Chapter 170 Sending to the Advance City Prison

Chi Yan opened his eyes and observed the surrounding terrain all the way, because he was unfamiliar in the navy, and there were many positions he had never set foot in.

I don’t know how many detours it took, and finally Garp stopped in a room that looked a little invisible.

Chi Yan was taken over by a stranger. At this time, his heart was very entangled. If he suddenly woke up here, he might not get some more profound news.

But if there is any unexpected situation, he will not be able to take care of himself. This situation is quite tangled for Chi Yan.

“He is Chi Yan, and it seems that there is really no difference. Let me handle the next thing. Akainu has explained these issues to me.”

This mysterious guy can’t see what his face looks like at all, just wearing a mask and holding a test tube in his hand.

The location in front of him is the laboratory in the Navy Headquarters. All medicines are designed from here. Of course, what Chi Yan takes today also comes from here.

“You guys have to be a little more careful, this family of 15 has just fainted and not long after, his strength is very terrifying, no matter what, you must never wake him up!

Karp repeatedly asked these things, and then turned to leave, even in this way, he was still full of his own thoughts and attitudes about this place.

The other party took it, Chi Yan’s body quickly turned around, and then quickly infused Chi Yan’s body with the previously prepared potion.

Chi Yan’s willpower was a little fuzzy at this time, and the one just now came so suddenly that he couldn’t control his actions well, and in the end he really fainted completely.

The guys in these labs were even more worried about Chi Yan, so they deliberately used nearly ten times the amount of the potion to make him fall asleep, so they could make a better way to deal with it later.

“Everything is done, you can come and see the situation!”

The mysterious guys don’t know who they’re talking to.

After hanging up the phone, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

Everyone hurriedly stood by Chi Yan’s side, and things needed to follow his arrangements.

“Your speed is really fast enough, what’s the ink mark now, hurry up and pack him up and send him to the ship bound for Push City, there should be a time limit for hypnosis, we can’t continue to delay It’s time! 99

The one standing here is none other than Admiral Akainu.

He had already made this plan from the very beginning. He looked at Chi Yan’s body with some interest, and it would be a pity to solve it directly here.

Therefore, it is also a good idea to temporarily put him in prison, and after his edges and corners are smoothed out, it is also a good way to release him from there for the use of the navy.

Of course, these are also the results of Akainu’s ideals. Chi Yan’s body lay there quietly, and he could clearly see a dagger on his waist.

What happened during the day is still deeply imprinted in Akainu’s mind. If it wasn’t for the energy released by this dagger, Chi Yan would not have been able to fight against Kizaru.

“Okay, we’ll deal with it now!”

After these people got the notification, they planned to start processing quickly. The first thing was to change all Chi Yan’s clothes.

Just when they were about to start, Akainu quickly approached, and his goal was obvious, to see what secrets were hidden in Chi Yan’s seven songs, and it was possible to release such a huge strength. , unimaginable.

“Wait a minute, this guy’s dagger is interesting, let me see what’s going on in it!

Akainu quickly approached the past, and at the moment when his arm touched Qishou, a powerful energy quickly ejected his arm.

At the same time, the surface can also release violent temperature, and this burst of energy makes the entire laboratory become extremely messy.

All kinds of evil medicines were sprinkled directly on the ground. Even if Chi Yan fainted, he could still unleash his terrifying strength. It is conceivable how special his identity is.

“Are you okay? The energy of these seven songs is really strange. I think it’s better for now. If there is too much energy stimulation, it may cause the effect of our medicine to weaken. If Chi Yan really wakes up, then shit!

People in the laboratory still want to use a more secure way to solve the problems that need to be faced now.

Akainu nodded in agreement. He felt that Chi Yan was getting more and more strange. He had never seen Chi Yan use these seven songs before, and he never thought that such a troublesome thing would appear now.

After a simple treatment of him, he was sent to the ship bound for Push City Prison. Because of Chi Yan’s particularity, he was arranged alone.

All the pirates on the ship were caught from all over the world, some large and small, and they were uneven.

The Naval Justice Gate was quickly opened at night, and it could be clearly seen that there was a clear gap between Ocean 543 and other locations.

The huge vortex should be difficult to continue driving without any protective measures, but the Navy can make good use of this vortex, and even directly turn it into the power of the ship.

The naval battleship quickly entered, and then the door of justice was quickly closed, and the naval headquarters could finally usher in a period of calm.

Akainu was relieved after finishing everything, and quickly returned to his office, but at this time someone had been waiting for him for a long time.

“What have you been doing for such a long time, do you know what has changed in the new world recently, and you can still be so relaxed!”

One of the five old stars did not know when they arrived in the navy. On the one hand, they came to solve these problems, and on the other hand, they wanted to ask about Chi Yan’s situation.

Sengoku sat beside him and listened carefully to what was in front of him, and then turned his attention to Akainu.

He knows that Akainu is more ill-fated this time, and it is difficult for him to give a perfect explanation for some problems here. The most important problem is about Chi Yan. His existence is very important to the Five Old Stars. .

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