Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 344 Thanks from Olgast (Second)

That day, Prechto, Worod and Mebis talked a lot, a lot...

The three of them chatted until the early morning of the next day!

All the magisters in the guild didn't bother them, they all looked at the first generation founders of the Fairy Tail guild happily~

"Well, why don't we take a group photo together?"

As the sun rose and the sky gradually brightened with the sunlight, Yiwen took out a camera, came to Mebis, Prechto and Worod, and asked with a smile.

"Take a group photo together?!"

A look of nostalgia appeared on Worold's face. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't taken a photo with others.


Prechto snorted even more. In fact, on the day Fairy Tail was established, the photo of him with Mebis, Yuri, and Worod was the only extant photo in his life.

"Okay! Okay! But for ghosts, ordinary cameras can't capture them, right?"

As soon as Mebis heard that she was going to take a group photo, the decoration that looked like angel wings immediately stood up, showing the excitement in her heart.

Just like Mavis's appearance, Mavis's heart is still a girl's.

It's just that when Mebis thought that she was currently in a ghost state, and it was an extremely special ghost state. Only the magisters of Fairy Tail could see her, and ordinary cameras couldn't capture her at all, which made her feel depressed for a while.

"Relax! President Mavis..."

Just when Mevis was downcast, Yiwen walked up to Mebis and smiled slightly.

"My camera was remodeled with the help of Senior Lacey. It can take pictures of ghosts~"

As Yiwen said, she pressed the shutter on Mebis, and then placed the picture she took in front of Mebis.


Mebis looked at the scene in Egwen's camera, and her big watery eyes widened. She really saw herself in the camera.

"In that case, let's all take pictures! Please everyone!"

After confirming that the camera in Yiwen's hand could capture her, Mebis immediately jumped up from the ground and landed on the bar table lightly like a feather, looking at the members of the guild and shouting loudly. road.


This is the request of Mebis, the first generation leader of Fairy Tail, and the members of the guild will naturally not refuse.

And even if it wasn't the first president's request, the magisters in the Fairy Tail Guild, who call themselves gentlemen, wouldn't make such a lovely girl sad...

Although this girl is already over a hundred years old, and she also has a son who is about the same age as Makarov...

Speaking of Mebis' son Olgast, the Magic King, Yiwen scratched her cheek. When he was thinking about taking a family portrait, should he be called together? !


Thinking of this, Yiwen seemed to think of something interesting.

"Guild Family Portrait! Family Portrait! Family Portrait!"

Mebis was as noisy as a child, she walked to the street outside the guild, she looked at the busy town of Magnolia, feeling a burst of emotion, thinking back then, she, Yuri, Prechto, When the four of Volod first came here, the place was not as prosperous as it is now...

Times are really changing! Time is constantly advancing, whether it is the town of Magnolia or Prechto, Volod has undergone great changes!

Maybe the only ones who have not changed are her and that man who were taken away by the great god...

"President Mebis, President Prechto, and Senior Worod, the three of you stand in the middle..."

"Then there is President Makarov. As the third generation president of Fairy Tail, you are standing next to the three founders, so that the first generation, second generation, and third generation presidents are all gathered!"

"And then Senior Yajima, Senior Rob and Senior Leith..."

With the camera in hand, Yiwen adjusted the positions of the magisters in the guild, and at the same time left a place for her family behind Makarov.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day for us to take a photo..."

Standing beside Mebis, Wolod spoke with great emotion.

"This reminds me of the Fairy Tail guild, when it was first established, when you, me, Yuri, and Mebis took a group photo in front of the guild gate!"

Worod looked emotional, he stood beside Mebis, and smiled at Prechto who was on the side.

"Hmph! It's a pity that Yuri can't see it..."

Prechto snorted coldly, and then looked a little emotional.

"Although Yuri is gone, Yuri's son and Yuri's descendants are still there!"

After hearing Prechto's words, Worod smiled softly and spoke gently.

"Yuri's son?!"

Prechto froze for a moment, then looked at Makarov beside him.


Prechto seemed to think of something, and suddenly smiled lightly.


Prechto looked at Makarov beside him, and called softly.

"President Prechto."

The corners of Makarov's mouth raised slightly, and for a moment he seemed to be back in the beginning, when Prechto was the guildmaster of Fairy Tail in the guild, and he was always making trouble for Prechto, just like the kid guild The group of little devils inside seemed to make trouble for him.

"Ygwen! You don't need to reserve so many seats, do you? Are you the only one left?"

The magisters in the guild looked at Yi Wen, who had deliberately left about five seats in the middle, and immediately asked.


"Who said Egwene is the only one left?"

At the moment when the magisters in Fairy Tail were asking Yi Wen, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and long crimson hair came in front of everyone with a staff in her hand, accompanied by a clear voice of the imperial sister.

