Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 371: The Berserion Family's Journey (Second Change)

"Damn, I made a mistake..."

Irene's beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned. She had calculated thousands of times, but she didn't calculate that Yi Wen came to invite her to travel.

Now that this matter has been known by the lewd dragon Selene, the other party will definitely do everything possible to destroy her good deeds...

"So I knew this troublesome thing was going to happen..."

Egwene was helpless, in front of Selene, he couldn't use telepathy magic, and Selene would definitely find out, so the current situation is very embarrassing, but...

"Actually, Senior Selene, the Kingdom of Stella is a more suitable kingdom for parent-child travel, so..."

At the moment when Irene was frowning, Yiwen hinted at Selene with a refreshing smile on her face.

Egwene's meaning is already obvious. The Kingdom of Stella is more suitable for Irene to take Egwene and Erza...

"Egwene, well done!"

Irene, who was still frowning at first, after listening to Yi Wen's words, her eyes flickered brightly, and she silently gave Yi Wen a thumbs up.

"Parent-child? This is a word that humans like to use, right? I know, parent-child means adults take their children out to play together, right?"

"As for the child, I have it! I'll go find him right now..."

After hearing what Egwen said, Selene frowned slightly. She fell into deep thought, but within a moment, she thought of something, and her eyes lit up.

Selene snapped her fingers lightly, and suddenly a space door appeared beside Selene...

"No way?!"

Looking at Selene's movements, Yiwen frowned. He probably guessed who Selene was going to find.

In this regard, Yiwen could only sigh helplessly, and cast apologetic eyes on Irene.


Irene was silent, she didn't say anything, but there was a voice roaring in her heart, and she knew in her heart that the situation was probably going to the worst.

At the moment when Irene, Yiwen, Erza, and Berserion's family were staring at Selene, Selene seemed to have found something, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"It's up to you, Kurnuki~"

As Selene said, she stretched out her hand and moved towards the space door. Not long after, Kurnuki's figure appeared in the shop of Irene's scarlet goddess...

But this is not over yet. Behind Kurnuki is a kid with cherry pink short hair, then a boy with black short hair, and finally, a young girl with blue half-long hair.

"Eh? Didn't expect to have so many children all at once?"

Selene looked at the four children in the room, she was stunned for a moment, she was just planning to capture Kurnuki.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

Kurnuki looked at Selene and trembled slightly, and now he felt trembling all over whenever he saw Selene.

"Kurnuki, so what's going on here? It's fine if you come alone, why are you bringing three?!"

Yiwen sat in her seat, looked at Kurnuki and sighed helplessly, and asked.

"Master, in fact, Naz, Gejill and Wendy intend to see the true power of the dragon, so they begged me to fight with them, of course it is my big victory..."

Kurnuki looked at Yiwen and explained.


After listening to Kurnuki's explanation, Yiwen looked at Naz next to Kurnuki.

"I saw that Kurnuki was about to run away, so I went up and grabbed Kurnuki's feet!"

Naz's face was covered with bruises, but his words were extremely tough.

"Ge Hey~"

"I think the same as Fire Dragon."

Ge Jier wrapped his arms around his body, even though he was beaten to pieces, he would never admit defeat.

"I, I, I..."

"I saw Brother Naz and Ge Jier being swept away by the space gate, and I wanted to save them, but I was also involved..."

Wendy looked at Yiwen and the others timidly, and preached.


Egwene felt that her brain was a little swollen.

"So, mother and master, what are you looking for me for?"

At this time, Kurnuki looked at Selene and Yiwen and asked.


Yiwen's eyes narrowed slightly. If she told Kurnuji the truth here, wouldn't she be taking the group of little devils in front of her to the Kingdom of Stella?

After all, whether it is Naz or Gajeel, including Wendy, they are all people who can't walk when they hear the name "Giant Dragon"...

"Ewen said that dragons other than us were found on the continent of Ishgar, so we plan to go and see together~"

Selene sat on the chair, one step ahead of Ewen, and told Kurnuki about Stella.


It was also at the moment when Selene's voice fell, the eyes of Natsu, Wendy, and Gejill lit up with a shining light.

"Did Brother Yiwen really discover the dragon again? Is it Ignir?"

Naz looked at Yiwen and asked excitedly.

