At nine o’clock the next morning,

Wayne walked out of the Golden Nest and Silver Nest restaurant and wiped the apple honey wine residue from the corner of his mouth with a napkin.

The steak served in the restaurant today was very fresh, which made Wayne very satisfied.

He stood in front of the Golden Nest and Silver Nest restaurant, waiting for the agreed carriage to arrive.

Late last night, the two mysterious figures in the alley next to the Temani Mansion were none other than the two messengers sent by Rasputin, the leader of the Gunpowder Keg Gang.

The two dark shadows in the alley brought a message for their boss Rasputin.

Rasputin, the boss of the Eagle County Gunpowder Keg Gang, was eager to meet with the famous legendary demon hunter Mr. Wayne.

It was agreed that at nine o’clock this morning, the Gunpowder Keg Gang would personally send the most luxurious and distinguished carriage to greet Wayne. As soon as

Wayne stepped out of the Golden Nest and Silver Nest restaurant, the air was filled with the aroma of parsley and rosemary from the kitchen.

And the fragrance of olive oil splashing when the veal was grilled.

A beam of sunlight shone on Wayne’s face along the uneven eaves of the streets in Eagle County.

Those sickly and thin men had not yet gotten up at nine o’clock in the morning.

There were also very few pedestrians on the street, mostly servants of the nobles who were reporting news to each other and some prostitutes.

The streets were empty.

The prostitutes were in the world.

A carriage drove out from several prostitutes who were lined up side by side, taking small steps and moving forward leisurely.

It stopped steadily in front of Wayne.

The coachman wearing white gloves jumped off the carriage and bowed to Wayne:”Come in, honorable Lord Wayne!”

Wayne lifted up his windbreaker and sat in the carriage.

The carriage drove steadily again and turned around.

It circled in front of the Golden Nest and Silver Nest Restaurant and rushed towards the outer edge of the Eagle County city.

The street scene retreated on both sides.

A water tower came into Wayne’s sight.

Next to this water tower, there is a taller tower made of red bricks.

The unique twin towers.

Wayne thought to himself that this seems to be the location of the Gunpowder Keg Gang.

The carriage stopped in front of the gate of the tower.

The iron gate slowly opened, and two men greeted Wayne to get off the car. The muscle lines on their bodies were very sharp.

They looked like two giant beasts.

Wayne got off the car, looked at the two strong men in front of him, and asked slowly:

“Where is Rasputin?”

The two men bowed their heads to Wayne and said,”Rasputin’s people are already waiting for Lord Wayne in the reception hall.”

Wayne frowned slightly, and his tone became cold:”No,”

“He should be standing next to you, waiting at the gate.”

As soon as Wayne said this, he could clearly see a flash of anger in the eyes of the muscular man in front of him.

The subtext seemed to be saying that you, a bastard from the Aoshen Village, how could you deserve to be received by our boss Rasputin?

The muscular man next to him was so clenched that his fingers were creaking.

The two of them didn’t seem to believe it.

They thought that Wayne’s great achievement in killing Count Nosferatu might be a rumor, or that stupid Nosferatu might have died.

Powder Keg Bang There are infiltrations and spies in Eagle County and Aoshen Village.

It has been nearly ten years, and I have never heard of a powerful person like Wayne in Eagle County.

This Wayne seemed to have fallen from the sky. In the past half month, he has been showing off his skills and power. Yesterday, there was a lot of noise in Eagle County, saying that he passed the life and death test of the underground black market.

These two muscular and simple-minded members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang obviously did not believe that Wayne was so amazing.

They are now looking at Wayne with cold eyes.

“Mr. Wayne, please go in quickly and don’t keep our boss Rasputin waiting for you!”

A muscular man, the veins on his arms were all bulging under the bulging muscles.

Wayne looked at the big muscular man in front of him, stretched out his hand, and motioned to shake hands with the muscular man.

In this silent moment.

The muscular man sneered, his hand strength was famous in Eagle County, and some people’s palms could even be crushed by him!

This Wayne still wanted to shake hands with him, it was time to give him a show of power.

The muscular man grabbed Wayne’s hand and began to exert force. He wanted to squeeze Wayne’s hand and deform it!

The big muscular man next to him was also waiting to watch the show. After all, the two of them were the biggest thugs in the Gunpowder Keg Gang. They had never been afraid of anyone in Eagle County.

All around.

The other Gunpowder Keg Gang members on the high tower also stopped and looked at this scene from afar.

How could Wayne, who was invited by Lord Rasputin, be so impulsive?

Just after getting off the carriage, he wanted to wrestle with the two strongest strongmen in the Gunpowder Keg Gang?

This was not a wise choice

“What’s going on? I didn’t see it wrong!”

