Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper

Chapter 332: Puppet concrete life! let's pray -

"This guy is not simple, Yukino." Staring solemnly at the magical Minerva in front of him, Juvia frowned slightly, "I'm afraid it would be difficult for either of us to fight her alone." dangerous!"

"I know! I know the strength of the eldest lady too well. I knew it deeply when I was still in Saber Tooth..." Taking a deep breath, Yukino said very solemnly, "I and Saber Tooth are the strongest magicians! Mi The gap between Miss Nieba—"

"In this case, let's join forces!"

An extremely powerful magic power spewed out from his body, Juvia and Xue Nai shouted in unison in a deep voice!

"Oh?! Look, everyone! The original three-way confrontation now has a new development! Facing the strong threat of the strongest saber-tooth mage Minieba—" Chabati shouted, "From the fairy -Did the two beautiful female mages of tail—juvia and yukino choose to fight against the enemy??!"

"Let's continue to wait and see—"

Hearing the loud cheers erupting from the audience, Minerva slowly raised her right hand, pointed it at the two people standing opposite her, and pulled a cold smile full of disdain: "It's so naive!" —”

The magic power is condensed insanely! next moment-

"Boom—" The terrifying magic power is like a cannonball! In an instant, he dropped his palm with lightning speed and rushed straight towards Juvia and Yukino who stood awe-inspiringly opposite!

"What?! It's high temperature—" Juvia, who almost instinctively erected a whirlpool in front of him, suddenly found that his water was tumbling and boiling! My own magic hardly played any blocking role, and it only lasted for less than a moment! It is the magic power that was rushed by the rage to break away and tear the whole thing——

"Temple of Heaven!!" Luckily, Xue Nai, who came to her senses at this moment, immediately raised the shield of the Temple of Heaven and blocked them in front of them! But even so, the high-temperature magic power from the impact remains unabated—

It is also roaring with a terrifying power that can almost be said to be devastating! In an instant, the entire huge shield of the Temple of Heaven was completely bombarded, separated, broken, broken! !

"It's so strong!" Together with Xue Nai, they were washed back several steps in the water, Juvia's eyes were full of unbelievable horror!

"I can't take it anymore, that's why I said—" The figure instantly appeared less than a few feet in front of the two of them, and Minerba's raised hands once again condensed powerful magic power, biting coldly. Sen Han whispered, "Too naive!"

"Boom—" After finishing speaking, the two people whose faces changed drastically pressed their hands in front of them! The burst of turbulent magic power caught Juvia and Yukino who were caught off guard in an instant! His figure flew out of the water polo uncontrollably—

Seeing this, there was an exclamation in the field!

"Could it be that the winner will be decided in this way?!" Chabati yelled nervously.

"How is it possible..." The corner of his mouth curled up, overflowing with a crazy, ferocious and cruel arc, and he raised his hands, only to see everyone staring at him in astonishment! According to the momentum, Yukino and Juvia, who were definitely going to be rushed out of the water polo, suddenly appeared in Minieba's hands!

"Will I let you get rid of it so easily—" The ferocity on her face became more and more distorted, holding the necks of the two of them tightly, Minerba raised her head and laughed wildly, "How is it possible!! You Fairy Tail brought Our shame—"

"I haven't asked you to come back properly yet!!"

After finishing speaking, both arms suddenly exerted strength! A powerful explosive impact erupted instantly from the palms pinching the necks of the two women amidst the wanton spewing of magic power all over his body! !

"Pfft—" Blood spurted out, and Juvia and Xue Nai were thrown backwards like rag bags at the same time!

Although Juvia can be hydrated, her hydration is useless in the face of Minerva's weird magic attack! ~ And Yukino didn't have time to prepare to call the star spirit!

The gap is too big, I can only say one thing, the gap between them and Mineba is too big~! Although when facing Achill, Minieba seemed to be like a baby who had no resistance, and she didn't even have the qualification to touch the corner of Achill's clothes, so she was killed instantly! However, this does not mean that she is weak! On the contrary, at least for Xue Nai and Juvia, Minerva was so strong that they didn't even have the power to resist...

