Half an hour later,

Ross came back with two cleaned hares.


Ross spat.

He didn't see Snow White. She had obviously escaped.

He didn't expect that after fighting so many monsters,

Snow White still had the strength to escape.

For two little rabbits, he lost the big white rabbit.

This business was a big loss.


Ross was only depressed for a while.

An excellent hunter can track prey with ease.

Don't panic when encountering things.

Fill your stomach first.

Ross sat by the fire, skewered the hare with branches, and began to roast the hare.

After a few minutes, the aroma of barbecue emanated.

The skin of the hare was also roasted and sizzling with oil, which increased people's appetite.

When the hare was roasted, Ross blew air while pulling off the rabbit leg. After eating a hare ,

Ross's eyes suddenly condensed and looked at the bushes next to him.

He heard a rustling sound.

Judging from the sound, it was not the sound of wild animals, but the sound of people.


Ross put away the other roasted hare, drew out his machete and looked at the bushes vigilantly.

In the forest, beasts are not the most terrible.

People are. Because of the clear hierarchy, many people are forced into desperate situations and can only do murder and robbery.

"Don't be nervous, I'm a hunter nearby. I came here because I smelled the aroma of barbecue."

A middle-aged man walked out of the bushes with a kind smile on his face.

Ross was relieved when he saw the middle-aged man's clothes.

Under normal circumstances, hunters would not attack him because hunters are alone.

No one can guarantee that they can kill a fellow hunter.

Moreover, hunters who want to kill people and rob goods will naturally not make such a big noise.

"My name is Gray.

The middle-aged man introduced himself.

"Ross said, and invited him to sit down.

He took out his knife and divided the hare between him and the other party.

""Thank you."

Gray took the roasted rabbit and ate it in big mouthfuls.

After talking, he learned that Gray was a hunter nearby.

His village was more than ten kilometers away from here.

The two chatted for a while, and Ross went straight to the point:

"Uncle Gray, I have an opportunity to make a fortune here, do you want it?"

Gray looked at Ross warily and said,"Tell me about it."

"I was commissioned by the Queen to come here and hunt a wild beast."

Ross said helplessly:

"But just after the hunt, I received a distress signal from the village."

"They said wild animals were attacking the village and asked me to go back."

"My village is far from here, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth."

"The Queen asked me to bring back the beast's entrails."

"It's been so long, I'm afraid the queen will blame me"

"And the internal organs can't stay that long."

"So, I want Uncle Gray to help me send my internal organs back."

"When I get the reward, I'll come to your village to find you."

"We split it fifty-fifty, what do you think?"

Originally, Ross had no intention of cheating Gray.

But during the conversation, he noticed that Gray was lying.

And there were flashes of murderous intent in his eyes many times.

He didn't know where the murderous intent came from.

But none of this matters.

The rule of survival here is, you want to kill me.

Then you can't blame me.

When he heard there was a reward, Gray's eyes lit up.

Originally, he was tracking a lion.

But he found that the lion was hunted by someone unknown. So he began to look around in the jungle.

A lion cannot be transported away in a short time.

Then, he saw a fire in the jungle.

Lying in the bushes, he could tell at a glance that Ross was a hunter.

So he guessed that the lion was hunted by Ross.

The fur of a lion is deeply loved by the nobles.

Just when he wanted to shoot Ross, he accidentally stepped on a dead branch.

It aroused Ross's vigilance.

Having lost the initiative, he could only give up his original idea.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise.

But he did not agree immediately, and asked back

"It's you who the queen has entrusted, so I'm afraid it's not possible for me to go?"

"Besides, your village is so far away from here, how did you get the news?"

I didn't expect this old fox to be so shrewd.

Ross remained calm and said,"A merchant near our village told me. He happened to come to the city to sell animal skins."

"As for the Queen's commission"

"A knight found me."

"You know, common people like us can't see the queen."

"The knight only needs to complete the commission and make it easy to hand over the task."

"It doesn't matter who did it.

Gray looked at Ross deeply and fell silent.

After a while,

Gray said,"I can help you deliver it."

"But I want 60%. If you agree, I can leave now."


Ross pretended to hesitate.

Seeing his hesitation, Gray also dispelled his doubts.

If Ross agreed readily, he would feel something was wrong.

Ross hesitated for a long time before nodding:


Then he stood up and walked to the side.

When he went hunting just now, he hunted a lion and stored it in his storage space.

He came to the bushes next to him.

Ross took out the lion's heart and liver from the storage space.

After confirming that there was no problem, he walked back.

"Uncle Grey, please."

Grey took the heart and left.

After Grey left, Rose curled her lips and followed the trail left by Snow White.

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