"I'm no longer on the same level as them! Bastard!"

After hearing what Gildas said, Bruno Te suddenly had blue veins on his forehead, one after another all over his forehead, and the terrifying magic power was surging around him. There is no doubt that Bruno Te in front of him, whether he is Magic power, skills, or understanding of magic are all at the level of the top ten magisters!

And it is the kind of level that can be ranked sixth, seventh, and intermediate among the top ten holy magisters.

"That guy's strength is not bad~"

Ulu, who was originally sitting in a corner of the guild drinking tea alone, felt a slight change in her expression after feeling the huge magic power of Bruno Te. She turned around and looked in Bruno Te's direction, with eyes full of Kind of eager to try.

In Ulu's perception, Bruno Te, who is showing off his might in the arena, is about the same level as hers. Without absolute freezing, even she is not 100% sure to defeat the opponent...

"This guy's magic power is really good! It's on par with Uru!"

"President Prechto, didn't you expect there to be such a character in your guild?"

"That guy's name is Bruno, right?"

"Hehe, with his strength, even if he is placed in Fairy Tail, he has a chance to enter the top ten, right?"

"It's a pity that the intention is not right, and it needs to be guided! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles..."

Makarov was stunned for a moment when he felt Brunault's magic power. The magic power in the guy named Bruno was almost the same as his.

But the opponent was younger than him, and Makarov didn't have the confidence to defeat Brunot if he didn't use the goblin's law.

If you just use conventional magic, in Makarov's view, Brunot's strength is about the same level as Uru's. If Brunot and Uru fight, the number is probably four or six, and Brunot's four, Ulu Six now~

However, in Makarov's view, although Bruno Te is powerful, but his mind is weak, and those who are cruel to their companions will not last long in the end, so Makarov persuaded Prechto to educate Bruno Te well , People with such magical talents cannot be allowed to go down the wrong path.

"Boy, what do you mean?!"

After hearing Makarov's words, Prechto's eyes twitched slightly, and he almost stood up from his wheelchair in a fit of anger.

Makarov What does this mean? This sentence is like saying to him: "Hey~Old Pu! So that new guild you opened, oh, by the way, it's the members of that devil's heart, and not all of them are trash~ Isn't it? Is there another guy who looks like a human?!"

"I have to say, the strongest guy in your guild is really good! Even if he is placed in our Fairy Tail guild, he is not an ordinary person. He has a certain chance to enter the top ten in the guild!"

"Not bad, not bad, really good! It's a pity that you taught it badly. In fact, your old man is not the material to teach children. You don't have this talent, do you know? If you teach children, you have to look at me." Karlov, that guy named Bruno, if I teach him, he will definitely be stronger than he is now! If you want to be more sensible, leave Bruno in Fairy Tail, after all, put this material in Old Pu, your hands are simply reckless!"

The above are all the words that Prechto completed in his mind after listening to Makarov's words.

"Don't even think about it! Makarov, don't even think about it!"

"Stop thinking about expanding your dark forces, your forces are already strong enough! That's enough to conquer the world!"

"Lakusas, Erza, Milaj, Urutia, and even Uru, they all have the potential to surpass you and me."

"Those two women who enjoy privileges in your guild, the monster-like Egwene, Kildath, and that brat named Kurnuki, are already stronger than you, not even me. It must be their opponent!"

"Aren't these combat powers enough for you?"

"Stop it now, Makarov! There's still time to stop everything!"

Sitting in a wheelchair, Prechto shouted angrily to Makarov behind him.

It wasn't enough for Makarov to deceive Urrutia, who had the greatest potential in his hands, but it was too much to try to deceive Brunoth away!


"What did I say about me?"

After hearing Prechto's words, Makarov looked shocked.

Makarov didn't know what he did to make Prechto so emotional. You must know that Prechto has always been a calm, wise, and taciturn person.

"Hehe, keep pretending! Boy, you are really a master at pretending to be confused."

Prechto gently stroked the beard on his chin, and smiled coldly at Makarov's appearance of not being able to understand what he was saying.

"I really didn't pretend to be confused! Second generation! You have to trust me! Second generation!"

