Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 322 Humans Feared Even by Demons (Part 1)

"What the hell is going on?"

"Master Jeref, the great creator of the demons we are waiting for, the black magister Mr. Jeref, why does he have such a close relationship with this human being in front of him?"

"I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand at all..."

Liangyuetian Sera looked panicked, her eyes were full of puzzlement, she couldn't understand why the great Lord Jeref, who abandoned them demons, actually chose a human .

The great Mr. Jeref should not be so cold and cold that neither humans nor demons can follow him. Only when they revive the great flame demon END can they fulfill their long-cherished wish and start anew. Return to Zeref's side, and then fulfill Zeref's great wish?

But, why, why, the invincible Master Jeref was so happy chatting with a human being, a human being who should be despised by their demons? !

That Jeff, who had never looked at them more than once, showed an extremely gentle smile to a human just now? This has gone beyond Sera's comprehension...

This is completely different from what Sera heard, saw, and heard at the gate of Hades...

"Oh? Why don't you say it~"

"What a stubborn guy~"

Yiwen looked at Sera whose brain was trembling, and tapped her finger lightly.


Sera felt the change of the rope on her body, a blush flashed across her pretty face, and her dark eyes stared fiercely at Yiwen in front of her.

"You, you are such a bad character! Lord Jeref must have misjudged his eyes before choosing to talk to you, a human being! Damn it, we, as the demons created by Lord Jeref, must solve your problems, Expose your true nature, make Mr. Jeref hate you, and then personally destroy you, an inferior human being..."

Sera had been thinking about it for a long time. She was thinking about the most vicious words in the world that were used to curse others, but with Sera's vocabulary, after thinking about it for a long time, she finally just called Yi Wen a bad character. At the same time, in Sera's eyes, the most vicious curse in the world is that they are hated by their great creator, the black magister Jeref. She believes that Egwene must have been trembling after hearing her roar ...


Egwen couldn't help laughing at this.

He, Egwene, is a person who has received strict training. Generally, she doesn't laugh unless she can't help it...

"So all the demons created by Jeff are a group of guys like you?"

Yiwen looked at Sera with a smile, what should I say? He suddenly felt that these demons created by Jeff were cute and cute, so Egwen looked at Sera and asked softly.

"What do you mean? Are you looking down on us great demons?"

Sera looked at Yiwen's smiling face and felt a huge blow in her heart. She had already used insulting words such as lowly and inferior to abuse the human beings in front of her, but the human beings in front of her still showed calmness towards her. smile, which made Sela very angry.

So, Sera puffed up her cheeks, looked at Egwene angrily, and asked.

"No, no, how could I despise you? After all, you are the creations made by Mr. Jie himself~"

"Even if in Mr. Jie's eyes, you may be nothing but useless failures, but I will not despise you~"

"Even in Mr. Jie's eyes, what you have done in the past four hundred years is meaningless to him, like a group of headless flies scurrying around on this continent~ But I still will not despise you of~"

"Even if the president of the Gate of Hades is actually in Fairy Tail, and you guys don't know it, like fools, I still won't despise you~"

Egwene waved her hand at Sera. He didn't mean to look down on the demons. After all, the demons created by Jeref are the magic that is closest to creating life out of nothing in this world.

No, if Natsu is counted, Zeref has actually completed life creation, a magic that violates divine right...

It was a completely different magic from that of Egwene and Irene, who attached a certain personality they had programmed to an object.

What Jeff has done, it is true, has touched the magic of taboo theocracy, the demons are all independent living bodies, they will actively think, not like Egwene and Irene, The additional personality is completely dependent on the personality written by Yi Wen and Irene to think...

"So we're meaningless losers?"

"And you said in your mouth that you would not despise us, but your words are full of contempt for us..."

"Sure enough, I hate you humans the most."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Sera's eyes. The self-proclaimed seniors are just a group of dispensable failures in the eyes of the great Jeref. It is clear that everything they do now is for Jeref It's to fulfill Master Zeref's desire!

In the eyes of the demons at the gate of Hades, the black magister Jeref is as great as their father.

"Oh~ very good! You have begun to have human emotions."

Yiwen looked at Liangyuetian Sera, who had a trace of disappointment flashing in her eyes, and felt lost, which meant that Liangyuetian Sera had begun to approach human beings, which was a very good performance.

No, or it could be said that the group of demons created by Zeref all have the potential to become humans, but some demons are resisting this behavior, and they think humans are inferior.

"Nonsense! We are great demons, advanced creatures created by Lord Jeref, how can we approach humans?"

"After all, you humans are not just a group of stupid creatures, just like the stories you write, which are full of boring compassion, unlike us demons, there is never mercy in our stories!"

Liangyuetian Sera trembled slightly after hearing Yiwen's words, and then argued angrily.

