Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 488 Future Rogge: This is not the Fairy Tail I know at all! (first update)

"It's not right! It's been completely wrong since I entered the town of Magnolia..."

Rogge looked at the tall building in front of him and fell into deep thought. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the word FAIRY TAIL printed on the door, he would have thought that the building in front of him was who built the Tongtian Tower? !

"No! It's not just the town of Magnolia, or the building in front of me, which obviously doesn't look like the building of the Magisters' Guild!"

"To be precise, ever since I used the eclipse gate to travel through time and came to this time and space that is very similar to my time and space, but completely different from the past, the whole world has revealed something wrong everywhere..."

"No wonder the old prime minister of the Kingdom of Fiore refused to allow us to use the Eclipse Gate to travel through the past. I was surprised that such a thing would happen."

Rogge looked at the tall building in front of him, his brows were tightly furrowed, he was thinking carefully, and he didn't mean to enter the guild in front of him as soon as he came up.

"Forget it, since we've come, we have to go on no matter how we look for it! Whether it's life or death, we have to try to break through, no matter whether the Fairy Tail in front of us is a dragon pool or a tiger's den! That world is more dangerous..."

Future Rogge frowned. After thinking for a while, he finally figured it out. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes once again shone with confidence.

Rogge is confident that after experiencing the world he is in and the disasters he has experienced, no matter what he goes through again, he can deal with it with ease!

After all, he is the only dragon slayer magister who escaped from the hands of the black dragon king Akunologia on the continent of Ishgar...


When Rogge thought of this, blue veins stretched on his forehead. He looked at the small town in front of him, at the gate with the words "FAIRY TAIL" in front of him, and he knew in his heart that everything here would be in ruins in the near future! Just because in a few years, the Black Dragon King Akunologia will fall into complete madness, launch a war that will sweep across the entire Ishgar Continent, and then...destroy everything in the Ishgar Continent!

Yes, even with the power of the entire continent, they still lost to Akunologia, and even, except Naz's adoptive father, Yanlong King Igonia, anyone else, including the dragon, was even defeated by Aku Nolokia has no ability to cause damage! Akunologia...that is an invincible monster!

"Let's go to Fairy Tail to see the situation first!"

Thinking of this, Rogge shook his head. No matter how tragic the future war is, or how powerful Akunologia is, it has not happened yet, and he still has time in the world, as long as the difference between this time and space and his time and space is confirmed , he can give it a go and start his plan with peace of mind!


Thinking of this, Rogge pushed open the door with the word FAIRY TAIL in front of him, and walked into the Fairy Tail guild.

"Hahaha, brothers, drink!"


"By the way, have you watched the live broadcast of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts?! That kid Gerald is really amazing! He actually killed the entire Magister Guild by himself, that kid is promising!"

"Look, look! As expected of that kid Gerald, he learned a lot of good things from Senior Worrod and President Prechto..."

"However, speaking of the strongest Damo Dou Yanwu this year, it must be President Prechto! You really deserve to be the second-generation president!"

In the hall of Fairy Tail, Makao, Wakaba and others are married and have children, and chose to stay in the small town of Magnolia, waiting for Yiwen and others to return. Members of the Fairy Tail guild hold wine glasses , chatting about the Damo Dou Yanwu.

After all, the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts is the most popular event in the Fiore Kingdom, and even the Ishgar Continent! Even Fairy Tail didn't escape, discussing hot things, after all, this is a trend...

"Sure enough, as I thought, none of the main force of the Fairy Tail guild is in the guild right now, and some of them are only remnants who are not qualified to participate in the S-rank magister assessment..."

In the future, Rogge stood in front of the gate of the Fairy Tail guild, looking at the old, weak, sick and disabled in the guild hall, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Although the Fairy Tail guild in this world is different from what he remembers, and even the Fiore Kingdom, the first Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, is also different from what he remembers, but at least, the history of the main body The direction is the same as in his memory...

"Hehe, the magisters of the Fairy Tail Guild are still as optimistic as I remember!"

"Right now, when the life and death of the main force are unknown, they are actually still in the mood to drink, chat, and talk about the big demon fighting and performing martial arts. Really, don't these guys know what despair is?!"

