Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 366 Yiwen: Wisdom, when have you seen my full strength? (fifth more)

"What is this?!"

Maybe everyone outside the ring couldn't understand, but Troy, who was facing Milaj directly, could feel the ominousness that exuded from Miraj's whole body.

"This is just like a demon! Is Miraj, who is called an angel in the world of Edras, actually such a dangerous existence in the world of Eslandon?"

Troy looked shocked and lost his voice.


"Do I actually have such a cute title in the world of Edras?"

"Unfortunately, I am not called as cute as an angel in the world of Eslandon~"

"In Eslandon, everyone calls me a devil!!"

After Miraj heard that he was called an angel in Aedlas, a smile appeared on his handsome face, and then a sharp and fierce look flashed in his eyes, which belonged to the "absolute devil" in the gate of Hades. The endless murderous intent of the so-called Mardo Gil enveloped Troy.

"Eh..." This terrifying murderous aura made Troy terrified. He subconsciously looked at the artificial plant monster developed by Wisdom on the ring, and gave an order: "Go! Defeat her!"

Following Troy's order, countless monsters attacked Miraj in an instant.


In this regard, Milaj stood where he was, stretched out his finger, and gracefully pointed at the group of monsters.


Immediately, there was a burst of roaring under the original arena, and then huge thorns rolled out of the ground, sweeping towards those plant monsters.


Plant monsters with the power of A-level monsters are extremely powerful, but they are not enough to face the thorns spell of Mardo Gil, the king of the underworld...

Besides, Miraj, who uses spells, will not be weakened by the magic power in the world of Edras!

In the blink of an eye, the thorns that were several meters thick enough to make people run on them wiped out all the monsters on the field!

However, this was not over yet, the thorn came to Troy in an instant, rolled up Troy, and hung him upside down in mid-air.

"What were you trying to do to me just now? Boy!"

Perhaps because of the acceptance of Pluto's soul, Milaj's tone was a little close to that of Mardo Gil. She looked at Troy indifferently and asked.


Troy looked at Milaj with horror, and at this moment he had already lost the courage to speak.

"Then wrap it up~"

Milaj activated his thorn magic indifferently, and instantly bound Troy. The thick vines suddenly scattered countless tiny tentacles, binding Troy with an artistic atmosphere~

A few minutes later……


Troy opened his mouth wide, rolled his eyes and had already lost consciousness.

"Looks like it's over~"

Seeing this, Milaj didn't continue to pester her anymore, she put away her spells and let Troy go.

"Winner, Miraj!"

Seeing this, Mistergang immediately announced Miraj's victory.


Milaj breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and at the same time dispelled his reception magic.

She regained her appearance of a bad girl and big sister...

"I almost passed out from exhaustion. The soul of Pluto is still a bit too strenuous for me."

Milaj slowly breathed a sigh of relief. For her now, maintaining the soul of Mardo Gil, the king of the underworld, is still a bit too reluctant.

Although she can erupt inhuman fighting power in a short period of time, the duration is too short, and she can't last for ten minutes with her magic power...

But ten minutes is enough for Miraj to deal with many opponents!

"Miraj really practiced amazing magic, it seems that we have to work harder!"

Behind Yiwen, Erza and Lakusas looked at each other. If it were the two of them, it would be very difficult for Miraj, who can receive the soul of Mardo Gil, the king of the underworld.

At least for ten minutes after Miraj received the soul of Hades, they could only escape to find a chance to win...

"If I fight Miraj again next time, it seems that I can't continue to hide my secrets! I can only use my exclusive weapon, Iron Dragon Gejir!"

Erza looked at Miraj and nodded slightly. Miraj is an opponent worthy of her exclusive magic props.

"It seems that I have to go to the old man to learn that magic."

Lakusas has also made a decision, and now he also needs a killer-level magic, at least if Miraj receives the soul of Hades, he must have enough magic to die together.

At this moment, whether it is Erza or Lacusas, Miraj is the only one in his eyes. As for Troy who was defeated by Miraj...

It's not who they are targeting, they really don't pay attention to everyone in Edras!

Perhaps if Mistgang stands out on behalf of Edras Fairy Tail, they will have some expectations...