“This famous legendary demon hunter Wayne got off the carriage and started to compete with two strong men in our gang?”

“Isn’t he just waiting to be humiliated?”

“These two big guys want to give Wayne a warning. It seems that Wayne is not a good guy and they want to fight back!”

“Well, if you want to fight back, you have to consider your own abilities!”

“Those two strong men weigh at least three or four hundred pounds, and their strength is definitely greater than that of Wayne!”

“If Wayne wrestled with him, wouldn’t he be beaten in minutes?”

“I feel that Wayne is still too impulsive. Even if we, the Powder Keg Gang, give him a warning, he will either swallow his anger or”

“Otherwise, we can only swallow our anger on our own turf!”

“Yes, that’s the truth! I think this Wayne is just a paper tiger, good looking but useless!”

“It looked like he was going to be crippled by those two strong men!”

“”Hahaha, interesting, exciting!”

The onlookers of the Gunpowder Keg Gang wanted to see how these two strong men would punish Wayne.

It would be best if they could give this so-called legendary demon hunter from Eagle County a severe beating, a big warning to make him lose face.

Now Eagle County is buzzing with news about the epic heroic exploits of the legendary demon hunter Wayne.

This made the members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang envious and jealous.

Wayne looked at the strong man of the Gunpowder Keg Gang who was holding his hand.

The strength of this Gunpowder Keg Gang member was indeed great, and Wayne was convinced of this.

But compared with his ability as a first-level cultivator, it was not good enough.

【[Butcher] The ability of the first-level [Killer] itself has an improvement in personal strength.

Wayne looked at the strong man in front of him, who was holding his palm with all his strength.

He just smiled slightly. No matter how strong this strong man was, he was just like an ant in front of him!

Wayne exerted force on his hands.

In an instant, the whole palm of the strong man was torn into pieces and fell apart.

But this was not enough.

Wayne exerted force on his hands again, and the whole arm of the strong man was twisted around his shoulder like a twist.

It was as if the arm was stuffed in the mouth of a crocodile and was rolled to death by the crocodile.

While exerting force on his hands, Wayne said,”Idiot, no one in Eagle County has ever dared to talk to me like this!”

“Be careful in your next life.”

He exerted force on his hand.

The whole strongman was torn into two halves!

Warm blood splashed on the face of the strongman next to him.

The strongman from the Gunpowder Keg Gang was stunned, opening his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But in Wayne’s palm, a musket had appeared at some point.

The moment he pulled the trigger, the bullet went directly into the strongman’s mouth, and his entire chin and neck exploded into a honeycomb.

Two bodies fell in front of Wayne.

Looking at the members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang on the high tower, each of them was terrified.

Behind the door.

Suddenly, several ferocious wolfhounds rushed out with a scream.

They opened their mouths wide and were about to bite Wayne’s calf.

The voices of several members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang came from the high tower:”Quick, release the dogs, show this Wayne some power!”

At least twenty dogs were released from the cages.

These wolfhounds, who were used to eating blood and were full of animality, immediately surrounded Wayne and attacked him.

Wayne immediately had the Blade of the Ruined King in his hand. The sharp blade cut through the air and the dogs stopped barking.

The system prompt sound of [Turning Corpses into Gold] sounded in his mind.

Wayne smiled faintly.

Killing people will not be converted into silver coins, but these beasts and monsters are different.

【You killed twenty adult wolfhounds, which were converted into 200 silver coins!】

【The reward of”Turning Corpses into Gold” rang in Wayne’s mind.

Wayne also glanced at the system page. After spending 150 silver coins to draw the Overlord Heavy Armor last time.

Affected by the curse of insanity, the number of silver coins consumed for the next Chaos Summoning was directly raised to 3,000!

However, Wayne now has a balance of 3,200 silver coins, which is more than enough for the next Chaos Summoning.

The wind.

Blowing from the mountains outside the Eagle County city.

It formed an invisible vortex around the tower.

Wayne’s windbreaker was stirred in the wind, shaking non-stop.

He raised his head and glanced at the Gunpowder Keg Gang members on the tower.

He said coldly:”Let Rasputin roll out to see me immediately, otherwise none of you will survive today.”

After seeing Wayne’s quick knife and musket just now, and the terrible force that was enough to tear the strongman in half with his bare hands. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These Gunpowder Keg Gang members were all scared.

He was listless.

He looked like a sheep with its tail chopped off. There was no trace of the style that dared to challenge everything just now!

In less than half a minute, or even just a dozen seconds,

Rasputin appeared behind the door.

When Wayne first saw Rasputin, he saw his strange six fingers.

And a ring on each finger.

But this weird outfit did not bring the slightest sense of oppression to Wayne.

Instead, Wayne felt that Rasputin was like a clown.