"No, no, maybe it's Medalikana!"

Ge Jier looked excited, he was very excited when he thought that he could see his adoptive father.

"Huh? It must be Ignir!"

Naz raised his brows after hearing Gajeel's words, and preached unhappily.

"Are you kidding, it must be Medalikana!"

Ge Jier stared angrily, and preached coldly.

"Perhaps, perhaps Grantigne."

Wendy looked weakly at Naz and Gajeel speaking.

"Huh? What did you just say? Wendy!"

Then, what responded to Wendy was the cold eyes of Natsu and Gajeel.

"Ugh, it's scary..."

Wendy took a step back immediately, and she lowered her head weakly.

But Naz and Gejill didn't intend to scare Wendy, the two of them really didn't hear what Wendy said...

I also sincerely intend to ask Wendy what she said just now, but the expressions of Naz and Gajeel are a little scary...


"Sure enough!"

Egwene knew that the last thing would turn out like this. The trip of the Berserion family turned into a trip of the dragon clan. However, strictly speaking, all the dragon slayer magisters in this world belong to Irene. The child is gone, so this can be regarded as a trip for the Berserion family.

"However, if that's the case, let's go on a trip together!"

Yiwen adjusted her mentality very quickly, besides, he remembered that cowardly dragon, he seemed to know a lot of things, and it came from four hundred years ago, that is to say, it might not be known. Karna, Sky Dragon Grantine, and Luna Dragon Selene may all be old acquaintances.

But when there are so many dragons, if you try to persuade that cowardly dragon, that dragon will naturally submit to their Fairy Tail...

What? The dragon doesn't want to? Then you have to use physical persuasion...

"Very good!!"

As Yiwen finished speaking, Naz, Gejill, and Wendy jumped up from the ground one after another, looking at Yiwen excitedly.

"But don't say that I discourage your enthusiasm..."

"The dragon I found is not Ignir..."

Yiwen looked at the three people in front of her and smiled helplessly, then gave them a vaccination in advance.

"Not Ignir?"

Naz lowered his head upon hearing this, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Hahaha, I knew it wasn't Ignir, it must be Medalikana!"

Ge Jier looked at the lost Naz, with his arms wrapped around his chest, looking smug.

"Of course it's not Metalicana, and it's also not Heavenly Dragon Grantigne!"

After Yiwen finished speaking to Naz, she looked at Gejill and Wendy, and extinguished all the fantasies in the minds of these two people.

"Not Grantigne!"

Originally Wendy was very excited when she heard Egwene say that the dragon was neither Ignir nor Medalikana, because this increased the success rate of the dragon being Grandigne, Unfortunately, however, in the end it was neither...

"None of them..."

As Yiwen finished speaking, Naz, Gejill, and Wendy showed disappointed expressions.

"It's so boring~"

Then, Naz and Gajeel curled their lips, showing expressions of disgust,

"Believe it or not, I beat you two to death right here?"

Yiwen looked at the expressions of Naz and Gajill who were not ready to be beaten, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.


Regarding what Yiwen said, Naz and Gejill hurriedly tried to get away with it.


It's a pity that Naz and Gejill's smiles are too ugly, so one person is still indispensable, and Yiwen gave a fist as a reward.

"By the way, since the Dragon Slayer Magisters in the guild have all come..."

"Then it feels a bit inappropriate not to call Lakuzas!"

Yiwen looked at Naz, Gejill and the others, thought for a while, and decided to call Lakushas as well.

When it was time to save, Lakusas saw that all the dragon slayer magisters in the guild had left, but he didn't go, thinking that he was excluded...

Moreover, with the personalities of Naz and Gejill, they will definitely run in front of Lakuzas and yell: "Lakuzas, guess which dragon slayer magister was not invited by Ivan to go to Stuart?" The Kingdom of La is watching the dragon?! It's you, it's you!!"


In this regard, Yi Wen sighed, and then waved lightly, a teleporter appeared in front of him. It was naturally Selene's Water Wings, but was NTRed by Yi Wen in person.

Regarding the matter of the magister, where is there any plagiarism? !

While sighing, Yi Wen stretched her hand into the portal.

at the same time……


Lakushas and the Thunder Gods are dealing with an S-rank monster...

"Fred, don't fight him head-on, you are no match for this monster!"