In the future, Rogge looked at the people chatting in the Fairy Tail guild, and suddenly there was a smile on his face. He seemed to think of something. , the foolish dragon slayer magister who fought against Akunologia.

"who are you?!"

It was also at the moment when Rogge stood there giggling in the future, all the mages in the Fairy Tail Guild seemed to have noticed Rogge, although most of them went about their own business after taking a look at Rogge. I went, but as the Fairy Tail guild, Magnolia branch, Makao stood up from his seat and walked towards the future Rogge.

Makao believes that it is the responsibility of his sub-head to distinguish the behavior of each magister who entered the Fairy Tail guild, whether it is good or bad, and whether it will cause harm to the Fairy Tail guild or its companions, although this sub-head is He's self-proclaimed, that's it...

"My name is Rogge, and I am a dragon slayer magister!"

Future Rogge looked at Makao who was walking towards him, smiled slightly, and directly and generously revealed his identity.

Maybe in Rogge's eyes in the future, Makao is just a small character, even if Makao knows his identity, it won't have any impact on his plan, right? !

"Are you a dragon slayer magister?"

Makao, who was still looking listless, suddenly lit up after hearing Rogge's words. He seemed extremely shocked by Rogge's identity.


Roger looked at Makao's shocked look with a smile on his lips.

"Sure enough, have you been intimidated by my identity as a dragon slayer magister? That's true, after all, a dragon slayer magister is extremely rare..."

Rogge looked at Makao and thought silently.

"I see, you are here to join the Fairy Tail guild! It's rare that a dragon slayer magister joins our Fairy Tail!" Just when the corner of Rogge's lips rose and he was silently proud in the future, Makao recovered again. He changed his previous appearance, and at the same time took out the seal of the Fairy Tail guild that he carried with him, and branded the seal on the back of Rogge's hand, and said with a smile: "Haha, well, from now on, you are ours." A member of the Fairy Tail guild!"

"Huh? Huh?!"

"No, wait, what are you doing?!"

Rogge, who was still complacent in his heart, didn't realize anything until Makao branded the seal of the Fairy Tail Guild on the back of his hand.

For a moment, Rogge looked at the sign on the back of his hand, which symbolized the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild, and was in chaos for a while! This is completely different from what he thought!

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

"Of course I give you the seal representing our Fairy Tail guild!"

"Why are you so inexplicable? Or, you didn't even know that after joining the Magisters Guild, you would be branded with the guild's seal, so you applied to join the guild?"

After listening to Rogge's words, Makao looked completely impatient, and he felt that Rogge in front of him was a little strange.

"No! When did I say, I'm going to join the Fairy Tail guild?"

After hearing what Makao said, Rogge asked angrily.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Didn't you say you are the Dragon Slayer Magister?"

"As the dragon slayer magister, you came to our Fairy Tail, not to join our guild in the future, why else?"

Makao spoke righteously and yelled at Rogge loudly, as if Makao was being reasonable.

In fact, it's not Makao's fault, after all, there are more dragon slayer magisters in their Fairy Tail guild than all other magisters.

In addition, Irene Berserion, the mother of the world's first dragon slayer magister, the former strongest dragon slayer magister Akunologia, and the current strongest dragon slayer magister Egwen Belserion, all of them are in their Fairy Tail guild, not counting these three dragon slayer magisters who are too powerful to be human, there are also several tyrannical dragons, such as the moon dragon Selene, Yan Dragon Igonia, Flame Dragon King Ignir, etc., as well as Naz and others, a group of little dragon cubs...

If the name of their guild was not given by Mebis, the first guild leader, Fairy Tail, judging from the current proportion of dragon slayer magisters in the guild, some people would definitely think that their guild of magisters should be called Giant Dragon. The tail is right...

So in Makao's view, as long as the dragon slayer magister came to their Fairy Tail guild, he would definitely join their guild in the future.

Moreover, Makao is already used to it. Some lost and wild dragon slayer magisters found the Fairy Tail Guild and applied to join this matter. After all, since Irene and Yiwen joined Fairy Tail, every year There are lost dragon slayer magisters, or wild dragons join Fairy Tail. In Makao's view, Fairy Tail is like a home for dragon slayer magisters...

