Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper

Chapter 342: The Magic of Mystery

"This, this is—" Gerald woke up from his sleep in an instant, and looked straight into the distance—

"Similar to Jeref's magical power!" Urrutia and Melti also woke up (three people, woke up at the same time = sleeping together? Shit, I'm a prostitute~), the two of them are the same as Gerald Yes, they all stared in the direction of Kulocas in the distance with a look of surprise!

It was almost late at night, and Kurokas, shrouded in darkness, seemed like an ancient beast crawling quietly in the dark waiting to choose food, exuding a strange and peaceful atmosphere, which made people feel fearful.

"The magical power of mystery! Has it finally appeared—" Urrutia said solemnly, "This time, it took so long to appear??!"

"This is so unusual!" Melti also had a serious face, standing side by side with Urrutia on the hilltop where they slept, staring at Kurokas under the dark night.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. If it has already appeared, then quickly find the source of this magic power!" Stretching out his hand and draping a commonly used cloak on his body, Gerald said in a deep voice, "I don't know why, it's different From that time in the past few years, this time, I always have a bad premonition in my heart!"

"It turns out that you have this feeling too. I thought I was the only one who felt it." Urrutia glanced at Gerald in surprise. Even more solemn!

Because the meaning of Melty's eyes is obvious, that is, she also feels this way—

If only one or two people had an ominous premonition, it could be understood as an illusion caused by excessive worry, but now that all three people in a row have this weird feeling, it has to make people feel dignified!

"You must and must inform the nameless brother, although the nameless brother may have noticed it now." Although with the support of Aqier, it is unlikely that people will recognize him, but Gerald is still habitual. He put the wide hat on the back of the cloak on his head, and his exposed eyes were also shining with a very solemn and solemn light, "But I still have to say it again, and I have to meet with the big brother!"

"Then you must be careful, Gerald—" Urrutia exhorted, "Attention! Don't touch the source of the magical power unless you have to. If you know or don’t know the details of the other party, it’s better to follow that lord to be safer! I think with that person’s strength, even if you don’t know the situation, you can keep you safe!”

"Don't worry, I will do this, be careful in everything, and besides, I'm not a good mage to deal with!" Gerald's eyes showed strong confidence, "Although it's not as exaggerated as the nameless brother, it's so strong. Almost no one can surpass it, but as a person who also bears the name of the Holy Cross, I will not be solved so easily!"

"Relax and wait for me to come back—"

After speaking, with a flash of magic power, the figure disappeared directly from the sight of the two women, and rushed towards the direction of Kurokas in the distance with the fastest meteor.

"Okay, now is not the time for us to wait in peace, little Melty—" Watching Gerald go away, Urrutia thought about it for a while, although he knew in his heart that it would be unlikely that he would appear if that adult was around. What's the problem, but because of the habit of being as cautious as possible in the past, I still told Melty, "Now use the sensory connection to notify Angel's side, and let her make corresponding preparations, otherwise wait Gerald and the lord were caught off guard when they signaled."

"Okay, I'll notify you right away!" As he said that, a pink heart appeared on Melty's wrist, which is a magic symbol of feeling connected. When he was separated from Angel and the others It has already been agreed, and if there is anything to do, use this as a means of contact.

Not to mention the nervous and busy people here, at the same time on the other side, Achill, who was sleeping on the bed with Mira and Angel in his arms, appeared solemnly and stood quietly on the top of a building in the city. The long clothes on his body fluttered in the night wind.

"Impossible, I clearly felt it just now, a very dangerous and subtle aura." The brows were deeply furrowed, and a sharp and cold aura burst out from the black eyes, like a sharp sword, looking from the dark night below. After sweeping it over, Aqier said indifferently, "Although that feeling is only fleeting, even I feel faintly depressed and wary! It appears completely without a trace, and it is completely without a trace. Disappeared, although I knew it appeared in this city, but even I, even with my magic perception network, couldn't catch it at all!"

"Where is the sacred-"

"Yeah, woo~" The little guy was sitting on Achill's shoulder, different from his usual vivacity, but now he shrugged his head, even the shiny moon-white fur on his head They all looked very weak and limp on their foreheads, showing the lack of energy of their masters.

"Okay, little guy." Stretching out his hand to touch the little guy's head on his shoulder, Achill said lightly, "It's none of your business. I underestimated the magic power of that mystery at the beginning. The magical power of the mystery that is close to Jeref in their mouths, it is impossible to appear in this city under my nose, now it seems that I have underestimated it too much."

