The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

In the guild, after sending Erza away, Hal told the president about the Council.

"Really? Hal, I can't see through your current strength."

"I'll leave the guild to you in the future."

"What are you talking about, grandpa?"

"You're only 88, are you still young?"

Makarov laughed and felt relieved.

After talking with the president, Hal walked in front of Mira.

He took Mira's hand without hesitation, and rubbed Mira's hand slowly with his fingers

"Don't go back tonight, Mira, there is an empty room on the second floor."

Mira blushed quickly after hearing this

"This... this is too soon, Hal, I'm not ready yet."

"Ah, that's not what I meant. The guild is likely to be attacked tonight. I'll be with you in the guild, and I'll feel more at ease."

Hearing this, Mira realized that she had misunderstood, and then asked: "Ah? Will the guild be attacked? Who is the enemy?"

"It's just my speculation for now, but you don't have magic power now, I'm worried about you going out." Hal explained gently, and kissed Mira's forehead at the same time.

"Don't worry, I will protect the guild and everyone."


The night deepened

A wizard with iron nails on every part of his body appeared near the guild, with a sinister smile on his lips: "Hunting fairies."

The gangster wizard licked his lips and a perverted voice sounded.

"Who is it?"

The Shadow Gear Team, Rebecca, Jet, and Trojan were on their way out of the guild when Rebecca suddenly shouted and looked towards the shadow of the high house.


"I just felt like someone was looking at me"

Rebecca said with lingering fear

"Gihi, are you alert, miss?" A sneer came from the shadow.

Suddenly a shadow appeared behind Rebecca and the others

"Who is it?" Troy asked vigilantly.

Gajeel did not reply, a green dragon-shaped magic circle lit up in his hand, and a perverted smile appeared on his face: "Iron Dragon Sword!"

The huge iron giant sword swept towards Rebecca and the other two. Rebecca could not dodge and was about to cast a magic defense, but suddenly, a golden figure flashed by and Hal firmly grabbed Gajeel's shoulder.

"Are you arrogant? "

Gajeel's movements stopped instantly. At this moment, he felt a giant dragon staring at him from behind. The huge power and oppression on his shoulders made him sweat.


Gajeel's voice trembled slightly. He wanted to fight back, but he was knocked away in an instant. The non-mainstream iron nails embedded in his cheeks fell with a trace of blood.


Levy looked at Hal in surprise. She thought she was going to be knocked unconscious just now. Fortunately, Hal came.

Hal had been sensing the entire Magnolia inside the guild. The moment Gajeel released magic, he knew that this was an outsider.

After all, the magic aura of the guildmates was very familiar.

"Hal, great, this person suddenly attacked us" Troy and Jet also came over and said with lingering fear.

"Just a scum of the Phantom. Dare to come to our guild to make trouble"

"Hey? Gajeel, right? You've grown up to be a bad boy." Gajeel looked at Hal with pain and confusion when he heard this. He didn't recognize the terrifying man in front of him. "Ah, that's right. Natsu doesn't even remember it, and you're almost the same." "But you really deserve a beating." Hal's figure disappeared instantly. Then he stepped on Gajeel to the ground. "I heard that you like to torture people." Hal's foot strength gradually deepened, and his right foot stepped hard on Gajeel's chest. "Earth Dragon's Ground Trampling!" Boom! Half of the ground in the entire park collapsed, and Gajeel lay on the ground without knowing whether he was dead or alive. Hal's blow directly broke his iron skin and hit his internal organs. "It seems that his body is well trained. He didn't die." Hal put away his right foot. He grabbed Gajeel's hair with his left hand and pulled him up. At this moment, Gajeel had lost consciousness. "Hal? "Levy and the others behind him were already terrified. They had never seen Hal so violent before.

"Don't worry, this kid won't die. As a fellow dragon slayer, this level is nothing." Hal comforted, "I just want him to know himself well."

Hal turned his right hand to grab Gajeel's neck, slowly exerting force with his palm, while Sha

Desert magic was activated, and countless knives made of sand condensed into a shape

"Do you like to pretend to be unconscious?"

The knife rushed towards Gajeel's body and slashed quickly, leaving fine wounds



"Don't worry, I won't let you die"


"You came to our guild in the middle of the night to declare war with an iron spear, and now you want to attack my companions?"

"Don't worry, I will bury a life magic in your body, you can't die"

"Tonight, I will let you enjoy it, this is the price of attacking Fairy Tail"

"Damn it! Ahhhhh"

The next morning, at the entrance of the Phantom's headquarters, a broken humanoid object was hung on the trunk of a huge tree

Gajeel was covered with fine wounds all over his body, and thorns like thorns were stuck in his two calves and two shoulders, and blood flowed along the trunk to the grass.

The ghost's minions stared at the bloody scene in a daze: "Is that Gajeel?"

"He must be dead, with such a large amount of bleeding." The minions carefully put Gajeel down from the tree trunk.

The minions put Gajeel down from the tree trunk. In the process of moving Gajeel's body out of the thorns, Gajeel woke up in pain

"Damn, I lost. How could there be such a terrifying person in Fairy Tail!! "

Suddenly, a green light emerged from Gajeel's body, and a huge vitality flowed through his body. The wounds on his body slowly recovered, and his hair slowly grew back, gradually turning back into the ferocious Gajeel.

The minions retreated in fear when they saw this. Gajeel often abused them on weekdays, and now seeing Gajeel's fearful expression made them even more uneasy.

"What happened? Such a huge power is in my body"

"If he wants to guide this magic power to run wild..." Gajeel couldn't help but be more afraid of Hal when he thought of this

On the other side, Hal was welcoming the return of Natsu and others. A lot of things happened on Karna Island. Hal was receiving Erza's mission report

After a while, "I see, so Gray has such a past"

Hal had never heard Gray talk about this. It is estimated that other people in the guild, except the president, don't know

"Anyway, I hope you come back safely. As for Gray's matter, I believe that he will have a huge growth in body and mind after experiencing this. Believe him, Gray is not a coward. "Weak man" Hal stopped recording and said comfortingly

"By the way, Hal, I heard that the Phantoms attacked our guild last night. What happened?" Erza asked about what happened last night

"Just a rebellious will-o'-the-wisp boy. I dealt with him. He shouldn't have the courage to come again"

"Will-o'-the-wisp boy?"

"Uh, that's what, non-mainstream, the kind that likes to show off and cause trouble everywhere"

Erza's mind flashed with Natsu wearing earrings and tongue piercings, purple lipstick and black eyeshadow on his mouth, provoking her every day in front of her, and she couldn't help but get angry: "Stupid Natsu! !"

"Why hit me! !" Natsu asked innocently.

Poor Natsu was hit by Erza's association

"I just want to hit you, don't have any opinions, and you made a mistake anyway"

[Hey hey =-=, I think you are much more violent than me] Hal complained

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