"Alba Green, try your best to fly into the air and continue to harass and distract the monsters..."

"Biguslow, continue to attack the back of the monster with your doll! Make him confused!"

Lakuzas wrapped his arms around his body, and he acted as a mentor, teaching the three Thors.

For Lakusas, who has the strength of the top ten magisters and is advancing towards the strongest human beings, the mere S-level monsters are too weak, but they can just train the Thunder Gods.

"Dark text hurts!"

"Fairy Machine Gun!"

"Babies shoot me!"

At the same time, Fried, Ebagarin, and Biguslow under the command of Lakuzas showed amazing fighting power, and before their magic power was exhausted, the monster finally collapsed to the ground.


Regarding this, Fried, Eba Green, and Biguslow all showed excited expressions.

"Good job, but you three have to remember, don't be careless until the monster dies!"

Lakusas looked at Fried, Ebagarin, and Biguslow, who had knocked down the monster, and while nodding slightly, a shocking magical power erupted from his body.


At the moment when Lakusas was about to make a move, the beast suddenly stood up. It turned out that he had been pretending to be dead.


The three of Thunder God stared blankly at the Warcraft who stood up. They planned to do something, but it was too late!

The monster directly knocked the three of them into the air, and rushed towards Lakusas. Yes, the monster instinctively believed that it was necessary to kill Lakusas first...


For this powerful monster, Lakusas just snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes, how could a mere monster be his opponent.

"Ah! I found it..."

However, just as Lakusas was about to face the monster, he suddenly heard a low moan in his ears, and then a big hand suddenly grabbed the back of his fate...

Then, grab Lacusas directly towards the portal behind him.

In an instant, Lakusas disappeared in place, and the monster flew into the air...


For a moment, Lakusas was stunned, the flying Warcraft was stunned, and the three Thunder Gods who were knocked into the air were stunned...

Everyone is dumbfounded...

"Ah! There is another monster here? I'm sorry, I forgot about you just now~"

At the moment when everyone was puzzled, a faint voice sounded.


Suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and a meteorite burning with this flame dragged its long tail like this, smashed through the clouds and fell towards the monster at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's a meteorite?!"


Looking at the meteorite falling from the sky, the three of Thunder God immediately changed their expressions.

Before the meteorite fell, the three of them flew into the air as if they were well-trained...

Alba Green has fairy wings, Fried has dark text wings, and Biguslow can fly with the power of his baby...

And the only monster that couldn't fly, looked at the three flying into the sky and fell silent.


Accompanied by a roar, everything was leveled.

the other side……

"So what's going on?!"

Lakusas looked at Yiwen, Irene, and Selene and others in front of him with a confused face, and asked suspiciously.

"Brother Yiwen found a giant dragon in a certain kingdom, would you like to go and see it together?" Erza sent an invitation to Lakuzas, and the invitation seemed to say: "Hey, Lakuzas , There is a new cherished animal in the zoo, do you want to go and see it?"


When Lakusas heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. There are not many living dragons, although it is not rare for a dragon to be in Fairy Tail.

"So how are you going to find the dragon?"

Lakusas looked at Yiwen and the others and asked.

"Of course I went by boat, after all, this is tourism~"

As Yiwen's voice fell, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped the sky of the Crimson Goddess Magic Equipment Store. It was naturally a super magic airship sponsored by Prechto.

"By boat?"

As Yiwen's voice fell, the expressions of Lakuzas, Naz, and Gejir changed one after another...

Lakuzas, who has been at the Holy Ten level for a long time, has already awakened part of the power of the dragon. With the help of Ewen, Naz and Gejir, one became a real dragon slayer magister, and the other became a real dragon slayer with the help of Erza. Awaken your potential with the help of

It can only be said that the Berserion family deserves to be a family that loves giant dragons. They just like to help dragons so much and help the dragon slayers find their true selves.

Therefore, Lakusas, Naz, and Gajeel are all the type who will change color when they hear about the means of transportation.

"Let's go~"

Yi Wen didn't give a few people time to repent, and sent them directly to the spaceship with a teleportation spell.


As soon as Lakusas stood on the spaceship, his body went limp, and he held the railing firmly with both hands, trying to keep himself from falling down.

