Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 393 The goblin was not found, but a nest of dragons was found (third update)

The Western Continent, the Alvarez Empire...

"My lords, let's go! Go to the distant land of Ishgar! Please remember, our goal, we are the warriors of the empire, the warriors of Emperor Spritz, and the great black mages." People of Ralph! And we have only one goal, to defeat the Ishgar continent, win the war for our Majesty, and bring glory to His Majesty!"

Before thousands of warships, Lakaide, as the commander of the Alvarez Empire's attack on the Ishgar continent, looked passionate and excited, looking at the soldiers in front of him, and shouted excitedly!

And as Lakaid's voice fell, his image, the words he spoke, and everything were broadcast to the terminals in the hands of every soldier, allowing every member of the Alvarez Empire to Soldiers, you have heard Racked's inspiring speech!


As Lakaid's words fell, thousands of warships all shouted excitedly.

"Lacked, although we have a 99.8% chance of winning this operation, we must not be careless! I think what Olgast said is still reasonable..."

"General Winter" Inber Yura was wearing a blue military uniform coat, and his whole body exuded a cold air. It was very manly to imagine that such a man who looked extremely cold was actually a main fighter.

Yes, Inber Yula has always been the main combat faction. He believes that only on the battlefield can he best use his talent! ! Therefore, from the very beginning, Inber Yula has always been on the side of Lakaide. Of course, it does not mean that he likes Rakaide, but Yura knows that only by standing on Rakaide's side can a war be started, and the war can be fully realized. Play his part!

"Hahaha, I don't know how many casualties this battle will cause, what an interesting history I have seen~"

Compared to Inber Yura, Neinhardt is a pure fun person. The reason he likes war is completely different from other people here.

Neinhardt likes war because war is accompanied by countless dead people, and the more people die, the more powerful and interesting his magic will become!

Neinhart's magic, the history of the corpse, can peek into the enemy's mind, and then embody the powerful enemy that the enemy has fought against, or the magician who can cast a psychological shadow on it to fight with it~

But this seemingly powerful magic has a weakness that is not a weakness, that is, it can only concretize dead people. So Neinhart likes war, and likes watching the strong die...

Because of his passion for fighting, Neinhart has always been on Lakaide's side in this battle between Lakaide and Olgast for the power of the empire! He wanted to attack Ishgar...

"I'm just a thug, and I'm satisfied if I can fight against the strong."

With the title of 'Reaper', Bradman wrapped his arms around his body in a pitch-black cloak. Compared with others, he was more like a pure warrior. Compared with other people here, Bradman I prefer to fight! Fight with the strong! Bradman enjoys fighting...

At the same time, although Bradman and Lakaid are the same demons created by Zeref, his relationship with Lakaid is not very good. Bradman has always been in a neutral position, and has no intention of favoring anyone...

"Fighting? Rather than fighting, I want to go back and continue my research..."

Val looked at the companions in front of him who were eager to try, and there was no wave in his expression. He yawned big, his eyes were extremely tired.

Val is not a human being, but a member of the machine clan, a super genius of the machine clan, and the current patriarch of the machine clan. He himself does not have much interest in fighting. He prefers to study silently alone, strengthen himself, and make up for it. Make yourself perfect by making yourself perfect!

However, in order to deal with the battle, he also upgraded himself to a combative personality...

And in the struggle for power between Racked and Olgast in the Alvarez Empire, he has always maintained a neutral position!


"I still think what Mr. O'Gast said must have his reasons."

Jacob Resio was wearing a black suit, with a skull tattooed on his forehead. He looked like a gentleman uncle. He was the only one who favored Olgast among all the Guardian Shields present. He has always respected Ojast, but at the current meeting of the Guardian Shield, Lakaide had won, and he had to follow Lakaide to attack the continent of Ishgar.


"Don't think too much about Jacob Resio, Olgast is only thinking about his own interests!"

"Whether his heart is still in the empire is still unknown! But he prevented us from attacking the Ishgar continent, which has obviously damaged the interests of our empire and His Majesty..."