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Do you think you are a dragon slayer and want to join your Fairy Tail?"

After hearing what Makao said, Future Rogge was so angry that his lungs almost exploded. He argued with reason, pointed at Makao's nose, and spoke angrily.

"if not?!"

After hearing what Rogge said in the future, Makao froze for a moment, then asked with a frown.

"Ah? Are you serious?"

Rogge looked at Makao's puzzled look and Makao's sincere eyes, and he was stunned for a moment, because he found that Makao was not playing tricks on him, the other party really thought so.

"Everyone, give me some reasoning. A wild dragon slayer magister has come to our Fairy Tail guild. What is it for?!"

Makao felt that Rogge was insulting his IQ, and he felt overwhelmed for a while, so he raised his arms and shouted at the magisters in the guild.

"What? You mean the wild dragon slayer magister? That must have come to join our Fairy Tail guild!"

As Makao finished speaking, the members of the Fairy Tail guild spoke with great confidence.

"As you can see, that's what happened..."

In this regard, Makao nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time preached to Rogge.


Future Rogge's eyes twitched slightly when he heard the words. He could tell that not only Makao in front of him had brain problems, but the entire Fairy Tail guild and all the magisters had brain problems.


Thinking of this, Future Rogge let out a long breath.

"It seems that I must hurry up and inquire about the things I should inquire about, and then leave here early."

Rogge thought so, and decided that he would leave Fairy Tail after he got enough information from Makao in front of him. Mentor, there seems to be a serious illness in his head.

Deep down in Rogge's heart, he had already decided to draw a clear line with the Fairy Tail guild. It seemed that he himself had forgotten that the seal of the Fairy Tail guild had just been branded on the back of his hand by Makao.

"Hehe, actually, I came to find you Fairy Tail because I have something important to tell you!"

"Actually, you may not believe it, but I can see certain things in the future and have the ability to predict the prophet!"

"I can tell you one piece of news about your current Fairy Tail, which is extremely urgently needed, and even this matter will intuitively determine the rise and fall of your Fairy Tail, and even survive!"

"Of course, after telling you the news, I also need some help from you..."

Rogge knows very well that if he wants to inquire about the news he wants, he must first show enough sincerity, so he plans to provide one to Makao and others first, and to Makao and other fairies in the Fairy Tail Guild. For a magister, it was information that could not be refused.

At the same time, Rogge just told Makao that he could see things in the future, instead of telling Makao that he came back from the future.

Rogge knew that his identity was too mysterious, he had to hide it, and he must not tell others easily!

At the same time, for the sake of his big plans, Rogge must keep his secrets even for those who trust him the most, let alone a Fairy Tail? !


Sure enough, after Rogge said that, Makao mentioned maybe.

"You have the ability to predict the future! You also said you would help me..."

"Could it be that matter..."

Makao frowned, looked at Rogge, and asked.

"That's right, that's exactly what happened! Presumably, Fairy Tail has already wasted a lot of effort because of that, right?!"

Rogge was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Makao to be so smart, and then nodded immediately.

"Please sir, be sure to inform..."

Makao didn't expect that Rogge came here for that matter, he immediately became serious, and at the same time, he even looked at Rogge with more respect.


In the future, Rogge seems to enjoy the way others look at him. He seems to enjoy the feeling of being regarded as a prophet.

"Actually, Sirius Island was not destroyed by Akunologia!"

In the future, Rogge had his hands behind his back, and he stood with his hands behind his back, looking like a master.

Rogge decided to solidify his image of a foretelling prophet in front of Makao.


However, as Rogge's voice fell, Makao, who was still listening attentively, immediately lost interest, looked at Rogge blankly, and looked at Rogge with an expression that you were kidding me.

"Huh?! Is this expression wrong?!"

Rogge looked at Makao's eyes looking at him, and a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Sirius Island was not destroyed by Akunologia, you tell me? Isn't this nonsense?"

"I thought you were going to tell me who the winner of this year's Demon Fighting Show is, so I can make a quick bet! Tsk... I'd better ask Kana!"