Saber-Toothed Tiger's strongest mage! Miss Mineba's strength! fully, fully revealed—

"Huh~huh, cough, cough cough, cough cough..." Panting heavily, Juvia and Xue Nai stood awkwardly on the edge of the water polo, before they were about to be completely knocked out of the water polo Relying on the strength of mutual support, they managed to barely stop their retreating figures.

But even so, the two of them were also covered with scars, and their magic power was also extremely consumed.

And Minerva did not continue to chase after the victory, but stopped a few meters in front of the two with a look of interest, her face twisted with abnormal pleasure and looked at the embarrassed posture of the two women, as if she could gain a lot from it. Satisfaction is average.

"Haha, hahaha! Hahahahahahaha!! It's really embarrassing—" Watching the scene of Minieba showing off her power in the water polo, Sting couldn't hide it anymore. , laughed ferociously together with Oluga, "Fairy Tail bastards! Just let them die with regret with this embarrassing appearance—"

"I regret that I shouldn't try to challenge our title of the strongest saber-toothed tiger!!"

"Aren't you going to make a move, Achill?" The smile on his face subsided, looking at the two women who were trembling and supporting each other in the huge water polo battlefield below, the brows that had just been frowned instantly stretched out again on their foreheads , Mira said softly, "Or, you have already made a move..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a crisp 'click' sound in the field~ Then the scene shattered like a mirror in an instant! Revealing the true scene within—

I saw that the two girls were beaten and bruised, which was different from what I saw just now. Although they looked a little embarrassed, the real situation was that Jubia and Xue Nai didn't have any injuries at all!

Seemingly stunned, the two women just stared at Mineba opposite with puzzled eyes, forgetting the next action for a while.

"So that's the case, Brother Wuming, did you transfer them in advance during the attack just now—" Erza suddenly said, "Using the ability of the mirror!"

Hearing this, when everyone in Fairy Tail was about to show a look of sudden realization, Achill shook his head slightly.

"What I transferred was that guy's magic, not Yukino and Juvia himself..." Faced with the stunned expressions of everyone, Aqier explained lightly, "Since they were caught and then they were captured by the other party without any resistance. It’s all true to use magic to knock them into the air, but the magic that has been transferred with all its power can only knock them into the air at best, but it can’t really hurt them!”

"As for the magic explosion of the other party that I saw just now, and then injured the two of them, it is the real illusion..." Aqier said indifferently, "Of course, what you see in the eyes of others now is that they were injured. The dire scene."

"Protect from harm, but don't give more help?" Hearing this, Makarov nodded slightly, and Makarov sincerely praised, "Well done, Achill."

"But why do you want to confuse our feelings and cause us to worry for nothing." A certain unscrupulous man pouted, protesting loudly in dissatisfaction.

"It should be to make everyone behave more naturally." Mira said with a smile. "After all, if you know it in advance, it will be difficult to express the worry from the bottom of your heart!~"

"To put it simply, I can only blame you for your poor acting skills, which is really unconvincing~" Le Qi smiled indifferently, "But it's almost there, and it's time to let that come out~! Next, everyone Just watch my show—"

"Is it finally going to start, that." Mira touched the head of the little thing in her arms, and said with a smile, "I'm really looking forward to it."

"I just hope I don't reveal my secrets." Although she said this, there was a trace of curiosity in Erza's eyes. She said that, like Mira, although she knew what Lucky's ability was bestowed by Achill, But I don't know how strong its real power is~!

Now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can just take advantage of this to satisfy my curiosity—

"Hee hee, since everyone is already looking forward to it, then~" He stretched out his hand and pushed the eyes on his face, the thin lenses showed some inexplicable reflections under the refraction of the light, and the corners of the mouth outlined a faint arc that made people feel uneasy , Le Qi whispered with a sly smile, "Now, let's start~! A feast of dreams..."

"Puppet dance drama—" Ping stretched out her white left hand. On her white wrist, a silver bracelet with icy blue luster swayed gently in the air, pointing at the huge water polo in the field with her palm. ...and pray—"

"The concrete life of a puppet!"

As soon as the words fell, Xue Nai's waist suddenly shone with a dazzling silver luster! A small light spot like a seed quickly 'rooted and sprouted' from Xue Nai's waist! When the light shines like it does! When it suddenly disappeared without warning in an instant—

I don't know when, a small black number "5" has been quietly engraved on it——

(ps: Ask for a ticket...)

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