Chapter 180 Prison Break Plan

“Poison Dragon!”

Suddenly, a powerful energy was released from Magellan’s body again. In order to prevent Chi Yan from having any chance to refute, these are all necessary things.

Otherwise, no one would have guessed whether he would do something incredible the moment he untied the rope, so these problems need to be well guarded against.

Chi Yan closed his eyes slowly, and then his body showed a natural relaxed state. He did this just to create an illusion for Magellan.

In fact, he had already developed antibodies to this toxin when he was poisoned for the first time. Magellan was careless and started his own actions before it was determined whether Chi Yan was completely poisoned.

First the rope on the arm, then the body, and finally Chi Yan was directly given to the shoulder by Magellan.

At the same time, following the elevator down to the bottom position, Chi Yan slowly stretched his arms to Magellan’s belt.

And when the other party was not paying attention, he secretly took down the key here, which can be said to be unknowing.

Magellan didn’t find anything during the whole process, and if he reacted later, it might be too late.

“Kissing, I thought this Chi Yan could make a name for himself. It turned out that he came back like this. It’s really too miserable.”

At this time, Doflamingo didn’t forget to mock him well, but the rest of the people kept a silent attitude.

Magellan is the guy they don’t want to provoke the most, and they have all felt the kind of toxin that can be released from this person’s body, so don’t be too sour.

Chi Yan was directly thrown into the cage by Magellan, and then closed the lock directly, because there is no need to use the key here, and he has not yet discovered what Chi Yan has done.

After everything was done, Magellan turned around and left without the slightest hesitation. Perhaps in his opinion, most of the situations here should be resolved more safely.

The elevator went up, and after confirming that Magellan had left, Chi Yan was also slightly relieved.

It is still too early to act, this is like a game, after all, it is all monitored by the navy, and every move of Chi Yan is in the hands of these people.

So no matter what, you need to find the best opportunity to do it. Chi Yan has only one action condition. If you miss it, you will miss it forever.

“Do you still remember what I said just now, if you break out of prison now, who would be willing to go out with me?|!

Chi Yan still fell to the ground, but his voice could clearly reach everyone’s ears.

The people around them quickly cheered up. If this time is really successful, then they may insist on Chi Yan as a god-like existence.

“I’m leaving this damn place!

“Me too!

“me too!”


These people hurriedly expressed their thoughts, and even Doflamingo, who never believed in others, expressed his thoughts about leaving.

In any case, they all clearly saw the key in Chi Yan’s hand, and the actions after that were all instantaneous.

As long as the guards in the prison can be quickly and completely solved, then there will be no future troubles at all.

“Stop dreaming, these are impossible things, even if we go out, we still need to face the windless belt and the sea king creatures here, what power do you use to fight against these things, don’t continue here. Whimsical!”

Shiryu of Rain’s voice was very heavy, and it was the first time he expressed his opinion.

But in any case, as the former warden, he must have a very good understanding of the terrain here. If he can get his help, then the overall plan here should be more stable.

“What nonsense are you talking about here, now is an opportunity that I finally won, how could I just give up!

Bucky hurriedly stood in Chi Yan’s position and said, of course, only Chi Yan would not care about these people’s thoughts at all.

At this time, Chi Yan’s heart has been counting the time silently. He needs to wait until Magellan completely returns to his office before starting action. In this case, he should be able to buy himself the longest action time.

“Don’t just talk and do nothing here, hurry up and act young man, let me see the power you can show!”

Crockdale also had absolute confidence in Chi Yan, and then quickly released the aura that he could show.

The problem at hand cannot be changed in any way, and it can be regarded as a kind of affirmation for themselves.

Before he finished speaking, Chi Yan’s body bounced directly from the ground like a spring, and then opened the door at the first time, and opened all the cages of the surrounding people with the fastest speed.

Such a move seems to bring the light of life to other people, but this is not enough, Chi Yan needs to carefully find the shackles in the hands of these people.

After all, Hailoushi handcuffs are not a universal key, and it is difficult to get the fastest action for such a thing.

“,” Chi Yan, free me first, my ability can be unlocked, hurry up and act, now we have no time!”

Bucky shouted loudly, Chi Yan can’t care so much now, and immediately threw a series of keys to the clown (King Li’s) Bucky, maybe let him do these things faster.

Magellan has not discovered the problem here at the first time, and is still solving the problem about Chi Yan.

Little did they know that the prison at this time had already turned into a pot of porridge.

“Beep beep!

The hazard warning lights were quickly lit, and the entire prison instantly became dim, and the elevator position fell directly into the sea floor stone.

Now the only exit has been blocked, and their actions have also brought great obstacles.

After hearing this voice, Magellan quickly turned his attention to the surveillance screen, and the scene there was like a volcano erupting out of his inner anger.

But the first emergency measures have been released. If there is no special way, it is difficult for these people to escape from the depths of the sea.

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