"Comprehensive Combat"

"Guga Fighting"

"Fighting Law"

These three physical techniques are the results obtained by Wei Yi after preliminary screening.

Compared with several other "distinct" physical arts, the biggest feature of these three physical arts is that they have no features, or the features are not obvious.

However, because of this, although the advantages of these three physical arts are not outstanding enough, they also have no obvious shortcomings.

"Comprehensive Martial Arts", as the name suggests, is a taijutsu that integrates various fighting skills, from which almost all common physiques can be seen.

Relatively speaking, "Gu Jia Fighting" should be regarded as the most "distinct" of the three body arts.

Simple, direct, violent... This is Wei Yi's evaluation of this body art.

"Gu Jia Fighting" was not created by a master of physical arts.

This body art is a "survival skill" passed down from generation to generation by a primitive tribe in ancient times. Because this primitive tribe lives in the primitive forest densely populated by wild beasts and "monsters", it faces various hostile tribes, beasts, "monsters" almost every day. monsters", and even the invasion of the natural environment...

In such an environment, the so-called "Gujia Fighting Technique" came into being.

From the moment it was created, "Gujia Fighting Technique" was designed to end the life of the enemy as quickly as possible at the least cost. It can be said that this is a real killing technique.

As for the remaining "Martial Arts"!

In Wei Yi's view, this physique is somewhat similar to the ancient martial arts in his previous life. In terms of the exquisiteness of the skills, none of the physiques collected by "Fairy Tail" can be compared with this "Martial Arts". .



Selecting these three physical arts from many physical arts, Wei Yi completed it in just a short time!

But between these three physical arts, Wei Yi was unable to make a final decision.

In general!

These three physical arts are all in line with Wei Yi's needs, but it is obviously impossible for him to practice three physical arts at the same time.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, if you want to cultivate Taishu to a high level, it takes no less time and energy than magic.

Wrinkled scalp tangled for a long time.

In the end, Wei Yi chose "Gu Jia Fighting" as his main body art!

the reason is simple.

Whether it is "Comprehensive Martial Arts" or "Martial Arts", the enemies that can be dealt with are mainly humans.

But the enemies that he may face in the future are not only humans.

After all, there are creatures such as demons, "monsters", and even dragons in this world...


After choosing the gymnastics!

Wei Yi immediately began to practice.

The cultivation of Taishu is not a simple matter. After all, the real Taishu is not as simple as just learning a few movements.

The real essence of physique is to maximize the "strengths" of the human body.

For example, a normal person can punch 100 jins with one punch, then Taishu is to help people to hit 200 jins with the same body.

And in this regard, "Gu Jia Fighting" has done a particularly good job!

Because "Gu Jia Fighting Technique" can not only hit two hundred pounds of power, but at the same time he can tell the practitioners where the power of two hundred pounds can hit the enemy's body with one blow.

If it can't be killed in one hit, then where can the two hundred pounds of power be hit to cause the most damage.


In fact, Wei Yi's heart was full of doubts when he first saw this body art in "Fairy Tail".

In his memory after all.

Every member of "Fairy Tail" is a "very kind" person.

All of them have been "kind" to the point that they do not make up after defeating the enemy, and then let these enemies recover and come back to trouble them.

How could there be such a brutal physique in such a "kind" guild?



Must be an illusion!

It is estimated that some "good" guild member took the wrong physical skills!


"Gu Jia Fighting" does not have any specific routines and skills, and because of this, the difficulty of practicing this body art is much more difficult than ordinary body art.

Because compared to other physical arts, one of the most important conditions for cultivating this physical arts is the environment.

The essence of "Gu Jia Fighting Technique" can only be cultivated under certain specific circumstances. If this important condition is lacking, the "Gu Jia Fighting Technique" that has been cultivated will only take shape.

Although these "specific environments" can be artificially created.

But it is clear that Weiyi does not have the funds to artificially create these environments.

So his only choice is to use the pure natural "specific environment" to practice "Gu Jia Fighting Technique".

And this kind of pure natural "special environment" actually exists near the guild, but there is a problem that this pure natural "special environment" seems to be so "a little" dangerous!



early morning!

The sun rose from the eastern sky, and a ray of sunlight slowly shone on Wei Yi's face in front of the forest.

After a whole night of thinking.

Wei Yi finally decided to use the eastern forest of Magnolia, this pure natural "special environment" to practice his "Gujia Fighting Technique".

It is different from other physical exercises.

What you need to practice for getting started with "Gu Jia Fighting" is neither a technique nor a special method of exercising your body, but learning how to escape.

It sounds ridiculous!

But in fact, this is the way of survival that is most in line with the Gujia people.

For the Gujia people, if they don't have enough escape ability, then no matter how strong their fighting ability is, they can't escape death in the end.

After all, the most indispensable thing in the environment they live in is all kinds of enemies.


Looking at the eastern forest like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, Wei Yi hesitated for a while in his heart.

at last!

He was still carrying his backpack and walked in bravely...


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