"Hey, hello! Isn't it? Irene is here too?"

Suddenly, the guild members who were still a little confused in their hearts immediately understood something, and they all shut their mouths.

"If there are five positions, it just happens to be you, me, Yiwen, Erza, and Kurnukki, right?"

Immediately afterwards, a wave of water turned, and Selene, who was wearing a modified kimono and exposed a pair of slender long legs, came to the side of the crowd, smiling slightly.

"Even Selene is here?!"

The faces of all the members in the guild changed for a moment. They looked at Irene and Selene in front of them, for fear that these two people would fight again because of a trivial matter.

However, perhaps because of today's special day, neither Irene nor Selene had any intention of arguing...

"Since it is the family portrait of the guild, of course Irene and Selene must be called here."

Yi Wen looked at the members of the guild, raised her brows, and spoke speechlessly.

Since it was the family portrait of the Fairy Tail guild, Yiwen naturally notified everyone in the guild, including Irene and Selene. After all, Irene and Selene are also members of Fairy Tail!

"I, we know."

The members of the other guilds nodded vigorously as their expressions changed, not daring to say anything more to Egwene. After all, they knew the danger of Irene and Selene better than anyone else.

"Can Kildas stand by my side when I take pictures later?"

Kana walked up to Kildas with her hands behind her back and a blushing face, and extended an invitation.

"Huh? Haha, of course..."

After listening to Kana's words, Gildas nodded readily without thinking too much, and agreed.

Gildas has always agreed to the girl's invitation, after all, he is the number one gentleman in the Fairy Tail guild.

"Grey, Leon, when the two of you are taking pictures, don't take off your clothes!"

Urrutia looked at Gray and Leon seriously, and educated.

"I know, I know……"

"Are you our mother?"

Gray and Leon tilted their heads, as if they understood.

"Do you think I plan to be your 'mother'? It's not because the woman who has the responsibility of being your 'mother' and should be responsible for educating you and leading you to the right path is not responsible at all..."

Urutia looked at Gray and Leon with a headache, and behind her were Yin and Uru who were confronting each other.

Fortunately, with the help of Urrutia, Yin has reformed himself...

"Yo, Yin, if I hit you again next time, I can definitely freeze you completely."

Wulu looked at Yin with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

"You'll have to try it when the time comes..."

The corner of Yin's mouth rose slightly. The reason why he was blocked by Ulu during the S-level magister exam was entirely because of carelessness. If he did it again, he would not lose again.

Yes, although Makarov judged that he won, but Yin decided in his heart that he lost...

That is to say, whether it is Yin or Ulu, both of them think that they have lost, and they don't want to lose to each other again.


Yin and Wulu just looked at each other like this, and then laughed loudly without saying much.

It's just that under that big laugh, the eyes of both of them are killing each other...

"These two guys can't be saved!"

Urrutia looked at Yin and Ulu and sighed, so now she has to be the parent of four people by herself, it is really too tiring~

"Kurnuki, you stand here, then Senior Selene, then Irene, then me, and then Erza..."

Yi Wen arranged the position for the part coming out of the center.

"Yi Wen, don't you want to stand with Big Sister~"

After Selene learned that she was going to be with Irene and Kurnuki, her expression flashed with dissatisfaction. Of course, she was not dissatisfied that the person standing next to her was Irene. The reason for her dissatisfaction was why she wanted to How about standing with that stupid son? Selene wants to stand between Irene and Egwene...

"You flirtatious fox, you'll be flirting sometime~"

Irene looked at Selene who started to get angry again, stretched out her hand and pinched Selene's round buttocks vigorously.


This made Selene, who had been seducing Egwene, blush.

"You bastard..."

Selene turned to look at Irene with a hint of anger in her eyes.


Eileen didn't say anything about this, just smiled lightly.


"Forget it, I won't argue with you today."

Selene looked at Irene, snorted coldly, and turned her head arrogantly.


It was Selene's concession that made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.

With Selene and Irene standing in their positions...

Other members of the guild have also found their positions one after another. Miraj naturally wants to stand next to Erza. Although she often troubles Erza, Miraj only finds Erza alone. It's just people's troubles.

Next to Milaj are Elfman and Lisanna, and then Kagura and Kanna, who have participated in several Fairy Tail S-level magister exams and failed all of them. As for Kanna Standing next to him is naturally Kildas, the number one scumbag in the Kingdom of Fiore...

On the other side of Kurnuki is Lakuzas. Lakuzas deliberately chose a place far away from Makarov, as if he was afraid that others would recognize them as grandparents. Where to go, his face that is incomparably similar to Makarov has already exposed his identity...

Next to Lakuzas is the trio of Thor, and next to them are Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Poliusika who was called by Wendy softly.

