22 Dragon Pirates

Chi Yan has been drinking there, occasionally looking at Kaido, the beast lying on the ground next to him.

This guy has been bandaged, but the wounds left on his body are very serious.

Those terrifying scars seemed to be left to him by Kozuki Oden in the original novel, so deep and so direct.

It’s just that it’s not Kozuki Oden who left these scars, but Chi Yan, who is a newcomer to this world.

Chi Yan waited for a long time, and all the little fellas around him stayed there quietly, not daring to say a word.

They saw the most terrifying thing, a king descended and knocked their former boss to the ground.

After a period of time, just as the sky was getting dark and fire was already appearing around, the terrifying monster snorted and finally slowly woke up.

This has also been that he slowly recovered after a period of treatment.

Chi Yan knew that if someone else hit those tricks, even if they didn’t die, they would be paralyzed for at least half a year. It must be unusual for this guy to wake up in such a short period of time. His defense and recovery abilities are amazing.

The pirate world is very different from other worlds. Many people here have super-strong physical strength, and they are even unreasonably powerful.

Beast Kaido is known as the strongest creature in this world. It is truly extraordinary. After waking up, he looked directly here, and his eyes contained very complicated emotions.

“You finally woke up and made me wait so long. Now you should have an answer, should you surrender to me or continue to resist?

“If you still want to resist, I will tell you the ending. I will beat you half to death, and then use special skills to control you. From now on, you will be my puppet. No life or death, ignorant and fearless, but also without self. kind of.

The group of little guys around felt very scared when they heard it.

Jhin and Quinn are also silent, does this guy really have such a special terrifying skill?

If that is the case, these people may have long been the prey of each other.

Yes, they were originally the most powerful monsters, but instead they became the prey of the strongest people.

“My body really hurts, it’s like all the bones are broken, I have such scars on my chest, I have never felt this kind of thing for so many years, and at that moment I felt like I was going to die. Haha, I forgot when was the last time I got hurt.

Hundred Beasts Kaido stood up from the ground, sat down on the mountain next to him and drank before drinking. After drinking a large jar of wine, he sat there for a few minutes in amazement.

“Chi Yan, I can surrender to you.”

As soon as these words were said, the people around them calmed down. If this was the case, they could still save their lives.

Jhin and Quinn breathed a sigh of relief, they had loyalty to Kaido, but this loyalty might be exchanged for a deadly battle.

If the beasts Kaido shouted, they must fight with the opponent until the last moment. It is estimated that a small number of people here will surrender, and the rest will die in battle.

This battle is bound to be unwinnable.

The last blow of Chi Yan’s transformation into a giant dragon is earth-shattering, and it is likely to completely kill everyone. It is so terrifying that everyone has no heart to resist.

Just thinking that this pirate group has become the property of another person, the hearts of these two people are always strange, but fortunately they are under the leadership of Kaido.

“But I have one request.”

“Those who have the ability are qualified to make demands, say.” Chi Yan replied.

“I hope to get an opportunity to challenge you constantly. I will challenge you anytime, as long as I feel that my strength has improved. If I can defeat you one day, then this pirate group is still my thing, if you are lucky If you don’t die, then you will become my subordinate. 99

Chi Yan stood there with no expression on his face.

Jhin, Quinn and the others were in a cold sweat, and they just finally got the possibility of surviving.

What should I do if Kaido’s two words made the other party angry?

This guy is a real monster. If he gets angry because of this sentence, he will bleed on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Chi Yan suddenly burst out laughing, this laughter is earth-shattering, even if it is more domineering than the overlord.

“Haha, it’s not worth my appreciation for you, you really are much more pleasing to the eye than the neurotic Akuno Nokia.”

“Okay, I’ll give you this opportunity. I also like to fight. From today onwards, you will be my deputy captain. Well, for the time being. 99

…..for flowers 0…

“If no other candidate is found, you are the controller here, and the entire pirate ship is still under your control.”

“It’s just the name Hundred Beast Pirates. I don’t really like the name of the Beast Pirates. Even 100 beasts can’t match the strongest dragon. From now on, it will be called the Dragon Pirates.”

After Hundred Beast Kaido heard these words, there was a feeling of fire in his heart, as if he had returned to a very young age.

He conquered the world just as he was in the Rocks Pirates, and the younger he was, the more he would have infinite fighting flames in his heart.

The banners of the Hundred Beast Pirates were all removed and replaced with the logo of the Dragon Guild.

When the logo of the Dragon Guild reappeared on the pirate flag, Chi Yan had a feeling of being out of the world.


This kind of feeling is too special. When I saw that logo appear again, I saw the high-spirited dragon showing infinite divine might.

At least Chi Yan was smiling for the time being.

“Today is the banquet, start early, and use all the smiling faces to show that you are happy in your heart. Little ones.

“Yes, Captain!”

The bosses of the Hundred Beasts Pirates have all been replaced, but these people did not dare to refute them. The same was true of Hundred Beasts Kaido.

This night was really a fire. The entire former Beast Pirates, and now the Dragon Pirates, lit a fire near the almost destroyed village. Yinggeyanwu really has an unimaginable magnificence. .

Although there are almost no women in this pirate group, let alone beauties, this pirate group can summon women from some nearby islands to trade here.

Big men like them dedicate their lives to the ocean, not everyone is so determined.

After all, they are a group of men with strong blood, and sometimes the women on these islands are their best solace.

These people cheered indulgently and happily.

Of course, most people are very scared, just pretending to be excited.

They are afraid, but have to drink and have fun.

Joy and fear coexist, such a strange feeling nine,

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