After all, Mystergang is a genius who possesses the magic department. The power of the same props in the hands of Mystergang is completely different from that in the hands of other people!

After all, although the upper limit of magic props will not change due to different users, the timing of release, the angle of release, the accuracy of magic, these factors that limit the power of magic props will vary according to the users of the props. changed...

Only Fairy Tail members who can defeat Eslandon Fairy Tail...

"Jiejiejie, Westem, you've lost again~"

"If you fail one more time, you will lose..."

Egwene sat on the sofa, watching Wisdom speak with a smile.

At this moment, Yiwen smiled like a big villain...

"So what if we lost two games? As long as we win the next three games, wouldn't the situation be completely reversed?"

Wisdom watched Egwene preach with great confidence.

"You are really arrogant! Wisdom!"

In Ewen's view, Westem's self-confidence is blind, but it's just that Westem is too pessimistic.

"Give up! Wisdom! Now that you admit defeat, what if I count the game as a draw?"

"After all, as long as I'm here, you won't be able to defeat Fairy Tail in our Eslandon world!"

Egwene looked at Wisdom and smiled benevolently.

He, Egwene, is really too kind. He is completely different from Wisdom. He, Egwene, always speaks very modestly, never speaks big words, just speaks the truth.


Wisdom looked at Yiwen and snorted coldly, with anger in his eyes.

"Brother, how about letting me play in the next game? I will bring Edras the victory!"

Erza Wisdom looked at the unclear situation in front of her, and asked Wisdom beside her.

"Brother Yiwen, leave it to me! I will quickly kill that woman who can't do anything except her elder brother who can rob other people's houses~"

Erza Berserion looked at Egwene with a smile, and wiped her neck in an extremely gentle tone.


In the next second, Erza Wisdom and Erza Berserion looked at each other at the same time, that is, the moment their eyes collided. They both laughed.

Yes, Erza Wisdom lied before, she didn't help the Fairy Tail in the world of Aedras to carry the banner of Aedras, she just wanted to kill Aedras My own self in the Sri Lankan world is just monopolizing Brother Yiwen...

As for Erza in Eslandon's world, she just wants to get rid of the bad woman who only seduces other people's brothers. After all, Irene once taught her that scumbags must die...



For a moment, the eyes of Eluza Wisdom and Eluza Berserion intertwined, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in the pupils of the two, making the people around them shudder.

"No, it's the last battle, there's no need for you to take action, Erza, let me finish this game!"

Yiwen stopped Erza Berserion, who was about to make a move, and he smiled, looking at Westem sitting opposite him and speaking.

"Hahaha, Erza, you heard that too!"

"It's just like what the stupid guy opposite said..."

"Let my brother take the fight in this battle! Protecting my sister is what my brother should do."

Wisdom, who was in the wheelchair, got up slowly, his eyes fixed on Yiwen in front of him, his eyes were full of murderous intent towards Yiwen, the person who took away the status in the heart of his raised sister.

If eyes could kill, Egwene would have already been pierced a million times by Wisdom's eyes...

"elder brother……"

Erza from the two worlds looked at Yiwen who was standing out of the sky, and called them both softly.

In this regard, whether it was Yiwen or Wisdom, they all stepped onto the ring without hesitation.

"Your eyes don't hurt anymore?"

As soon as she entered the ring, Yiwen greeted Wisdom softly, showing great concern for Wisdom.

"No matter how painful it is, it hurts more than not having the heart in my chest."

"You can't understand my pain! Egwene!"

"You who are deeply loved by others, you who easily took away my share of love, you can't understand me!"

Wisdom stretched out his hand to caress his chest, and watched as Egwene frowned.

So why isn't Wisdom, who is also Erza's elder brother, loved? !

Wisdom was thinking puzzledly.


For Wisdom, Yiwen just smiled disdainfully.

In fact, this is a very simple question. If the person who said this was the Magic King Olgast, then Yi Wen would be heartbroken and moved...

But it was Wisdom who spoke, and Egwene could only sneer.

The answer is simple, because Wisdom who teases beautiful girls everywhere, this kind of scum does not deserve love~

"Shoot! Once I make a shot, you will have no chance."