Makao Shou said, and after looking at Future Rogge with disgust, he planned to turn around and leave.

"Hey! Wait, do you know that Sirius Island has not been destroyed?"

In the future, Rogge was stunned when he saw that Makao turned around and was about to leave. He grabbed Makao's hand and asked anxiously.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you deliberately tease me for this kind of thing, then you succeeded!"

"Okay, don't bother me if I don't have other things. I have to think about who I should bet on when the Damo Dou Yanwu begins... This is a big matter that concerns me, whether I can survive next year!"

Macao didn't bother to pay attention to Future Rogge. Originally, Future Rogge's hype was extremely mysterious, especially when it was mentioned about the rise and fall of Fairy Tail, Makao thought that Rogge could see that he lost again just now. One hand, there is not much money left on me! As a result, Rogge told him these useless things? !

It's too bullying, isn't this bullying honest people? !

"What? In your eyes, is your companion less important than money?"

Future Rogge was shocked after hearing Makao's words. He thought that the Fairy Tail guild was an extremely united guild, but now he is greatly disappointed.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

After listening to Rogge's words, Makao showed a bit of helplessness.

"How can there be anything more important than money in this world!"

Immediately, Makao uttered the most reasonable words in front of Rogge.

Besides, Sirius Island was not destroyed by Akunologia or anything, so it has a half-money relationship with their Fairy Tail guildmates? ! For the future Rogge's words, Makao was a little puzzled deep in his heart...


Future Rogge took a few steps back when he heard the words, and he looked at Makao in disbelief.

In this way, in the future, Rogge and Makao, two people who are not talking on the same channel, have suffered a certain amount of hurt in their hearts...

One is the despair of Fairy Tail, thinking that Fairy Tail is hopeless and can only wait for death.

One is that Rogge knows that Makao has no money, but he still wants to tease him, which is simply not human!

"Could it be that Fairy Tail in this time and space has undergone huge changes because of me! As a result, the Fairy Tail guild in this world doesn't treat its companions as human beings at all?!"

"Wait, if this is the case, Brother Naz, Brother Ge Jier, after the two of them encountered Akunologia on Sirius Island, can they still survive?!"

Suddenly, Future Rogge seemed to think of something, and countless cold sweats broke out on his forehead. He thought of a possibility, that is, the Sirius group of the Fairy Tail guild has been wiped out by the Akunologia group up.

Of course, because of certain things in the future, Rogge no longer feels pessimistic because of someone's death or sacrifice, but because of...

If the Fairy Tail Sirius team had already died on Sirius Island, would Akunologia not follow the time and space he was in, and would not launch an attack on the Ishgar Continent until nearly ten years later? Instead of a fierce attack, is it possible to launch an attack on the Ishgar Continent at any time? !

Thinking of this, Rogge showed despair, and at the same time, countless cold sweats broke out on his forehead...

"No! Don't worry, Rogge, don't worry, don't panic! Don't panic, it's not too late, it's still too late..." Deep in Rogge's heart, he kept comforting himself, and then slowly vomited Take a breath, "breathe, exhale..."

After exhaling heavily, Rogge turned his gaze to Makao who was going away. He had already made a decision in his heart. The most important thing right now is to determine the life and death of Naz and others, and try his best to Do everything possible to ensure that everything in this time and space can be carried out according to his original time.

Because only in this way, he, Rogge, can use the gate of the eclipse seven years later to collect enough magic power through the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, run through the same time four hundred years ago and now, summon four hundred years ago, and disappear at the Dragon King Festival. The giant dragon army, go to crusade against Akunologia...

"Yes, I have traveled to the past. As long as I want to do it, there is nothing I, Rogge, can't do!"

Thinking of this, Rogge once again restored the smile on his face.

Even Rogge himself, he doesn't remember how many times he cheered himself up and regained his confidence...

Having regained his confidence, Rogge walked towards Makao. He patted Makao's shoulder lightly and said with a smile, "Senior Makao, I have something to ask you!"

"Huh? What's the matter, you ask!"

"Suck ~ call ~"

"Let's talk about it first. I'm busy, so I only have time for a cigarette."

