Chapter 116 New Identity

“Lieutenant General Selection? If you don’t say it, I might have forgotten it. It’s not easy for Chi Yan to participate in that guy. With his strength, he should be able to eliminate everyone in the first level! ”

Warring States said unambiguously, no matter how that kind of strength is definitely a crushing level existence.

Even the presence of the Admiral could cause a lot of trouble, so let alone the Vice Admirals.

So Chi Yan’s strength can be imagined, but if this concern goes out, then there is nothing else to consider.

“This is also what I need to worry about now, mainly because the guy promised me that he would never use the power of the dragon during the selection process. I don’t know how you think about it!

Akainu was still apprehensive about Chi Yan’s actions, and if such a very powerful energy exploded in the navy, the final result would be unimaginable.

Moreover, as the Admiral of the Navy, he has some unavoidable responsibilities. It cannot be said that there is no benefit in letting Chi Yan participate in the selection process.

It’s just that the risks they need to pay are too great, and no one will take any responsibility for it.

“It turned out to be like this, so what is there to worry about? After all this time getting along, I think that Chi Yan is a pirate, but there are still many things that can be trusted, we can’t Look at others with tinted glasses!

Warring States quickly changed his tone, and his current attitude was in stark contrast to the toughness just now.

It seems like a completely different person, Akainu is a little unclear about what happened, but one thing is certain is that he does not think that a pirate can be trusted.

Even the same Navy Akainu will never give absolute trust to the other party, this is also one of his basic principles.

Not only now, even in the future, I am afraid that there will be no change in the slightest, but Chi Yan may change the situation.

“I’m afraid you don’t know much about the cunning of pirates. If so, then I will go back and think about this matter. In fact, I also want to raise the standard of vice admiral, but I have not been able to find a good one. The solution||!”

Akainu felt a sigh, and as the power of the Devil Fruit became stronger and stronger, waves of waves were also set off in the entire navy.

Almost everyone threw themselves into the search for Devil Fruits, and in order to gain that unparalleled power, they did not hesitate to become a landlubber.

This spirit of pursuit of power has deteriorated, so no one will still practice assiduously the combat moves that belong to the navy. That situation is gone forever.

“I know what you are thinking now, if you want these people to realize the power of taijutsu, then your only choice is Chi Yan, and there will be no better candidates!

Sengoku finally added, with a twinkling light in his eyes.

He hadn’t seen this kind of look for a long time, maybe today’s events also made Warring States vaguely recall the previous naval life, everything was so simple and ordinary.

But it is in this ordinary and boring life, they pursue the ultimate degree of strength.

The ability of Devil Fruits can’t influence people’s hearts, and often more powerful people generally do not rely on any such external strength.

Akainu did not leave the Warring States room quickly, and it seemed that he himself did not want to continue to hesitate.

If you don’t take good control of the good opportunity in front of you, then no one will know when there will be such a good opportunity next time.

It doesn’t matter whether Chi Yan will stay in the navy or not, he just wants everyone’s eyes to focus on him in a short time.

In creating the impression of removing all external factors, and then showing everyone what is called real strength, it may give these young navy a great impression.

For the fairness of this selection, Akainu intends to give Chi Yan a new naval status, only in this way can people around him not care so much about him.

Otherwise, the fairness in this selection will be lost, and all the problems will be solved soon, and Akainu also feels that it is suddenly enlightened.

The night was always long and calm, and the waves in the distance kept pounding the islands of the naval headquarters, as if they were conveying some news.


A loud roar pulled Chi Yan out of his sleep, and when he opened his eyes subconsciously, he saw the dazzling sunlight hitting the window early.

Only then did he realize that the time was about to be late, and if he didn’t prepare quickly, he would not be able to complete his task.

Chi Yan jumped off the bed directly, and after cleaning up, he saw the figure of Warring States, as if he had been waiting at the door for a long time.

“You’ve woken up. If you continue to sleep within my tolerance time, I may have to take some coercive measures!”

Warring States said coldly, and at the same time there was a bucket of ice water beside him, it was hard to imagine what this guy was going to do.

Chi Yan couldn’t help shivering, he couldn’t imagine the scene where he was watered by these ice water.

But he wondered what sound was so loud outside, that it would even shatter his own eardrums.

This powerful impact is definitely not a simple thing, Chi Yan is full of curiosity about it, maybe something big has happened.

“What are you doing looking for me so early? I’m just a pirate anyway. Come here to understand the situation a little bit before leaving. There shouldn’t be any need to stick to the rules!”

Chi Yan said helplessly, then glanced at the other party and then went to wash up without any hassle.

Warring States directly threw the navy uniform in his hand, and the size was also customized based on Chi Yan’s figure.

There is no military rank on the uniform, it seems that he intends to let Chi Yan start anew here, but his heart naturally refuses.

It is meaningless to discuss these issues now. The best way is to use his best state to deal with the various problems that follow.

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