The inside of a restaurant called 8island is bustling with activity.

In the bustling port city of Harugion, Hal is wearing a neat and tidy waiter uniform with the restaurant's badge on his chest.

His hair is meticulously combed, with a confident smile on his face, holding a plate of exquisite meals in his hands, and walking briskly towards a table.

"Ah, I didn't expect that I would get a job in a restaurant one day." Hal looked at the meal in his hand and said with emotion.

"Not bad, Hal." Gray came over from the other side, he also held a plate and wore an exquisite tie...but under the tie, he was still naked.

"Gray, where are your clothes?! How can a waiter be naked!" Lucy couldn't help but complain when she saw this.

She was wearing a cute coffee shop style waiter skirt, and the light pink skirt swayed gently in her movements, looking sweet and playful.

"That's right, work hard, Gray." Natsu rarely became serious. He was wearing a classic black and white waiter uniform, a black vest with a white shirt, and a neatly tied bow tie, which made him look very handsome.

Habby also wore a mini version of the waiter uniform on the side, looking equally formal.

However, this sense of seriousness was soon destroyed by the chicken leg that Natsu was chewing.

"Not bad! There are some flaws, but it's not a big problem." Hal nodded with satisfaction.

"This is not a problem of flaws!" Lucy held her forehead and complained helplessly.

"No, I said they are flaws, look at Erza."


Lucy followed Hal's gaze and saw Erza sitting lightly on a guest's table, crossing her legs elegantly.

She was wearing a slim orange dress, which was cut to fit her figure perfectly and showed her curves perfectly.

She moved forward slightly, with a gentle smile, and whispered: "We are magic cuisine, how about it, what do you want~"

The guests blushed, obviously attracted by Erza's charm.

Her gestures showed temptation, elegance and strength, perfectly interpreting her unique charm.

"Inexplicably very motivated." Lucy exclaimed.

"Right." Hal responded with a smug smile.

This is Hargeon, Mr. Yajima's new restaurant. Since the last Council was destroyed, Mr. Yajima has retired and resigned.

After returning to ordinary life, Mr. Yajima seemed to be very good at magic cooking, so he had the idea of ​​opening a magic restaurant.

This is also the reason why Hal and others are here to help. The restaurant opened in Hargeon was also highly recommended by Hal.

After all, this is the first trading city that Fairy Tail cooperates with. Fairy Tail has a very high influence in this prosperous port city.

In the evening, the 8island restaurant has closed. As night falls, warm lights are sprinkled inside the restaurant, creating a quiet and warm atmosphere.

The table is filled with a variety of delicious dishes, all cooked by Mr. Yajima himself.

Hal, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray and Happy sat together, enjoying this special dinner.

"Mr. Yajima, I didn't expect your dishes to be so delicious!" Hal exclaimed, his mouth full of the taste of delicious food.

Mr. Yajima sat in the main seat. Hearing Hal's praise, he smiled proudly and laughed a low and kind laugh: "Hehe, Hal, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Happy, I'm really happy that you can come to help me."

Erza put down the tableware in her hand and said seriously: "It's my duty, Mr. Yajima, you are our elder."

"Hehe," Mr. Yajima responded with a smile, but then his laughter gradually disappeared and his eyes became deeper. He sighed lightly, and a hint of heaviness appeared in his tone, "But, things have started to get uneasy recently."

Everyone looked up when they heard his tone change. Lucy asked with concern: "What's wrong, Mr. Yajima?"

Mr. Yajima restrained his smile and his expression became solemn. "My colleagues in the Council told me that the Dark Guild has started to act again."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the restaurant became tense. Erza frowned slightly, Happy stopped playing around, and Natsu clenched his fists.

"Many guilds and cities have been attacked," Mr. Yajima continued in a heavy tone, "Fortunately, we

This place is far from the Dark Guild, so it is relatively peaceful. However, Hal, you have to be prepared, the Council may make a big move next. "

Hal nodded, his expression becoming serious. Natsu and Erza looked at each other and understood the seriousness of the situation. Lucy bit her lower lip lightly, feeling a little uneasy.

