Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 395 What kind of demon is it just a tool to relieve stress (second update)


Endless aura burst out from Yiwen and Irene!

For a moment, the world seemed to be collapsing...

The soldiers of the Alvarez Empire, who were facing Yiwen and Irene's aura, stood in place and stared blankly at the moment.

In front of their eyes was a terrifying green dragon that was longer than a battleship, and a beautiful celestial maiden who could shatter the sky when she moved.

"So! The rumor about the dragon is true!"

This was the only thought left in the minds of this group of soldiers after they faced Yiwen and Irene's overbearing arrogance, and then they collapsed to the ground in an instant, their eyes losing all color.

In an instant, thousands of battleships from the Alvarez Empire fell towards the sea. The millions of magister soldiers collected from the entire Western Continent, each of them possessed at least a B-level level. The soldiers with average magic power above level three collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness...

Millions of heroes will be destroyed in an instant, and the Alvarez Empire State Building will collapse!

"Really, dragons are real..."

At this moment, only among the flagships, the shields of the saints, the powerhouses standing at the apex of human beings, still maintain their clear consciousness. Of course, it doesn’t mean that these people can maintain themselves in front of Irene’s dominance, but once Irene’s arrogance is strengthened a little bit, none of the millions of soldiers in the entire Alvarez Empire will survive. Irene is merciful ...

"Raket, is this the illusion you are talking about? Open your eyes and let me see clearly!"

Bradman looked at the warships that fell one after another, he turned sideways, looked at Racked and asked.

Maybe others will be intimidated by Lakaid Dragneel's surname, but he won't...

Everyone is a demon created by His Majesty Zeref, and they all know each other well...

"How could this be? How could this be?! Not to mention Kirtina, even the giant dragons on the Ishgar continent have not been wiped out at all."

"Akunologia, take a good look at what you have done in the past few hundred years! Could it be that once the dragons don't fight together like they did four hundred years ago, you won't be able to find them? ?”

"You have to work hard! Since you have made a great wish, you must wipe out all the dragons in this world! Work hard for me!"

Lakaide frowned, and he put all the responsibility for his failure on Akunologia's lack of professionalism.

"There is no point in complaining now, those guys are not fake, they are real dragons. For the Alvarez Empire, for our Majesty, we must live..."

Neinhart looked terrified, joking, let him fight the dragon? Do not make jokes! ! There is only one thought in his mind now, and that is to run away, the farther the better, anyway, as long as he doesn't stay here any longer, it doesn't matter what he wants to face the dragon...

Yes, Neinhart was counseled, but he was so counseled that he exploded, he still found a more decent excuse for himself.

Yes, he didn't live for himself, he lived for His Majesty, for His Majesty Jeff, that's why he wanted to live...

"If you can escape..."

After Bradman heard Neinhart's words, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he didn't dare to take a breath, just because a pair of scarlet eyes had been firmly attached to their flagship at some point. on the glass.

The eyes are like a millstone, even bigger than a millstone. The eyes turn and flicker back and forth on the shields of the saints in the flagship cabin, as if the owner of the huge eyes is observing everyone in the cabin.



Following Bradman's reminder, everyone noticed the huge eyes. For a while, whether it was Lakaide, General Winter Inber Yula, or other guardians in the room, The shields were all stunned, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of angering the giant beast in front of them.


Just when Bradman was terrified, the huge pupils suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes, and once again disappeared in the black clouds surrounding the flagship.


As the owner of the eyes disappeared, Bradman and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a huge sense of oppression! Just being stared at by those eyes makes people feel as if they are about to suffocate..."

Jacob Resio muttered to himself, he was sure that the assassination magic that he had worked so hard for half his life was of no use to that big guy just now.

"That's a monster, we have absolutely no chance of winning."

As the words of Jacob Lexiao fell, Neinhart's legs went limp, and he fell to his knees directly, with cold sweat on his forehead, and Tianling Gai kept chilling.


Bradman looked at the teammates who were talking quietly around him, with a panicked expression. He stretched out his finger and blew gently on the team around him, signaling that team not to speak.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, after all we are not some demons."

