Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 380 Olgast: Let's go together! (first update)

Fairy Tail S-rank magister assessment venue...

"S-level magisters are completely different from other magisters! S-level magisters represent the identity and status of this magister in the guild. As long as you become an S-level magister, you can enjoy Fairy Tail In the guild, the privileges that ordinary magisters cannot enjoy will also have the qualification to go to the second floor of the guild to receive S-level tasks, and even tasks above S-level! At the same time, you will get the respect of the members of the guild , second only to the respect of the president..."

"Like His Majesty Yiwen... Like Mr. 1 Mr. Yiwen, His Majesty Irene, and Goddess Selene, they are all S-rank magisters in the guild, that is to say, Sonya, for our great plan, this Once we have to become an S-rank magister in the guild..."

Animus, in the form of a purple cat, stood on Sonya's shoulder. He looked seriously at the group of fellow guildmates who, like Sonya, had also obtained the qualifications for this year's Fairy Tail S-rank magister assessment.

But right now, for the sake of his big plan, in his eyes at this moment, he has no companions, only opponents.

No matter what means are used, he and Sonya must win, all for the greater good!

"I, I see..."

After hearing what Animus said, Sonya nodded vigorously.

Her eyes were serious. Although she didn't have much confidence in her own strength, she was willing to try and work hard for Animus.

In fact, she has been with Animus for four hundred years, and she has already regarded Animus as her relative, and at the same time, she is also the person she trusts the most...

"The human beings here are indeed extraordinary. Even four hundred years ago, they were rare masters among human beings. But it's a pity that they are only human in the end, and they are not worth mentioning in front of me and Sonya. Of course, if they switch to dragon slayer magic now, it may cause us a lot of trouble. However, there will never be any but in this world. They are not dragon slayer magisters, so there is no threat to you and me! Sure enough, these human beings are nothing to be afraid of, and the only ones who can really pose a threat to you and me are the Dragon Slayer Magisters in the guild..."

As for Animus, although he looked at the magisters in the Fairy Tail guild, each mouthful of a human being, he seemed to be a high-level creature, surpassing human beings, although he was not as good as Egwene, Irene, and Selene. Status, but also the other magisters in the high guild. But he never said anything about Sonya. Maybe Animus himself didn't know it, but in his heart, in his subconscious, he had long regarded Sonya, who had been with him for four hundred years, as an extremely important person to him...

Especially, whenever Animus is in Sonya's body and sees Sonya being bullied because of her weakness. You will feel extremely angry! Whenever such a moment arises, Animus will manipulate his absolute power to give absolute punishment to those who bully Sonya!

Even for the sake of Sonya, Animus could not lose touch with humans, so he built the Kingdom of Stella, a country that belongs to humans! Although Animus was always aloof, even his attitude towards Sonya was somewhat unfriendly. But the unfriendliness that Animus treats Sonya is completely different from the unfriendliness that Animus treats when he treats other people. Animus' attitude towards Sonya is more of a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

Every time Animus was bullied by Sonya, he would ask Sonya: "You are special, you have the power of a great dragon in your body! How can you be bullied by these stupid guys? Unreasonable..."

As for Animus' concern for Sonya, it is more like an old father's mentality. It's a pity, because in the dragon clan, male dragons, including the male dragon as the father, even the Yanlong King Ignir, are relatively scumbags, and there is no custom of educating and protecting the cubs.

As a result, Animus didn't have any experience with his daughter. After all, his father was the same. After he was born, he let go of him, so he didn't know how to educate him. Under his power, he silently changed his physique , Sonya who can use dragon slaying magic, he can only tell Sonya what is good and what is bad in his own way...

It's just that Animus has the pride of a dragon, so it looks extremely rough! And Sonya was too weak, she didn't dare to refute Animus, and always obeyed silently.

Therefore, over time, the relationship between Animus and Sonya has become that Animus gives orders, and Sonya chooses to carry out the content of Animus' orders. This kind of relationship seems a little sick. mode too.

"Sonya, remember, your biggest opponents in this exam are the children of the Yanlong King Ignir and the iron dragon Medalikana. The biggest competitor in the tutor exam!"

