Chapter 163 Laser

Although Chi Yan looks a little embarrassed, his eyes have an unusually confident attitude, which is not something that can be shown casually.

Warring States expressed his apologies. He shouldn’t be so eager for success. There are many ways to succeed, but Chi Yan chose the most difficult path.

Of course, he will never regret this journey, and he will not tell anyone what happened to him.

“Since all the contestants have arrived, then our battle has begun. For the sake of fairness, we draw lots to choose the order that needs to be challenged!”

The host shouted loudly, and under everyone’s attention, he put his hand deep into the box, and after groping for a while, he quickly took out a card with a name-.

The first person to be drawn is naturally the first to appear, Chi Yan silently prayed in his heart that he did not want to be himself.

After all, he finally came over from the uninhabited island. He just wanted to find an opportunity to cleanse his body well. He really couldn’t bear this feeling.

Everyone looked nervously at everything that happened in front of them, but Akainu seemed more relaxed, as if it had nothing to do with him.

“Chi Yan!”

“Chi Yan will be the first challenger to take the stage, so please hurry up and get ready for battle!”

The news that he didn’t want to hear immediately appeared in Chi Yan’s ears, and he secretly clenched his fists, wishing he could vent all the anger in his heart.

How could things be so ingenious, so it must have been arranged by the guy Akainu, and Chi Yan has no way to do it.

“What a lucky guy, then he will leave it to me to solve it, and I just plan to use this opportunity to feel how powerful our Chi Yan can be!”

Huang Yuan walked towards the ring with promise, and the kind of light that could be released from his whole body made people unable to open their eyes.

The huge aura was released from his body. He was a frightened existence for several other players, and in Kiabou’s hands, there were almost no guys who could continue to survive.

Fujitora still maintains a low-key attitude, although this is also a difficult choice, but as long as he has the tone in his heart, he must be able to release all the energy in his body.

Akainu didn’t bother to ask about the matter here. After hearing about Kizaru’s plan, he just nodded silently in agreement.

“Then the first battle is about to start, please wait for the next one!

The host quickly withdrew from the broadcasting station. The battle rules here did not differ much from the previous one. The only thing was that the challengers here had the right to choose to give up during the battle.

This can be regarded as a kind of understanding and concern for human nature, and no one wants to see anyone having the slightest problem here.

Chi Yan jumped and jumped directly to the top of the ring. He looked dirty and was not applauded by anyone.

Huang Yuan is also quite interested in this, and the aura on his body has not seen any weakening.

This person seems to be planning to quickly resolve the fight with Chi Yan in a short time, and he doesn’t know where Kizaru comes from.

The first round begins.

The audience shouted the name of Kizaru loudly, knowing that it is quite rare to see the battle of the admiral, let alone watching the battle at such a distance.

Everyone is maintaining a surging emotion to face all the changes here. Little do they know that Chi Yan has taken everything lightly, and now the only possibility that can shake him is the existence of Akainu.


Kizaru planned to strike first, and the huge rays of light condensed between his fingers, and then sprinted directly towards Chi Yan’s position.

This guy is the ability person of the glittering fruit. As a powerful fighting force among the natural fruits, Kizaru has already adapted to all the fighting process.

Now there is no one who can make him feel fear, the laser light rubbed Chi Yan’s body and quickly rushed out into the air.

Immediately afterwards, a huge roar was transmitted from the air, and it was difficult for everyone to open their eyes to look directly at these energies.

…… ask for flowers……

Blood immediately flowed down Chi Yan’s face, although it was only a scratch, but it was enough to show that Kizaru’s strength was definitely not that simple.

The moves just now were nothing more than a warm-up for each other, and the next moment was when the battle really began.

The Warring States period is full of nervousness about this, and it is difficult to figure out how long Chi Yan can last in Kiaburu’s hands now, knowing that as the highest combat power of the navy, the abilities they can unleash are difficult for Chi Yan to handle. exist.

“It’s quite serious, I didn’t expect you to show all of your abilities now, but just at the beginning, I really do have something for you, but what needs to be dealt with in the future!

In this regard, Chi Yan directly expressed his attitude. Perhaps he is such a stubborn person, and he needs to overwhelm the other party no matter what.

Of course, Kizaru won’t be attacked by words like this. In his own opinion, as long as he is in the ring, he must go all out.

No reason can be the reason for him to release water, so today he and Chi Yan are only one person who can occupy the last second. As for who that person is, it remains to be seen.

“Don’t be joking, because I’m not sure if you will release your dragon power directly, if that’s the case, how can I dare to be in a hurry! 33

Kizaru is also mocking Chi Yan’s existence in disguise, because in his opinion, the other party has no substantial power at all.

The catastrophe caused by just releasing the power of the dragon in his body is meaningless, and in that case, it is very difficult for Chi Yan to control his reason well, otherwise the final result will be It won’t be so embarrassing.

The struggle here is still very anxious, Kizaru is not willing to give up the pursuit of Chi Yan for a moment, his movement speed is already very fast, so no matter where Chi Yan dodges, it is useless.

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