Just when Bradman looked extremely nervous, a voice suddenly sounded in the cabin, and I saw a young man with short brown-red hair in the Chuangcang. The young man stood quietly with his hands behind his back. In front of everyone, they were smiling at Bradman and others at the moment.


The Guardian Shields in the flagship command room were all taken aback when they saw the young man who had entered the cabin at some point in time.

Then they collectively took half a step back, their movements extremely neat. Including Bradman, the demon, also retreated towards the back. At the same time, Bradman smiled bitterly at the boy's words. If the boy was really a devil, he would not be afraid. After all, he is already the strongest demon in the world. For one thing, he was afraid that the boy in front of him was not a demon, but...a dragon!

"There's something wrong with this guy!"

At this moment, the eyes of the Guardians looking at the young man changed, and their eyes revealed an unprecedented solemnity.

Although everyone couldn't feel the magic power in the young man in front of them, there was no slack in their eyes looking at the young man!

The young man in front of him doesn't need to show the strength in his body to anyone in the room, because the young man in front of him can appear in their cabin without anyone noticing in front of the shields of the saints. Many problems have been explained.

"Yiwen, what are you still talking nonsense about? According to the old man's idea, let's give him a good beating first..."

Just as the Guardian Shields' eyes were firmly locked on the young man, the air in the meeting room suddenly became dry, and the temperature rose silently! Immediately afterwards, a vicissitudes of life sounded in the meeting room.

Following the sound of that voice, the hearts of the Saint Protectors sank, because there was another figure beside the young man. I don't know when, beside the boy with brown-red short hair, there was another middle-aged man with a short stature and a naked upper body. The middle-aged man had long hair that was constantly burning like a flame. The flames were burning, and everyone couldn't see the color of the hair of the middle-aged man in front of them. They could only speculate from the color of the flames...

However, this is not the most eye-catching part of this middle-aged man. What attracts everyone's attention the most is the dark sun tattoo on the middle-aged man's chest...

"The Flame Dragon King Ignir!"

Bradman watched the middle-aged man in front of him take a big step back, his expression tense.

"Oh? In this world four hundred years later, will anyone recognize the old man? Interesting..."

Upon hearing this, Igniel looked towards Bradman, with a look of surprise on his face. It seemed that Ignier didn't expect that there would still be people who recognized him in this day when he had traveled through the eclipse gate for four hundred years. .

After all, Ignir has not been in this world for many years, everything he is familiar with has changed, and everything in the world has undergone tremendous changes, so Ignir is very happy that there are still people who recognize him now .

"Are you? A demon created by that guy Jeff?"

Ignir looked Bradman up and down, and suddenly there was a hint of astonishment in his expression.

"If it's a demon created by that fellow Jeref, I wouldn't be surprised if I recognize this old man..."

Ignir nodded. After all, Zeref’s demon existed in the same era as him. It’s normal to know him. Even though no one knows him now, if it was placed four hundred years ago, it would have been in the world of Eslandon. man of the hour.

"Lord Yanlong King, there should be an agreement between you and my father, Zeref, why do you want to prevent us from attacking Ishgar?!"

Just as Ignir looked at Bradman with emotion, Lakaide was furious, looking at Ignir and questioning.

"Who are you?!"

"Ah! I remembered, you were the last kid that Jeff created before resurrecting Natsu! Because the creation was so perfect, you were given the name Dragneel by Jeff..."

Ignir was stunned for a moment when he heard Lakaide's roar. After he looked Lakaide up and down, he suddenly showed a hint of bewilderment, and then directly revealed Lakaide's identity.


After Ignir revealed Lakaide's identity, the rest of the Guardian Shields were taken aback. They looked at each other left and right, as if they didn't expect that Rakaide's Dragneel's surname actually came from this way.


Racked felt the changes in the eyes of the other guardian shields around him looking at him, and his eyes trembled.