Outside the restaurant, the sea breeze blew gently, bringing a hint of coolness, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.


Early the next morning, at the reminder of Mr. Yajima, Hal and his companions hurried back to Magnolia.

Sure enough, as soon as Hal stepped into the guild, he immediately received an urgent call from the president.

In the guild hall, all members gathered together. In the center of the hall, a huge magic power map emerged in the air, drawn by a magic pen, clearly marking the distribution of various forces.

Hal stood in the front with Natsu, Erza and their strongest team, staring at the president Makarov who was about to speak.

Makarov glanced around and confirmed that everyone was there, then slowly spoke: "Everyone is here. "

There was a hint of solemnity in his tone, "The Balamu Alliance has been making too much trouble recently, and the Council has decided to take action against them and prepare to launch a crusade."

"Crusade?" Hal frowned slightly, "All of them?"

Makarov shook his head, and the magic pen in his hand marked a position on the Balamu Alliance's power map, "Of course not. It is called the Balamu Alliance, but in fact, only the 'Six Demon Generals' are the most arrogant in their activities. And this is exactly our goal."

Gray sneered, "Is the Council trying to embarrass us?"

Lucy asked in confusion, "Aren't there only six people?"

Jet immediately added, "The 'Six Demon Generals' are not simple. They control 12 large dark guilds and countless small guilds. The total number of people combined is probably more than 2,000."

"What? Two thousand people! ? "Lucy opened her eyes wide in surprise.

(This is based on the original setting. You can see the power map drawn by Mira in the anime. I counted them. Moreover, if there were not so many people, how could they be considered the three major dark forces =-=)

Seeing this, Makarov waved his hand to calm everyone down, "Don't panic. This operation does not rely on us alone. We will form a guild alliance."

"Guild alliance?" Hal asked in confusion.

"That's right," Makarov nodded, "This operation will be formed by the four major guilds of Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Snake Princess Scale and Demon Cat Inn to form a bright guild coalition army. In addition, there will be the magic forces of the Council to cooperate."

Wakaba obviously understood it very well. He blew smoke rings and sneered, "The magic forces of the Council? They have just been destroyed like that, how can they still have the ability to send troops? I'm afraid they want to dump the mess on us. "

Hearing this, the guild immediately fell into a commotion, and the members began to discuss.

"Enough, quiet!" Makarov gave an order, and the whole hall returned to silence.

His eyes were sharp, "We will only send a few elites to participate in this expedition."

Makarov cast his eyes on Hal and Erza, "Hal, Erza, you take your team to fight."

"Okay!" Erza agreed without hesitation, and Hal nodded firmly.

Natsu also seemed particularly excited at this moment, with a fighting spirit in his eyes, "President, call Laxus as well!"

"Laxus? "Makarov looked at Natsu with some surprise.

Everyone turned their eyes to Laxus standing behind the president. He showed a hint of surprise on his face. He didn't expect Natsu to suggest taking him with him.

Makarov pondered for a moment and nodded, "Okay, Laxus, you made a big mistake last time. This is your chance to atone for your sins and contribute to the guild."

Laxus nodded heavily with a firm look in his eyes: "Okay. "

So, the group set off, and their destination was the villa of the Blue Pegasus President Bob.

Taking into account the special circumstances of this trip, the president specially approved a dragon car for Hal and others to use.

The dragon car is already a top-level magical transportation tool in this world. After Hal's many suggestions and improvements, it was built with magical craftsmanship.

It is not only extremely sturdy, but also extremely comfortable. Even if six people sit face to face, it still looks spacious and comfortable.

The interior of the carriage is elegantly decorated, and some faintly glowing magic crystals are inlaid on the walls, illuminating the entire space.

In the middle of the carriage, a magic table is suspended above the ground, and various delicious cakes and drinks are placed on the table. Above the table is a topographic map, showing their current route and destination.


Erza, Gray, and Laxus sat on one side, and Erza, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy sat opposite.