As for Naz and Gajeel, who have collapsed to the ground, unconscious...

As for the Berserion family...

Yiwen, Erza, and Irene gathered around the exquisite dining table and started a hot pot!

After all, it’s tourism~ Then you have to eat hot pot and sing songs~ to be interesting!


Wendy looked at Natsu and the others who fell to the ground, intending to help.

"Wendy, come here, leave them alone, come and eat hot pot~"

Then, Wendy was stopped by Egwene. He picked Wendy up from the ground and placed her between Erza and Irene.

"Come on, Wendy, eat meat~"

Erza and Irene were very caring, and they gave Wendy a bowl full of meat.

"Sorry, Brother Natsu, I can't help you..."

Wendy looked in Natsu's direction, with a bit of apology in her eyes, and she could only gulp.


In this regard, Yiwen smiled lightly, how could he let Wendy save Naz and these nasty bastards? !

Before arriving at the destination, these little ghosts should lie down obediently!

As for Kurnuki and Selene, the two are standing on the deck of the spaceship at the moment, and they prefer to blow on the plywood than in the house, which gives them a sense of freedom...

Meanwhile, another point...

In the magnificent palace of Stella Kingdom, a young king with a young face and a golden crown on his head was furious at the moment.

"Trash! A bunch of trash! A million people can't kill a mere Fiore Kingdom?!"

This blond-haired king was roaring at the moment, his eyes exuded a violent murderous look, which made everyone in the palace shiver and dare not speak.

"King Animus! This matter does not involve those one million people!"

"Our plan is perfect, but we missed one point! We didn't count the magisters in Fiore Kingdom..."

"If it was just a regular force, we would definitely be crushed, but I didn't expect that despicable fellow Thomas to put on an old face and ask that man to help..."

"The magister who stands at the pinnacle of the Kingdom of Fiore and even the continent of Ishgar, the 'Crash Star' Ewen Belserion, the number one of the Holy Ten!"

After the king went mad, standing under the king, wearing a close-fitting armor, with a rough face and a cigar in his mouth, Chai Xiu, a traitor from the Kingdom of Fiore, looked at King Animus slightly respectfully. Bow, then softly persuaded.

It's just that Chai Xiu has a pair of sharp eyes under his respectful appearance, and everyone knows that he is by no means an ordinary person! It seems that there is a plot against Animus...

It's just that the noble king sitting on the throne doesn't care at all! Or maybe that king doesn't look down on any human beings...

"Egwene Berserion?!"

However, it was the Animus who looked down on any human beings, and after hearing Egwene's name, his eyes widened.

"Oh? Have you heard of Egwene's name?"

Chai Xiu looked at the shocked Animus, was taken aback for a moment, and then asked.

"No, I'm not interested in your strong human beings, but, forget it, don't provoke him for now..."

Animus frowned, Berserion, that is the name of their dragon clan! How could a human being give himself such a name? Too strange……

"Even if you say that, this Yiwen is someone we have to contact..."

"After all, the Tears of the Dragon I told you about was borrowed by this Egwene."

Chai Xiu saw Animus' expression, but he didn't take it seriously, and continued to plan his own things.

"What did you say? Tears of the Dragon was taken by Egwene, by Egwene Berserion?"

Animus was stunned. It would be a coincidence if Egwene’s surname was Berserion, but after a person named Berserion took away the Dragon’s Tears, it would be a surprise to Animus. In James's eyes, it's no coincidence.

You must know that Dragon's Tears is a treasure that only their giant dragons can use. It is meaningless for a human to take it away.

"Ber Serion, Tears of the Dragon, the strongest in the mainland, these three together, it is no coincidence! Could it be..."

Animus muttered to himself as if thinking of something.

"Could it be that there are dragons other than me alive on this continent of Ishgar?"

Animus froze, he was overwhelmed by his guess.

However, what Animus didn't know was that it wasn't just a giant dragon, but a ship of dragons, which were slowly heading towards his kingdom...

The purpose of the arrival of the dragon boat is only one, to see which rookie was beaten into autism by Xiao Hei back then, squatting in the small human kingdom, afraid to go out~

Two updates of 10,000 words, my mentality exploded, the network is not good, and I couldn’t save it, so I typed it again...

Then, also, try to get it done before 12 o'clock in the morning today~

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