"I'm back!"

Three hours later, Cheng Feng returned to the guild, carrying a large cloth bag with a large amount of vegetables in it and a cheerful look on his face.

You know, it would take him two hours just to travel back and forth. In other words, it only takes an hour to deal with those rabbits.

And more of them were looking for traces of those rabbits. They found the rabbit nest and cut it out with a blow of wind. The remains of the rabbit nest directly flew into the sky with a piece of land more than ten meters long. They couldn't die any more. died

"So fast?"

Everyone in the guild was stunned for a moment when they saw Cheng Feng coming back so quickly.

Makarov was also stunned for a moment, then he coughed dryly and said to Cheng Feng:"Well done. By the way, the employer's remaining 20,000J deposit is kept with us. Come and claim it."

"And a deposit?"

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran to Makarov and got 20,000 J.

After counting the banknotes, Cheng Feng put them away with satisfaction:"This task is so profitable. I was a favor. Plus the entrustment reward. It’s already 150,000 J, and there’s still 20,000 J in deposit. One mission is 170,000 J. Grandpa, president, if you ever have such a mission again, remember to come find me again!"

"Wait! What did you say?"

Makarov said in disbelief after hearing everything.

"I said there will be such a mission again……"

"Not this sentence, but the previous sentence!"

Makarov said in disbelief. Others also looked at Cheng Feng.

"One hundred and seventy thousand J for one task?"

Cheng Feng said cautiously

"How did you get so many?"

Makarov looked strange and looked at Cheng Feng and asked.

"Oh, I suggested to the employer to strengthen the fence, gave a suggestion, and helped to do it. He gave me a reward of 100,000, and then I directly overturned the rabbits' homes and completely wiped them out. The employer went to take a look and then gave me the reward."

Listening to Cheng Feng's explanation, everyone looked at Cheng Feng with a strange look on their faces.

Good man, this guy is simply squeezing out all the value of the commission!

A job of 30,000 J, but he made it into more than 100,000 J. More importantly, people still think that your work is worth the price.

"This little guy was born to do this!"

At this moment, everyone had such an idea in their minds.

Cheng Feng didn't have too many ideas at the moment. He just walked to the commission column and began to select suitable commissions. At the same time, he was constantly thinking about how to get rid of these tasks. Earn enough other rewards.

Soon, Cheng Feng chose a nearby lake cleaning task.

After a brief meal, Cheng Feng set off immediately to the lake, contacted the employer, and gave suggestions. After adding money, the employer agreed, and started busy completing the proposal, cleaning up the lake, and completing the commission.

After this commission, Cheng Feng successfully received 90,000 J including a reward of 10,000 J, which once again confirmed the feasibility of his idea. Feng returned to the guild as if he had been beaten to death.

After everyone learned the news, they were completely confused.

They looked at Cheng Feng standing in front of the commission column and chose the commission. For a moment, they didn't know if it was because they were not good at it or if it was the other party. It's so evil.

In the following days, Cheng Feng completely turned into a commission machine, constantly accepting commissions, completing commissions, and of course constantly making suggestions for adding money.

However, he did not always have good luck, and some people would accept them. Some people were reluctant to his suggestion, but Cheng Feng couldn't force it.

When the magicians in the Fairy Tail Guild saw that the orders that had been densely packed were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, they panicked for a moment. There is no way, Cheng Feng is too busy!

If they don't roll up together, they may even have trouble paying for food.

With everyone opening the book, the orders in the order column have shrunk rapidly.


"Gone? What about my many commissions? Why is it gone?!"

Cheng Feng stood in front of the empty commission column, completely confused.

After hearing Cheng Feng's words, the few remaining people in the guild all looked at Cheng Feng with resentful eyes.

When can commissions not be done?

So what are you doing?

You see, it's okay now.

In order to protect ourselves and not starve to death, we all join together and don't have to play anymore!

"Grandpa President!"

Cheng Feng looked at Makarov.

Makarov almost choked to death after drinking. After dry coughing several times, he looked at Cheng Feng and said:"Xiao Feng, you have been working too hard these days. You must know how to work and rest. combine. Take it easy for a few days, take a rest, and don’t fall behind on exercise, right?"

Listening to Makarov's words, Cheng Feng nodded helplessly.

Forget it, it's really hard to run out every day during this period, and even have to live outside.

And now that he has saved a huge sum of 3 million J, it's time Let's have a refreshing round of ten games to improve our strength!

Everyone watched Cheng Feng leave the commission board and all breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as Cheng Feng sat down, he suddenly stood up and said,"That's right. I remember there seems to be a guild called Ghost! We can snatch their commission!"

Everyone:...Please be a human being!

Makarov was stunned for a moment when he heard Cheng Feng's words, and then a drop of cold sweat broke out.

The relationship between him and Joseph was not good to begin with, and now Cheng Feng is so troubled, With all Fairy Tail's missions completed, there is no doubt that more and more missions will be sent to Fairy Tail in the future, but it will squeeze other guilds. The number of commissions from

Ghost Ruler and Fairy Tail both belong to the most famous magic guild in this country, so if Fairy Tail has more commissions, the number of commissions from Ghost Ghost will naturally decrease. I know, I guess there will still be quarrels in future meetings.

"Well, forget it, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. If anything happens, even those small-minded people can't defeat me."

Makarov thought happily. When he thought of this, he didn't panic at all.

And Cheng Feng sat down and opened the game interface.

With a huge sum of more than 300 J, before Cheng Feng could As for Feng Temptation, the game interface jumped out impatiently, and a limited-time event offering recharge and rebates even popped up, offering a mysterious gift for the first time.

Cheng Feng glanced at it. Obviously, after not charging for more than a year, this copycat mobile game is already hungry, especially knowing that Cheng Feng has a huge sum of 3 million J, it would be a shame not to squeeze Cheng Feng dry in one go. Copycat mobile games are terrible.

Although Cheng Feng really wants to whet his appetite for this crappy game, this game understands him very well. These limited-time activities are still very attractive to Cheng Feng, so he only left four or five thousand J. In an emergency situation, Cheng Feng put all the three million J he had saved into the game in one breath!

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