During the past few months in Fairy Tail, Animus has confirmed the identities of Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy. He has also communicated with Ignir and others, so he naturally knows Ignir and others I can't get out of those children's bodies for the time being, and I also know the plan of Ignir and others...

But knowing the plans of Ignir and others does not mean that Animus agrees with Ignir and others. In the eyes of Animus, like Ignir, Grantigne, etc., betting their hopes on humans, these giant dragons are all betrayal of the dragon clan, as for Ignir's behavior, that is even more It is an escape! Ashamed of the name of the Flame Dragon King...

The Black Dragon King Akunologia is indeed powerful, but it is precisely because the other party is so powerful that their dragons have to defeat them with their own hands to avenge those dragons who died tragically in the hands of Akunologia!

Yes, although Animus is very capable, he has great ambitions. Especially after recognizing Yiwen as king! The ambition in his heart is even stronger. Animus believes that if there is really a person in this world who can defeat the Black Dragon King Akunologia. Then this person, to be precise, should be called a dragon, it can only be Ewen Belserion, and definitely not the Yanlong King Ignir who fled the battle four hundred years ago.

And today's S-level magister exam is the first battle to prove his idea. He wanted Sonya, whom he trained, to slap Ignir's son Naz hard on the ass, to prove that Ignir put his hopes on Naz, it was a waste of time...

"Ignir, the Yanlong King, you have lost your mind! Belief in human beings is a wrong choice, and I will wake you up from this mistake in you!"

At this moment, Animus was full of ambition.

However, the current Animus has not yet experienced the beatings of society. How arrogant is Animus at this moment, and how traumatic the battle will inflict on him...

"Hoo, hoo..."

Beside Animus, Kagura held a samurai sword in her hand and kept adjusting her breathing. Her eyes were sharp, and she was determined to win this Fairy Tail S-level magister exam.

"Ah, it seems that everyone is very excited~"

"Unexpectedly, the old man actually needs to participate in this year's assessment."

Magic King Olghast stood under the podium of Fairy Tail, listening to Makarov's words in the ring, he felt a little emotional in his heart. When he was in the Alvarez Empire, he, Oghast, had always been the one who judged others, but after coming to the Fairy Tail guild, he still had a day to be judged by others.

"I didn't expect you, Grandpa, to participate in the assessment even at your age!"

Looking at Olgast beside him, Naz felt a little kind. After looking Olghast up and down, he said with a smile.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

"I never imagined that this old man would have the day to compete with you kids on the same stage!"

Olgast smiled lightly after hearing Natsu's words.

"Being with you children, this old man feels much younger..."

"Speaking of which, the old man has a granddaughter named Brandish, and she is about the same age as you~"

Olgast looked at Natsu and suddenly thought of something. He thought of his young apprentice and also his good granddaughter Brandish.

"Oh, grandpa, do you still have a granddaughter? I don't know how strong she is?"

Natsu nodded slightly after hearing what Olghast said, and then his eyes sparkled with desire, the desire to fight.


"It's about the same as you~"

Olgast smiled slightly after hearing Natsu's words, he stretched out his hand to stroke his snow-white beard, and said with a smile.

"Really? Then if one day she comes to Fairy Tail, I must compete with her!"

When Naz heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. There was a pure light in his eyes, he just wanted to fight Olghast's granddaughter.

"Is this child really a child of our Dragneel family?"

"Why does it look like you're not very smart..."

Olgast felt a little helpless after hearing Natsu's words.

He also didn't know who was the child of Naz who was raised by his family's children? Why do you look like a fighting madman? They don't have the calmness of their Dragneel family at all...

Yes, Olghast is just the name of the old man in front of him. His full name is Olghast Dragneel, or Olghast Viviamilio. He is the first president of Fairy Tail The child of Mavis and the dark magister Zeref.

At the same time, Olgast is also the... nephew of this little ghost with cherry pink hair, who is obsessed with fighting, and has a white dragon scale scarf around his neck.

