The electric light slowly dissipated, and a young, beautiful, and very capable-looking woman with short hair lay in the formation.

Cheng Feng looked at himself safe and sound and smiled slightly.

His idea is correct, the taboo formed from the human body is the soul!

In addition, he has the Philosopher's Stone, so it is not difficult to simply refine it into a body.

But this is not the end, it is the beginning!

Carrying Uru's body to the edge of the ice, Cheng Feng wiped away the original formation, then took out the metal rod and began to slowly and firmly cover the bodies of Deliora and Uru in a huge In the alchemy formation.

Cheng Feng painted this alchemy formation very seriously, and it was also extremely time-consuming.

It took a full three hours for Cheng Feng to finish drawing the alchemy array.

Looking at his masterpiece, Cheng Feng didn't hesitate at all. He clapped his hands directly and pressed them on the alchemy array.

In the next moment, Cheng Feng was seen continuously sending his powerful magic power into the alchemy array. The originally peaceful alchemy array seemed to suddenly come to life and was completely activated in an instant!

In an instant, dazzling light suddenly burst out, intertwined with the surging magic power, and shot straight into the sky like a huge and blazing torrent!

In the blink of an eye, the layers of thick and dense dark clouds in the sky were unable to withstand the impact of this terrifying force, and they were all pierced through!

For a time, the sun shone on the earth without any hindrance, and the originally dark and gloomy world instantly became brighter. And in the cloud hole that was penetrated, a vast blue sky as pure and deep as a gem was revealed.


At this moment, a shrill scream sounded.

Cheng Feng did not look back, but just by listening to the voice, he knew that it was Gray's voice.

After more than five hours, Gray and Natsu finally caught up with Cheng Feng. But as soon as they arrived, they saw the alchemy array being activated.

Gray, who was confused, immediately wanted to stop Cheng Feng, but when he was about to launch an attack,

Wu was lying lifelessly on the ground in the alchemy array. Lu's body began to float slowly, as if an invisible force was lifting him up, causing him to gradually leave the ground.

At the same time, the surface of the ice began to emit faint rays of light at first. , but as time goes by, they become brighter and brighter, like the twinkling stars in the night sky. Each point of light is like a delicate link, gently wrapping around Ulu's body, connecting him with the ice. The blocks are closely connected.

These links are not static, but flow slowly like water, giving people a sense of agility. They sometimes flicker and sometimes dim, seeming to convey some mysterious message or energy. Lu's body was trembling slightly under the influence of this wonderful force, as if he was undergoing a baptism and transformation.

This scene made Gray, who was about to attack, momentarily stunned as he looked at the thing floating in the formation. The figure, that familiar face, Gray could only feel his whole body shaking at this moment, and tears were constantly gathering in his eyes.

"Wu... Lu……"

With an almost murmuring voice, Gray's legs softened and he knelt down directly in the snow, tears dripping down his face.

"Gray, what's wrong with you?"

Natsu looked at Gray's strange look, and then looked at Cheng Feng in front of him. For a moment, he felt as if he was about to grow a brain.

"Don't mess with me."

At this moment, Cheng Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

With his back to the two people and one cat, Cheng Feng said lightly:"The ice on Deliola's body seems to be a person. I am using my alchemy to melt the ice. Peel off and see if you can save this guy, so don't bother me, it's easy to fail, got it?"

"Huh? What about the art of repairing broken things?"

Natsu was straightforward and directly told the people in the guild the nickname of alchemy.

"I see!"

Gray wiped away his tears, stood up, and said to Natsu and Habi:"Natsu, Habi, that person is my master. This is a critical time, so I ask you to help Cheng Feng. Don't let other external factors interfere with Cheng Feng, okay?"

Natsu was stunned. This was the first time he heard a hint of pleading from Gray's mouth.

At this moment, although the two of them were not very good at dealing with each other, Natsu was not someone who couldn't distinguish anything.

He punched Gray hard. , Natsu said to Gray:"Of course, we are Fairy Tail!"


Habi also raised his paw and responded.

Gray nodded and said softly:"Thank you."

The two people quickly stood one on the left and one on the right side of Cheng Feng's position. Habi also flew into the air and looked down at the entire earth.

The group of people waited silently and were equally vigilant. They would never let anyone. What disturbed Cheng Feng was that as the alchemy array continued to operate, countless stars with faint light streaked across the sky like meteors, and each star seemed to be filled with endless energy. The mysterious power merged with Ulu's body, making his already powerful aura become thicker and deeper.

Finally, after all the starlight was completely integrated, Ulu's body began to fall slowly, and finally stabilized. Landing on the solid ground.

At this moment, Cheng Feng, who had been concentrating on controlling the alchemy formation, slowly stood up with a tired but satisfied look on his face, and took a deep breath. , seems to release all the pressure that has been accumulated in the heart for a long time

"Success... was it successful?"

Gray ran over immediately, with a little trembling in his tone.


Cheng Feng said:"I have tried my best.""

Natsu and Habi also came over and looked at Uru lying on the ground with curiosity on their faces.

Under the gaze of the three people and the cat, Uru, who was lying quietly, trembled slightly, The eyeballs under his eyelids also moved. Seeing this scene, Gray almost jumped up in excitement, but he covered his mouth tightly for fear that he would make too much movement and disturb Ulu.

Worrying was wrong.

Ulu's movements became louder and louder, his fingers trembled slightly, and his eyelids trembled. Finally, under Gray's constant call, his eyelids opened, his mouth opened, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded:"You shouldn't have saved me, he's not dead yet……"

At this moment, Uru was resurrected, and she could not control the new body that her soul had entered.

She was a little desperate because Deliora's life had not been completely wiped out. Now that Deliora was out of trouble, who could stop him?


As Uru's voice fell, a crisp breaking sound sounded, and the ice that originally trapped Deliora was full of cracks.

In Gray's horrified eyes, the ice on his head shattered, and there was a terrifying roar, Ringing through the sky!


Ulu struggled to stand up, looked at Gray with some worry, and stretched out his hand towards Gray.

At this moment, Gray seemed to have let go of something.

"Sure enough, over the years, I have already figured it out. Gray looked at Ulu and said with a smile:"I will take care of the trouble I caused." Uru, it's so good to see you come to life."

After saying that, Gray rushed out with a vigorous step, put up a posture, crossed his hands, and the surging magic power burst out instantly.


But before he could start, Cheng Feng came over and punched Gray on the head. The magic power that originally burst out was instantly knocked back by Cheng Feng. Gray squatted down in pain and covered his head. Big bag, with a broken face

"This guy is obviously going to surpass S-class monsters. You two guys who haven't become S-class magicians yet, leave me alone."

Cheng Feng said as he picked up Gray and threw it to Natsu.

Then he said to Natsu:"Natsu, you and Habi take these two guys away and leave this place to me."

"Can you handle it?"

Natsu helped Gray up and asked Cheng Feng.

The corners of Cheng Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a faint smile. The sunlight poured down like a waterfall, falling on Cheng Feng. In an instant, Cheng Feng's whole body was dazzled Shrouded in golden light, it was like a god of war descending from the sky.

This warm sunshine seemed to have magical power, and it easily dispelled the biting chill caused by the raging snowstorm around him.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's body seemed to be trapped. As if it was ignited, an indescribably powerful magic burst out.

This magic was like a surging torrent, and like an awakened ancient beast, sweeping across in all directions with endless power and blazing heat.

The air seemed to be burning everywhere, and the snow on the ground melted rapidly, forming streams flowing through it.

Cheng Feng raised a finger and said in an extremely arrogant tone:"Noon has arrived, and I am the only one in the sky and the world!""

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