In the following time, Cheng Feng devoted himself wholeheartedly to the subjugation commission, and even accepted a commission to subdue the bandits alone.

Through repeated commissions, Cheng Feng gradually became familiar with the card Escanor, and at the same time got used to receiving three cards at the same time.

However, once noon arrived, Cheng Feng could only maintain his combat status for three seconds.

And this is when only one card from Escanor is received. If he receives three cards, his magic reserve will be drained in an instant.

But even though it only lasted three seconds, Cheng Feng also said that he was terrifyingly strong at that time!

In addition, there is another bad thing, that is, Cheng Feng in this mode is too destructive.

For example, three seconds was too much time to defeat monsters, so Cheng Feng swung out his knife and shaved the nearby hill's head.

For this reason, unless time is particularly urgent, Cheng Feng also temporarily sealed the Escanor card.

Even so, if Cheng Feng hadn't mastered alchemy and could repair it, the Magic Council would have been filled with complaints and various reports.

Well, Yajma is also very hard-working. If you don't bother him, you won't be in trouble. Don't worry too much about his old life.

In addition, there are more orders for Magical Potion No. 2, and the first batch of pre-orders has a thousand bottles.

Well, a small goal was achieved very easily.

The only pity is that Cheng Feng is busy preparing, so the order can only be temporarily put down.

However, sharpening the sword is as good as chopping wood. Now that his magic power has doubled, he devotes himself to making medicines in one day. If he uses up all his magic power, he can get 60 bottles of medicine. One thousand bottles can be finished in seventeen days. , not a big problem.

The most important thing now is the S-level assessment!


At the beginning of winter, the temperature dropped very quickly this year. The first snow of the year fell early last night, and the entire Magnolia was covered with a thick layer of snow.

On this day, the Fairy Tail guild was particularly lively.

Makarov also changed out of his previous clown-like clothes and put on the Holy Ten Cloak, which represents a status symbol.


Makarov coughed twice, looked at the guild members gathered together, and said,"According to the ancient tradition of Fairy Tail, today is the day to announce the list of S-class wizards to be upgraded."


The guild members collectively shouted, and everyone was full of excitement.

Looking at the excited people, Makarov twitched his lips and said helplessly:"Why are you so excited? I haven't seen you so excited in the past years. These are some last-minute guys."

"Haha, that’s different"

"Yes, who doesn’t want to climb up?!"

"Wish you had me! Wish you had me!"

"There should be Cheng Feng this year, right?"

"Oh, I just remembered that, indeed, if Cheng Feng is here, the difficulty will be increased this year!"

Makarov waited until the voices below died down before he spoke:"This year's exam venue is in the deserted land."


Everyone took a breath of cold air. In the desolate land, in the world of Fairy Tail, there was a land with extremely weak magic power. However, due to the geothermal heat, it attracted many fire-type monsters to settle here.

There are many monsters here, and the magic power is thin, so naturally no one goes there, which leads to a large number of monsters in the deserted land. Basically, every period of time, a lot of monster clearance commissions are issued about the deserted land.

"During this year, I have seen everyone’s strength, heart and soul, so this time, there are two participants!"

Makarov looked towards the crowd:"Cheng Feng! Laxus!"

Looking at the announcement of the list, everyone sighed. Although they regretted that they were not selected, they were also convinced by the list.

Needless to say, Cheng Feng is a mission maniac. His own strength is also constantly improving. Not to mention his peers, he is the S of the average guild. Even a super magician is not necessarily Cheng Feng's opponent.

Laxus's strength is obvious to all. The number of commissions he completed originally was not high, but after being stimulated by Cheng Feng, he began to receive a large number of commissions and hone himself, so he obtained the qualification. , very normal

"Of course, as before, only one person can pass this assessment! The content of the assessment will not be revealed until reaching the deserted land. Cheng Feng, Laxus, do you understand?"

"I understand, Grandpa Chairman."

"I get it, Grandpa."

Cheng Feng and Laxus looked at each other and nodded in response.

"You will meet in the deserted land a week later. During this week, you will choose a partner to take the assessment with you. Makarov looked at the two people and held out two fingers and said:"First, you must choose a member of the Fairy Tail guild." Second, you are not allowed to choose an S-class wizard as your partner. If you do not choose a good partner within a week, then you will automatically give up the qualification for the assessment."

As soon as Makarov finished speaking, Cheng Feng's expression was calm, while Laxus was completely frozen.

Cheng Feng was not worried. After all, whether it was Erza, Mirajane, Gray, Natsu, or He has a good relationship with them, and they are taking the S-level assessment. They probably all hope that Cheng Feng can take them with them to let them experience the assessment atmosphere in advance and prepare for their future promotion to S-level.

As for Laxus, now. Although the stage has changed a bit, he has not yet established a good relationship with the members of the guild. As for the future Thunder Gods, they have not yet joined the guild, so Laxus is in trouble.

Laxus glanced at Cheng Feng, who turned towards him. He spread his hands and said:"I am also an assessor, so I can't help you."

Laxus became gloomy for a while and looked at the others.

When the guild members saw this scene, they all laughed, but it was not to laugh at Laxus, but to think of Laxus' dark history.

Seeing that he was a little embarrassed, Some people also took the initiative to approach Laxus and recommended him.

After all, even if he was not the one to take the S-level exam, it would be a good thing for

Laxus to get rid of his embarrassment by helping others. , and finally formed a team with Marcus, a magician who uses sand magic.……

"Cheng Feng, choose me. The geothermal energy over there is strong. I am of ice attribute and can restrain those fire monsters."

"I want to go too, I am a fire dragon slayer magic, flames have no effect on me!"


"Habi, don't interrupt, Cheng Feng, I'll go with you. We both receive magic, so we're the best match!"

"Do you need help? My armor's defense is pretty good"


Looking at the noisy people around him, there is no doubt that Cheng Feng is very popular in the guild. After thinking carefully for a moment, Cheng Feng looked at Mila Jay, who had restrained herself a little recently, but still wore hot clothes and hot pants and tied her hair into a ponytail, and said,"Mira, please go with me."

"yeah! I knew you would choose me!

Mirajane jumped up, rushed over, hooked Cheng Feng's neck and said,"Don't worry, I will definitely make you an S-class mage!""

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