"Jacob Resio, I know you still don't believe me, but it doesn't matter! As long as we take down the continent of Ishgar, as long as we can conquer the kingdom of Fiore, the town of Magnolia, and the fairy Take down the tail, take out that thing that is crucial to the emperor, then everything will be revealed!"

"Whether it's because I don't know anything about the power of the Ishgar Continent, or that guy Ojast is deliberately hiding something, you will all understand when I think about it..."

After listening to the words of Jacob Resio, Laquet sneered coldly. He was disdainful of Jacobs Resio's words. In Lacade's eyes, Orgast just didn't want him to do meritorious service. That's all, Olghast is afraid that he will further gain Zeref's trust and His Majesty's love...

"Yes, is it?"

After listening to Lakaide's words, Jacob Resio's lips moved slightly. He wanted to say something, but everything was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't utter the last sentence.

"Set off……"

Racked didn't explain anything, he directly announced the attack order to the entire army.


Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, the battleship suddenly took off! Thousands of warships, with millions of troops, are attacking the continent of Ishgar! The most terrible thing is that everyone in this army of millions is a magister!

This terrifying strength, in the Ishgal Continent, no country can match it, not even Fiore King Fruit. Only all the countries in the Ishgar Continent can deal with the Western Continent. All unite...

Otherwise, it will be meaningless in front of their Alvarez Empire! At least that's how it seemed to Racked! This is also the reason why Lakaide has been clamoring to attack, because in Lakaide's eyes, the continent of Ishgar is completely vulnerable to their Alvarez Empire!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Accompanied by the shouts of the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire, the battleships rushed towards the Ishgar Continent!

In fact, Lakaide’s idea is not unique to Lakaide. In the eyes of the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire who have been brainwashed by the empire for a long time, the continent of Ishgar is also weak, and it is not their opponent at all... …


"call out!!"

Accompanied by a burst of colorful light, a sharp slash directly chopped the dozens of warships flying in the front into pieces!


With a burst of shouts, countless soldiers of the Alvarez Empire flew out of the battleship and fell into the sea below them.

"Plop! Plop!"

All of a sudden, waves splashed on the originally calm sea...

"what's the situation?!"

For a moment, Lakaide, who was originally sitting in the command room on the flagship, was stunned. They had just left the Alvarez Empire and came to the nearby sea. How could they be attacked by the enemy?

"Sorry! Originally, we planned to wait for you on the continent of Ishgar, but we couldn't wait for anyone. So we came to block your gate..."

Kurnuki flew in mid-air, holding his katana in his hand, looking at the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire in front of him, and said with a smile.

"who are you?!"

Countless fighters of the Alvarez Empire looked at Kurnuki who suddenly came over their heads, their expressions were horrified, and they questioned aloud.

"Huh? You actually ask me, who am I?"

"My answer is that I'm not human at all..."

Originally using Egwen's additional magic, Kurnuki, who was flying in the air, suddenly grinned after hearing what the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire said. He grinned grinningly, and spoke to the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire.

"You said you are not human?!"

As Kurnuki's words fell, all the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire were stunned.

"I said I'm not human..."

"because I am……"

Kurnukki stretched his neck, he had already greeted Egwene.

Master Yiwen had already told him that in the Western Continent, he could transform into a dragon and use magic power unscrupulously, without attracting those dark wings of despair! Because the nearby sea area has already been attached by Yiwen with a barrier that blocks magic power, and Yiwen has something to do for Akunologia today, and she made more than a dozen baits for Akunologia, which can be guaranteed Xiao Xiaohei has things to do, and manages other things flawlessly...


The moment Kurnuki's voice fell, his pair of amber human eyes had disappeared, replaced by a pair of crimson beast-like eyes...

Immediately afterwards, Kurnuki's body was instantly covered with scales, dragon horns grew from his forehead, fangs grew from his mouth, and his body became thick and big! Wings of the sky grew from his back! In the blink of an eye, Kurnuji's body changed constantly, from the original boy to that ferocious and terrifying beast!

"Dragon, it's a dragon!"

The magisters of the Alvarez Empire trembled as they looked at the terrifying monster with a length of more than ten meters and spread its wings enough to cover the deck of the battleship.