Originally, Makao, who planned to continue discussing with his friends who were gambling dogs, who would be the final winner of this year's Damo Dou Yanwu, saw Rogge behind him, and first showed a bit of helplessness on his face, and then, He took out a cigarette in his hand, and while he was smoking it 'clicking', he preached to Rogge.

"Senior Makao, may I ask... have you confirmed the life and death of Brother Naz and Brother Gejir?"

Roger frowned, and asked Makao seriously.


After hearing Rogge's question, Makao froze for a moment, he couldn't understand why Rogge would ask him such a question...

"The two of them are fateful, so they shouldn't be dead, right?"

Originally, Makao refused to answer Rogge, but after Makao saw Rogge's serious eyes, Makao suddenly discovered that Rogge in front of him actually asked him this question sincerely, and did not mean to Just kidding, to amuse him, so Makao still answered Rogge's question.

At the same time, after Makao finished speaking, he added: "Why, do you have any grudges against Naz and Gejir? They are indeed a little crazy when they go out on missions on weekdays, but, If you get along with the two of them for a long time, you will find that the two of them are so crazy even on weekdays! If you want to kill the two of them, you can go from Magnolia Town to Hua Zhi Ducrocas, but...those two boys, they are very lucky, they have always been alive and kicking."

"No! You misunderstood, I have no enmity with Brother Naz and Brother Gejiel..."

"I really want to confirm the safety of Brother Naz and Brother Ge Jier!"

Rogge knew that Makao had misunderstood him. He shook his head first, and then looked at Makao in front of him to speak seriously.

"Really? Is that the case?"

"You are really a good person!"

"Forget it, let's do it! Let me ask for your help, the safety of Naz and Gajeel."

Makao looked at Rogge's serious look, and suddenly he seemed to understand something.

He smiled lightly, then shook his head, thinking: "I'm confused! This young man is completely like a fan of Naz and Gejir! By the way, this young man is also a dragon slayer magister , it seems that they are admirers of Naz and Gajeel... Hehe, those two bad brats now have admirers, this world is really impermanent!"

After Makao felt a lot of emotion in his heart, he took out the remote communication magic crystal.

"Huh? Ask Brother Naz and Gejier for me? Wait, what's going on here?"

When Future Rogge heard Makao's words, he was stunned. He always felt that he had misunderstood something.

At the same time, in the depths of Rogge's heart in the future, an ominous premonition suddenly rose...


At the moment when Rogge was thinking wildly in the future, the remote communication crystal in Makao's hand suddenly lit up.

Suddenly, a figure with brown-red short hair flickered on the crystal.

"Ewen, someone wants to ask you something..."

Makao looked at the handsome young man with short brown-red hair in the communication crystal, and spoke aloud.

Yes, that young man is exactly Egwene...

At this moment, Yiwen was lying on the beach chair, drinking juice while communicating with Makao through the remote communication crystal.

"Ewen? This is the Ewen Berserion who ranks first among the top ten magisters?!"

After hearing what Makao said, Future Rogge was taken aback for a moment, and then locked his eyes on the red-haired youth in the crystal ball.

Just through the crystal ball, to be honest... Rogge has nothing special except that Iwen is more handsome than ordinary people. It is hard to imagine that such an ordinary person is actually in this time and space, Ishgar The most powerful magister on the continent...

"In fact, our guild has a little fan of Naz and Gejir, who is also a dragon slayer magister, and he wants me to ask you about the performance of Naz and Gejir in training, as well as their safety! "

Makao artistically processed what Rogge said in the future, mainly adding some of his own understanding.


Yiwen in the remote communication crystal nodded lightly after listening to what Makao said. He didn't ask much, mainly because he didn't bother to ask, so he casually put Naz and Gagil in the Dracula Labyrinth. The shot of the excellent performance in the middle is switched over.

First up is Naz...

"Follow me, little ones! Don't let that girl run away! Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Naz was on fire, his whole body was like a flame man, chasing after the blond girl running wildly in front of him.

"Stop chasing! Natsu!!"

That blond girl was none other than Lucy!