After listening to Prechto's words, Makarov wanted to cry, but he didn't know what crime he had committed to make the fools in the guild so uneasy, er, okay ! It's okay for the idiots in the guild to worry, it has something to do with his free education all along!

But, why even he has always worshiped that Prexito, the second-generation president of Fairy Tail, the Prexi who raised him from a young age, taught him magic and the principles of life, and treated him like a father? Do you start to mistrust him too? !

What the hell did he Makarov do? !

"You see you're pretending again, and you said you're not a master at pretending to be confused?"

After hearing Makarov's words, Prechto rolled his eyes angrily.

"But the reason why Makarov became so extreme is indeed my responsibility."

"Mavis, Yuri, I'm sorry for you!"

Prechto ignored Makarov, he frowned, and regarded it as his own responsibility for Makarov to go evil.

"Haha, although I don't know what President Prechto misunderstood me..."

"However, it's great to see you come back, President! Senior Volod has also come to work in the Magic Council from his past life of seclusion..."

"I'm sure the first president Mebis will be very happy to see you all come back, right?"

Although Makarov didn't know exactly what Prechto was blaming himself for and what he had misunderstood, he was still happy that Prechto could return to Fairy Tail.

At the same time, when Makarov thought that in a few days, the soul of the first president, Mebis, would return to Fairy Tail from Sirius Island to celebrate the new year, and he was full of anticipation!

Makarov believes that Mavis will be very happy when he sees that Prechto and Volod have all returned...

That's right, since Egwene, Irene, Selene and other monsters with incredible magical powers came to the Fairy Tail guild, Fairy Tail has become more united and more lively.

The soul power of the first president Mebis is getting more and more abundant. You must know that before Yi Wen and others came to the guild, Mebis's soul can only be in her tomb on weekdays, accompanied by the goblin, one of the three magic spells of the goblin. Even if they wake up, they don't have much strength, and they can't leave Sirius Island easily, and they will fall into a deep sleep again after not being awake for a long time!

But it’s different now. Mebis is now very sober in Fairy Tail Holy Land every day. Not only can she have daily conversations with members of Fairy Tail, she can even dance on her own grave...

Can even use some magic...

It can be said that there have been earth-shaking changes from before!

It's just that Mebis believes that someone needs to guard Sirius Island, Sirius Tree, and the brilliance of the fairy, one of the three magics of Fairy Tail, waiting for the destined person to get it, so Mebis usually He was alone in a long white dress, with bare feet, playing alone on Sirius Island...

But every year during the holidays, Mebis will come to the guild, and celebrate the new year with everyone in the guild~

"No, wait, could it be that Makarov is actually trying to welcome Mebis back?!"

"Could it be that the reason why Makarov built the guild like a monster concentration camp is because of what I said to Makarov before Yunyou?"

"Makarov seems to control the guild with pornography, gambling and drugs, and turned Fairy Tail into the strongest evil organization. In fact, it is to protect the heart of the fairy in the basement, which is Mebis!"

"In other words, whether it's Fairy Tail or Makarov, it's all my responsibility for them to become like this?!"

Suddenly Prechto realized that it was not Makarov who was wrong, it was Prechto who was at fault, and Prechto's heart became heavier for a while.

"Yuri, Yuri, I'm sorry! Yuri!"

"The reason why Makarov went to such extremes is all my fault!"

Prechto blocked his cheek with his big rough hand, and his expression was painful. He thought that he had created a devil's heart. The dark guild known as the strongest in the Ishgar continent was already very extreme. As a result, Markalo Husband is more extreme.

On the surface, it is the strongest guild of light magisters in the continent of Ishgar, but behind the scenes, it secretly controls the magic council, and uses the magic council to indirectly control the evil organizations in the magic world!

Not only that, Makarov even indulged the magister of his guild, kidnapped the disobedient king, and used the excuse of magic fighting to show the king the strength of his guild.

He also stripped the king of his clothes and took indecent photos as a threat...

God! Sometimes Prechto is thinking, are these really ways that humans can imagine? Really the devil in hell, right?

Prechto has even imagined the tone of Makarov threatening Old Thomas, the king of Fiore Kingdom: "Old Thomas, have you seen it?"

"The heart of the dark guild demon who claims to be the strongest in the Ishgar continent is nothing in the eyes of us fairies!"

