Rasputin’s body lay in front of Wayne, like a beast that died in the dark night.

【You killed the low-level vampire Rasputin, which has been converted into 200 silver coins. 】

The reward of turning corpses into gold sounded in Wayne’s mind.

Wayne listened to the reward in his mind with a very indifferent expression.

Wayne did not express anything about the corpse in front of him.

Wayne had no pity for the corpse, because all this was what Rasputin deserved.

The boss of the Gunpowder Keg Gang who sold his soul and became a slave to the blood clan should have such an end. Wayne raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Now it’s time to take over the entire Gunpowder Keg Gang.

After all, their boss Rasputin has been easily killed by himself.

Now the entire Gunpowder Keg Gang is like a headless fly after losing its leader Rasputin.

They have no other choice but to be in chaos in Eagle County.

Now the entire Gunpowder Keg Gang’s tower is still very quiet.

No one noticed that their boss Rasputin, who had turned into a vampire, had been killed by Wayne.

Looking at the silent tower, he did not continue to act.

It was just a matter of snapping fingers to control the entire Gunpowder Keg Gang.

Now the night was thick, and Wayne had other things to do.

For example, the first thing was to find these high-level vampires lurking.

Especially the bloody Grand Duke Vladimir.

In the dark forest, Nosferatu summoned the blood moon that originally came once every five years twice in just a few days. Obviously, there were more powerful high-level vampires on it to help.

And the more powerful high-level vampire, Wayne guessed now, was Vladimir.

I didn’t expect that the enemy’s road was narrow, and I could actually run into Vladimir in this Eagle County.

Wayne had already secretly thought that this Vladimir had a way to die. He turned and left Rasputin and the prostitute’s two bodies lying side by side in the room.

The footsteps were very brisk. During the process of going downstairs, there were also several Gunpowder Keg Gang members who got up at night, but they soon died in Wayne’s hands.

These unlucky guys were pitiful ghosts. They had just woken up from an uneasy sleep.

Before they could see the dawn, they bumped into Wayne, who was like the god of death.

They bumped into the black muzzle of the gun and the white blade.

They died under the muzzle of the gun, and their necks were cut off by the blade and became headless corpses in the corridor.

They became broken bodies with a huge bullet hole on their chests.

Wayne dealt with these Gunpowder Keg Gang members who happened to run into him. He continued to walk towards the bottom of the Gunpowder Keg Gang tower.

The next step was to use his powerful void-enhanced warriors to let them arrest Della, who had turned into a monster.

The most clear point now was that Della had been trapped in the water tower next to the Gunpowder Keg Gang tower.

Under the blockade of the Goblin Queen, Della inside the water tower would definitely not be able to escape.

He had become a turtle in a jar, and he only needed to wait for Wayne to catch him.

At the same time, in the Eagle County Hall.

Although it was already late at night, the officials of Eagle County were not resting.

Instead, they were concentrating on listening to the arrangements made by the County Magistrate, Mrs. Temani.

The expression on Mrs. Temani’s face was very serious. She was holding a document in her hand. She had just received the latest information from the informant.

Wayne had already rushed to the Gunpowder Keg Gang.

Mrs. Temani knew this matter very well.

She knew that Wayne had business dealings with the Queen of the Underground Kingdom of the Jade Queen in Eagle County, the Gunpowder Keg Gang, and the underground black market.

Wayne was doing business with them.

Now that Wayne was heading to the Gunpowder Keg Gang at this time, the meaning was self-evident.

County Magistrate Mrs. Temani showed a calm expression on her face, with a smile on her lips:”The strength of this legendary demon hunter, Lord Wayne, is unquestionable. It seems that the Gunpowder Keg Gang will be severely punished tonight!”

“”Sheriff, should we send someone to support the Gunpowder Keg Gang?” An Eagle County official asked cautiously. He knew the influence of the Gunpowder Keg Gang in the Eagle County underground world and Wayne’s strength. He was full of trepidation at the moment.

Mrs. Temani shook her head slightly, and the documents in her hand tapped the table lightly, making a rhythmic sound:”No, we just need to wait. Lord Wayne is a legendary demon hunter, and he has his own way of doing things. If we intervene, it may disrupt his plan.”

“But……”The official wanted to say something, but when he saw Mrs. Temani’s determined eyes, he closed his mouth.

