The old man was in a hurry to get out of the city.

In the distant building built in the mountains, Makarov was petrified at the moment. He received a letter from Mira two hours ago and learned about the team of Hal Erza, Nazgre and Lucy.

In those two hours, he was on pins and needles. He prayed madly that Hal and the others would not destroy a city.

However, the sky seemed to respond to Makarov's prayers. In the building where the guild presidents gathered, they could clearly see a huge vine chasing a wizard in the sky above the center of the city in the distance.

Then, accompanied by the raging wind, a large number of buildings in the center of the city were broken, and people, dogs, and trees were blown into the air. Seeing this scene, Makarov's heart was cold.

Fortunately, Makarov was relieved that several huge trees soon grew in the city center to save the people flying in the air and transmit their lives.

Just when Makarov breathed a sigh of relief, a huge wave of magic quickly raised the crust of the city center by hundreds of meters, and then a fierce battle broke out above, through fire, ice and flying swords

Makarov judged that it was Erza and the others who were fighting. Not long after, huge magic collided, and the terrifying magic almost destroyed everything on the crust.

Makarov was petrified when he saw this scene. The terrifying collision of magic, if you don't know, you would think that the Ten Saints were fighting.

"Hey, hey, it's too exaggerated, Mr. Makarov," said Goldman, the president of the Four Hounds, teasingly.

"Now the Council should order the disbandment of Fairy Tail again," said Bob, the president of the Blue Pegasus, worriedly, with his orchid finger raised.

[Destruction of one kilometer of the city center, loss of property... and casualties of citizens...] Makarov slowly calculated in his mind, then his head tilted and he fainted.

Everyone surrounded him, and he was still mumbling in a coma: "This is a dream, this is a dream..."

"It seems that the blow is a bit big now." Bob smiled helplessly, he felt extremely helpless about Makarov's condition.


On the other side, Hal rested for a while and used earth magic to restore the earth's crust first, and then used tree magic to transmit life and heal the citizens.

The effect was very good, most of the citizens recovered under the healing, but a very small number of people completely lost their lives.

Hal's face was a little gloomy when he saw this.

Seeing this, Erza came over and patted Hal on the shoulder and said: "You have done a good job. If you were not here, most of the people in this city would have been cursed and killed. Even in the best case, the number of people killed by our battle with Eligore would have been several times more than now.

Hal knew this of course, but Hal also knew that if he had not come to this world, according to the original plot, the ruins under his feet would not have appeared at all, and the dead people would not have experienced the end of the world.

[Why, is this also the so-called butterfly effect?]

[Then how many people will die because of my arrival?]

Hal's eyes couldn't help but look a little empty. People who didn't see this scene might say that Hal was not smart.

But at this moment, Hal was at the center of this doomsday. The dead and crying people were telling Hal that everything was his fault.

"Well, you are right, Erza, thank you." Hal forced himself to regain his usual calmness and answered Erza's concern. Heart.

"I'll try my best to arrange the follow-up work first." Hal didn't have much to say, he just wanted to take action now. Rescue the wounded, restore the broken land, and restore the victims' homes. Hal used his magic skillfully, and it lasted for a week.

Soon, the city center was restored. From the outside, it looked almost the same as before, but Hal understood that he could only restore the buildings, not the broken hearts of people.

"Sorry," Hal murmured to himself, and got on the train back to the guild with Erza and others.

The final punishment result did not deal with Hal, and even the Council sent someone to commend him. This was the reputation he had accumulated for working for the Councilors in recent years.

Seeing the mission report, everyone felt that Hal and others had saved the citizens of that city, and no one would blame him except himself.

After that, even when he returned to the guild, Hal rested on the second floor of the guild.

He kept spurring himself in his heart, and at the same time he was looking for answers from himself.

[My arrival,

Killed many innocent people]

[Is my arrival really a good thing? ]


Hal kept asking himself, he wanted to calm himself down

[No! I came to this world, I killed a lot of people to do the commission and destroy the dark guild]


[This is my life, maybe I am sorry for them, but I can't regret it]

Thinking of this, Hal's eyes gradually brightened

[The most important thing is always the people you cherish around you, I want to protect my hard-earned family in this world]

Hal secretly made up his mind, the whole person seemed to be sublimated, his magic power, which had not increased for a long time, was further improved, because his heart became stronger.

"Sure enough, the power of magic comes from the heart of people, the president is right" Feeling the changes in his body, Hal couldn't help muttering to himself.

In the past, Hal's strength came from his innate talent in this world and the power brought to him by the red emerald.

And now after experiencing these, Hal really understands that a strong heart is the root of magic.

"Perhaps, without this incident, I would never be able to enter this realm of magic." Hal looked at his hands and clenched his fists.

At this moment, Hal has far surpassed the ordinary Saint Ten. According to the standards of the Fairy Tail world, he should now be at the high position of the Saint Ten, not counting the level of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar except for the God Serena.

This kind of magic is very intoxicating, especially when he was doubtful in his heart a few days ago and felt weak. Now it seems that it is not an illusion. His magic at that time was really greatly reduced.

The feeling of losing magic in those days was really painful, which is also the reason why he is sinking and losing himself more and more.

In the final analysis, Hal is still too young. Life in the guild is very happy, but it also makes Hal idealized. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. If this is one of the prices of coming to this world, Hal can accept it calmly.

"It's so painful for just a few days, then Mira's three years." Hal thought of Mira who lost her magic at this moment, and couldn't help feeling depressed. At this moment, he finally understood the pain and helplessness of losing magic.

Hal stood in front of the stairs on the second floor, his eyes involuntarily looking at the scene below.

At this moment, Mira was chatting with Wakaba Makao, and the gentle smile on her face was as warm as ever, making the people around her feel like spring breeze.

However, Hal understood that there might be unspeakable pain hidden under this smile.

Lisanna's death left an indelible shadow in Mira's heart.

She could not forgive her arrogance in the past, taking her sister and brother to perform dangerous tasks; nor could she forgive her inability to make her sister, who was still full of enthusiasm for life, lose her smile; and she could not forgive her stupidity for letting Lisanna leave this world.

"Maybe, we are the same, Mira." Hal whispered to himself, his eyes gently watching Mira who was busy.

Unconsciously, the girl's smile became one of his expectations when he returned to the guild.

"No, you are much stronger than me." Hal smiled as he muttered to himself. He turned around and continued to sort out the task list on the second floor, which was one of Mira's jobs.

At this moment, Mira seemed to feel a trace of sight from the second floor. She looked up in the direction of Hal and saw him turning around.

[Was Hal looking at me just now? ] The girl couldn't help but feel a little doubtful and expectant.

"Miss Mira, two glasses of beer, thank you." A guild member greeted her familiarly.

"Okay~" Mira responded enthusiastically, still keeping that gentle smile.

Her gentle smile was not only a welcome to the guild members, but also her deep commitment to life and compensation for her sister.

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