Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper

Chapter 314: Looking Through the Looking Glass and the Moon in the Water

"This, it's impossible..." Stupidly widened his eyes, staring blankly at the proud figure standing faintly in the blood flower garden of Fumo Temple, everyone couldn't help but stagnate their breathing

Not even daring to breathe, and even with an open mouth that couldn't be closed for a long time, or forgot to close everyone in the audience, and all the people in the mainland who saw this scene through the video magic crystal, have already He forgot his own existence for a moment, and the only thing reflected in his eyes was the white figure with fluttering long clothes...

"In this way, it's safe..." Raising his head, a faint smile that controlled the overall situation was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and Aqier murmured in his heart, "In this case, it is a foregone conclusion, because no one—"

"I can escape the hypnosis of the mirror and the moon..." A faint black flame ignited between the fingers, and with a light wave of the finger, the black that erupted instantly completely turned the entire Temple of Demons into nothingness. Looking at the exposed underfoot, The inexplicable force of suction is slightly flickering, and the lines of countless strangely shaped magic totems formed by the magic light

He casually glanced at the audience who didn't react at all to his actions, raised his right hand lightly, and a little moon-white brilliance surged from the front of his fingers, and Achill lightly smiled and said: " As one of the strongest Zanpakutō, Kyoka Suigetsu's full hypnotic ability is absolute..."

"No one can ever escape from the slavery of the mirror—"

After finishing speaking, the powerful magic power condensed between the fingers spewed out in an instant~ The strong and mysterious moon-white radiance, like a faint light and shadow, instantly penetrated through the pattern under the feet, absorbing the hidden magic power in the field The magic conduit completely destroyed the whole land—

"Sure enough, this so-called Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts..." Withdrawing his right hand, he took a look at the magic conduit that had been completely destroyed by him, and Aqier couldn't help but sarcastically said, "No wonder, no wonder from the beginning to the end. There's so much magic going to waste in games now, whether it's the giant aerial mazes of the qualifiers, or the wide concrete streets of the occult games, or this fully concrete replica of the sky's physical arena - 'War' Fra Birds even include the 100 figurative monsters that I destroyed just now and the Demon Demon Temple, it turns out that this is not a big effort by the organizer—”

"Because from the beginning to the end, all of these are just using our own magic power—" With a mocking smile on his face, Achill said to himself indifferently, "The so-called annual ceremony of the strongest guild decision, everyone Magic Fighting Martial Art~ It's actually just a kingdom, a cover for stealing other people's power"

"The unknown plan, the power of the protoss mage, and the zodiac..." He walked away from the dilapidated place that was pierced by his own magic power, and while walking, Aqier said faintly and confidently, "Open the change." The ancient rumors of the World Gate are undoubtedly related to this~Since the Kingdom of Fiore knows that there is a connection, although I don’t know what it refers to, but it can be determined now, no matter what—”

"In addition to the celestial wizards of the zodiac, this plan also requires an incalculable amount of magic power." With the confidence to control the overall situation in his eyes, Aqier whispered lightly, "Although all the magic power obtained by relying on generals has passed The figurative way is transformed into a part of the original figurative things, and then at the end, through the reverse reversal method, these figurative things are transformed into pure magic power for synchronous recovery. This is definitely an extremely subtle secret technique. It really confuses and blinds the senses and vision of most people. Even I, who owns the almost invulnerable-absolute magic power detection network, is conducting all-round coverage analysis, observation, and perception anytime, anywhere~ I have ignored it for a while. The mystery of dropping it—"

"I have to say, it's really a very subtle means of stealing. The organizer, no, or the kingdom..." Stopping, resting his left hand lightly on the Zanpakuto at the moment when Zanpakutana was unraveled, he also fell into the same trap Arriving on the shoulders of Ersha in the world of Mirror Flowers and Water Moons, Achill sneered lightly and said with disdain, "However, stealing is always just stealing."

"Huh? Anonymous brother, you—" Her body trembled, looking at Achill who "appeared suddenly" in front of her, Erza suddenly opened her mouth and exclaimed

"Don't be surprised, little Ailu." He raised his hand and touched the scarlet hair on Ailusha's head that was turned up because of fright, and Aqier said lightly, "What you saw in your eyes just now is just a mirror image. It’s just the world below, the present is the only reality.”

