Chapter 118

There are almost all navy soldiers at the rank of brigadier general, and everyone is working hard for the position of lieutenant general, and even has been preparing for decades.

However, Chi Yan was indifferent during the whole process. When others began to train themselves, he became sleepy.

Because the place was already crowded, Chi Yan found a place to stay in the crowd, but he was so defenseless and easy to become a thorn in everyone’s eyes.

“Have you seen that newcomer, with a new face, why don’t you start with him!

“Hahaha, how long is it that you are still sleeping, you look down on us too much!

“Never mind, first come first served, I’m welcome!”

Several of the navies had already begun to move, and it seemed that they could not bear the idea of ​​winning.

These people slowly surrounded Chi Yan, and then pretended to be crowded around Chi Yan, and then took advantage of the other party’s inattentiveness, and directly put their hands into Chi Yan’s pocket, and it was a matter of course. Take the badge away.

During the whole process, Chi Yan didn’t notice anything. Although he knew that someone touched him, he subconsciously thought that these people were crowded.

Immediately, he opened his eyes slowly, and closed them again after seeing the faces of these people.

“I really don’t know what these people have to be happy about, I’ll let you experience what real cruelty is in a moment!

Chi Yan turned around and went back to sleep, completely unaware that his badge had fallen into someone else’s hands.

In fact, these guys have always been like this, although if such behavior is discovered, they will be eliminated directly.

However, in order to successfully advance to the end, they simply did everything they could, and even did not hesitate to use the indiscriminate trick of stealing.

There will also be such a bad atmosphere in the navy, not to mention pirates. There is no pure land in the entire pirate world, and there is no absolute justice, but their positions and requirements for things are different.

“This guy is really stupid. If only the people on the ship were so good, it seems that we are about to reach the uninhabited island. Our time for action is getting shorter and shorter, hurry up!”

They continued to fight for their careers, but if they were discovered here, the final result would definitely be miserable.

The ship continued to travel, and it was about to arrive at the uninhabited island soon. The airflow here seems to be somewhat different from other places.

Chi Yan quickly woke up. Before the action started, he also needed to concentrate his thoughts, otherwise it would be difficult to come up with the best state to face this challenge.

Since the power of the dragon cannot be used, physical skills have become one of the conditions for Chi Yan to survive. There will be no retreat when things get here. What he can do is to continue to rush with his inner dream. go down.

“You should all know the rules of the game, collect five badges, and then find the end point in the center of the island. It shouldn’t be difficult for you, if there is no problem, get off the boat!

After the referee announced the rules, the cabin was opened, and these people were released in batches. If too many people entered at once, it might cause a lot of trouble.

This is why everyone broke their scalps and wanted to occupy a good position when they boarded the ship. As long as they can enter the uninhabited island first, they can occupy a favorable geographical position.

Then when other people enter, they can make corresponding reactions and strategies. Of course, the real powerhouse will never care about these things.

When it came to the badge issue, Chi Yan subconsciously touched his pocket, but there was nothing.

It was already at this time that he realized that his own had been stolen, Chi Yan was very regretful, and he clearly felt it at the time, but because he was too lazy, he didn’t want to care so much.

At this point, it must be more than worth the loss, and he also needs to spend more time and effort on this. I don’t know if relying on the physical skills he has now, he can fight against many devil fruit abilities.

··Seek flowers 0.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but Chi Yan finally disembarked as the last batch of contestants, and they are almost all the rarest.

And they are all acting alone, maybe this kind of guy is always more dangerous, but Chi Yan still doesn’t know what kind of situation he is in.

The environment on the island made Chi Yan forget all the troubles immediately, and even knew nothing about the fact that his badge was stolen just now.

At this time, there is only one route in front of him, and it would be better if he could meet other people’s badges along the way.

In the new world, such an island is really rare, and it is no wonder that the Navy Headquarters would choose such a place to conduct the assessment. It is simply perfect.

When all the crew members left the naval battleship, they also quickly left here, and it seemed that they did not intend to let anyone leave this place during the battle.

In any case, this is a kind of agreement, but Chi Yan didn’t expect everything to happen so quickly.

The people around looked at Chi Yan maliciously, as if they had regarded him as a thorn in their side.

One of them was wearing a white padded jacket and a guy with white hair approached quickly. The guy had a cigar in his mouth and seemed to be enjoying it.

“Don’t waste my time and strength, quickly give me the badge in your hand, and you will suffer less skin and flesh!

This person’s tone was very arrogant, and he didn’t care about the three-seven-two-one when he came up, and directly asked Chi Yan to take out the badge.

And when talking, this guy’s eyes are always observing things around him, as if he is looking for his next prey.

This guy is actually a Vice Admiral himself, and it is impossible to participate in this selection. His strength is very strong, and he also had a very dazzling performance when he was Marin Fando.

As a brigadier general, Smog quickly became a lieutenant general because of his excellent performance, so the opponent’s every move has bursts of domineering nine,

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