"We sent a few random people to kill them all!"

"What is the heart of the strongest dark guild demon? In front of us, Fairy Tail, there are a bunch of garbage that kills casually! So you understand what we mean, right?"

"Also, the indecent photo of you dancing with your child naked is in my hands now, you don't want your citizens to know that you are a pervert, do you?"

"Old King Thomas! If you don't want to, I advise you to be more honest! Otherwise, Jie Jie Jie..."

The above is Prechto's mind-filling picture.

"What, what a terrifying guy, that kid has grown to such a degree without knowing it..."

"No, wait, I remember one more thing..."

"I remember that a big incident happened last month. At that time, I thought it was an internal strife in the bright magic world. Now it seems terrible!"

Prechto looked panicked, and at the same time, something suddenly came to mind.

He remembered that last month, a very important event happened in the Magic Senate. More than forty presidents of the Magisters Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore protested against Fairy Tail Magisters Guild's domineering behavior Entered the Magic Council, and argued with the chairman of the Magic Council, Worold, who had been shielding the Magic Council, and all of them were jailed for attacking the president of the Magic Council and severely injuring the president of the Magic Council!

When Prechto read the news, he thought it was nonsense. Now the dean of the Magic Senate is Volod. No matter how trashy Volod is, he cannot be defeated by the even trashier guys from the Bright Magisters Guild.

In his opinion, it should be Worod who severely injured the troublesome Magister Guild leaders, and then sent him to prison for a random reason...

When Prechto saw the news, he laughed at Volod for not being able to manage the magic world of Ishgar. If this continues, the Bright Magisters Guild will end sooner or later...

But that was because Prechto's field of vision was wrong at the time, it was too narrow. Now that his field of vision has widened, looking at this matter again, he found something very surprising.

In Prechto's view, the fact that more than forty presidents of the Magisters' Guild of Light were sent to prison by the Magic Senate for beating the president last month was a conspiracy!

In fact, Makarov joined forces with Volod to use this excuse to rule all the members of the Guild of Light Magisters in the Kingdom of Fiore who opposed Fairy Tail in the Kingdom of Fiore. Yes, all those magister guilds have been eradicated! In turn, Fairy Tail can better control the Kingdom of Fiore!

For a moment, Makarov's actions were all connected in Prechto's mind.

Makarov first let the light magic world have and only the voice of Fairy Tail, and then when the time was ripe, he shot the devil's heart, who is the first brother of the dark magic world, to capture their devil's heart in the dark magic world. Then he kidnapped the king of Fiore Kingdom, which has the strongest magical power on the continent of Ishgar, and left behind the king's handle to ensure his Fairy Tail's absolute orthodox status!

Makarov is trying to unify the Ishgar continent, the dark and light magic realms? !

Under Makarov's leadership, Fairy Tail will not only become the number one light magister guild in Ishgar, Makarov will also make Fairy Tail the strongest dark magician in Ishgar. Mentor Guild!

In other words, Makarov, who will be the guildmaster of Fairy Tail at that time, will directly become the godfather of darkness and light in Ishgar Continent.


Prechto's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. When Makarov was still young, he thought that Makarov would become a great talent in the future, but he never thought that Makarov would be so competitive. , to be the godfather of darkness and light twice, eat both black and white...

"Second generation, what's wrong with you?"

Just as Prechto's body was trembling slightly due to his brain power, Makarov's deep voice sounded slowly from behind Prechto.


"I, I'm fine, I'm just a little uncomfortable..."

"It's okay, I'll just go to the toilet."

As Prechto said, there was no need for others to push the wheelchair for him. He turned the wheelchair by himself and walked towards the toilet.


"I just want to remind President Prechto that the battle between Kildas and Bruno is about to begin..."

Makarov looked at Prechto who was trembling slightly and was puzzled.

"Makarov's problem is serious..."

"That bastard Volod probably joined Makarov as well."

"In the entire continent of Ishgar, I may be the only one who can stop Makarov and help him lead him on the right path."

"Alas, there is a long way to go!"

Prechto turned the wheelchair and walked towards the toilet, thinking inwardly as he walked.

He knew that Makarov, who had fallen into darkness right now, would find it difficult to return to the past.

It's hard!

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