"Wake up!"

A soft hand gently knocked on Cheng Feng's forehead, waking up the sleeping Cheng Feng.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Mirajane's smiling face

"Did you come back late yesterday?"

Milajie looked at Cheng Feng who was sitting up and asked

"Well, I met an annoying person and was a little unhappy.

Cheng Feng scratched his hair, yawned and said,"In addition, I came back late, so I slept a little longer.""

"No wonder, I said why I didn’t see you in the guild. Mirajane looked back at the bedroom window, which was open at the moment.

Cheng Feng got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Wearing only a pair of underwear, he exposed his muscular figure.

Mirajane Jie's eyes grew hot when he saw it, he rubbed his red face and said to Cheng Feng:"By the way, there's a new S-class commission, the reward is very interesting, you can give it a try. I'm going to the guild first."

Miraj greeted and prepared to leave.

"Remember to go through the gate……"

Cheng Feng walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush stuffed in his mouth and said something to the bedroom.

But in the empty bedroom, where is the shadow of Mirajane?

"These guys are used to going through windows, right?"

Cheng Feng shook his head helplessly, then went back to the bathroom to wash up, then got dressed and went to the guild.

On the second floor of the guild, in front of the commission column where S-level commissions were placed separately, Cheng Feng stared at a newly posted commission in a trance.

"It's interesting that this thing is used as a reward."

Cheng Feng looked at the words marked on the reward column and laughed.

Because it said that the reward was a piece of Dragon Slayer Crystal!

This thing is a rare thing!

Look at Laxus, he installed a piece of Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal, how much his strength has increased.

And this thing, even if it is sold, conservatively estimated, it will cost 70 million J.

To be able to use such a thing as a reward, naturally the difficulty of this commission is also amazing!

"Stop looking, this task should be for me."

Laxus looked at Cheng Feng looking at the commission and smiled proudly.

Because this commission requires sneaking into the thunder marsh to collect a special herb called thunder marsh flower.

It seems very simple, but it is actually extremely difficult. Big!

First of all, Thunder Marsh is located in a place called Blight Swamp, which is filled with miasma all year round and is very toxic. There are also a lot of poisonous creatures with S-class monster strength living in it.

Some people may say, avoid it. Just open it.

But what's more troublesome is that the time when the Thunder Swamp Flower blooms happens to be when the creatures in the Withered Swamp are in estrus. At this time, the Withered Swamp is full of creatures with red eyes due to estrus, and they rush in. , it is definitely the result of attacking in groups, there is no other possibility!

When the beasts break through the perimeter, what awaits them is a general S-level thunder marsh formed by a high concentration of thunder elements. No magician dared to touch it easily, otherwise he would be blasted to pieces by the thunder in the thunder marsh.

Even the magician who used thunder magic would be destroyed when facing such a high concentration of thunder marsh. Tortured half of one's life.

Only by reaching the bottom of the thunder marsh can one pick up the thunder marsh flower, which has a flowering period of only three minutes.

From this look, it seems that only Laxus, the Dragon Slayer of Thunder, can devour thunder. , while ensuring that you are not killed, sneak into the bottom of the thunder marsh and wait for the thunder marsh flowers to bloom.

"The commission is also time-sensitive, and it will be taken off the shelves directly on the 7th.

Cheng Feng looked at the commission and said,"In other words, the Thunder Marsh Flower will bloom during this period of time. If it is missed, the commission will be considered a failure." The difficulty lies in time"

"Yes, so do you want to form a team?"

Laxus looked at Cheng Feng and said,"I will be responsible for picking, and you will be responsible for cleaning up the monsters."

"No, I can handle it."

Cheng Feng refused directly, accepted the commission, and went to the counter to report.

"You want to do this commission?"

Makarov looked at Cheng Feng with a puzzled look.

"There happens to be a useful Heroic Soul, and I'm also quite interested in the Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal, so I can take it over and study it.

Cheng Feng said with a smile.

Makarov pondered for a moment, and then said to Cheng Feng:"Pay attention to yourself. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it. Do you understand?""


After the registration was completed, Cheng Feng left the guild directly. After receiving the registration, he used the air dance technique to quickly fly towards the client's location.



Cheng Feng slowly landed in a small town near the Withered Swamp.

After searching for a moment, Cheng Feng finally saw the client in a small wooden house on the edge of the town.

At first glance, the client looked like A very typical image of an evil old wizard, but through communication, Cheng Feng found that he was still very talkative and had a kind personality.

As for the thunder marsh flower, it was also to make a special potion that could quickly treat broken limbs.

"I don't have much money, but if you can bring back the Thunder Marsh Flower, this dragon-slaying magic crystal will be yours."

Adrian, who looked a little evil, took out a gray crystal and said to Cheng Feng:"Of course, I won't force it. I know very well how difficult it is to obtain the Thunder Marsh Flower. I just ask you to do your best"

"Don’t worry, since I took it, I will definitely finish it. Cheng

Feng said with a smile.

"I believe in this. I still believe in the title of the Tyrant of Goblins."

Adrian smiled, but with this face, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel malicious.

Reminding himself again not to judge people by their appearance, Cheng Feng bid farewell to Adrian and went to the Withered Swamp.

The entire Withered Swamp was filled with a layer of The mist seems harmless to humans and animals, but it contains relatively strong toxins.

After Cheng Feng approached the withered swamp, he put on a spare card.

The prisoner of delicious food, Coco, the Four Heavenly King, had a poisonous body in his body. Gourmet cells can also absorb deadly poisons in the shortest time and prepare suitable antibodies.

After receiving the card, the toxins of the Blight Swamp no longer cause any trouble to Cheng Feng. Yes, in this way, the Coco Card occupies a receiving position for Cheng Feng, and he can only receive three cards.




"Ho ho ho!"

In the ears, various beasts roared.


Even midsummer can't stop the mating impulse of the creatures in the withered swamp after they enter the estrus period.

The aggressiveness of the male creatures has increased by at least three times at this moment. Four times. Once a creature approaches, they will immediately default to being a challenger and attack you without hesitation.

"Go to heaven?"

Cheng Feng looked at the sky, but the super vision brought to him by the Coco Card allowed him to see the electromagnetic waves floating in the sky, and the"death appearance" like a skeleton gradually emerged!

Cheng Feng was a little confused, even if it was his own

How can you die if you walk in the sky?

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