Mrs. Temani stood up, walked to the window, looked out at the night in the distance, and said softly:

“Tonight is a turning point for Eagle County. Lord Wayne’s actions will change the situation in Eagle County. We just need to wait and see.”

At this moment, Wayne had already walked out of the Gunpowder Keg Gang’s tower. He led a group of Void Enhanced Warriors and walked towards the water tower. The area around the water tower had been blocked by the Goblin Queen’s troops, but Wayne didn’t take it seriously. He knew that he had only one goal on this trip – Della.

When he arrived in front of the water tower, Wayne looked up at the towering building, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He waved his hand to signal the Void Enhanced Warriors to disperse, and he walked towards the door of the water tower alone.

The door was closed, but Wayne did not knock on the door, but kicked it open.

The door collapsed with a bang, revealing the dim space inside the water tower.

Wayne took a deep breath and walked in.

There was silence inside the water tower, and only the sound of water dripping on the ground echoed.

Wayne walked up the stairs, and every step seemed extremely heavy.

He knew that he was about to face a powerful enemy – Della.

Finally, Wayne came to the top floor of the water tower. He pushed open the door, and a cold wind blew in his face. Della was standing by the window with her back to him. Her figure looked extremely lonely and desolate under the moonlight.

“You are here.”Della’s voice was calm and indifferent.

Wayne did not speak, but walked silently to Della’s side. He looked at her pale and beautiful face, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart. But he knew that now was not the time to sigh.

“Come with me.” Wayne said lightly.

Della turned her head and looked at Wayne. A complex emotion flashed in her eyes, but she finally nodded:”Okay.”

Under the moonlight, Della actually briefly recovered from the monster state with fingers and toes all over her body.

Now she has turned into a human form again.

She looked at Wayne and said in a charming voice:”As expected of the legendary demon hunter Wayne, it seems that you do have some tricks!”

Wayne smiled slightly and did not respond to Della’s compliment. He turned and walked towards the door, motioning Della to follow him. The two walked out of the water tower one after the other.

The Void Enhanced Warriors who were waiting downstairs were surprised to see Wayne and Della walk out together. But they quickly regained their composure and lined up in two neat rows to make way for the two.

Mrs. Temani received the news in the County Hall and learned that Wayne had successfully taken Della away. A satisfied smile appeared on her face.

She knew that Wayne’s actions had brought new hope to Eagle County.

She stood up and said to the officials:”See, this is the efficiency of the legendary demon hunter Wayne!”

“Now, we just need to wait for his next instructions.”Mrs. Temani’s words were full of confidence.

At the same time, Wayne and Della had left the Gunpowder Keg Gang’s sphere of influence. Under the cover of night, they came to a remote alley.

“What are your plans next?”Wayne stopped and asked Della beside him.

Della was silent for a moment, then slowly said:”I will leave Eagle County and start over somewhere where no one knows me.”

Wayne nodded to show his understanding. He knew that for Della, this was a difficult decision, but it was also a necessary choice.

“If you need help, you can contact me at any time.”Wayne said.

Della looked at Wayne, a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes:”Thank you, Lord Wayne.”

Wayne (ccea) looked at Della, who had recovered from the flesh and blood monster in front of him, and became more and more curious.

He wondered what kind of strange potion Della had taken on the black market, which turned her into a flesh and blood monster with fingers and toes all over her body.

But now under the moonlight, she has turned into a human form.

Wayne decided to explore the secret. He knew that there might be something hidden behind this potion.���Big Crisis

“Changes in you…How did that monstrous state come about?” Wayne looked directly into Della’s eyes, trying to get an answer from her.

Della’s face froze, obviously not expecting Wayne to ask so directly. She was silent for a moment, then slowly said:”That is a forbidden potion that I accidentally got on the black market. It gave me power, but it also turned me into a monster.”

Wayne frowned, he knew that this potion was not a good thing. He continued to ask:”Have you ever thought about lifting this change?”

Della shook her head:”I’ve tried many methods, but none of them worked. Unless I can find the person who made this potion, I’m afraid I will have to stay like this.”

Wayne took a deep breath, he knew that this matter might be much more complicated than he thought. But he also understood that as a legendary demon hunter, he had the responsibility to protect the world from the forces of evil.

