Chapter 131 Betting

After Akainu said the name Smog, everyone on the scene became excited, and many of them were Smog’s subordinates.

But everyone didn’t have much voice for Chi Yan, it seemed that they didn’t know who the guy in front of him was at all.

There are even some people who think that Akainu is opening a back door for Smog, because this is a crushing struggle.

After hearing his name, Chi Yan quickly left his seat and walked towards the center of the ring.

After so many fights, Chi Yan has experienced a lot of visual impact in his heart, and he also knows a thing or two about the strength of these people.

Although it was the first time he had experienced such a struggle, he was full of confidence in his heart, otherwise he would be sorry for his hard training last night.

Although the top of the arena has been cleaned, there are still marks left by those people during the struggle. These can never be removed, and the blood will almost completely stain the entire platform. color.

Those people simply spent their entire lives in order to obtain the qualification of Vice Admiral, even if they paid the price of their own lives.

A post certainly doesn’t seem to be that important to Chi Yan, and he’s only involved here to gain insight into the combat effectiveness of some of these navies.

As long as these problems are clarified, then the means of action in the future will be fuller and richer, and even by relying on one’s own strength, one can cover the sky with one hand.

Smog was relieved after hearing the news of his confrontation with Chi Yan. The final result was the same as what he had imagined before. I don’t know if it was because of his own search for Akainu in the middle of the night.

No matter how the struggle in front of them is about to break out, both of them are like saturated soda, full of energy, as long as they are released suddenly, all the auras in the body can be fully displayed.

The conflict between this kind of power is the focus of everyone on the scene, but almost everyone’s eyes are on Smog, and the strength of the natural fruit ability cannot be underestimated.

After Akainu finished the introduction, the two of them quickly stepped into the ring. There was nothing special about Chi Yan, and maybe the only one who gave him hope was Sengoku himself.

Smog has a very strong aura on his body, both his previous great achievements and the abilities he can show now are completely in line with his position as vice-admiral.

Therefore, no matter what happens today, he will defend his position and not be shaken by anyone, and in the future he will also sprint towards the position of admiral of the navy. Although he does not know the final result, this kind of thought is a very important thing.

Chi Yan and Small are standing at opposite ends of the ring, the battle has not yet begun, the eyes of the two people and the communication in their hearts have been in full swing.

Smog’s face changed a bit, and his strong aura as always seemed to have no way to show it here, and everything was different from what he imagined.

Because a guy below the level of a vice-admiral will definitely have a tremor in energy when facing this powerful aura, but Chi Yan in front of him is as stable as a mountain, and he is not moved at all.

The bursts of cheers made Smog lose himself in this vain honor, and even thought that all the situation was developing towards the situation that he was shooting towards.

And no one can change the battle strategy in his heart at this time. As long as Akainu orders the battle to start, he will fully display the power in his body in front of everyone.

“What do you think this fight means, it’s the result of crushing, my hope is really in vain!|!

“I’m going to bet that all my money will buy Smoker to win. If I don’t take advantage of this opportunity to give money, I’m really a fool!”

“Buy me one too, anyway, this is the last fight today, no matter what the final result is, it should leave a deep impression on people. 93


Almost all of the other naval audiences at the scene believed that Smoker could win the final victory, and only a few people bet on Chi Yan.

It may be that you want to buy an unpopular one. If there is an unexpected situation, then you can make a profit.

In any case, these people still believe that Smaller has an absolute advantage, and this final round of struggle may also be Smaller’s personal exhibition stage.

I believe that it is difficult for someone to plunder the position of Vice Admiral from his hands, and Smoker’s competitive spirit is already very strong.

Therefore, the other party will not show mercy no matter what, and only by going all out can he be worthy of those who cheer for him.

The dealer was also a little confused when he saw this crushing situation. No matter what the odds were changed, it was difficult to stop these people from betting on Small.

And it is a trend that cannot be stopped at all. At this time, what he hopes most is to quickly start the struggle here, so that he can pay a little less money.

There was already a strong aura in the broadcasting station. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, the real powerhouse could feel this aura.

Fujitora frowned at Akainu’s side, and seemed to have felt some bad pictures, but he didn’t tell them, maybe these were just his own illusions.

Chi Yan’s power is of course powerful, but those are only limited to when the opponent has turned into a death wing form. It is really hard to imagine the result of his strength in the state of an ordinary person.


“I declare that the final round of the fight officially begins today!”

After going through a complicated process, Akainu officially announced the start of the game. Such words also pushed the atmosphere of everyone on the scene to a climax.

This guy Smog was merciless, and before he finished speaking, his eyes became sharp in an instant.

The legs swayed quickly, and they moved directly to Chi Yan’s side in just a few seconds. The pickaxe in his hand also swiped at the opponent’s body mercilessly, with huge energy. The atmosphere also fluctuated,

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