Fairy Tail's Strongest Ghost Sword

Chapter 101: Year X679 [Third Update]

No publicity, no superfluous movements, even though Yunfei was happily drinking and eating meat with Natsu, Lucy and Erza the day before, even though Yunfei beat Natsu hard just now.

As if Mavis knew what to write, there was no extra action. Just like the third treaty of the Fairy Tail guild, each guild member has his own path, so in the eyes of Mavis, Yunfei is just I just went to pursue my own path, although the consequence is that I may never return to this warm home

However, Mavis only needs to know that Yunfei has not quit Fairy Tail and still cherishes everyone in Fairy Tail. Yunfei is still a member of Fairy Tail and a companion of everyone.

Finally, Yunfei came to the palace of King Fiore, and walked into the eclipse gate under the smiling expression of Princess Emerald.

In December X791, Yunfei Alsace, who came from the dragon slayer four hundred years ago and had the act of killing thousands of dragons, once again entered the eclipse gate, returning to the era four hundred years ago Or what other era no one knows.

In January X792, the Fairy Tail Guild publicly announced the disappearance of Yunfei Alsace, but at the same time issued a statement that Yunfei Alsace will always be a member of Fairy Tail, and there will always be Yunfei Alsace in Fairy Tail A seat, even if not flying Alsace does not exist in this era.

In June X679, it has been almost 300 years since the civil war of the Dragon Clan and the Dragon King Festival. Human beings were the second most powerful clan in the world, and they managed to dominate the world after the Dragon Clan fell completely. At the time of the sacrifice, human beings also suffered unprecedented heavy losses, and countless magics were lost, but human magic civilization still developed to another peak.

Perhaps in terms of attack and combat, it is several grades worse than the era when the dragons ruled the world three hundred years ago, but in terms of the number of magicians and the application of magic, another brilliant magic civilization has indeed been formed.

Buying and selling magic is a common thing, and magic has become an indispensable part of people's lives, and a considerable number of people make a living by driving magic, and serving clients in exchange for rewards has become a popular profession. People are called magicians and wizards.

At the same time, with the demise and fall of the Dragon King Festival and the fall of the dragon clan and the domination of the world by humans, there is no reason that can threaten the race of humans. Therefore, since more than two hundred years ago, countless magicians have gathered together to form a whole world. Another magic guild, everyone who wants to entrust the magic guild to do things can go to the magic guild to entrust tasks.

Just like the fact that there were no species that could threaten the dragon clan, the dragon clan fought among itself and died out. After the formation of mage guilds one after another within the human race, disputes over interests arose between each mage guild. , From a small dispute to a big dispute, from a big dispute to a deadly feud, you must divide your life and death, so I don't know when, the human wizards' guild has entered the era of melee, but it is still controllable within the range.

On a small island called Sirius Island, there is a relatively strong guild named Red Lizard, and this guild is joined by Mavis Vermilion, a famous town in the future, who can be said to suppress an era. The guild, but the status is not high or even the bottom can be bullied by everyone.

Because Mavis Vermilion's parents were members of the Red Lizard and seemed to owe the Red Lizard a lot of money, so Mavis came to work in the Red Lizard guild where his parents stayed in order to repay the money owed by his parents. , Although the life is relatively poor, and people seem to be malnourished, they still managed to survive in such a chaotic world.

As a person who helps sweep the floor, wash dishes and do chores in the Red Lizard Guild.

Mavis has no other hobbies. He likes to read books when he has free time. Mavis is always very happy to do this kind of thing that can enrich his knowledge.

For example, now, after cleaning up the sanitation in the Red Lizard Guild, Mavis sat on the counter with ten books introducing magic and read them with relish.

The place covered by the golden hair of Mavis now does not have the pure white wings of the future, and the hair looks messy, as if he hasn't bathed for a while, but the raised hair on the top of the head makes Mavis look It looks cute and looks very cute.

On her body, she was wearing a suspender skirt with patches everywhere, which looked a bit dirty, and there were small but dense abrasions on her feet and hands. If there was any clean place, it would be Mavis feet. Put on those clean shoes, which were given to Mavis by Geer Saifu, the chairman of the red lizard some time ago.

After receiving his shoes from Geer Saifu, the chairman of the red lizard, Mavis was really happy. He has always cherished his only pair of shoes and cherished them very much.

And Mavis, who was quietly sitting on the counter humming a song and reading the (Haonuohao) book, formed a strong contrast with other guild members in the guild hall who chatted loudly, drank alcohol, and ate meat.

It's just that obviously, some people don't want Mavis to just sit on the counter and read a book so easily. A middle-aged man with vicious tattoos on his face, half bald on the top of his head and a mean look, walked straight away. Arriving in front of Mavis who was concentrating on reading, he knocked down the magic book in Mavis's hand.

This person is the president of the Red Lizard, Gisself, a fire mage who can barely be regarded as a strong man in this era, and has a considerable reputation in a small area nearby, otherwise the Red Lizard is located in On a small island like Sirius Island, there are special commissioners who come to the door with commissions.

[PS: You can add book friend Junyang to search for the title of the book].

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