The two of them had just stood upright when Laxus suddenly let out a deafening roar! Along with this roar, an indescribable powerful force spurted out from inside his body!

In an instant, countless dazzling lightnings swept over like a frenzy.

The surrounding guild members who were just bystanders were now frightened by this sudden power. They looked at Laxus with horror on their faces, and secretly speculated in their hearts, how did he develop such terrifying strength?

At the same time, the stone slabs under Laxus' feet could not withstand the impact of this powerful magic power and began to crack. Pieces of gravel flew everywhere, shooting around like bullets, bringing up bursts of smoke. The whole scene became chaotic, but Laxus stood firmly in place like a god of war, unaffected at all.

At this moment, many guild members discovered that Laxus' strength was so high, and they became a little worried about Cheng Feng.


With a soft cry, a sword appeared in Cheng Feng's hand at some point. Waves of cold air spread around. This appearance made the spectators stunned.

"Erza, did Cheng Feng use that knife when he sparred with you?"

When Gray saw this scene, he couldn't help asking Erza

"No, depending on the situation, it should be an ice magic item."

Elsa looked serious. It seemed that Cheng Feng was really going to take action.

"Bing, let me take a look and learn something.

Gray focused his attention on Cheng Feng, ready to learn something secretly.

"The most annoying ice."

Natsu muttered, feeling the unpleasant temperature.

"ah? Did you just say you hate ice, you bastard?"

"What's wrong, you naked pervert?"

"I always feel unhappy with you"

"Want to fight? I'll accompany you!"

"You two, please stop it!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Natsu and Gray fell to the ground with two big bags on their heads. They couldn't argue anymore.

Otherwise, if they continue like this, they will probably start fighting here before they start fighting.


The ground exploded, and Laxus rushed towards Cheng Feng like thunder. His heavy punches were mixed with violent thunder, and he hit Cheng Feng.

"Sitting upright in the frost sky, Bing Lun Wan.

Cheng Feng sighed, and the Bing Lun Wan began to release. The next moment, an ice dragon roared and rushed towards Laxus.

"This magic item is so powerful"

"Where did you get it?"

"Not sure."

Looking at the ice dragon that Hyōrinmaru rushed out, everyone was shocked, including Laxus.

But there was no time for him to react. He knocked back the ice dragon with one punch, but he was also hit by the ice dragon. retreat


Laxus felt the cold air on his fist. The electricity surged in and stimulated the cell activity. The cold air was directly dissipated.

"Aren't you using the receiving magic? Why aren't you using it? Do you look down on me?"

Lacasus roared, suddenly raising his hand.

"Lightning gun!"

The lightning instantly turned into a spear and shot towards Cheng Feng quickly.

"As you wish."

Cheng Feng's hair turned golden, and a divine robe appeared on his body.

The next moment, more than a dozen Cheng Fengs appeared beside Cheng Feng.

"Boo hoo hoo……"

The art kunai was shot out instantly, and more than a dozen kunai were inserted into Laxus's surroundings at random intervals.

Seeing this scene, Erza and Gray couldn't help but said:"It's begun!"

"What started?"

Hearing what the two said, the people around looked at the two

"As you read, you will know that no one can keep up with Cheng Feng at this time!"

Gray spoke, and following his words, a dozen Cheng Feng immediately disappeared and appeared around Kunai.

"Four Red Sun Formation!"

The barrier rose, directly surrounding Cheng Feng and Laxus.

"Trap me?

Laxus looked around, then at the Cheng Fengs in front of him:"It doesn't look like that.""


Many clones attacked Laxus.

The Four Red Yang Formation blocked the surroundings, and there was no place for Laxus to hide!

However, Laxus didn't need to hide at all!

""Thunder and raging waves!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the surging thunder descended from the sky like a giant dragon, bringing endless power and shock.

In the blink of an eye, the thunder gathered into a huge thunder ball, shining with dazzling light. Then, the thunder ball exploded violently, and countless violent lightning bolts pounced around like a group of ferocious beasts with bared fangs and claws.

Those clones could not resist such a terrifying attack at all. Under the baptism of thunder and lightning, their bodies exploded one after another, turning into smoke and dissipating. After the thunder, Laxus looked at Cheng Feng who blocked the attack with an ice wall, and sneered:"That's it?"

"Of course not."

The ice wall shattered, Cheng Feng looked at Laxus and said calmly:"I just want to buy a little time, and at the same time, try not to let the next attack destroy the surroundings."

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Laxus let out a deafening roar and suddenly raised his right fist. His arm muscles were tense and his veins popped out.

He concentrated all the magic power in his body into this punch, forming a highly concentrated ball of compressed thunder energy.. This ball of thunderous energy shines with a heart-stopping light, and rushes forward with a destructive power.

This powerful force explodes like a small nuclear bomb, everywhere it passes. Everything seemed to be torn apart. In the blink of an eye, it hit Cheng Feng hard and swallowed him up completely. For a moment, there was lightning, thunder, and smoke, and the whole scene became extremely spectacular!

Just when Laxus thought that Cheng Feng couldn't take the blow, Cheng Feng's voice suddenly came out from the thunder.

"Explosive flow!"

The next moment, the thunder that swallowed Cheng Feng suddenly turned and rushed towards Laxus.


Seeing his proud attack being bounced back, Laxus was stunned, and then he was swallowed by the thunder.

"it's over?"

Everyone looked at Laxus who was swallowed by the thunder in the barrier and spoke with some uncertainty.

"Not yet."

Makarov's face was heavy, because he knew that his grandson had a trump card.

This trump card was only known to him.

Of course, Cheng Feng also knew it.

Because his weak body could not withstand the powerful magic from his grandfather, his father Ivan took a great risk to implant the Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal into him, and thus became the second generation of Dragon Slayer Wizard.

"Click, click, click……"

As if the sound of chewing apples sounded, Laxus, who was in the midst of thunder, opened his mouth and swallowed the thunder in one mouthful after another.

This strange scene directly shocked the jaws of the spectators.

Natsu looked at this familiar scene, blinked his eyes, and said uncertainly:"Is it dragon-slaying magic?! I can also eat fire like this!"

After hearing Natsu's words, everyone looked at Maka Love.

Makarov did not speak, which also represented acquiescence.

Laxus took a long breath and swallowed all the thunder. He wiped the corners of his mouth, and there was a faint look of dragon scales on his cheeks.

"thanks for treatment.

Laxus sneered at Cheng Feng and said,"You will definitely lose!" Roar of the Brontosaurus!"

Laxus opened his mouth, and a stream of dragon's breath spurted out, rushing towards Cheng Feng.

Looking at the extremely violent thunder, Cheng Feng's face remained calm.

He knew very well that he had not fully mastered the Blast Burst, so he forcefully resisted it. There was nothing he could do about the thunder dragon's roar.

But... why did he have to resist it?

Cheng Feng ducked and disappeared, avoiding the blow while silently accumulating magic power.

"You are not the only one who has the trump card."

Cheng Feng swung the blade, and a bone-chilling chill gushed out.

Feeling the chill, Laxus immediately distanced himself from Cheng Feng and looked at him vigilantly.

As the chill became stronger and stronger, Laxus no longer waited and sent a thunder dragon's punch towards Cheng Feng. Cheng Feng sighed and used his shadow clone to block it again.

"Swastika, it's a bit difficult. Is it because I'm not at a high level, or because I don't have enough magic power?"

Cheng Feng looked at the shadow clone buying himself time, once again mobilized all the magic power in his body and poured it into Hyōrin Pill!

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