Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper

Chapter 297: Fragmented Soul - Top

"So that's how it is. It's the same as the news brought by Angel. Is the purpose of the kingdom the twelve signs of the zodiac..." Just tap your index finger, and a ray of ancient hot golden flames dances slightly at the tip of your fingertips, spreading and rippling at will. In an instant, the three people who were tied together with terrified faces were reduced to ashes in an instant. After patting the spotless white long clothes, Achill stepped out of the improvised confession room.

As he walked out, the underground confession room also collapsed and disappeared.

"In other words, a certain plan of the kingdom must rely on the power of the star spirit wizard, or directly use the star spirit wizard of the zodiac. In this case, it will be easier to handle..." A faint smile of unknown meaning overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and as he came to the Fairy Tail hotel above, Achill murmured to himself in his heart, "Although I don't know what the plan that must use the zodiac star magician is. What are you going to do, but if you clearly know your purpose, with me around, will you still make your wish come true—"

There was an undisguised mockery in his eyes.

After thinking about it, he had already reached the interior of the hotel above, and Achill walked directly into Wendy's room.

"There's nothing serious about it, Wendy." Pushing open the door, Achill saw Wendy and Lucy who were sitting on the edge of the bed and caring for Poliusika and Xia Lulu who were in a coma.

"Ah? Brother Achill! My words are all right now." Wendy, who was in a dazed state, was slightly startled when she heard Achill's sudden words, but when she saw that it was Achill, she immediately Then she relaxed and shook her head first, but after looking at Poliusika and Xia Lulu who were still unconscious on the bed, Wendy said worriedly, "But Grantigne, um, it's Poliusia Grandma Ka and Xia Lulu and the others..."

"Don't worry, it's fine." He walked to the bed, and then motioned for Wendy and Lucy to move away a little. Achill stretched out his palm and aimed at the person and the cat on the bed. The light yellow magic light in his palm shone slightly. with a casual wave—

"The Seventy-Three of Binding Dao, Daoshanjing!"

The light yellow light spewed out, forming a condensed small inverted triangular light yellow magic circle in the air, quietly enveloping the whole bed, one person and one cat in it.

"Okay, I have treated them with the ghost way before, now, as long as I have the protection of the No. 73 bound way that combines defense and healing, I don't have to worry about other people hurting it." There are two people (cats) now." Putting down his palm, Aqier said lightly, "Now, just stay here, and then you can fully recover after a few days of self-cultivation, don't worry about any sequelae. .”

"Huh~..." Hearing this, the two girls who had been holding their breath and quietly watching the movements in Aqier's hands finally couldn't help but let out a big breath, their expressions relaxed a lot.

Since Mr. Achill (the eldest brother) has already said that nothing will happen, then nothing will happen! The two women thought so.

"Okay, there's nothing to worry about here. Now, you two will go to the arena with me." Looking up through the window to the direction of the bird, Achill said lightly, "I think, now The repair work of the arena has almost been completed."

"..." Hearing this, the two girls couldn't help sweating a little. It is said that the arena was destroyed by Little Angel. They also saw it through the magic transmission crystal in the hotel, so they naturally understood what Achill said. The meaning of the phrase 'almost repaired'.

In other words, don't you have any awareness of being the indirect culprit? . . . The two girls couldn't help complaining in their hearts, Angel is your precious adopted daughter~

"However, don't you really need to keep one of them to take care of them?" Pointing to the two (cats) sleeping in the light yellow inverted mountain crystal, Wendy still suggested with a bit of uneasiness, "Otherwise, I will stay here." Take care of the two of them! My words shouldn't matter..." Of course, she was referring to the mysterious people's plan to capture Lucy just now.

"No, although it has been basically determined that their goal is to have Lucy, the star magician who is the tenth sign of the zodiac, but I'm not sure if those people will do it if they know they can't catch Lucy. Do something else extreme." Hearing this, Achill rejected Wendy's proposal without even thinking about it, and explained lightly, "If they take the opportunity to capture you who is staying alone in the hotel, they are deliberately avoiding Under the circumstances, even for me, it is very troublesome to find you. So, if it is not really necessary, then this avoidable situation should be avoided as much as possible. "

"Oh." Hearing this, Wendy nodded suddenly.

