Chapter 123 Fighting against a man

The opponent’s every move is so slow, and Chi Yan has no desire to fight at all, this guy is simply too rubbish for himself.

“You just want to die that much, it’s really helpless, you!”

Chi Yan doesn’t want to continue fighting these navies, and it won’t do him any good if he always does.

But these people seem to be persistent, no matter what setbacks they encounter, they can still make a comeback. Such a situation is the most helpless.

After hearing Chi Yan’s words, Yarischi became even more depressed, wishing that he could release all the energy in his body.

But these are just his own simple thoughts. In the blink of an eye, Chi Yan disappeared directly in front of his eyes, and he could not be seen anywhere.

The surrounding environment suddenly became a little weird, and with the sea breeze blowing, Yarischi felt the coolness on his back.


Chi Yan appeared again, and used the strength of his arms to smash the opponent’s knee joint, followed by a burst of painful tearing sounds quickly released.

Yarisqi fell to the ground and it was difficult to stand up. This kind of internal injury is sometimes the most deadly. It is not so simple to find the most suitable solution.

The seriousness of the problem here is far beyond what Yariski thought at first, and the men around him did not dare to approach after seeing such a scene.

I am afraid that I will also encounter the same blow. If things really turn out like that, there will be no chance to continue to stay in the navy in the future.

“You bastard dares to attack me, if you are a man, confront me head-on, what’s the point of doing these sneaky things!”

Yarischi, who was in pain, did not forget to mock Chi Yan well, but such a statement was of no use.

It is absolutely impossible for Yaris to stand up again, and it may take a long time to relax after the body has suffered such a blow.

“It’s ridiculous, then I’ll take away all your badges. If you have the ability, let your subordinates come and snatch them, if these guys are not afraid of death!”

Chi Yan stepped forward quickly, and then took all the badges from the opponent’s shirt pocket.

The subordinates behind him were already dumbfounded, and they didn’t dare to move.

Smoker left with a wry smile in the distance, and he had already developed some interest in Chi Yan. He didn’t expect that such a brilliant person would really exist in this relatively boring survival game.

“Who are you, why have I never seen you, you bastard, don’t let me get a chance in the future, or I will never let you go!”

Yarisqi continued to roar, and watched helplessly as the badge he had obtained with great difficulty was taken away, which was too sad for him.

Chi Yan spread his arms and turned to leave. It was getting late. Chi Yan also needed to reach the finish line immediately. Although the winning ticket was in hand, he still needed to be a little more cautious.

After going through these time tests, he vaguely felt the sinister nature of people’s hearts, especially these navies, who would not care about other things in order to continue to climb up, and they only had themselves in their hearts.

“The question of who I am should not have much to do with you. Anyway, you may not be able to see me at the bottom in the future, and I may never see you again!”

Chi Yan said simply, what was left was just his back, and he didn’t want to deal too much with the future.

Anyway, too many problems are just problems that will simply cause trouble for themselves, although this test seems to be relatively simple.

But because of the appearance of this kind of person, the competition that was originally relatively fair has become a bit strange. Perhaps it is difficult for people with real strength to be promoted in this situation.

On the contrary, this kind of guy who is nothing can succeed many times. The system of the navy should also be slightly changed according to the changes of time.

•••••• Ask for flowers 0…..

Chi Yan doesn’t care, anyway, he is a pirate, and the purpose of approaching these people is only for the long-term plan in the future.

Otherwise, how could there be so many intricate relationships between a pirate and the navy? In short, things will definitely be completely changed, but the timing is still a little uncertain.

The people around hurriedly surrounded Yarischi, perhaps because they were worried about the serious problem of the other party’s body.

However, the damage to the knee joint should be a serious internal injury. Even if he can stand up again, he may lose his qualification as a Commodore permanently.

This guy is really miserable. If Chi Yan hadn’t been found at that time, there would not have been so many complicated and troublesome things.

Chi Yan left alone, but there was a dense forest in front of him, so even if he wanted to get out of here quickly, it might not be that simple.

He moved along a straight line towards the middle of the island. Although he would see various monsters along the way, none of them were as ferocious as they had just encountered.

Occasionally there are other people in a hurry passing by Chi Yan, and there is not much contact and eye contact between everyone.

After all, the time is almost up, and everyone does not want to continue to waste time on each other. The most important thing now is to deliver the badges that have been collected.

As for other problems, the next assessment should be able to solve them completely. Chi Yan also moved forward quickly with this idea in mind.

There are more and more people around, and Chi Yan is more convinced that there will be no problem with the route he takes.

And they are basically around the rank of Vice Admiral, the energy that can be released from the body is completely different from the people he has encountered before.

Chi Yan seemed a little excited, and if he fought with these people, it might bring more help to his body.

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