Chapter 150 Naval Alert

If an unexpected situation really happened, they would have rushed out from here immediately, and no situation could stop Chi Yan’s strength from erupting.

“You bastard, just keep hanging around here, I want to see how you plan to deal with the current situation and the outcome at the last moment!

Akainu quickly turned and left angrily, anyway, there won’t be too many opportunities for them to express their energy.

However, the slightest burst of energy could cause a serious blow to the future situation, and Fujitora followed Akainu’s footsteps and left.

The remaining Smoker in the emergency room was in a relatively confused state, and it was difficult to see where he was tomorrow.

“Let’s be vigilant, otherwise I feel it’s too late, that guy Chi Yan is so elusive, it’s hard to imagine what he will do about it!

Akainu issued the highest order to Fujitora, and then hurried back to the office to prepare for the next thing.

15 If necessary, they also need to mobilize the power of the world government, after all, they have knowledge of Chi Yan’s strength.

And the riots he caused will push the entire naval headquarters back to the way it was before the war, which is not what they want to see.

“Okay, but he doesn’t know where he is going in the Warring States period. You should get in touch with him here. I will take action immediately!”

Fujitora quickly accepted the order, and then quickly threw himself into his work.

No one dares to neglect this kind of thing, and if there is any inattention, it may cause things to become more tragic in the future.

“You can leave these issues to me to handle, you don’t have to worry about other things, and you must pay attention to every corner of the navy, that guy Chi Yan is very cunning, maybe he will launch an offensive anytime!

Akainu was quite nervous about this, and then quickly pulled out the drawer, one of which was Sengoku’s special line.

After receiving the order, Fujitora hurriedly launched action, and did not dare to delay in any way.


“what’s up!”

The voice of the Warring States was quickly transmitted from the phone bugs, very clear, but also a little nervous at the same time.

Of course, Akainu is burning his eyebrows now. He doesn’t care about so many details, he just wants to quickly convey this emergency.

“That kid Smog tried to assassinate Chi Yan yesterday, but he failed. Chi Yan has disappeared, so I think that guy is going to take revenge on us, hurry back to the headquarters, and discuss the future battle plan!”

Akainu was quite nervous about this.

Although Sengoku didn’t know that Chi Yan was going to be assassinated, but he happened to be sleeping there right now, so it would be unrealistic to attack the naval headquarters.

“I said, don’t be so nervous, don’t act rashly until things are investigated clearly. I just saw Chi Yan practicing there. How can you think like this, don’t get too excited!”

Sengoku didn’t want to make things more complicated here, and he couldn’t tell each other about his relationship with Chi Yan.

This Smog really likes to be a demon, and his actions really almost exposed the actions of the Warring States Period.

“Even if it’s like this, we can’t let our guard down, in short, come back quickly, and we’ll take the lead!

After Akainu finished speaking, he hung up the phone, looking really in a hurry.

The Warring States period is quite helpless, but some things cannot be clearly stated. It seems that when he returns to the Navy Headquarters, he will inevitably see a chaotic scene.

Many problems are not properly resolved, as is the case today.

The next morning.

After Chi Yan woke up, he quickly sat up, but his arm was still aching.

He seems to have forgotten where he is now, and it is difficult to quickly recall what he has experienced just now.

“You can be regarded as sober, don’t walk at will, your injury yesterday has not completely healed!”

Sengoku was heartbroken that night, not only had to consider the situation at the naval headquarters, but also had to be responsible for Chi Yan’s injury.

Although he is no longer the Admiral of the Navy, he seems to be busier than before.

These situations can be solved very well during this period of time. In any case, the problems contained in them are difficult to get a good solution.

“How long have I slept, I really don’t have any impression at all. You guy didn’t do anything to me while I was sleeping!”

Chi Yan said jokingly.

The Warring States did not pay any attention, but just glanced at the other party.

An old man can do anything, but now is not the time to discuss them.

“Have you been assassinated by someone else in the Navy, or something like that?97

Warring States carefully said the question that he had been thinking about all night. If this matter really left a bad impression on Chi Yan’s heart, it would be bad.

In his opinion, the relationship between the navy and Chi Yan has just been established, and now should be the most vulnerable period, so it can’t stand much toss.

Changes in any situation may have very serious consequences and other things, in any case, Chi Yan’s ability to act is undeniable.

The most afraid of the sudden silence in the air, the two of them suddenly became heavy when they talked about this topic.

“Yes, it should be done by that kid Smog, but he also underestimates me too much, an assassination with that kind of strength will not make any impression on me at all! 99

Chi Yan said with a wry smile, of course he has released all his grievances on the poisoner.

This kind of thing is not unusual among pirates, and it is always possible to experience such problems and make everyone’s emotions almost adapt to this change in rhythm.

“It’s fine if you don’t have anything to do, I also just got a notification from Akainu, they are worried that you will retaliate against it, and now the ants on the hot pot are in a hurry!

Warring States said with a wry smile, the embarrassment may only be clear to him.

Some problems can’t be ended by just talking about it, especially in such an important situation today,

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