Sera was afraid at the moment, she was afraid, afraid that as Egwene said, she had become like a human being...

"Hahaha, you are so naive~"

"You actually believe in stories written by humans..."

Yiwen laughed out loud after hearing what Sera said, and then picked up the book that Serra had thrown on the ground, and casually flipped through it.

After Yiwen spent about five minutes reading Serra's book, he commented in his heart, "It's not as good as the novels written by Dian Niang Hei Hei", and the writing is not cruel enough. How can I say it? He couldn't highlight the word cruel, that's why he said that demons have limits~

"You, what do you mean?"

Sierra looked at the books she wrote and was read by others, as if the little secret in her heart had been seen by others. She blushed and asked anxiously.

"If you want to understand us humans, don't read the stories written by us humans. Most of the stories you can see are beautified."

"If you really want to know what kind of creature we humans are, then you should go and read our human history! No matter how beautified those histories are, you can see endless wars and killings between the lines."

"Although it's not something to be proud of, I still want to say something, naive Miss Devil, maybe you don't know that in this world we live in, there is no creature that understands war and killing better than us humans Art, including you demons, is also not acceptable~"

Yi Wen didn't mean to be proud, he was just stating a fact, Zeref who created the demons and gave the history of the demons is a human being, created the dragon slaying magic, and Irene, who gave the human beings the history of fighting against dragons, is a human being, the end The rule of the giant dragon, Akunologia, who almost killed all the dragons on the continent of Ishgar, and the dragon slayer magister, was also a human being, and finally aimed the butcher knife at the great human hero, Irene, the queen of dragons. Also human...

"By the way, your great creator, Zeref, is also a human being. You demons at the gate of Hades claim to be Jeff's bookshelf. As you say, you are indeed created by Zeref. Magic books, you are magic books written by human beings, so in fact, you are written by Jeff, just a living story~"

"In other words, Miss Devil, when you look down on human stories, you are actually looking down on yourself~"

Yiwen gently closed the story written by Sera and put it on the table beside her. At the same time, she smiled slightly at Serra who was tied up by him with a rope and passed through the beams on the ceiling to hang in mid-air.

"You say we are stories written by humans?"

It was the first time Selah had heard someone call them demons in a story.

"When Jeff created you, he was probably full of hope and beauty for the future, right?"

"So there's nothing wrong with calling you a fairy tale..."

"Actually, what I'm doing now is no different from your goals. We are all trying to build a future that Jeff is looking forward to."

"But the difference is that the future I created was the future I discussed with Jeff, the future he expected, and the future you created is the future you thought Jeff expected, but in fact Jeff has already I don't expect anything from you..."

"That is to say, you keep saying that you want to do something for Jeff..."

"But in fact, what you have done has diverged from the future that Jeff expected, and your path has gone wrong..."

"If you really want to return to Zeref and fulfill his wish, then you should stop everything you are doing now, and do your best to help me~"

"By the way, the story you wrote is actually quite boring. It's hard to sell well in the human world."

Ewen thought, four hundred years ago, when Jeff created demons, Mr. Jie should have great expectations for every demon and every experiment. After all, every time Jeff made progress, he would It made him a step closer to resurrecting his younger brother Naz, so Yiwen evaluated these demons as products born out of Mr. Jie's hope and expectation for the future...

But now Jeff no longer has any expectations for the demons. After all, the meaning of the birth of the devil is only for Jeff's younger brother. Now that Jeff has resurrected his younger brother, the meaning of the existence of the devil disappears. a,

But this group of demons, the group of demons created by Jeref, still want to do something for their master, so in Egwene's view, instead of letting these demons be blind, do something that will do nothing to Jeref. For things that are not helpful, it is better to accept them and do things for him...

At the same time, Yiwen told Sera her evaluation after reading the story written by Sera...

In fact, Ewen read Serra's story for a long time, but she didn't understand what story Serra wanted to express. The darkness is not very dark, and the sun is not sunny. The whole seems a bit too plain.

Or, Selah has always used the first person, and Selah’s writing skills are really not very good. Under such circumstances, even for Ewen, if she wants to understand Selah’s novels in the first person, It's really a bit strenuous...


Sera's pretty face blushed again, and she was very angry at the moment. The human being in front of her first criticized the actions of their demons these years as useless, and then, without her permission, read the novel she wrote, and at the same time He also gave her a bad evaluation. In Sera's eyes, Yiwen's behavior was simply extremely bad! Worse than the devil! She has lived for four hundred years, and she has never seen such a bad existence~

"All in all, Miss Demon, please tell me the exact location of the gate of Hades~"

"After all, I think you don't want to be disliked by your president, Balrog END, and the creator, Black Magister Zeref?"

