Fairy Tail's Strongest Ghost Sword

Chapter 75: Reunion Spanning Four Hundred Years [Second Update]

The whole body of a dragon is full of treasures. This sentence is not empty talk. Flesh and flesh can strengthen the body and strengthen the body. Leather can be used to make clothes or leather armor with super defensive power. Basically, all parts of the dragon body are very useful. The last one of the ghost sword technique storm style directly beat all the dragons into a rain of blood, and a lot of things were wasted.

But waste is waste. If you don't use the extreme ghost swordsmanship, there is no way to kill all the dragons. If you let the dragons run around the world, it will be troublesome.

It is estimated that apart from a few people and a few non-human beings, there is really nothing that can control the dragon clan. Even an ordinary dragon clan is a very powerful existence, but it is only facing Yunfei, a bug-opened existence. Only then will it appear so weak.

You know, if Yunfei didn't pass through the eclipse gate to come to this future timeline of Lucy, what kind of consequences would it be?

You can see from the plot of the original book, Fairy Tail is almost completely wiped out, almost no one survives, and there is no chance to reveal the hole card Lumen Xinghui, Zeref or Zeref’s second personality will not let Ma Kaluo 100 husbands and others The opportunity to open the hole card, because even a god does not have infinite magic power.

"Although it is indeed a pity, this time the matter can finally be over. I don't know if there are so many dragon corpses and dragon blood in a fifty-year lifespan." All the positions of the dragon corpses were filled, and he muttered to himself with a little expectation.

Yunfei can't wait to roast dragon meat and bathe in dragon blood. At this time, nearly half of the black hair on Yunfei's head has turned to silvery white, and it didn't end because of Wanlong's demise. Now It's just that it's only been ten minutes or so, so Yunfei's hair is still turning silver.

"Strange." Mavis looked at Yunfei's hair that was still changing color, and said to himself in a bit of bewilderment, why Yunfei hasn't canceled the power beyond the limit, you must know that every second that passes now is very important for Yunfei's night banquet Equivalent to ten days (afl

If Yunfeizi continues like this, after the hair color changes, it is very likely that other parts will still be aging and failing.

However, Mavis didn't think Yunfei would be such an idiot, so Mavis began to think in other directions. In Mavis' eyes, Yunfei came from the dragon slayer four hundred years ago, and was the light of hope for the entire human race at that time. , is the strongest of the entire human race, so Mavis thinks there must be some significance for Yunfei to do this.

There must be something that can make Yunfei have to keep the status quo with such super powerful people around, so Yunfei can't cancel the current status, otherwise something particularly bad will happen.

You must know that Mavis·Vermilion used to rely on his own wisdom and analytical ability to suppress the figures of an era. Compared with Mavis's own powerful strength, what is more noticeable is that Mavis's wisdom far exceeds that of ordinary people. The name of the military division has been spread all over the world, and he has commanded countless classic battles. Every battle was defeated by absolute disadvantages. In terms of wisdom, he can be said to be at the same level as the taboo Zeref in the magic world.

So almost instantly, Mavis thought of a taboo-like existence, the ancestor of the black mage, Zeref, known as the creator of demons, went deep into the abyss of the magic way, or it was the existence of the abyss of the magic way itself.

Mavis can only think of Zeref. The black dragon's words have always been straightforward and will not hide, and as a disciple of Zeref, Mavis, who once called himself a black mage, really knows how powerful Zeref is.

The most powerful thing about Zeref is not itself, but after more than 400 years of accumulation, Zeref usually has nothing to do during the 400 years, and can only study magic to pass the time. During the years, Zeref has already researched all kinds of powerful magic to the extreme.

For example, if the human beings knew Zeref's current magic four hundred years ago, they would definitely be on par with the dragons, or even slightly better. To a certain extent, Zeref has really become an existence that even gods need to fear.

Of course, what Mavis didn't know was that he was simply thinking too much. The reason why Yunfei didn't end this state was entirely because the talent contract didn't know about the refund service. Ten minutes of God's power, then it must be exhausted.

Yunfei's 50-year lifespan has already been deducted, and the change of hair from black to bright silver is completely an external withdrawal.

Almost at the moment when Mavis realized that Zeref was probably around, a familiar voice full of indifference came through behind him, and Zeref made a move.

"Time and space are imprisoned."

Yunfei, who was admiring his booty, suddenly found that everything around him turned gray and white except himself, and time and space stopped in a real sense, except for Yunfei and Zeref, including Mavis. down.

As for why Yunfei himself was not affected, it is of course because Zeref did not use time and space to imprison Yunfei. Of course, Yunfei now has the power of gods, and gods themselves can control time and space to a certain extent. Therefore, even if Zeref Compared with Yunfei's use of time imprisonment, it has no effect.

A god who can control time and space will not be dragged down by time and space, this is the supreme law.

"Brother Yunfei, long time no see, I think you can stop me, right?"

Zeref walked out of the void slowly, looked at Yunfei with scarlet pupils and said with a smile. .

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