The hot wind rolled up the remaining smoke, and a small mountain village in the mountains has now turned into a dead ruin.

The dilapidated houses seemed to be torn apart by the claws of the devil. Wisps of green smoke were still coming out of the black skeletons. The smoke was twisting, as if countless painful souls were struggling.

The air was filled with choking smoke, which was a mixture of burnt wood and blood, making people nauseous.

The big tree at the entrance of the village, which had experienced the vicissitudes of time, has now become unrecognizable. The charred branches drooped weakly, as if crying to the sky about the injustice of fate.

In a dry well, Cheng Feng screamed with all his strength:"Is there anyone?! Who will save me! Where is this!"

The childish voice came out, but no one responded to his voice.

The black and tattered clothes were also pitch black. In the dim well, if it weren't for the excellent eyesight, it would be impossible to see anyone clearly.

Cheng Feng sat down on the ground, pounding his head in pain, and a hoarse voice rang out:"What is this!"

Cheng Feng is a time traveler. Before going to bed, he was lying on his bed, charging his phone while playing a copycat card game.

Unexpectedly, his phone suddenly became hot and exploded in front of him. The last memory he had was when a piece of the phone shattered directly pierced his eyes, and then Cheng Feng knew nothing.

When he woke up again, he traveled to this dry well, where a little boy was, with a burning pain all over his body, and he cried out to the sky and the earth but no one answered.

"very hungry."

The sky above his head turned dark. Cheng Feng rubbed his belly. No memory was integrated, and he didn't know what happened to this body before.

The dry well was ten meters deep. With Cheng Feng's small arms and legs, plus He was so hungry that it was impossible to climb out.

As for Goldfinger...

Cheng Feng thought and soon a page of a copycat anime card game appeared, but he didn't know if it was because of his mobile phone.

After the explosion, the game was also damaged. This so-called golden finger only had a character lineup interface, a training interface, and a card drawing interface. Things related to other adventures, arenas, etc. basically became Decoration.

As for the cards and lineup characters that Cheng Feng created before, they were all gone. When he opened the character interface, a garbled mess appeared, followed by information about Cheng Feng

's current status.

Physique: 1 Strength: 1 Sensitivity: 1 Note: [Physique] includes but is not limited to physique, physique, physical ability, etc.

; [Strength] includes but is not limited to strength, attack, magic power, etc.

; [Agility] includes but is not limited to speed, reaction nerves, etc.

, attack speed, etc.

Skills: None Equipment: None Card slot: None This is Cheng Feng's current state.

It doesn't matter what he wants.

As for the card drawing interface...

Cheng Feng opened it and he tried it just now.

, there is no response at all, but it keeps reminding him that he needs to recharge to buy spiritual stones.

One hundred spiritual stones for the advanced card pool will be drawn at a 20% discount, and the ordinary card pool will be drawn for 10,000 gold coins for ten consecutive draws.

Single draw, 20% off for ten draws in a row, and 80,000 gold coins for ten draws in a row.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng doesn't have any hair now.

If the adventure function is there, I might as well take a risk and save some resources to draw once, and maybe I can defy the odds.

Changed the fate.


Huh? Cheng Feng looked at the card draw interface and suddenly found that the single draw in the ordinary card pool suddenly showed that it was free...

Could it be that...

Cheng Feng suddenly thought that this should be a benefit of the copycat mobile game, and it would be available every day.

One free draw

"This... is saved!"

Cheng Feng stood up suddenly. According to the nature of copycat mobile games, the first single draw will definitely give you a character that is not too strong, but can pass the first few levels relatively normally.

So if you draw the card and put it into your own card slot, does it mean that you can also have the ability of the card?!

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng rubbed his hands and rubbed his face to make himself less embarrassed.

Then, with excitement and trembling hands, Cheng Feng chose a single draw.

The next moment, a large number of golden cards suddenly splashed out of the card pool, which gave people full of expectations at first glance.

The cards fell one after another, and finally a card was fixed in the air.

Cheng Feng looked at the card fixed in the air. card, and the corners of his mouth twitched suddenly.

Because the back of this card is as white as jade.

It looks beautiful, but in fact it is just a dog food white card among the cards.

Cheng Feng sighed.

It’s a white card, anyway, it’s better than my current state.

Click on the card, and the white card flips over, revealing a middle-aged man with afro, a beard, his arms raised in a victory gesture, and abundant body hair.

Cheng Feng:...

This card is very familiar to Cheng Feng, it’s Satan.

If this name is put in other works, it will definitely be a big boss, at worst a high-level combat force.

But this name is in Dragon Ball.

Recalling the actions of the savior Satan in his mind, Cheng Feng felt a chill in his heart.

"Try it first."

Cheng Feng is also helpless. He has no qualifications to choose now.

Taking Satan's card, Cheng Feng put it into his card slot.

Name: Cheng Feng

Level: 1

Body: 1+ (3)

Strength : 1+ (2)

Sensitivity: 1+ (2)

Note: Only 10% of the attributes of the cards in the card slot can be extracted. The attributes are automatically rounded, and the digit after the decimal point is automatically discarded.

Cheng looked at the changing interface. Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Satan to be okay.

Soon, Cheng Feng realized that although Satan was useless in the anime, he was just a funny character, but the main reason was that the protagonists were too supermodels, so other people naturally couldn't do it. There are no eye-catching moves at all, but just taking out Satan is still very impressive.

Apart from the protagonists, among ordinary people, Satan is the one who can win the world's best martial arts tournament. He is a top-notch person.

He can score 137 on the dynamometer alone. Most people really can't do this.

But when this card is applied to Cheng Feng, it is a bit exaggerated when compared to Cheng Feng's basic values!

His physical strength tripled, and his strength and agility doubled.

In just a moment, Cheng Feng had the illusion of becoming a super-Earthling.

Although he couldn't smash bricks with his fists or break large trees with his feet, this was a mere ten-meter-high dry well. It was no longer possible to stop Cheng Feng!

Cheng Feng came to the edge of the dry well. Looking at the uneven walls, he took a deep breath and used his increased attributes to hold onto the raised areas, making his body look like a gecko. , quickly climbed out of the dry well


After finally crawling out of the bottomless and dark dry well, Cheng Feng felt that he had exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, so he collapsed directly at the edge of the well like a puddle of mud. He opened his mouth wide and greedily breathed in the air, while panting violently, as if he wanted to make up for all the oxygen he had just lost underground.

At this moment, a dull thunder suddenly came from the originally clear sky, and then huge raindrops poured down like broken beads. These raindrops hit Cheng Feng's body hard, bringing biting chills, but he didn't react. He just lay there quietly, letting the rain wash over him.

Gradually, the mud and dirt on Cheng Feng's body were washed away little by little, revealing his original fair skin. At this time, he looked as pure and flawless as a newly born baby, without any worldly atmosphere. The sudden heavy rain seemed to be baptizing his soul, making him feel an unprecedented tranquility and serenity.

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