Yiwen stretched out her finger, pointed in the direction of Wisdom, and then slightly hooked it, with the demeanor of a peerless expert.

"You are too arrogant Yiwen, this arrogance is the reason for your failure!"

Wisdom looked at Ewen's arrogant look and smiled coldly. He had unparalleled confidence in his masterpiece, and he believed that his work had already surpassed Ewen.


After listening to Westem's words, Egwen just shook her head, and he didn't explain anything.


It was also at the moment when Yiwen shook her head that Wisdom moved, and suddenly a huge magic circle lit up in the wheelchair under him, and a huge dragon's head was tattooed in the center of the magic circle in horror.


The next moment, countless machines slowly emerged from the magic circle, and then wrapped Wisdom, as if the golden metal suddenly came to life, swallowing Wisdom in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, the metal that seemed to be alive, after swallowing Wisdom, suddenly roared and began to deform. First, he grew huge wings that covered the sky, followed by strong and powerful wings. The limbs are incomparably bioengineered, gorgeous and full of lethality, and the shining claws on the limbs symbolize its deadly attack power...

A long tail was propped up from the back of this metal giant, with bony spurs on the tail, forming a diamond shape. There is no doubt that this slender dragon tail dragging the ground is also a deadly weapon.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably ferocious dragon head slowly deformed from the metal giant, and it was born!

The dragon's head is ferocious, and its mouth is full of sharp fangs emitting a cold light! Even the mouth of this giant dragon is a deadly weapon that can be used to attack!

It seems that the purpose of this ferocious metal behemoth is to kill, to destroy, to destroy!

"Yiwen, keep your eyes open. This is the upgraded version of my Super Metal Dragon Knight PLUS! Super Metal Dragon Knight PRO! According to my modification of this Dragon Knight no less than a hundred times, he now has far more than The terrifying power of the original version of the Dragon Knight undoubtedly has the power to compete with the real dragon..."

"This is the weapon that I created with all the resources in the world of Edras to target you! Seeing this weapon, even Egwene, you are afraid?! This is the power of magic, this is The power of magic!"

"As long as I have this metal dragon knight, even if you attack with all your strength, Egwene, with the level of magic power in the world of Edras, you may not be able to defeat me before your magic power is exhausted! This time I will not Lost so badly."

In the Super Dragon Knight PRO, Westem looked at the tiny Yiwen below him, and loudly introduced his masterpiece.

Based on the calculation by Wisdom based on the power released by Yiwen when he punched his first version of the super dragon knight!

Right now, the Dragon Knight, which has undergone his transformation twice, already has the qualifications to compete with Yiwen back then in a short period of time!

At the same time, this is also the highest masterpiece that his Wisdom can make!

And Wisdom invented this mecha with only one purpose, to regain the dignity he lost as a brother in front of Erza Wisdom!

In Wisdom's view, the reason why Erza has a good impression of herself in Eslandon's world is because of Egwene's strength, as long as he proves that her strength is stronger and better than Egwene's. , then you can take Erza's heart again...

In this regard, Yiwen can only say that Wisdom does not understand people's hearts~

"Full strength? When have you seen my full strength?"

"Why don't I remember that I showed my full strength in front of you?"

After listening to Westem's words, Yiwen moved her neck and made a "crack, crunch" sound, and then he looked at Westem and asked in an extremely flat tone.


Wisdom was stunned for a moment after hearing what Egwene said.

"Didn't you use your full strength when you dealt with the super dragon knight, and when Elentia fought against Selene? Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Wisdom's pupils trembled, and there was a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

Although Egwene in front of him doesn't seem to be a fake, but Westem can't believe it. He forgot to sleep and eat, and analyzed countless times. Regarding Egwene's strength, he even calculated the blessing of the venue, and the adjusted super dragon knight was all wasted time……

"Since you want to see my full strength, then keep your eyes open and don't blink."

Egwene still looked at Wisdom calmly.

In fact, if Wisdom's Super Dragon Knight PRO was produced a year ago before he devoured the Dragon's Tears, then Ewen would indeed feel a little troublesome, but now...

