
Cheng Feng tried to use this receiving magic. The next moment, he felt a wave of heat pouring into his body, and his image changed drastically in an instant.

He has an afro, a mustache, a muscular body and thick body hair.

It’s simply Satan’s plan!

Name: Cheng Feng (receiving mode)

Level: 1

Body: 36

Strength: 29

Sensitivity: 24

Skill: Receive magic

Equipment: None

Card slot: 1

Looking at the new attributes, the original depression in Cheng Feng's heart was swept away.

Although it’s a bit ugly, it’s just practical!

Cheng Feng punched a few times, feeling the power filling his body, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

At his own speed, he didn't know how long it would take to reach a nearby town.

But if you maintain the mode of receiving magic, then the speed will be much faster!

"It's a good opportunity to see how long I can maintain the receiving state."

Cheng Feng thought happily, then he moved his joints, carried all his belongings on his back, exerted force on his legs, and ran forward at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Three hours later, Cheng Feng was exhausted and finally could not maintain the receiving magic state, and he returned to the appearance of a little kid.

But it was enough.

Maintaining the receiving state and running for three hours is incredible for ordinary people, but with the maintenance of magic, this state is easier than imagined.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Satan is really that strong.

Looking at a port city not far ahead, Cheng Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart, carrying the only remaining rations and a few books, and stepped into the city.


The town of Cleveland is a quiet small town located on the seaside. Although this town is small in size, it is well-equipped with all kinds of living facilities.

At this moment, a ragged and penniless boy was standing on the street. He was Cheng Feng. Dressed like this, he naturally won't attract much attention, let alone anyone taking the initiative to pay attention to him.

However, Cheng Feng did not give up hope. He had an idea and smiled cutely at some beautiful older sisters passing by, and deliberately acted cute and coquettishly. Perhaps it was because Cheng Feng himself was handsome, or perhaps it was his sunny smile that impressed these big sisters, so they stopped and started talking to Cheng Feng.

In communicating with the big sisters, Cheng Feng finally got the information he wanted: It turns out that there is a cargo ship in this town of Cleveland that can lead directly to Magnolia! This news made Cheng Feng very excited. He felt that he was one step closer to his goal.

But if you want to take the boat, the ferry fare will cost 1,000 J.

This is really a headache for Cheng Feng.

But soon, he had a solution.

That is to buy���!

Those books are probably not very valuable, but there is a magic book for receiving magic.

The magic book is still very valuable.

After all, when Lucy bought the Canis Minor Star Spirit Key, it cost 20,000 J.

A magic book for receiving magic is more valuable than a star spirit key!

After asking about the specific address of the magic props sales store, Cheng Feng said goodbye to the older sisters and walked into the only magic props shop in the town with a rag on his back.

"Welcome...ah, it doesn't look like it. The owner of the shop was a middle-aged uncle with gray hair on his temples. He was wearing something similar to a mage's robe. When he saw Cheng Feng walking in, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He waved towards Cheng Feng and said,"I don't have anything here." Here you go. If you want food, go to the restaurant."

"I'm here to sell magic books."

Cheng Feng rolled his eyes, then took out the magic book, put it on the counter tiptoe, and said to the shop owner:"Look how much this is worth?"

"Magic book?"

The shop owner looked through the magic book, flipped through it quickly, nodded towards Cheng Feng and said:"It is indeed a magic book about receiving magic. If you want to sell it, I'll take the two thousand dollars."

Hearing what the other party said, Cheng Feng rolled his eyes immediately, stood on tiptoes and pulled the book back:"You think I'm a child, you don't understand anything? Forget it, if you don't accept it sincerely, I'll go to a big city and sell it. Maybe I can sell more."

As he spoke, Cheng Feng stuffed the magic book back into the rag, turned around and left without stopping at all.


Looking at Cheng Feng's decisive look, the shop owner cursed in his heart. It seems that there is no way to pick it up.

"Your book is so dirty that it looks like a second-hand book. My price of 2,000 J is a fair price. If you sincerely want to sell it, it will be 10,000 J, no more!"

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Cheng Feng turned to look at him and said:"Fifty thousand J."

"Fifty... fifty thousand?! Why don't you just go and rob it! It's at most twenty thousand!"

"fifty thousand"

"No, you are not surrendering at all?"

"fifty thousand"

"I'm serious, it's not as easy to sell as you think.……"

"fifty thousand"

"I also want to make money……"

"fifty thousand"

"……Want a little more? Forty-eight thousand, I took it"

"fifty thousand"

"……Forget it, I'll take the 50,000 J"

"pay first"

"……Who did you learn from, little devil? You will not be missed."

The shopkeeper sighed, took out five 10,000-denominated banknotes from the drawer, and slapped them on the counter.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Feng took out the magic book, handed over the money and delivered the goods.

The shopkeeper watched Cheng Feng leave. , then put the magic book away

"Tsk, it’s a loss. You can only make 20,000 yuan by selling it again."

The shop owner said with some displeasure. He made so little money that he always felt like he was at a loss.

And Cheng Feng, holding a"huge" amount of starting capital, also took a deep breath and turned around. After a trip to the bookstore, he sold the remaining books for a thousand dollars more than he expected.

With the money, Cheng Feng went to a tailor shop and spent 800 dollars to buy a set of pure black ones. Clothes.

There was no choice, it was black, durable, and cheap.

After spending two hundred dollars to eat something, Cheng Feng rushed to the dock and found a cargo ship heading to Magnolia, and delivered a thousand dollars. , he successfully boarded the cargo ship and paid another 500 J for food. Cheng Feng also found out through the sailor that the cargo ship would take three days to reach the dock in Magnolia.

After confirming the time, Cheng Feng did the same. After getting into his"residence", which was at the bottom of the warehouse, after making sure that no one was around, Cheng Feng also took out the coins hidden in his crotch.

Ever since he got the coins, his golden finger has been there. His eyes jumped.

A pop-up window appeared on the page, offering a surprise gift package for the first time, plus a limited-time offer to get as much as you like.

Cheng Feng could only complain about this, even if he already had a golden finger. He's half disabled, but he still doesn't change his true nature of making money from copycat mobile games!

Use salary to create happiness, but Cheng Feng has nothing to do. His golden finger can be said to be directly linked to his strength, even if he is cheating money. , he also has to grit his teeth and add money.

"It would be great if there was a refund model for minors, but it would be a waste of money."

Complaining, Cheng Feng thought about it, finally took out four 10,000 J notes, and finally chose to recharge.

The next moment, the banknotes in Cheng Feng's hand disappeared instantly, and they disappeared extremely fast, even if his dynamic vision was incredible. No one could see clearly how the money disappeared!

And as the coins disappeared, a pop-up window popped up on the interface!

"Recharge 400 spiritual stones and receive an additional 40 spiritual stones!"

"Surprise gift package has been sent!"

Cheng Feng:...This exchange rate is outrageous!"

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