"Hmph! I am a different existence from those demons created by His Majesty! I am not Master Zeref's experiment, but Master Zeref's perfect work! After all, I was given the surname Dragneel existence, I am His Majesty's son."

Racked snorted coldly as he explained his own peculiarity.


Bradman listened to Lakaide's explanation, although he didn't say anything, he frowned. He was just created a little earlier than Lakaide, maybe if it was later, he was awarded Dora It's him, not Racked, who bears the surname of Grenier.

"Okay, whether you are Jeff's son or not has nothing to do with me..."

Ignir looked at Lakaide with disdain, even if Lakaide is Zeref's son or grandson, it has nothing to do with him...


Racked was stunned. After he moved out of Jeref, Ignir would show some respect. After all, even if Ignir didn't look at his face, he still had to look at Jeref's face!

"You seem to have made a mistake. I am not Jeff's subordinate. I have a cooperative relationship with Jeff."

"Furthermore, the one I'm cooperating with is not the Jeref at this time, but the Jeref four hundred years ago. What is going on in the mind of Jeref at this time, or is it the same him back then? I don't know at all, and of course I don't care!"

"As for you, if it weren't for the relationship between Naz and Zeref, I would have burned you all with a roar..."

Ignil's temper is extremely violent, and he treats Lakaid and others in front of him, just like he treats Grantigne in the original book, indifferent and manic!

After all, he is the great Yanlong King, not a gentle and obedient dragon. Ignir seems to have given all the tenderness in his life to his son Naz Dragneel.


Lakaide's face twisted after hearing Ignir's words. He didn't expect Ignir to be so disrespectful to his great father, His Majesty the Great Emperor.

"Yiwen, what are you going to do with these little guys in front of you~"

Just as Lakaid watched the pupils of Ignir and the others constrict, a delicate voice rang in everyone's ears. A beautiful woman with long pale golden hair, wearing a cool modified kimono, a witch hat, came behind the brown-haired boy at some point.

"This woman is a monster..."

The shields of the guardians looked at the beautiful woman with blond hair in front of them, and their hearts trembled.

Through the hazy light in the spaceship, they could feel the life-threatening presence of the woman in front of them, as well as the terrifying magic power that was so huge that it was almost visible to the naked eye.

"What Olgast means is to leave the foundation for the Alvarez Empire. We have already saved the lives of those one million ordinary soldiers. Why don't you kill them all!"

Before the Guardian Shields reacted, another tingling voice of the imperial sister resounded in the meeting room of the spaceship, and a crimson figure appeared in front of everyone without warning.

No, it's not so much that this scarlet figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, it's better to say that this scarlet figure has been standing here since the very beginning, but the woman didn't open her mouth, so no one could find her , it is obvious that the huge sense of presence released by the beautiful figure is shocking! But he can easily hide his figure! And when the group of Guardian Shields noticed the woman in front of them, they were all shocked!

"What a huge magical power! It's almost comparable to Olgast..."

"No! Even above Orgast?!"

"These two women in front of me are all stronger than Ougaste?!"

Protectors of the Holy Shield, people have become numb. Originally, in their eyes, Olgast was already an insurmountable peak, and it was the existence of the entire Western Continent Alvarez Empire second only to Zeref...

However, when they headed towards the continent of Ishgar, they realized what it means to have people beyond people, and heaven beyond the sky...

The peak of this world is much higher than they imagined.


Neinhart looked at Yiwen, and the two women behind Yiwen suddenly smiled indifferently. He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Yiwen.


A group of Guardian Shields who were intimidated by Yi Wen and others looked at Neinhart who suddenly walked towards Yi Wen, and they were all taken aback.

"Is this guy Neinhart crazy?"

"No! Neinhart is an extremely shrewd person, he would never make such a crazy move."

"Is he going to sacrifice himself for us?"

At this moment, Inber Yura looked at Neinhart's back, full of respect.

"Good job Neinhart!"

Lakaide looked even more excited. Who said they should be afraid when they met someone stronger than themselves? If you dare not even deal with such a powerful enemy, how can you fight against the legendary black dragon Akunologia?