The carriage was filled with a relaxed atmosphere, as if they were not going on a dangerous mission, but enjoying a relaxing trip.

"The dragon car is awesome!" Natsu was so excited that he almost jumped up. He stood on his seat, his eyes flashing with childlike joy.

Erza was enjoying a piece of strawberry cake elegantly. She looked up at Hal and said with a smile, "The strawberry cake Hal chose is good."

Gray also agreed, "Yes, it is good."

Hal smiled proudly, picked up a piece of cake and handed it to Laxus, "Right, Laxus, you should have one too."

Laxus frowned slightly and said calmly, "Hey, we are going to defeat the Dark Guild."

Hal patted Laxus's shoulder indifferently and smiled, "Don't worry, if the president didn't send you, I might be more serious. You are here, why should I panic?"

Laxus glanced at him helplessly, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Lucy looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help but complain, "You really don't feel nervous at all, hey!"

"So, who is the enemy?" Natsu quickly finished the cake and looked at the magic map floating in the air, full of curiosity.

"Hey, Natsu, you're quite rare to care about this kind of thing." Hal looked at Natsu with some surprise.

"As for the enemy, the 2,000-member dark guild, including the six demon generals, should be in this forest." Hal wiped his mouth and pointed at the map.

"Does that mean there are seven people in total?" Gray asked, looking a little confused.

"According to Laxus's information, this is the situation." Erza agreed while enjoying the cake.

Lucy said a little uneasily: "I still think 2,000 people is too exaggerated."

She still remembers the siege of 100 dark guild wizards at the station last time.

Happy raised his blue cat paw and whispered, "Hey! I think so too."

Haru smiled, "It's okay, we have allies, and we are strong enough. The three of us are the strongest candidates in the guild, Natsu and Gray are both A-level wizards, and Lucy is mainly to assist us."

Lucy felt like crying, "To be honest, I don't know why I got on this car."

Natsu hugged Lucy's shoulders, "Well, after all, we are the strongest team."

"Really?" Lucy looked at Natsu, her face a little red, and the atmosphere began to become strange.

"Let's talk about our allies," Hal changed the subject, "The Blue Pegasus Guild sent four people: S-class wizard Yi Ye·Wanderlei·Shou, the strongest wizard of Blue Pegasus, and the other three are A-class wizards Xiang·Rettis, Lian·Akazuki, and Ivan·Tirum."

Hal continued to introduce: "They are good at scent magic, ancient documents, air magic and snow magic respectively, and they are all very powerful allies."

"Hiss" Erza shuddered when she heard Yi Ye's name, and the strawberry cake didn't smell good anymore

"What's wrong, Erza?" Laxus asked with some confusion.

"Uh, nothing, it's just that I'm not good at dealing with Yi Ye." Erza forced a smile, unwilling to say more, and continued to enjoy the strawberry cake.

Fortunately, Hal brought a lot, and there was a magic refrigerator in the car, which stored a lot of delicious food.

Hal continued, "Snake Princess Scale has recently sent several powerful wizards, one of whom is an ice wizard who is said to have S-level strength." He glanced at Gray and reminded him, "But the most important thing is Snake Princess Scale's trump card, 'Iron Iron Jura' Jura Regis, who is one of the ten holy wizards. He is our strongest ally." "Oh!" Lucy and Happy looked at the face projected on the magic map with some surprise. "This uncle looks very reliable at first glance," Gray said. Hal nodded, "As for the last guild, the Demon Cat Inn, they are a little mysterious and a new guild, but it is said that their president is very powerful, so they also joined this crusade mission." He smiled slightly, "The most outrageous thing is that they only sent one person to participate in the crusade mission this time." "One person!?" Gray, Lucy, Happy and Natsu exclaimed in unison, with surprised expressions on their faces. (I added some strength settings in this chapter. I can't help it. This is a novel. If I don't do this, I can't continue writing =-=)

(As for Natsu and Gray's A-level, it's because it's too difficult to be promoted to S in Fairy Tail--, these two are definitely trump cards in other guilds)

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