Yes, although Olghast looks extremely old, he is a generation younger than Natsu. Natsu Dragneel is the son of Jeff Dragneel, Olghast's biological father. Brother, this is embarrassing.

"The candidates for this year's Fairy Tail S-level magister exam have been announced, so now let me briefly explain the rules of the competition..."

"The rules for this year's S-level magister assessment are very simple. We will take part in the S-level examination for 12 members of the Fairy Tail guild this year, that is, Natsu, Gray, Leon, Karna, Lisanna, and Ai. Ruffman, Serra, Mistgang, Kagura, Gajeel, Sonya, and Olgast will compete in groups. The contestants who participated in the assessment will be drawn in pairs, and the victors will advance to the next stage. Fight with other people. The winner of the final ranking battle will be the person who passed the Fairy Tail guild this year, the S-rank magister assessment..."

Just at the moment when Ougast looked at Natsu suspiciously, wondering about the blood in Natsu's body.

Makarov, the head of the Fairy Tail guild, stood on the podium, watching the magisters of the Fairy Tail guild preaching. Makarov announced the rules for the Fairy Tail guild's S-rank magister assessment in X779.

"This year, Fairy Tail's S-level magister assessment will be held in the guild. After all, last year's S-level magister assessment put too much pressure on Sirius Island. After a few more rounds of examinations, our guild's Holy Land Wolf Island is about to be destroyed..."

Immediately afterwards, Makarov announced the location of this year's S-rank magister assessment.

Regarding the fact that the location of the S-level assessment was not Sirius Island, Makarov looked serious and somewhat helpless.


When Makarov said this, he sighed helplessly. You must know that last year, Fairy Tail held the S-level magister assessment. Because of the participation of Selene and Irene, it eventually led to becoming the Holy Land of the Fairy Tail guild. The Sirius Island has endured the pressure he shouldn't have to bear at this age, and this year, in order to protect the town of Magnolia, protect Sirius Island, and protect the Fairy Tail guild.

Makarov not only abolished the tradition of going to the holy land of Sirius Island for assessment, but also canceled the system of examiners. Yes, Makarov, none of the active S-level magisters in the guild were hired to serve as this year's S-level magister. The examiner of the super magister assessment.

Anyway, in Makarov's eyes, Kagura, Sera, Sonya, and Olgast are all people who have passed the guild's S-level magister assessment and become the guild's S-level magister. It doesn't matter who is qualified, even in Makarov's plan, it is not impossible to have a plurality of people who have passed the guild's S-level magister assessment this year.

"Oh! This year's S-rank Magister assessment won't go to Sirius Island?"

"Speaking of which, Miraj didn't go to Sirius Island for that session~"

"Looking at it this way, Kagura has great hopes for this year~"

"Indeed! However, Kagura has already participated in Fairy Tail's S-class magister assessment for four years, and it's time for her to pass the assessment..."

"Yeah, yeah! If Kagura-chan still doesn't pass this year, it would be too miserable..."

As witnesses of the S-rank magister assessment in the Fairy Tail guild for several years, Makao and Wakaba nodded slightly, expressing their affirmation of the rules of this year's assessment.

According to their understanding of the Fairy Tail guild and S-level magister assessments in previous years, this year Kagura does have a very high possibility of becoming an S-level magister in the guild.

After all, in these years, he was the only S-rank magister who didn't become a dark horse in the guild. It was Milaj who had participated in two assessments before passing the Fairy Tail guild assessment. That session of the Fairy Tail S-rank magister assessment was held in the guild.

At that time, Milaj, who participated in Fairy Tail's S-level magister assessment for the second time, won directly with an overwhelming posture, which convinced all the magisters in the guild. This matter is still talked about by countless people. things.

"Go Kagura!!"

"Kagura, you are the best! Kagura, don't care about other people's eyes, you are the best!"

Because of Kagura's cute appearance, coupled with Kagura's strength and good personality, she has a group of loyal fans in the guild. These people call themselves members of the Kagura Support Club.

At this moment, a group of magisters from the Kagura Support Club are cheering for Kagura!