These soldiers even stared wide-eyed, they would never admit it wrong, this mighty life form with wings growing on its back, has a famous name in this world-dragon!

"Dragon?! Are you kidding me? Haven't all the dragons gone to the Northern Continent Kirtina? That kind of existence should have disappeared from the Western Continent and the Ishgar Continent!"

At this moment, Lakaid in the flagship looked a little restless.

Racked was created by Zeref four hundred years ago. At that time, the dragon had not disappeared, and the world was full of horrible creatures! No one knows the power of those dragons better than those who lived in the same era as Lakaid.

"Giant dragon! What a troublesome thing! But it seems that the size of this dragon seems to be underage..."

"Fortunately, what we met was an immature giant dragon, otherwise even if we do it, it will be very difficult..."

'Reaper' Bradman was born earlier than Lakaid. He naturally knew the power of dragons. There is no doubt that dragons are synonymous with magic and power. Among them, those terrifying monsters named as dragon kings, It is an existence that cannot be defeated. After all, the black wings that make their master feel desperate are also one of the great dragon kings!

"A giant dragon is nothing to fear!"

"No matter how you say it, one million to one, the advantage is mine!"

Lakaide looked calm, he clasped his hands together, it was just a young dragon, and a million magisters shot together, even if it was exhausted, it would be enough to kill the opponent.


At the moment when Lakaid put his hands together and regained the posture of a saint once again, a round of great sun roared, and above everyone's heads, the blue sky was ignited!

"Too! The sun! There is an extra sun in the sky!"

The sudden appearance of the sun attracted the attention of all the soldiers, who were shocked by the supernatural phenomenon before them.

However, without waiting, these soldiers figured out why two suns appeared in the sky at the same time! The endless rays of light and heat waves released by the sun rushed towards our faces!

The blazing light emitted by the sun directly burned the nearby magic warships, and even the clothes on the soldiers began to self-immolate uncontrollably, burning continuously, turning into countless blue smoke...

"Hot! So hot!"

"Jump ship! Stay here and we'll be burned..."

On the battleship, the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire were immediately burned by the melted clothes and the burning battleship. They didn't dare to think too much, they didn't dare to look at the sun above their heads, and jumped off the battleship , Jumping towards the sea below them, they can't care too much now, in the face of life and death, everyone's choice is almost the same.

"what is that?!"

And suddenly there was a big sun in the sky. This kind of big event has naturally attracted the attention of the flagship Neilakade and others. They stared at the huge sun in the sky and widened their eyes...

"How could there be two suns in the sky? I have lived in this world for such a long time, and I have never seen one before..."

'Death' Bradman stared solemnly at the sun in the sky, his brows were tightly furrowed.

Even in the world of Eslandon, Bradman, who has lived for four hundred years and experienced countless storms and waves, has never seen the scene where the sun is at the same sky, and most importantly, according to him As far as we know, there should be only one sun in the world of Eslandon.

"No, that's not the sun, that's magic, that's magic used by humans!"

"Is there such a powerful flame attribute mage in this world? In front of him, I can't even use my magic. The ice I made will be evaporated the moment I summon it. It's really terrible It's..."

'General Winter' Inber Yura stared solemnly at the sun that suddenly appeared in the sky, and his pupils were full of shock.

In Inber's eyes, under the sun that newly appeared above everyone's heads stood a short middle-aged man with a naked upper body and mysterious patterns tattooed on his body. At this moment, the corners of the short middle-aged man's mouth raised, as if The great sun god is constantly announcing his existence to the world.

"No! That magic power, and that posture, could it be..."

At the moment when Inber Yula discovered the human standing under the 'sun', Racked who was standing beside General Winter also noticed the middle-aged man, and Racked looked at the middle-aged man After the appearance, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then subconsciously took a few steps back.

As a demon who has lived for 400 years, Lakaid is also the second-to-last demon created by Zeref, and the closest to perfect demon. He knows many secrets that others do not know...

He used to be by Jeff's side, and was fortunate enough to see this great existence in front of him, whose name was...