Immediately, under the leadership of Achill, the three of Lucy and Wendy walked towards the Fra Bird Arena.

Just as Aqier said, after dozens of wizards from the organizer rushed at full speed, the repair work of the messy field damaged by little Angel was coming to an end.

Under the sunlight, the huge arena slightly refracts the crystal luster. Obviously, the ground has also been specially reinforced~ Judging from the situation, the effect seems to be more reliable! It seems that in order to prevent the venue from being damaged again, the organizers obviously took pains and painstaking efforts.

Regarding this, everyone in Fairy Tail expressed a little shame, because it was the members of their guild that caused this effect~ Although all kinds of damage to public property over the years have already become commonplace, deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and even soon become the exclusive tradition of Fairy Tail ~! However, in front of so many people, they would still feel a little embarrassed if it was exposed directly~~~

"Ahem, okay! Everyone, please be quiet now—" At this moment, Chabati's voice suddenly sounded in the arena. Hearing this, the crowd of spectators who were chatting and discussing loudly in the arena instantly fell silent. Looking in the direction of the rostrum,

On the rostrum, seeing that the various discussions in the venue had finally quieted down, Chabati nodded, cleared his throat, and said loudly with the amplified microphone in his hand: "Fortunately, it is not a disgrace! The technical wizards of the other side are resting with all their strength, and now! The competition venues of the Flair Bird Arena have finally been repaired—"

"I think everyone should have been waiting for a long time, right?!"

"Wow—" As soon as the words fell, after a brief silence, the audience suddenly burst into cheers!

"I'll go—it's finally fixed?!"

"Haha! I've been waiting for a long time!"

"The organizer's speed is impatient! How could it be repaired so quickly? I thought it would take a while~"

"It's so powerful—"

Hearing all kinds of praise from the audience, even though it was just a fact reporter invited by the organizer, Chabati nodded again with satisfaction, and then continued: "And, not only that, after the refurbishment The playing field is also the same as I said before! The defense against magic has been fully optimized and improved! According to the data I just saw, the current playing field of the entire Frau Bird Arena, its maximum defense Strength! Already have the aftermath of a full-strength fight to support two or more Holy Ten level—”

"That is to say, now we don't have to worry anymore! We will suddenly stop and repair the arena when we see the most exciting moments!"

"Ah oh—" Everyone in the venue applauded loudly, obviously quite satisfied with what the organizers did~! Speaking of which, no one wants to experience the feeling of seeing halfway and then suddenly stop~ Even if the time is short, those who have been stimulated by the continuous wonderful ** of this year's Damo Dou Yanwu have been completely affected For the audience, the enthusiasm is so strong! It's still unbearable~—

It can be said that the organizer will fully upgrade the defense of the venue to avoid such a situation from happening again. It is undoubtedly just scratching their itch so that the whole body feels refreshed~!

So naturally, the organizers would be so highly praised for their efficiency.

"Now it seems that we are not late." At this time, Achill also brought Lucy and little Wendy into the Fairy Tail viewing area in the venue.

"It's just right." The first time Achill came over, he was noticed by Angel who seemed to have a feeling. The little guy was giggling in Mira's arms, holding his fluffy ball in one hand. , waving vigorously at the approaching Achill with one hand, so naturally, Mira and the others also saw Achill leading the two of them, and Mira stroked the little guy writhing in his arms The long moon white hair on the head raised up, and he said with a smile, "The reinforcement and repair of the venue have just been completed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it?" The wriggling little guy took it lightly and hugged it into his arms. He pinched the little guy's chubby pink face with shallow dimples, and the teasing little thing clucked and waved his white tender hands. Achill glanced at it indifferently. After a while.

"Where are you? What's the matter? You left in such a hurry just now." Mira asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just some trash who wanted to secretly get some cleverness, and it has been disposed of directly." Aqier said indifferently, "However, some slightly useful information has been obtained, which is considered trash Second use."

"Is that so?" With a slight smile, Mira didn't ask any more detailed questions, because she would still say it carefully after returning. As for the present? Hehe, let's watch the next game carefully~

Maybe even more useful information can be found.

(ps: Here comes the fault-finding again. Guys like mad dogs are really annoying. Just ask the starting point to delete this book, shit! Even if someone sends a free one, someone insists on embarrassing me—)

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