Originally, Yiwen arranged for Poliusika to stand in the first row, but Poliusika disagreed, so she stood in the second row with a group of juniors. As for Poliusika, Gray and others were naturally beside her... …

In addition, Makao, Wakaba, and others also found their own positions. The entire Fairy Tail guild, with hundreds of people, stood in front of the guild's gate and set up poses for group photos.

Then, when everyone was posing and waiting for a group photo, they discovered an embarrassing problem...

So everyone ran here and waited to take pictures...

So who will take the picture? !

"Should we go to the town to find a kind passer-by to help?"

All the magisters of the Fairy Tail Guild asked in unison.

"Well, if you don't mind, let the old man take a photo for you?"

At the very embarrassing moment for the magisters of Fairy Tail, accompanied by an old voice, an old man with short white hair and purple magic robe appeared in Fairy Tail at some point In front of the guild's gate, the old man took Yiwen's camera in his hand, and spoke to the magisters of the Fairy Tail guild in front of him with a smile.

"The man in front of me is not simple..."

It was also at the moment when the old man appeared that Makarov, Volod, Lakuzas and other powerful magisters instantly noticed the unusualness of the old man.

"Senior Ougaste, are you here?!"

"Since you're here, how about taking a photo with us?"

"As for the camera in your hand, it actually has an automatic shooting function~"

Yiwen smiled slightly at Olgast who was called by him, and reminded him aloud.

"Oh? Is the technology so advanced now?"

That's right, the old man was the Magic King Oghast called by Igwen from the Alvarez Empire in the western continent. After hearing what Egwen said, he was slightly taken aback.

In fact, the magic camera in this world already has the automatic shooting function, and it was Yiwen's words that made Ougaste stunned...

The reason why Yiwen asked Ougaste to come here was to help the guild members take pictures...

As a result, Yiwen suddenly changed to asking Olgast to take a photo with the members of the Fairy Tail guild, which caught Olghast by surprise.

It also stunned the magisters in the Fairy Tail guild.

"Yiwen, this is a group photo of our Fairy Tail guild mages!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Although we say this is not very good for that uncle, but it is not good to let the magisters of the non-Fairy Tail guild join in the group photo together?"

Immediately, members of the Fairy Tail guild looked at Yiwen and raised questions.

"How should I put it? In fact, Orgast is also a member of our Fairy Tail guild. Are you sure I'm right? President Prechto~"

Of course Yiwen knew why the members of the guild reacted like this. After all, this was a group photo of the guild members like a family portrait. If outsiders joined in, most of the magisters in the guild would feel uncomfortable, but Olghast is no outsider, Olghast is the child of Mebis, the first president of Fairy Tail...

If Prechto hadn't abandoned Ojast, perhaps Ojast would be the third or fourth generation leader of Fairy Tail.

And Olgast will inherit Mavis' will and work hard to protect this Fairy Tail guild, right?

But from Ewen's point of view, it's not too late to change Olgast now...

Regarding this, Egwen looked at Prechto specifically and asked with a smile.

"Um, this..."

A flash of panic flashed across Prechto's face. Unlike the others, he recognized Olgast's identity.

Prechto knew that the man in front of him, who exudes neither light nor darkness, and possesses the magic power of chaos, was the child that belonged to Mebis that he had taken out of Mebis's body and abandoned...

So, strictly speaking, Olgast is indeed a member of the Fairy Tail guild.

"He is indeed a member of our guild."

Prechto's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he nodded slightly to admit the identity of Olgast.


As Prechto's voice fell, all the magisters in the Fairy Tail Guild suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Then let him take a photo with us~"

"I don't know why, but I don't think he's a bad guy~"

After Mebis looked Olgast up and down, for some reason, she always felt that the old man in front of her gave her an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Then, thank you."

Olgast pursed his dry lips when he heard that, and walked towards the magisters of the Fairy Tail guild.

"Ougaste, stand here!"

When Ojast came to him, Prechto made way for Ojast and let Ojast stand beside Mebis.

"President Prechto."

Makarov looked at Prechto, who made room for Olgast, and frowned, with a look of doubt, but he didn't say much, in his eyes, Prechto did what he did. justified.

"Anyway, let's all have a good laugh~"

After Ougaste stood beside Mebis, Yiwen smiled slightly, manipulated the camera with gravity magic, and took a rare photo for everyone...

"Thank you, Egwene!"

Olgast stood beside the fairy-like girl, smiling from the bottom of his heart.

Two updates of 10,000 words, rest early today, adjust your schedule, and continue tomorrow~

Pave the way a little bit~

Then there are any typos and the like, please point them out, and I will change them in time after I see them~

Finally, thank you for your subscriptions, rewards, and tickets~Thank you for your support~

I wish you all a good time watching, I will go to bed first, and recharge my energy, I will try my best to update as soon as possible tomorrow, I wish you all a good night~

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