"Eh? Eh? Could it be the phantom, or the illusion series of dress-up magic—" Hearing this, Erusa suddenly realized, and her eyes were aimed at the direction of the Demon Palace behind Achill, before being awakened by the nameless brother 'Before, there is still a complete palace shown

"It's like that" Achill nodded noncommittally, and then snapped his fingers lightly, causing all the Fairy Tail people who had fallen into a full hypnosis to 'wake up' from the false world they created

"It's just that the ability of the mirror is perfect." He gestured with his eyes to make everyone in Fairy Tail who had discovered the real change be silent, and Aqier explained lightly, "Anyone who is completely hypnotized by this knife will lose all five senses. They will all be at the discretion of the sword master, that is, me~ It can be said that within the mirror, I—"

"The only **** who stands on top"

"It's amazing..." Hearing the words, Ersha sighed sincerely. Although she knew that her nameless elder brother was far stronger than she imagined, she couldn't help but sigh when she heard the ability of the mirror in the mirror~ even though she had special eyes , All hypnosis and illusion techniques that are absorbed through the eyes will be greatly discounted in front of her, and the effect will be halved. It can be said that these two kinds of magic are the natural nemesis. But she behaved exactly the same as ordinary people, not to mention feeling a vision, and she didn't even notice it at all—

Thinking of this, Ersha couldn't help sighing again in her heart. It can only be said that the strength of the unknown brother is too strong.

As the nameless brother said, before he finds a way to break through complete hypnosis, the nameless brother who can manipulate other people's five senses at will is the true only **** in that sense—

"Okay, that's about the end of the explanation. I've already discovered some of the kingdom's purpose, little Ai Lu." He took his hand off Ai Lusha's head and glanced at the audience who were still in the mirror. Aqier He lightly warned, "I may not participate in the next competition, so from now on, everything depends on yourselves."

"Well, I will lead everyone to victory—" Nodding vigorously, Elusa clenched her fists and said firmly, "Brother Wuming, you can rest assured to do your own thing and try to discover the real conspiracy of the kingdom as soon as possible."

Nodding with a smile, Achill turned his gaze to the area of ​​Fairy Tail. At this time, he was nestling in Mira's arms, looking at his little Angel with wide eyes and blinking. A doting smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Going in front of the little guy, he stretched out his hand and hugged the little guy from Mira's arms. He lightly tapped the soft moon-white fur on the little guy's head with his chin. I let you help~ little guy"

"You should still remember, Angel~ What I saw on Sirius Island, the frequency of the magic power fluctuations erupted by Jeref..." Touching the tender face of the little guy, Archer gave Angel a little With a serious tone, he exhorted, "You must remember the fluctuation of magic power. If you find a fluctuation of magic power similar to this kind of fluctuation in your magic detection network coverage, you must notify me as soon as possible. , got it?"

"Mmm..." Hearing this, he first looked at Achill's serious face in doubt, the little guy arched restlessly in Achill's arms, and finally nodded slightly in a half-understanding manner, and then his little head was full of seeds. It was in Achill's arms again and there was a flurry of arches

"What's the matter, Achill?" Upon seeing this, Makarov couldn't help asking strangely, "Why did you let the little guy help you perceive? Isn't your magic detection network so amazingly large that it can completely cover the entire library?" Locas's??"

"Ah, yes, I can indeed cover the entire Kurokas easily and without stress." He nodded with a chuckle, and Aqier said indifferently, "However, Angel, her perception ability, Its coverage—”

"But it's ten times mine..."

ten times?

Hearing this, Makarov almost popped his eyeballs and looked into the little guy's eyes, full of unbelievable horror.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this for the time being. Now, I have to find the location of several other magic absorption devices." Put the angel in his arms back into Mira's arms, and then put his finger on her smooth forehead. Gently, let the little thing stay in Mira's arms a little more peacefully, and after slightly nodding to the other Fairy Tail people who were looking over, Achill's figure flashed, and he disappeared on the spot in an instant

"If you want to destroy the unknown purpose of the kingdom, you must first destroy their magic power collection device."

Only such a sentence was left behind, slowly echoing in everyone's ears

"Master Aqier, so strong..." Looking at the direction where Aqier disappeared with stars in his eyes, and then glanced at the surrounding people who are still unable to extricate themselves in the world of mirror, water and moon, Xue Nai thought intoxicated and yearning "Is it a god..."

When Achill left~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the hypnosis of everyone else in the field except Fairy Tail was not lifted, so in their view, Achill was still standing in the intact Temple of Voldemort, waving his giant arms indifferently As if declaring his own strength to the world—

ps: In other words, besides being used to pretend to be b, the ability of Jinghuashuiyue is almost useless on the current protagonist~ It is not as easy to use as other Zanpakuto, I didn’t plan to use this sword at first, but look Because it is so classic, I still reluctantly let it stand out~ Although I really want to complain that the ability of this knife is basically useless on a guy like Jeref who dances with magic, even if he can deceive people, he will never be able to deceive The opponent's magic, I don't think that people who have reached this level will not even have any magic resonance. Their magic can be said to be alive~~ Even if I can be hypnotized, magic can drive the body to make a correct response Ah, and it will definitely not be worse than my original feeling. You can imagine the magical resonance between heaven and earth. Everything in the world is the feeling of their eyes. At least take the current Archer as an example. If Hua Jinghua Shuiyue is completely hypnotized, they will definitely only be tortured to death, because they have not only relied on their own five senses, but even magic has also derived their sixth and even seventh senses—the above is the explanation~ Finally, I ask for two pictures recommended ticket



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