Yiwen stretched out her hands to straighten the cheeks of Liangyuetian Sierra, whose pretty face was blushed, so that the eyes of the other party looked directly at him, and at the same time she asked with a smile on her face.


Sera's face was extremely tangled, she was thinking whether she should tell the location of the gate of Hades to the humans in front of her, but as Egwene said before, if these demons are just fairy tales written by Jeff , if their purpose is to help Zeref create a better future, then maybe it is correct to listen to what the human being who has a close connection with Jeref has to say.

After all, they hadn't seen Jeff for four hundred years. During this period, what happened to Jeff's thoughts, and what other thoughts he had about his future, they had no way of knowing.

"Stupid, stupid human, let me tell you, don't go on talking..."

Sera turned her head aggrieved. Doesn't this low-level human being in front of him just want to know the exact location of the gate of Hades? As for taking away the meaning of what their demons have done in the past four hundred years?

Sera couldn't help shivering when she thought that she would be hated by Zeref and the ultimate demon END created by Zeref.

After all, fulfilling Jeref's long-cherished wish is the devil's ultimate ideal, and if Jeref hates it, it would be better to kill her!

"Where did the succubus come from? When Jeff created Liangyuetian Sera, did he really not add any special fetishes? Really?"

Yiwen looked at the beautiful demon who was hanging in the air by him at the moment, blushing, and had an unusually plump figure, touched his chin, and fell into deep thought. He always felt that Jeff was creating Liangyuetian Sera Sometimes, some ulterior hobbies were added.

"No, I have to tell Mavis about this~"

"At that time, I can still threaten Jeff~"

In order to maintain the family harmony of her first president Mavis, Yiwen decided to take some time to talk about the matter of Liangyuetian Sera with the first generation Mavis, but before going to the first generation to talk, you can take Serra's Threatening Mr. Jie to see what benefits Mr. Jie can offer him.

"Can you put me down now?"

Sera asked, glaring at Egwene.


Egwene snapped her fingers lightly at Sera.

Accompanied by that crisp sound, Sera fell from mid-air.


Sierra stabilized her body and landed lightly. Her pretty face returned to her usual indifference, and she snorted coldly at Yiwen.

"Give me back the book..."

Then, like a little girl whose diary was peeped by someone else, Sera snatched the story she had written from the table next to Yiwen and hid the story behind her.

"No, I've already finished reading it, and it's useless for you to put it away..."

After all, Egwene was not a devil, so he decided to tell Sera the truth, and told the other party that he had finished reading the story in the other party's hand.

"Devil, devil! I finally know why Lord Jeref abandoned us and chose you~"

"Compared to you, we really don't deserve to be called demons..."

After listening to Yiwen's words, Liangyuetian Saila shouted angrily, and she stomped her feet angrily at Yiwen's words.

She couldn't beat her, and she couldn't say anything, so she could only stomp her feet to relieve the anger in her heart...

"Okay, let's go~"

Yi Wen patted Sierra's small head, smiled at Sierra, and then disappeared in front of Sierra with a flickering figure.

When Yiwen appeared in front of Sera again, there was a beautiful girl with white hair in his hand.

"This girl is..."

Sera looked at the girl Yiwen mentioned with a puzzled expression.

"Her name is Miraj, she is a user who receives magic and can receive demon souls..."

Egwene watched Sera preaching with a smile.


When Sera heard this, her expression changed slightly, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

To receive the demon's soul means to have absolute control over the demon's soul. In other words, the white-haired girl in front of her is the magister most hated by their demons.

"What are you looking for this white-haired girl for?"

Sela looked at Yiwen and asked suspiciously.

"Haha, do you still need to ask?"

Yiwen smiled slightly after hearing Sera's question.

"After all, more than 400 years have passed since Zeref created you. Who knows if there are any demons in the gate of Hades who will have a different heart?"

"If there are demons who don't intend to obey my orders and don't intend to disappear, it will make me feel very difficult~"

"Although it's not impossible to kill them like this, no matter how you look at it, it's a bit too wasteful, right? Sera, you have to know that the demons created by you Jeff are all precious possessions in my eyes Ah~"

"So in order to manage these properties with the greatest efficiency, all those who are unwilling to obey my orders will be beaten to death, and then let Miraj absorb and accept them. Let them continue to fight for Fairy Tail with the attitude of souls for the rest of their lives. Let's go~"

Egwen watched Sera preaching with a smile, and told Sera her plan.

"It's scary! This guy is scary!"

"Even the dead are not spared. Sure enough, this guy is a demon like us, right?"

After listening to Yi Wen's words, Sierra trembled slightly, and she looked at Yi Wen with a look of fear in her eyes.

This person, Egwen, terrified even the demon Sera...

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