"Although it is still uncertain whether it existed in this city from the very beginning, or was it sneaked in during the Damo Dou performance? But there is no doubt that it really has a hidden ability beyond imagination! Under the full-scale investigation of my magic power monitoring network covering the whole city all the time, it suddenly appeared without anyone noticing, and it gave me the feeling that it actually showed that the whole city was full of magic power spots." Yue said The dignified look in his eyes became thicker by three points, looking at the building below him that also had a strange magical power in his perception, Aqier said indifferently to himself, "Should I say that it really deserves to be called the magical power of mystery?" ..."

Speaking of this, a trace of imperceptible helplessness flashed in his eyes, but of course there was more solemnity.

No one likes the feeling of being unable to see the night ahead, especially when there are unknown dangers lurking in the night.

Naturally, there will not be any mysterious magic power in this place. Although after coming to this place, I feel from the perception network that the magic power point that existed in the original perception here has not disappeared, but in fact there is nothing at all. It all comes from perceptual interference and deception.

It's the same after changing dozens of places with instant jumps. All the points where the magic power appears in the perception do not have the slightest magical power. Perhaps among the thousands of magic power points all over Kuluokas, One of them is the true magical body of the mystery, but even if Aqier wanted to verify it one by one, he didn't have the chance.

Because as I said before, the mysterious magic power only appeared for a short moment, and then disappeared completely without warning just like when it appeared. The countless 'Magic Power of Mystery' points densely arranged in the center made the instinct briefly absent-minded, and then locked on to the nearest one without hesitation and took little An Qi to turn over in a blink of an eye, and then discovered that perception There is no place where the magical power of the mysterious appears, and the magical power of the mysterious does not exist. Immediately after deducing the possibility of perception interference and deception!

In the end, I still didn't forget that under the circumstances of all kinds of confusion, analysis and calculation, I rushed to dozens of nearly a hundred places where the magic power of my perception appeared! While trying his luck to find the real magic body of the mystery, he finally confirmed his own analysis (perceived deception)—

It has to be said that in the short period of time between the appearance of the magical power of the mystery and its disappearance, so many things can be done continuously! Achill's mighty strength was revealed for a moment—

"So, it's not your fault." Touching little Angie's warm head, Aqier said lightly, "Although as the 'core' of some aspects, your perception range is ten times larger than mine, But the effect is still the same, I can't perceive it in advance, and I can't distinguish the real mysterious magic power from these false locations, so naturally you can't do it, cheer up."

"Ah woo woo~~" made a sound of unknown meaning like a small animal, and the fur on her head was raised. Angel simply hugged Achill's neck and lay on his shoulder, still looking very listless.

But this time Achill knew that it wasn't the lack of energy that was hit just now, but because the little guy wanted to sleep~

Indeed, after waking up from a good sleep in the middle of the night, the previous mental head has passed and now I am naturally tired, especially when it seems that I was hit a bit during the period, and now I am getting more and more sleepy.

"Brother Anonymous—"

In the distance, Gerald's voice came, and when he looked up, he saw Gerald, with a long golden magic light, rushing towards the houses in the city.

He had already sensed it before, so Achill was not surprised.

"It seems that you haven't found Gerald either." Looking at Gerald who had already come in front of him, Achill said without any surprise.

"Although I am very unwilling, but unfortunately, I couldn't find the source at all." Looking at Angel, who was sitting on Achill's shoulder and dozing off while hugging his neck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gerald smiled wryly, " And it is also the first time I know that there is still a sense of deception in the magic power of the mystery. When I discovered the magic power of the mystery with Urrutia and Merti before, I only felt the magic power of the mystery suddenly appearing in Kuro. In the city of Cass, but it is completely impossible to determine the exact location of its appearance!"

"Because we were afraid of being exposed before, we didn't dare to get too close every time. After all, this is the capital of Fiore, and we were afraid that others would find us if we got too close. Even occasionally, we rushed twice because of impulsive relationships. came in, but the magical power of the mystery disappeared before we approached." Gerald took a deep breath, and then sighed, "If it wasn't for your help this time, Brother Wuming, I'm afraid we would never No one would have known that when the magical power of the mysterious appeared, it would be accompanied by so many sensory confusions! No wonder, no wonder it was impossible to determine the specific place where the magical power of the mysterious appeared outside the city every time before! So many falsehoods The senses are all confused and fused together, and it is impossible to draw correct conclusions..."

"We will always find it." Aqier said lightly, "Unless the source of the mysterious magic power never appears in front of our eyes, we will always see it."

"I have this hunch—"

(ps: getting closer to the end...)

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