"That's not a human being, that's the Flame Dragon King Ignir!"

Racked's lips were baked so dry in the hot air that they broke open and blood flowed out.

"Flame Dragon King Ignir?!"

As Lakaid's voice fell, all the magisters in the cabin showed shock.

Although some of them have never heard of Ignir's name, just the three words of Yanlong King are enough to shock everyone.

"The Flame Dragon King Ignir, the strongest dragon that lived in this world before the appearance of the Black Dragon King Akunologia four hundred years ago! Even in that era when giant dragons were rampant, he was known as invincible Such a terrifying existence, how could such an existence suddenly block our way?! I can't understand..."

'Reaper' Bradman stared intently at Ignir who seemed to have too many eyes in the air. His face was livid, and he told everyone present about Ignir's terrifying strength.


As Bradman finished speaking, the expressions of the magisters changed. When they heard the name of the Flame Dragon King, they guessed that the middle-aged man was not easy to deal with, but they didn't expect Ignir to have It was so terrifying, it was a terrifying monster known as invincible in the era when the giant dragon was still alive...

"Suck, breathe..."

At this moment, even Lakaide's complexion is not very good-looking. Although he knows that Ignir has had children, he will probably be affected by his spells, but with Ignir's strength, he may be able to climax while climaxing. A mouthful of dragon flame sprayed him to death.

"Is our enemy a two-headed dragon?"

Neinhart looked desperate. He really liked seeing other people's dead faces, but he didn't like seeing his own dead faces! Let them deal with two dragons, one of which is still known as the Dragon King, the invincible Yanlong King in the age of giant dragons? Do not make jokes……


It was also at the moment when Neinhart and the others looked at the sun in the sky in despair, the sky suddenly became dark!

The endless night covered half of the sky, and a round of golden moon shone between the sky and the earth! That is the great celestial body that has always accompanied the world of Eslandon forever! At this moment, the golden moon suddenly became huge, just like the great sun created by Ignir, hanging over everyone's heads like this...

For a moment, on the seaside sea of ​​the Western Continent, half of the sky had a fiery sun emitting endless light and heat, and the other half of the sky had nightfall, and a round of golden full moon was in the sky, reflecting the brilliance! All of a sudden, above everyone's heads, a marvel that was rarely seen in the ages was created, the sun and the moon shine together!

"What happened again?"

At this moment, millions of soldiers are terrified. They have forgotten what they and others are going to do and where they are going...

They just hope that what they see is a dream, a dream that will wake up soon!

Unfortunately, this is not a dream.


Just when the soldiers couldn't understand what happened in front of them, there seemed to be a sound of dragon singing on the golden full moon, and a beautiful nine-tailed fox was dancing wildly under the moon. The tail is so beautiful, every inch of the fox's skin is infinitely tempting to the soldiers...

"Another dragon! A dragon of the Dragon King level..."

Bradman is already stupid, he seems to have predicted his own ending, today is probably the death of the god of death.

"Two-headed dragon king."

Lakaide was also stunned. He had never seen such a scene even four hundred years ago!


Waiting for the minds of the Saint Guardians in this flagship to calm down...

Accompanied by the endless thunder and lightning, the heads of the crowd were covered with dark clouds at some point, and the dark clouds covered the moon in the sky and blocked the blazing sun.


However, without waiting, everyone thanked the dark cloud for its arrival, and another burst of dragon chant came from within the dark cloud, and through the constantly roaring flashes, everyone could see a huge monster moving through the dark cloud! There is no doubt that this is also a dragon.




Following the sound of the dragon chant in the dark clouds, endless dragon chant suddenly came from the world, one, two, three, four...

At this moment, the soldiers of the Alvarez Empire, including the Saint Guardians in the flagship, were all dumbfounded. Did they break into the dragon's lair? The goblin hasn't seen it yet, but the dragon has seen a lot...


At this moment, Lakaid's complexion is dim, his eyes are dull, and now he just wants to ask Akunologia to ask him, how did the dragon be destroyed back then? So unprofessional!

The third is 6,000 words, and I am trying to code words...

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