Rasputin obviously also knew Wayne’s methods just now.

Such a tough method made the leader of the Eagle County Gunpowder Keg Gang suddenly become submissive.

Rasputin said,”Let’s talk inside, my distinguished friend Wayne!” As soon as

Rasputin finished speaking, an unclear howl of pain came out of his mouth.

His body began to tremble like a sieve of bran being electrocuted.

It seemed that his knees could no longer support the whole body. He was about to fall to the ground in the next second.

The members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang on the other towers were also very curious when they saw this scene.

What happened?

Why did Rasputin and Wayne, who were still talking to each other a second ago, suddenly become enemies ?[]

The next second, Wayne looked as if nothing had happened, but Boss Rasputin twitched in pain?

The members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang on the high tower rubbed their eyes, and then they really saw it.

The big sword in Wayne’s hand was originally stuck in the mud.

But just after Boss Rasputin said those words, it was directly inserted into the instep of Boss Rasputin.

Boss Rasputin couldn’t stop trembling in pain, and kept shouting:”Oh, my God!”

This Wayne, the means are so tough, and the shot can be so fierce!

It’s obviously on the territory of their Gunpowder Keg Gang.

But this legendary demon hunter Wayne seems to have no worries and fears. First, he killed their two strongmen.

And slaughtered all the wolfhounds fed in the Gunpowder Keg Gang with a knife!

And now.

Rasputin, the boss of their Gunpowder Keg Gang, just opened his mouth and said a word.

This Wayne actually stabbed the big sword in his hand directly into the instep of Boss Rasputin!

Full of domineering, a ruthless man!

Rasputin was still twitching in pain.

He still couldn’t figure out which reverse scale of Wayne he had touched? He would end up like this.

The legendary demon hunter Wayne pierced his instep with an arrow!

His foot was nailed to the ground.

Wayne said coldly:”It seems that you don’t want to make any statement about the offense of your men just now?”

He turned his hand slightly.

The Blade of the Ruined King in his hand was also turning.

Rasputin gritted his teeth in pain, beads of sweat slid down his temples, and his whole face became distorted, as if a woman had given birth.

The boss of the Gunpowder Keg Gang groaned bitterly, quickly gave in, and chattered:

“I’m sorry, Lord Wayne! I failed to discipline my men!”

“It’s my fault for not disciplining my subordinates well!”

“Let these damn fools offend you, Lord Wayne!”

“I was wrong!”

Rasputin’s voice was broken due to the severe pain.

Wayne pulled the Blade of the Ruined King out of the ground and put it back into the hole.

As we all know, the pain of this kind of penetrating wound when the sharp weapon is pulled out is hundreds of times stronger than when it is inserted! Rasputin was in great pain and immediately spit out a ball of white foam from his mouth.

He couldn’t stand steadily and was about to fall to the ground in pain. At this time, two gunpowder barrel gang thugs came over and supported their boss.

Wayne said slowly:

“Be clear about your identity in front of me.”

His eyes were cold, and he scanned and looked around at the members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang.

After seeing this scene, the members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang no longer dared to have any ideas that opposed Wayne, or expressions that looked down on Wayne.

In just less than ten minutes, Mr. Wayne had already proved everything with his iron-fisted methods!

After all, in the territory of the gang, hard power is the prevailing language.

Wayne’s iron fist cleared all obstacles.

Several wind-burned women who were about to raise their drums to the sky walked out of the tower. They hurriedly led Wayne into the tower, like the most important VIP since the founding of the Gunpowder Keg Gang.

Rasputin, whose soles were pierced by the Blade of the Ruined King, was supported by his men and jumped into the tower like a wounded rabbit in a trap.

The tower standing next to the water tower has returned to its usual calm.

It’s just that there is a shattered room at the top of the tower.

The shattered room The room was created by Rasputin’s wife Della, who took a fake magic potion from the black market and mutated into a terrible monster.

Now it is like an indelible wound on the entire tower, and it is very conspicuous at the top of the tower.

Those coquettish women twisted their buttocks and swayed in front of Wayne.

But Wayne did not look at these female members of the Gunpowder Keg Gang.

Although they are also somewhat pretty.

But these women in the gang are no different from prostitutes, rotten and smelly.

Wayne came to the Gunpowder Keg Gang this time.

The first is to see what Rasputin wants to find him at this time.

The second is to prepare to take over the entire Gunpowder Keg Gang!

It’s time to make this Eagle County Gunpowder Keg Gang his own territory.

As for Rasputin.

He can prepare to die!

When Wayne walked inside the building of the Gunpowder Keg Gang’s gang tower.

Every footstep sounded like the bell of judgment in fate!

Echoing in the corridor, echoing behind the buttocks of those coquettish women..

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