"Will I work hard? I will never disappoint everyone's expectations of me..."

Kagura nodded slightly, she had opened her eyes at this moment, her body center of gravity was lowered, and she could draw out the samurai sword at her waist at any time.

"Go Kagura~"

On the second floor of the Fairy Tail Guild, Yiwen stood in the corridor, waved to Kagura, and cheered Kagura up.

And the person standing beside Yiwen was none other than Erza. At this moment Ersha was also greeting Kagura with Yiwen.

"Relax! Brother Yiwen! And Elder Sister Erza!"

"I will definitely work hard..."

Kagura noticed standing on the second floor of the guild, where only S-level magisters were allowed to go, and nodded vigorously. She is not fighting alone this year. Behind her is the continent of Ishgar. Bit knife expert.

"Kana, don't forget your nirvana~"

After Erza greeted Kagura, she looked at Kana downstairs and reminded her.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win this year."

Kana is holding a magic card in her hand. This is the third time for her to participate in the Fairy Tail Guild's S-rank Magister assessment this year.

She must fulfill her long-cherished wish, pass the examination smoothly, and then confess her life experience to Kildart.

Although Kildas is a super scumbag, he is her father no matter what! !

"Lisanna, Elfman, come on~"

Milaj stood under the ring, in front of Elfman and Lisanna, cheering on the two of them.

"Don't worry! Sister..."

"We're not the same anymore!"

Elfman, and Lisanna smiled confidently after listening to Milaj's words.

During this year, Elfman and Lisanna have not been idle, they have done several S-level missions with Miraj! Elfman even successfully received the soul of the Beastmaster during the mission.

In other words, the current Elfman already has the foundation to become an S-level magister. Even apart from the Fairy Tail guild, the S-level magisters of other Bright Magisters Guilds may not necessarily be Ai. The opponent under the complete acceptance of the Soul of the Beastmaster by Erfuman.

"Grey, Leon, come on~"

Uru, Urutia, and Yin stood on the second floor of the Fairy Tail guild, silently watching Gray and Leon.

At this moment, Ulu was waving his hands excitedly towards his two apprentices, cheering for his two apprentices.



"We will never lose this year!"

Under the ring, Gray and Leon looked at each other, and the two entered the battle mode instantly.

"It's really strange. I remember that Sera should be in the guild and gave an order not to take off his clothes, right? So what's going on with you two?"

Kanna looked at Gray and Leon, who were full of fighting spirit, and turned her head. Then she felt that her eyes were going to be blind. She saw Gray wearing a sexy boxer briefs, with the corners of his mouth raised, extremely confident.

On the other hand, Leon raised his chin, was completely naked, and was wearing a basketball with sunspots on his crotch, looking perverted...

"Idiot, we came in after taking off our clothes outside the guild~"

After listening to Kana's words, Leon showed a bit of complacency.

"Can't you think of it? Kana! It's useless for you to limit our power in this way..."

Gray smiled coldly, with a wise light in his eyes.


To this, Kana was just a little speechless, she didn't know how to answer, Gray and Leon, these two perverts.

"Mistgang, don't lose again because of carelessness."

Lakusas looked at Mistgang wearing a mask and reminded.

"Don't worry, my equipment has been renewed this year."

After listening to Lakusas's words, Mistgang showed some gratitude in his eyes. At the same time, his eyes were burning, and he showed an expression of winning the S-level exam this year.

"Damn it, if that guy Fried hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have missed this year's assessment..."

After Lakusas heard what Mistgang said, he stopped talking.

Standing on the second floor of the guild, he looked at the group of guild magisters preparing to take part in the assessment, frowning, thinking to himself.

Because Fried, Biguslow, and Ebagarin were injured when they challenged the S-rank monster alone, they missed the S-rank Magister assessment of Fairy Tail this year. However, Lakusas knew in his heart that with the strength of his Thunder Gods, he was fully qualified to become the S-rank magister of the guild.

Of course, the strength of the so-called Thunder Gods that Lakuzas has calculated is based on Fried, Biguslow and Ebagarin as a whole...