What is the relationship between his Egwene's full strength a year ago and his Egwene's full strength a year later? !


As Egwene began to gather magic power, the magic power in the entire Edras world began to surge wildly with Egwene as the center. They converged towards Yiwen, with Yiwen as the center, tumbling, spinning, and even slowly forming a vortex, a vortex completely composed of magic power visible to the naked eye of ordinary people.

"The world has changed color..."

Outside the arena, a group of Fairy Tail magisters from the world of Edras stared blankly at the scene where the world suddenly changed colors. Egwen, who was set off by countless magic powers, seemed to be walking in the world. God, the god of the world.

"not enough!"

Yiwen, who was constantly gathering magic power, almost drained all the magic power in a radius of a hundred miles, he shook his head silently. The magic power in the world of Edras was not enough for him to use his full strength to attack him. With all his strength, more, more magic is needed.

"Since the magic power in the Edras world is not enough, then call me the magic power from other worlds!"

Yiwen suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked towards the sky.


Accompanied by waves of water moving! A huge space door was formed above Yiwen's head, and opposite to that space door was the magical world of Alentia...

With the opening of the space door, endless magic power poured into the world of Edras, and the terrifying magic power made the sky and the earth of the whole world of Edras scream.

"The world is torn apart!"

On the ground, the magisters of the Fairy Tail Guild in the Edras World watched the spectacular scene in front of them. They no longer knew what words to use to describe what they saw.

Heaven and earth collapsed! The world is connected, and the two worlds are connected by one's own strength. Is this possible for human beings?

What required the huge machines in the kingdom and the souls of super-subspace magic to complete, Yiwen managed to do it by herself, and the speed of mobilizing magic power was stronger than their super-subspace magic!

"Egwen, have you reached that level yet?"

Wisdom looked at Egwen, who was penetrating the world, and widened his eyes. He had seen this kind of scene once before, and that was the first time he suffered a fiasco...

And the woman who gave him such a disastrous defeat was named—the Moon God Dragon Selene!

Therefore, when Wisdom saw Yiwen's world-penetrating power, he immediately thought of the proud, beautiful, and gorgeous moon dragon!

"Qinglong's Collapsing Fist!"

What responded to Wisdom was not Yiwen's answer, but the punch that pierced the world.

It was this punch that gave Wisdom the answer.

"Really? I didn't expect you to have reached that level. I really envy you..."

Wisdom looked at Yiwen's punch that exuded endless destructive power, and showed a helpless smile. It seemed that he would never be able to surpass Yiwen in this life, which made him suffer a lot.


Following Yiwen's understatement, the whole world shook violently, and the clouds in the sky rolled and roared! The earth roars!

Seen from space, it looks like a planet has been divided in the middle.

Third watch, almost 15,000 words.

Uh, it’s already morning, I’ve been writing without paying attention to the time…

Then, in the last few chapters of daily life, I see some people say that it doesn't have the flavor of blood comics, and the plot is too outrageous, what should I say? In fact, I still have some control.

I always feel that as long as the daily life of Fairy Tail doesn't exceed the overnight virus, it will be fine, right?

But since someone has made comments and finds it boring, I will still refer to it for improvement and try my best to make everyone happy.

Also, I read that some people say that my book does not have the flavor of Fairy Tail. How can I actually say this? I'm really trying to find the feeling of Fairy Tail again. I basically spent all my time on writing this book, including conception, as well as laying the groundwork for the subsequent plot, and then stabilizing more than 10,000 words, which is quite difficult to be honest. It may also be my lack of writing skills! In short, I continue to work hard!

After finishing it, in fact, I never felt that my writing was so good. This book may be the best Fairy Tail fan at the beginning, but it can’t be said to be the best Fairy Tail fan. This book can have today’s The results are really thanks to the love of readers.

To be honest, I am able to achieve today's achievements, including being on Dafengtui, and on boutique products. I am really grateful to everyone. It is really thanks to everyone's help that I can still achieve this level in this subject matter in 23 years!

I am here to really thank everyone for their subscriptions, rewards, votes, and everyone's support!

In fact, I am not confident. I can only say that I will try my best to write this book well!

Then I go to sleep for a while, get up and continue!

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