Chapter 176 Poison Dragon

Chi Yan’s perceptual arrogance can figure out the strength of everyone here, but there is only one here that he can’t figure out.

At this time, Bucky’s expression also changed, and it seemed that some special people existed here.

“The other is Shiliu of the Rain. This guy is the former warden. He was expelled because of his style of life, and he had a big fight with Magellan, and was finally forced to enter here. That guy has never Without speaking, it is difficult to guess what this person is thinking.”

Bucky pointed to the cage on his right hand, which was full of resentment and hatred.

I don’t know what this guy Shiliu of the Rain has become. He lives in this kind of resentment every day. Perhaps his strength should also be significantly improved than before.

“Then you people may not be able to be released from here in this lifetime, or is there another way?”

Chi Yan quickly retracted his gaze from Shiliu of the Rain, and then quickly returned to the main thing.

It is still quite difficult to escape from the advancing city just by relying on his own strength, so Chi Yan wants to gather everyone’s strength here, and finally let everyone’s abilities be completely liberated.

“Of course, everyone except me bears countless lives here. Naturally, we guys won’t get the understanding of the navy, so we must stay here for the rest of our lives!”

Bucky’s tone was full of desperation, but also that helpless thought about continuing to survive.

Chi Yan now has a preliminary understanding and judgment of the people around him, but if he controls people’s hearts now, it is still relatively difficult for him.

And the biggest question now is that Chi Yan has almost forgotten his identity, and the surrounding situation is difficult to help him recall anything useful.

The most serious situation at this time is this, but the state presented by the performance is not enough to explain all the problems.

“Then is there anything more special here, I seem to have already felt the taste of predators ||!

Chi Yan continued, and the aura was quickly approaching here, not even giving people a chance to fight back.

Bucky doesn’t know anything about it, perhaps because he’s far from being as powerful as Chi Yan.

“You don’t want to be imaginative here, if you can go out, we won’t be here for so long, I’d like to see what else you can do for me here!

Doflamingo showed his opinion on such a thing. His body seemed to have an aura, even if there was a sea floor stone that restrained his strength.

But this person’s ambition is released to the outside all the time, and it is hard to imagine what kind of bad things such a person would do.

How can you know what the final result will look like if you don’t try something, it’s useless to think about it here, it’s better to give some practical actions quickly! 99

Chi Yan rejects Doflamingo’s words, and at the same time doesn’t want to get too close to that kind of person.

The other party is not only cunning, but also too self-centered. Even if such a guy locks him up for a lifetime, it will always be this virtue.

“It’s really arrogant.

Doflamingo lowered his posture a little, since he also wanted to see what could be done here.

The elevator door was suddenly opened, and then a heavy foot stepped out, nearly three meters tall, with two horns on the top of the head, which looked very interesting.

Chi Yan’s eyes were quickly drawn to him, and the person standing in front of him might be the warden here, which can be well explained from the other party’s expression and attitude.

The others quickly became quiet, and Bucky, who usually talks the most, quickly hid himself, and at the same time was worried that something bad would happen to him here.

Magellan directly ignored the guys next to him, and finally stood directly in front of Chi Yan’s cage.

There seemed to be a story hidden in his deep eyes, and at a glance he saw that the Hailou stone on Chi Yan’s arm had been broken free.

Now some problems can no longer be dealt with in this simple way, and if necessary, some other efforts may be required.

“What’s the situation with your sea tower, who allowed you to open it without authorization!”

Magellan roared and said that he was really not polite to Chi Yan at all.

Anyway, in his eyes, as long as they are in prison, they are all guilty, and he does not need any polite behavior for the existence of such people.

I thought it was some kind of guy, so if that’s the case, it’s you who arrested me, I want to ask you a question, what did I do, and you brought me to such a place! 33

Chi Yan’s tone is very strong, and he will not leave any chance for the other party to refute at all.

Anyway, I already have some memories of the previous things, and it would be the best thing to be able to call back those memories here.

An instinctive impulse kept brewing deep in Chi Yan’s heart, and he didn’t know when that power would be released, but what was certain was that it would be for the entire advance city prison at that time. Must be a disaster.

“Poison Dragon!

Mazhe (Li Ma Hao) Lun especially hated these guys who were very arrogant in front of him, and then the violent poison was quickly instilled into Chi Yan’s cage.

The purple liquid was about to occupy almost the entire space, and the rest of the people quickly held their breaths, and no one wanted to absorb this kind of air.

“Boom! 97

Chi Yan’s body quickly slammed into the railing in front of him, but in the end it was difficult to play any role, and the huge roar was almost deafening.

But the more impulsive, the toxins released by Magellan can occupy Chi Yan’s body more quickly.

Slowly, Chi Yan’s willpower began to blur, and there was a serious delay in his mobility.

In the end, the body was overwhelmed and fell directly to the ground. Of course, such strength was not enough to kill Chi Yan, but he was paralyzed mentally.

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