"I admit that we underestimated you before!"

"We are not really strong at all! You, Neinhardt my friend, you are!"

"Come on Neinhardt!"

Apart from Yura and Lakaide, Jacob Resio, Val Icht, and Bradman all expressed emotion.


Just as the group of Guardian Shields looked at Neinhart's back with emotion, they only heard a "plop", and Neinhart, the hero in their hearts, looked a little disdainful and arrogant He stood in front of Irene, and then under the gaze of Irene's purple eyes, Neinhart knelt down in front of Irene.

"Your Majesty, no matter what you ask me to do, please spare my life!"

Neinhart, who is at the top of the human race and one of the shield-level powerhouses, just knelt in front of Irene and kept crying.

"Dignity?! Dignity is useless! If dignity works, what do you need strength for?"

Neinhart lowered his head, quietly waiting for Irene's trial.


"This guy seems very interesting~"

Irene looked at Neinhart who was kneeling on the ground and narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she saw something interesting in her eyes. Speaking of which, she was tired of playing with the group of magisters of the ghost rulers, and it was time to put them back, and the toys that replaced the ghost rulers seemed to have been found.

"I will spare your life~"

Thinking of this, Irene raised her high-heeled shoes and stepped on Neinhart's head hard.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

When Neinhart heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Not only did Her Lady Queen not punish him, she even rewarded him~

"Ah this."

Yiwen looked at the scene in front of her and didn't seem to feel any discord. After all, in the original book, Neinhardt is a bully and fearful guy, and at the same time, Irene's number one dog leg.

"Your companions have already set an example for you! Now it's up to you..."

Yiwen moved her head, looked at Lakaid and the others, and waited for everyone's answer.

"I advise you guys not to be ignorant of good and evil! If you offend these adults, there is absolutely no good fruit for you~"

Neinhart, who was still trampled by Irene, lay on the ground, yelled angrily at his companions with his butt.

"I really want to kill this bastard!"

Being pointed at by Neinhart with their buttocks, Lakaide and the others twitched slightly. They looked at Neinhardt with murderous intent in their eyes. Hugging the thighs of the dragons in front, they had already rallied and attacked them.

"I can't help it! Originally, I didn't want to make a move."

Just when all the Guardian Shields were at a loss, Lakaid finally decided to make a move.

"I didn't want to make a move, you guys forced me..."

"In this case, let you have a good experience! My spell!"

Suddenly there was a bit more holiness in Lakaid's eyes, and then he folded his hands together.


The moment Lakaid finished speaking, endless light suddenly lit up on his body, releasing towards Yiwen and the others.


Yiwen, who had been prepared for a long time, directly used Additional Purification on herself, and at the same time covered the surrounding people with power.

However, there was only one person who ignored Yiwen's purification and faced the light of happiness released by Lakaide!

"This feeling, this feeling that the soul is trembling, is so cool~"

The person who ignored Egwene's purification and came into contact with Lakaid without permission was none other than Selene.

At this moment, Selene's face was a little flushed, she stretched out her sexy pink tongue, and gently licked her gorgeous red lips, her beautiful eyes looking at Lacade were full of desire color.

"Sister, you must get this guy!"

Selene looked at Racked with a morbid smile.

"How can this guy not be affected by my magic?!"

At this moment, Lakaid looked at Selene, who was not affected by his magic, and was stunned. He couldn't even escape Zeref with this move. How did the woman in front of him escape? !

"No! No, this woman has not escaped my magic, she is indeed affected by my magic, but she is actually enjoying it! She is enjoying it! She even wants me to increase the magic power?! How, how lewd woman……"

After being in a daze for a short time, Racked suddenly took a deep breath. He has traveled all over the continent for so many years, and he has seen many people of all kinds. But it was the first time he saw someone who not only would not be affected by his magic, but also hoped that he would increase his efforts to want more people! Racked had to say at this moment that the woman in front of him was a strong one!

"What a devil! It's just a self-soothing tool!"

The corners of Selene's mouth rose slightly.

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