At this moment, Lucy wiped tears from her eyes, and her pair of white and tender feet kept running wildly on the ground!

As for the leather boots that Lucy was originally wearing, they had already been lost during the desperate run...

"Natsu is chasing girls now~"

In this regard, Yiwen made a reasonable summary of Naz's current behavior, and then the scene suddenly changed to the perspective of Gejir on the other side.

"Don't come here!"

"I have decided not to make weapons from today on!"

I saw that from Ge Jier's perspective, he was running wildly in the tunnel at high speed, and behind him was a sassy, ​​beautiful woman with long fiery red hair.

At this moment, this beautiful woman, holding a samurai sword in her hand, was running towards Gagil at high speed. While running, the woman whispered: "Damn it! Since just now, the magnetic field of the entire maze has been disordered, even the magnetic force The nature has been eliminated! Is this the strength of the strongest mineral dragon? It is indeed the legendary earth dragon, but if I make the earth dragon into a weapon, how powerful will it become? ! "

The woman suddenly had a little longing for the future.

"Elusha, I beg you, please let me go! Go after other people!"

At this moment, Ge Jier is still running wildly, no matter how tired he is, he will never stop.

"Relax! As my weapons, none of you can escape! As a family, the most important thing is to be reunited~"

Yes, this beautiful woman with long crimson hair is none other than Erza...

At this moment, Ersha looked at Gajeel who was running constantly, with a bright smile on her face, and softly comforted Gajeel.

In fact, Erza could have caught Gajeel a long time ago, but she didn't do so. She is like a cute cat, chasing her prey. Compared with enjoying the prey, Erza prefers the process of chasing the prey~

"Girl is being chased by his master!"

"Gu Jier, with such a beautiful master, still wants to escape, it's a bit ignorant~"

On the other hand, Yiwen made a fair assessment of Gejill's situation.

"Dead sister control!"

Regarding this, Makao on the other side of the crystal ball, after listening to Yi Wen's words, secretly said in his heart.

As for why Makao didn't tell Yiwen face to face, he was cowardly and didn't dare...

"Okay, you've read all about Naz and Gajeel~"

"As you can see, they are all alive and well now!"

"Then... goodbye!"

As Yiwen said, she directly hung up the remote communication crystal.

Of course, it's not that Egwene didn't notice the future Rogge beside Makao, it's just that with the current strength of the future Rogge, in Egwen's eyes, he is just a small guy, and he really doesn't bother to talk to him...

"As you can see, whether Naz or Gajeel, they are still alive, at least they are still breathing!"

Seeing that Yiwen hung up the communication, Makao also put away the long-distance communication crystal, and at the same time smiled at Future Rogge beside him.

As for whether Naz and Gejir will still be alive in the future, but Macao cannot guarantee whether Naz and Gejir will still be alive in the future, especially the future of Gejir, which Macao cannot guarantee... …

Even Makao couldn't be sure whether Gagil, who was still a human being when he went to the Northern Continent, would become a weapon when he returned from the Northern Continent.


On the other side, the future Rogge, who was looking at everything in front of him, had his eyes widened at this moment, and he could no longer use any words to describe his mood at this moment.

"What's the situation? Not only are Naz and Gajeel not dead, but they're still alive and kicking?"

"No, that's not right. Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Natsu and Gajeel hadn't been killed by Akunologia on Sirius Island, they should have been killed by Mebis, the first generation president of the Fairy Tail guild. It’s only right to fall into a deep sleep due to the side effects of the super magic fairy ball! Why are they still sober and bouncing around in this world?”

"In other words, Naz and Gajeel didn't fall asleep at all?"

"But is this possible? Can you get away with Akunologia?"

"This is not the Fairy Tail I know!"

Roger was about to collapse, he couldn't calm down anymore.

"I understand! There is no Akunologia in this world!"

After Rogge thought for a long time, he finally understood what, and now he has figured it out!

The reason why Naz and Gajeel did not fall asleep is that there is only one possibility, he traveled to a world without Akunologia!

"Akunologia? Yes!"

In this regard, Makao interrupted Rogge's crazy fantasy.

This chapter is eight thousand and eight~

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