Fairy Tail's Strongest Ghost Sword

Chapter 27: The True Profound Meaning Of Skills [Third Change]

To be honest, Yunfei is actually not the kind of person who can sit still. The reason why Yunfei was able to work honestly at Uncle Caleb’s place in Daner City when he first time traveled was because of the force of life. Relationship, although Yunfei can't say that if he has strength, he can have strength, but there is still no problem in walking the world, so Yunfei felt that life was too boring, so he told Uncle Caleb and left this sparsely populated village.

Although Yunfei was a little worried about the safety of Uncle Caleb after he left, Yunfei was still very concerned about Uncle Caleb, who helped him when he needed help most.

It's a pity that Yunfei thought for a long time and couldn't come up with any suitable solution. After all, Uncle Caleb is not a particularly powerful expert, just a very ordinary person. It is impossible for Yunfei to tie himself to Uncle Caleb for a lifetime, so In the end, Yunfei still gave up trying to find a way to ensure the safety of Uncle Caleb, life and death depend on fate and wealth.

And besides, Uncle Caleb himself is very indifferent to this kind of thing. In Uncle Caleb’s own words, if it weren’t for Yunfei, he probably would have died the last time he was in Daner City, so My own life itself was picked up by Yunfei's help, so I don't need Yunfei to talk too much about it.

There is no way, since Uncle Caleb has already said this, Yunfei did not continue to ink in that small village, and left the small village to start aimlessly on the Ishgar continent.

After all, in the era when dragons ruled the world four hundred years ago, there seemed to be no such thing as a magic guild, so Yunfei didn't have any specific goals, just wandering around and traveling, and contacted the skills that were not activated in Gold Finger by the way.

Because Yunfei was about to activate the fourth skill three-stage slash not long after the Zeref curse broke out in the world, so Yunfei reached the fourth skill three within a few days after leaving the small village where Uncle Caleb lived in seclusion. The condition of Duan Zhan, and enter the next stage of skill training and stabbing.

It has to be said that for Yunfei, training is like traveling around the mountains and rivers, but it is not without benefits. It may be because Yunfei is alone. During the training process, Yunfei always You can meet some enemies with evil intentions.

There are humans with malicious intentions, and there are also bloodthirsty and ferocious monsters. Although the world of Fairy Tail four hundred years ago belonged to the era of dragons, humans and monsters are the most likely to be encountered. As for dragons, to be honest , is still quite difficult to come across.

After all, most dragons have their own things to do, and human beings are like ants to the dragons. Which human beings would go to trouble with ants all day long?

It can be said that a large part of the villages and towns that were destroyed by dragons, even to a certain extent, were all because the dragons occasionally flew over and suddenly spit out such a mouthful of dragon's roar when they suddenly got interested, and walked with people on the road and saw the ultimate ants on the ground. Climbing, subconsciously stepping on the foot, without any deliberate and targeted, just ruthless standing at the highest angle.

Of course, there are also dragons that look like a pain in the ass just to tease humans, such as the emerald dragon that appeared in the martial arts stage of Damo Dou before Yunfei crossed.

All in all, although the shadow of the dragon clan hangs over all human beings in this era, given the rare number of dragon clan and the huge base of human beings, it is still very difficult to meet dragons. As for Yunfei when he was in Daner City I can always hear that some dragons haunt and destroy villages and towns in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, all because of the shadow of the famous tree.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron is the only kingdom successfully established in this era, and the only kingdom with a small pure land. It is still attractive to some boring dragons. I want to meet them in other places. Dragon is not so easy.

Encountering dragons in other places is like winning the lottery, which is why Yunfei has been out to practice for a while but has not met dragons yet.

Of course, this is a good thing, otherwise Yunfei would have exhausted his lifespan and died long ago if he encountered dragons from time to time.

In the process of fighting the enemy in the experience, Yunfei discovered some small features about Gold Finger skills. Originally, Yunfei always thought that the skills in Gold Finger were similar, whether it was the most basic uplift or the most Niucha's extremely divine swordsmanship Wanjian Guizong is full of sword qi.

In fact, Yunfei didn't find this kind of problem before he met the enemy who was killed in seconds. If he was cut in two, he could find something. However, when Yunfei met some more durable monsters or humans, Yunfei began to find out that his skills Where is the sharpest point?

It can be said that Yunfei has never discovered the essence of skills such as the upper pick before. For example, the upper pick can allow Yunfei to directly knock a monster the size of a meat mountain into the air. You must know that at that time Yunfei The dagger in his hand and the sword energy attached to the pick had already passed the monster without any resistance, but the monster like a mountain of meat was indeed knocked into the air in a way that violated scientific conclusions. Short notes.

But Yunfei was stunned watching from the sidelines. At that time, Yunfei never thought that his upskilling skill would have such special effects.

This is completely forced to fly! If the enemy wants to use magic, Yunfei can go up close and forcefully interrupt the enemy's magic with a slash. With the three-stage slash, Yunfei will not worry about not being able to enter the enemy's body.

So Yunfei made a plan for himself, experience, actual combat, and research skills.

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