“I will help you find a way to get rid of it.” Wayne said firmly

“But before that, you must stay within my sight, so that you don’t lose control again.”

Della looked at Wayne’s serious eyes, and a warm current surged in her heart. She nodded:

“”Okay, I promise you.”

At this time,

Wayne’s loyal void slave, the Goblin Queen, led her goblin army towards Wayne.

A submissive expression appeared on the Goblin Queen’s loyal face, and she said to Wayne:

“Lord Wayne, all the monsters have been dealt with, and Della has been successfully taken away by you. What should we do next?”

Wayne nodded, expressing his satisfaction with the execution of the Goblin Queen. He turned to Della, with a flash of determination in his eyes:”First, we need to find the person who made that forbidden potion. This is not only to help Della, but also to prevent this evil force from continuing to spread in Eagle County.” Della nodded slightly, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes:”I know some clues that may help us find the person who made the potion.”

Hearing this, Wayne immediately gave an order to the Goblin Queen:”Gather your troops, we are ready to set off.”

The Goblin Queen acted quickly, and soon, a neat army of goblins was assembled. Wayne took Della and the goblin army and set out to find the person who made the potion.

Under the moonlight, they passed through the dark alleys, climbed over the abandoned ruins, and finally came to a dilapidated factory hidden on the edge of the city. According to Della, this is the hiding place of the person who made the potion.

Wayne signaled the goblin army to surround the factory, and then took Della and approached quietly. They came to a rusty iron door, and Wayne pushed it gently, and the door creaked open.

The inside of the factory was dim, with only a few shabby oil lamps emitting faint light. They walked in cautiously, for fear of alarming the people inside. However, just as they entered the factory, a cold voice suddenly rang out:”Who are you? What are you doing here? Wayne and Della looked at each other, then slowly turned around. They saw a middle-aged man in a black robe with a sinister face standing behind them, staring at them with a pair of cold eyes.

“We are here to find you.”Wayne said calmly,”You made that forbidden potion and turned Della into a monster. Now, we need to find a way to remove it.” The middle-aged man sneered:”Remove? Once that kind of potion is taken, it cannot be removed. You come here just to seek death.”

Wayne heard this, a flash of anger in his eyes. He drew the long sword at his waist and pointed it directly at the middle-aged man:”Since you are unwilling to hand over the method to remove it, then we have to do it ourselves.”

After that, Wayne rushed up first. The Goblin Queen and her troops followed closely and launched a fierce battle. However, the middle-aged man was obviously a master, and countless poisonous gases and hidden weapons were hidden under his black robe. Although Wayne and others were extremely brave, they were constantly injured in the battle.

Just when the battle was stalemate, Della suddenly spoke:”I know how to remove the effect of that potion!”

Wayne was stunned when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed:”Hurry up and tell me!”

Della took a deep breath, and then said slowly:”Although the potion is powerful, it also has a fatal weakness. As long as you find a herb called moonlight grass, crush it and apply it to the wound, you can gradually remove the effect of the potion.”

Wayne immediately ordered the Goblin Queen to find”moonlight grass” while continuing to fight fiercely with the middle-aged man. After a hard battle, they finally succeeded in defeating the middle-aged man and found the”moonlight grass”.

Under Della’s guidance, they applied the”moonlight grass” to her wounds. Gradually, the horrible fingers and toes on Della’s body began to subside, and her body gradually returned to normal.

The beautiful young woman Della’s face suddenly showed a relieved expression as if she had been pardoned.

She said to Wayne in an incredible and surprised tone:”Thank you, Lord Wayne!”

Wayne just smiled calmly.

Although he had destroyed a den selling fake magic potions in the black market, he didn’t know how many such fake medicine dens there were in Eagle County.

What’s more, if there are more powerful mutant monsters affected by the fake drugs, these problems will become more difficult.

Wayne stood in front of the door of the dilapidated factory, looking at Eagle County under the night sky.

The whole Eagle County was as huge as a beast sleeping in the dark.

He closed his eyes as if sinking into the night, and began to meditate.

Thinking about the world in front of him.

Now there is the Blood Grand Duke Vladimir and four high-level female vampires waiting for him to deal with.

Thinking of this, Wayne showed a faint smile.

Fighting vampires is really fun!

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