"Sera, you have to work hard~"

In addition to Naz and the others, Sera has been working in the guild's logistics, so he has already become one with Ginana and others who also work with Serra in the logistics.

At this moment, Ginana and the other Fairy Tail guild support staff are waving small flags in their hands, cheering for Sierra.

"Relax! I will not lose to humans..."

Feeling the relationship between Ginana and others, Sera smiled sweetly, and she was no longer alone.

"Brother Naz, Brother Gejill, and Sister Sonia, come on!!"

Wendy, as the only dragon slayer magister in the guild who was neither an S-level magister nor was selected to participate in the S-level magister assessment, added to Naz, Gejill, and Sonya. Oil.

"Oh! Leave it to us!!"

"I will never lose to Fire Dragon~"

"Thank you so much! Sister Wendy, I will work hard..."

Naz, Gajeel, and Sonya looked at Wendy at the same time, expressing the firm decision of the three.

"The atmosphere in this guild is really good! As expected of mother's guild~ If you can be carefree, it's good to stay in this guild."

Standing in the guild, Olgast felt that in the Fairy Tail guild, everyone was cheering for his companions. Every member of the guild had an atmosphere of caring for others, which made the corners of his mouth rise slightly, even if no one cheered for him. Come on, he also felt extremely happy.

"Just find an excuse to lose the game! Anyway, I don't care much about the guild's S-level magister assessment."

Olgast looked at the boys and girls in the guild who had tried their best for this year's S-rank magister assessment and smiled slightly. After all, his age is here, and he has already passed the age to compete with these children. Besides, he did not come to the Fairy Tail guild today to participate in the Fairy Tail guild's S-level magister assessment this year. He has other things to do He planned to ask Yiwen for help, but just happened to meet the assessment! So he doesn't intend to pass this year's assessment until...

"Ougaste, come on! Ougaste, don't lose the game~"

At the bar of the Fairy Tail Guild, next to Makarov, the third-generation president of Fairy Tail, a lovely girl with light blond hair and emerald green eyes, like a fairy, with bare white feet, is Cheers loudly to Olgast.

"That is!"

Olgast, who was going to lose the game directly, trembled slightly when he heard the voice. He turned around and looked at the one who was sitting on the ring with an illusory body except for the Fairy Tail guild logo tattooed on his body. The magister, who could only see it, was stunned by the fairy-like girl.

"Ougaste, don't lose~"

The girl smiled sweetly at Olgast.

'First generation, you are here. '

After announcing the rules for the Fairy Tail exam, Makarov sat back at the bar, and when he saw the girl beside him, he showed a respectful expression.

Yes, this girl is the founder of the Fairy Tail guild, and also the first president of the Fairy Tail guild, Mebis Viviamilio, and also the mother of Orgast.


After hearing Makarov's words, Mebis nodded with a smile. She had actually been in the guild a long time ago. At the same time, she had been observing the expressions and demeanor of the Fairy Tail members in the guild. She could feel that, Only Ougaste was not encouraged, so as the first president, she naturally assumed the responsibility of encouraging Ougaste...

However, what Mebis didn't expect was that her encouragement on Olgast triggered a huge energy!

Who is Olgast? He was a man who would not hesitate to confront the black dragon Akunologia head-on for the sake of his mother Mebis!


It was also at the moment when Mebis' voice fell, Olgast, who was originally kind and kind, disappeared.

I saw Olgast's long hair standing on end, his body was flushed red, covered with strange lines, and terrifying magic power entwined around his body.

"Let's go together! This year's S-rank magister of the guild, I, Oghast, will be the one, even if it is my father..."

"Ahem, it's useless even if the legendary black mage Zeref comes! I, Oghast, said..."

Just like that, Olgast stood quietly on the stage of the Fairy Tail guild's S-level magister assessment. He looked solemnly at the group of magisters in the guild who participated in the S-level assessment, and said coldly: road.

Win, must win! He, Olgast, couldn't embarrass his mother Mebis...

At this moment, there is only such a voice in Olgast's mind.

Update one chapter first, and, after a while, update immediately!

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